Animal Heart (Beast & Beauty)

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Animal Heart


Beast and Beauty Collection




Jessie M.























Copyright Notice


Copyright ©  Jessie M. 2013.


Hot & Dreamy Books

Barleycorn Media LLC



All Rights Reserved.


This book is sold subject to conditions that it cannot by way of trade be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the author’s prior consent, in any form or cover, other than which it is published.


This novel is a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it, while at times based on real figures, are purely the work of the author’s imagination.






The Werebeast

Neither a wolf nor a man, he seeks to kill with no mercy.

When the full moon rises, no one is safe from this savage beast. Animal and primal in nature, he knows nothing of his humanity, but cares only to indulge his deepest darkest desires.




Chapter 1


His hunger satiated, he sank down on the soft, moss covered ground he liked to retreat to, far up the hillside. He stretched out his long dark body fully and felt the creak of his bones as the strong muscles pulled hard on them. Panting lightly after his exertions, he rested under the tree in the dark, listening to the subtle sounds of the night forest. An owl hooted noisily above his head and flapped its wings. He growled at it for disturbing his peaceful tranquillity and it took off hastily in flight. He yawned and his jaw clicked pleasurably.

This was his favourite time of the day. The middle of the night. The air was fresh and cool around him, and he sucked it deep inside his aching lungs. Steam swirled up from his nostrils. He licked his paw, reliving the taste of his kill and breathing in its musky scent. Wild pig. That, and deer, and wild cats made his whole body heave with pure excitement when he was hot on their tail. The chase was worth it. They were fast but he was faster. Deadly fast and powerful.

Nothing could escape him. He was king of this domain. He was Aden…

He always tracked and hunted alone. Hunting with other members of the pack was not his style. 

The whispering tread of approaching paws and familiar scents flowed though the air around him. He looked up as the large wolf-like bodies of Lucas and Shane appeared through the darkness in front of him, their brightly glowing orange eyes downcast, and their heads slightly bowed in their usual respectful greeting. He snarled amicably at them in return, and they sank to the ground joining him. They all lazed silently and peacefully for some minutes.

Shane nodded off and began to snore. The whistling sound annoyed Aden and he snapped at his ear to shut him up. His eyes opened quickly and he sat up with a jerk and a shake of his pale grey fur.

Suddenly Aden's ears pricked up. He could hear the deepest angry growling noise and he recognised it instantly. Grizzly. But more worrying than that was the other muffled and weak cry of one of his pack. Verity was down and hurt. He shot up and made off in the direction of her desperate plea for help. He flew along at top speed, uncaring of the bracken and low slung tree branches which were whipping at his face and body. Every second counted and he knew that. He could hear the others following, close on his tail.

They sprung into a small clearing where the grizzly was standing at full height, towering menacingly above the prone female wolf at its feet. She was lying deathly still and Aden was full of intense rage that he may already be too late. A surge of adrenaline boosted his strength further and he launched himself at the beast in a crazed attack and bit its massive neck as hard as he could. His long fangs sank deeply into its flesh and its blood rapidly filled his mouth. He ripped at it mercilessly as his two companions struck at its lower parts, biting and tearing at its fur ferociously. The powerful bear shook them all off in terrified panic and pain filled confusion. Aden was momentarily winded as he hit the ground on his side, but recovered quickly and struck again, clawing like a wild demon at the bear's face and ears as his fangs sank once more into its neck. The grizzly let out a massive roar of pain and turned, flinging his large wolfman attacker far across the clearing, and bounded off with a low scream into the darkness of the trees beyond.

Aden howled a long pitched cry of triumph, and then again, appealing for his pack to come forth. The other seven all emerged soon afterwards into the clearing. Lucas snarled the wolf sound for 'grizzly' at them, as Aden lay next to Verity, and nudged her in deep concern. He listened quietly. He could hear her heartbeat. She was alive. A trickle of blood was running down her little white nose and he licked it clean and nudged her again more forcibly. She was a very small wolf, as she was a small human. An eye opened and she snuffled shakily, and then took a long deep breath. Aden pushed her with his paw, encouraging her to stand. She stood up slowly, with trembling legs, took a few steps, and shook her dark fur, trying to pull herself together. After another few deep breaths and a full wobbly circuit around the clearing, he was satisfied she was unharmed, although still shocked. She lowered her head at him gratefully for coming to her rescue and padded off to be with the other females who huddled around her protectively, licking her face, and nuzzling her with their noses.

