Angels at Christmas (5 page)

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Authors: Debbie Macomber

BOOK: Angels at Christmas
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“He's well aware of that,” Mercy declared, “and he doesn't care.”

“Aimee was blond and beautiful,” Shirley said.

“How do you know that?”

“I…peeked at the file on Gabriel's desk when no one was around.”

“You did
” Goodness burst out.

“It doesn't matter what Aimee looks like,” Mercy insisted. “Okay, so she was blond and cute. Didn't work out, though, did it?”

“Obviously not,” Goodness said grudgingly.

“Do you think he's still in love with her?” Shirley asked.

“I doubt it.” Although Goodness couldn't know for sure, she suspected that Roy had put Aimee completely out of his mind—her and every other woman in the universe.

This was what made their mission so difficult. It was up to the three of them to find Roy a woman who would warm his cold, empty heart and teach him about love. No wonder Gabriel had warned them. This was perhaps their most difficult assignment to date.

“I like Julie,” Mercy whispered.

“She's apple pandowdy and Fletcher wants cheesecake,” Goodness said, proud of her analogy.

“He's had cheesecake.” Shirley shot upward to join Mercy, crowding next to her on the filing cabinet. “I'm beginning to think Mercy's right. Roy's lost his taste for the exotic. He needs a woman with substance, a woman who's truly his equal.”

Goodness thought perhaps her fellow Prayer Ambassadors had a point, but convincing Roy wouldn't be easy. “Just how are we going to persuade him to give Julie a second look?”

“And what about Julie?” Shirley demanded. “She didn't exactly fall for
at first sight.”

“I think you're right,” Goodness said. “Roy might need a bit of angelic assistance, but Julie's going to be even harder to convince.”

“Oh, dear, I hadn't thought of that,” Mercy muttered. “She's taken a rather keen dislike to him, hasn't she.”

“That can be fixed, too.”

Goodness and Mercy turned to look at their friend. “What do you mean?”

Shirley chortled happily. “Why don't I show you, instead?”


hate the idea of you having to work on a Saturday,” Julie said as her father prepared to walk out the door. He'd explained that it was because of the Thanksgiving holiday that had just passed.

“I don't mind. There's a lot to do.” She watched him go and realized it'd been a very long time since she'd seen her father content. After only a few days, she was aware of what this new job had done for him. Once again, Julie was grateful that he'd been given this chance to prove himself. Despite her personal feelings about Fletcher, whom she considered both rude and egotistical, she appreciated the faith he'd placed in her father. Her sister agreed. They exchanged daily e-mails; Emily had told Julie she was encouraged by the changes she already saw in their father and suggested Julie make an effort to get along with the “big boss” if she saw him again—which she probably wouldn't.

Julie leaned against the door and sighed once her father had left for work. A sigh of relief, of satisfaction. Looking heavenward, she whispered, “We're going to be all right, Mom. We're moving ahead with our lives.” Deep in her heart, she knew her mother heard her and approved.

The surprising thing Julie had learned in the past year was that life does go on. Despite her loss, despite her pain, she'd come to understand that. Clichéd though it sounded, it was true. Gradually, as she resumed her routines and her habits, it became easier. This didn't mean she missed her mother any less or had stopped thinking about her—that would've been impossible—but life continued.

After showering and doing a few housecleaning tasks, Julie tackled the kitchen. It was when she opened the refrigerator that she noticed her father's lunch. He'd forgotten it. Knowing he'd go without rather than pick up something at a restaurant, she called his work number. When he wasn't available, she asked the man who answered to please let her father know she'd deliver his lunch later that morning.

As she left the house, Julie decided this was the perfect opportunity to get in some exercise. Soon she'd start training for the STP, the annual two-hundred-mile bicycle ride between Seattle and Portland, Oregon. The two-day event was held every July and she'd participated faithfully until her mother's illness. Julie had skipped the past two years, but was eager to get back into a regular training program.