It was growing cool and the wind was whipping up. He took a long sniff of the air. A rain storm was brewing. They'd better get going. He growled out his intention to leave, closely followed by the pack as they began the trek back home. They moved along the barely discernible path, swishing through the undergrowth and trees, as they silently snaked their way back to the small dirt road a few miles away.

Mia sidled up to him at the head of the pack, subtly, and he nudged her away with his head, adding a pointed low pitched grumbling snarl to take her place near the rear with the other females. Only an alpha mate was entitled to walk at the head of the pack, at his side, and Mia was no such thing. She whimpered and dropped back behind, hurt, and full of humiliation at being so publicly rejected.

He felt a momentary surge of pity for her, but checked himself. She was becoming far too keen lately, pushing him for a commitment and hanging around all the time. He didn't want or need a full time mate. It wasn't that he didn't like females, far from it.
He very much enjoyed their company, as they did his. He indulged himself frequently with all the females in his pack, and as the alpha, he always had first choice. He liked variety in his lair. He would have a little fun flirting, in his own subtle way, and then take his choice to bed for what was usually a very satisfactory fuck. And he fully appreciated their heat on the coldest winter nights, when he could snuggle up to a soft, warm, yielding body. But that was where it ended for him. No one was special in his life.
He had no burning desire to get inside their heads or hearts or to have any one of them messing up his.

Proudly, he looked over his shoulder at the group of fine bodied beasts following in his wake. He caught sight of Verity and sighed with relief that she was safe and well. He'd protect any one of his pack with his life, as he had just proven. He was their alpha, their chosen leader, devoted to them all, and as fiercely loyal towards them as they were in return. But emotionally, he knew something important was missing inside of him. No one female aroused his feelings in the way they should and never had. He had a cold heart. Perhaps he didn't have a heart at all, not a human one anyway. But at least he knew he had faults.


They gathered around the truck and Aden counted their numbers as he always did. All were present. The five she-wolves moved to one side of the truck, and the six wolf-men the other. They sunk to the floor and allowed their transformation to begin. There was a loud rumbling of sound, a combination of snarling, creaking and snapping jaws. Deep growls of straining and discomfort arose as bone, muscle, and tissue began to shrink and revert to human form throughout the pack.

Aden watched his paw. It always fascinated him, to see his human fingers emerge from the furry stubs and claws that were his wolf toes. The change, for him, was not particularly unpleasant. It was akin to a very bad case of pins and needles which pricked his nerves all over his body. And at the same time, a deep muscular contraction pulled at his limbs and his insides. It was sometimes harsh in its intensity, but he enjoyed it. He knew some of the others had a similar experience, although a few found it to be more than a little painful. He watched as his long curved nails and hair retracted, and his smooth pale skin appeared before his eyes. Although he had great affection for his inner wolf, he loved his outer human state more.  It was, after all, the real him. The way he had been born and raised, although he did not like to think of the earlier part of his human life too much.

At thirty two, he had been this way for twelve years.

It was considered to be a curse by most of those who had been bitten. One that drove many of his kind insane. They became murderous, sexually crazed, and mad, mutilating creatures. Wrought with horror and self loathing over the terrible deeds they committed in the night, they sank into a hell of their own making.  When the moon was full, and the change was forced upon them, all werewolves found it impossible to fight the ruthless, savage beast within themselves. It took them over, obliterating their personality, mind, and soul. Steps had to be taken to ensure that they were secured at those times, very well secured, for they were strong and determined to break out of their bonds, and wreak their havoc.

His pack were well disciplined and content with their lives. They felt they were blessed, gifted by God, and at times like tonight, enjoyed their changed state. It was a pleasure beyond words. Grizzly bears aside.

Aden's change was always very swift. He rose and dressed quietly, waiting while the others finished their change, and one by one did the same. He stood a while and looked at his kindred transforming. He smiled to himself. He had to admit that half-changed werewolves were not at all attractive. Their heads always changed last, and the ears and fanged snouts looked obscene. The hairy ugly faces began to diminish, and his human pack returned to their recognisable attractive selves. He looked across the other side of the truck to the women. Mia, Samantha, Verity, Grace, and Charlene. They were all changed and fully clothed. He liked to keep them separate at these times, not out of modesty, as they had all seen each other naked many times in private, but more to cope with the sexual surge that came with the change. It could be too much to resist, seeing a pretty little female backside appear in front of you in your half-changed state. He didn't want publicly displayed sexual acts in his pack. They were civilised and kept their human characteristics and sensibilities to the fore in their behavior. The Carr Pack were quite refined for werewolves. Effort had to be made to remain as they were. His effort and his leadership. And he was a strong, tough leader. But a good one, he felt.

Lucas stood at his side, leaning against the truck and lit a cigarette, sucking in his cheeks hard and drawing its acrid fumes deeply into his desperate lungs. He was partly dressed, his well developed muscular torso on display, a body which almost rivalled his own in size. Tattoos covered half of his light brown skin. Lucas had Black African heritage mixed with his White French Canadian and was blessed with looks to die for. But he wasn't vain about it. He was a good natured humorous guy, his oldest acquaintance, and one he could truly call his best friend.

“God, do I need this smoke. Jeez, that bear was so fricking huge!” he said, taking another long drag.

“To be honest, I didn't notice. I was too intent on ripping it to pieces. When are you going to give up this filthy habit of yours for crissakes?” Aden asked, turning to him in annoyance as a cloud of smoke invaded his space.

“Can't, I'm a fucking addict. You know I am.” He took another quick draw and sighed in pleasure.

“Stupid idiot, more like, getting yourself hooked on little cancer sticks.”

“I enjoy it. Besides, we can't all be perfect like you, can we?” Lucas smiled, and puffed a series of smoke rings in the air. They both laughed as they spiralled upwards, like hazy halos, lifted by the cool breeze.

Perfect? That's a laugh...

He might be healthy minded, but that's where his 'perfection' ended. He drank only a little, never smoked or took drugs of any kind, and he generally behaved himself in a deliberately restrained way. But his feelings ran deep. They weren't perfect at all. He had a dark side to his character, a temper, an inner anger and raging hurt about his early past. It was one side of himself he could never let out. He maintained his careful image at all times, the tough, slightly distant, nice guy persona he had developed and kept himself focused and sane. And seemingly perfect, apparently.


He insisted Verity sat between him and Lucas in the front so that she was warm and comfortable on the drive back to the ranch.
They discussed the bear incident between them. It wasn't the first time that one had set upon a member of his pack and he was sure it wouldn't be the last.
They arrived a half hour later in the early morning light, as a heavy rain began to fall. They dispersed to set about their usual chores. They had a business to run and a half a dozen clients arriving later that day. Aden walked across to the stables.

The horses were his domain. His and Mia's, although she didn't have anywhere near the bond with them that he did. They greeted him happily, with respect, whinnying and scraping the floor with their hooves in excitement. He nuzzled each of their beautifully soft, velvety noses in turn, and breathed in their strong equine scent.

He arrived at Sky's pen and the chestnut mare breathed heavily in his ear. He couldn't actually talk to the horses, but he could sense their moods. But Sky was different. They had a way of communication. By touch. She placed her head on his shoulder. That meant she was pleased to see him and wanted a hug. A nose on his hand meant she was hungry. A nose on his chest meant she wanted to be taken outside. She snuggled into his shoulder for a long moment, and he hugged her neck as he revelled in their understanding.

She knew exactly what he was, they all did. In the beginning, when the horses first arrived, they were terrified of him and highly agitated when he was around, but over the passing weeks Aden had built up trust with them. Calming them with small treats, soft words, and gentle touches. He had introduced each one of the pack slowly. Now they could all enter the stables in either form and the horses had no fear of them. They knew they intended them no harm. They were all very well cared for and exceptionally healthy animals, fed on the finest oats, hay, apples, carrots, and sweet grass whenever it was possible. They needed to be in top form as they were their livelihood.

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