Dressed in her biking gear, she wheeled her ten-speed out of the garage and tucked her father's lunch in one of the paniers over the rear wheels. Then she headed for Fletcher Industries. It felt good to work hard, to pump her legs and exercise her lungs. At top speed she turned off the busy road and into the long driveway that led to the office complex. In the small mirror attached to her helmet, she saw a black sedan turning in behind her. The driveway was narrow and there wasn't room for her to move over or allow the vehicle to pass. Leaning forward as far as she could, her arms braced against the handlebars, Julie reached maximum speed, forcing her legs to pedal even faster.

Obviously the sedan's driver hadn't seen her. Julie gasped
as the black vehicle hit her rear tire. The collision sent her hurtling through the air, arms flailing. Her heart stopped when she realized there was no way to avoid missing a fir tree. A scream froze in her throat. If her head slammed against the tree at this speed, helmet or not, she'd be a goner. The last thought she had before impact was a fervent hope that her father not be the one to identify her body.

Then she landed.

It was as though she'd collided with a pile of pillows. Following impact with the tree, she fell on her backside with a solid thump. Too stunned to react, Julie sat there. By any law of nature, she should be badly injured.

Only, she wasn't. In fact, she seemed to be unscathed. Surely that was impossible!

“Are you all right?”

A pale, shaken Roy Fletcher stood above her. Equally shaken, Julie looked up at him and blinked several times, unable to find her tongue.

“I should be dead,” she whispered, and thrust out her hand, assuming he'd help her up.

“You should be arrested for pulling a stunt like that,” he said angrily, ignoring her hand. “Stay put until I can get an ambulance and the police.” He took out his cell phone and started frantically punching numbers.

He wanted her arrested. Of all the nerve! “Listen here,” she cried, still in a sitting position. “
were the one who ran into me.”

“You're insane!” He was shouting now. “Not you,” he said into the tiny cell phone and clicked it off. “I didn't touch you.” He stared down at her, a puzzled look on his face. “I can't believe you're not hurt.”

“I'm fine…I think.”

“That was the most idiotic stunt I've ever seen. Why did you do it?”

run into her. And here he was yelling at her when the entire accident had been his fault. “Do you honestly think I voluntarily flew through the air and collided with a tree?”

He shook his head and rubbed his eyes as though to clear his vision. “I don't know what the hell happened, but I didn't hit you.”

“Fine. Whatever. Just help me up.” She extended her arm to him a second time. Unsteady as she felt, she needed the assistance.

“No!” He raised both hands. “Stay put,” he said again. “You could've broken something and don't know it.”

“I'd know it,” she muttered. While she admitted to being shaken, she wasn't about to let him bully her. Although the trip to her feet lacked grace, she was soon upright.

“Don't move,” he said. “Wait for the paramedics.”

“I'm perfectly all right,” she insisted, removing her helmet.

“You can't be sure of that. Now do as I say and stay where you are.”

“Would you kindly be quiet and stop giving me orders?” Disgruntled, she brushed the dirt from her backside. So far, so good. Nothing even ached. She could see no scrapes or bruises.

Fletcher shook his head again, his expression one of hopelessness. “Are you always this unreasonable?”

Examining her ten-speed, Julie wanted to weep. It was ruined. “If you didn't hit me, how did
happen?” Maybe he planned to claim his car hadn't touched her bike, but she had evidence that said otherwise.

“If you hit that tree, why aren't you injured?” he snapped.

Julie didn't have an answer for him anymore than he did for her. They stood glaring at each other, both unwilling to back down, when the ambulance, siren blaring, rounded the corner.

Before she could protest, two paramedics had her
sitting down. While Fletcher explained what had happened, Julie, under protest, was placed on a stretcher. “Would someone please listen to me,” she said as she struggled to sit up. “I'm fine. I don't even have any bruises. I'm not hurt.”

The taller of the two paramedics picked up her dented helmet. “You hit that tree?” he asked incredulously.

“I saw it with my own eyes,” Fletcher confirmed.

“He saw it because he ran into me,” Julie immediately said. He wasn't an innocent bystander in this accident. He'd caused it.

“My car didn't touch her bike.”

By this time, the police had arrived, and a cruiser pulled up behind the ambulance. Fletcher scowled at her as if to say this was all her fault, but
contacted the authorities. She hadn't wanted to. While the police officer talked to Fletcher, Julie answered the paramedics' questions. When they suggested she be checked out at the hospital, she refused.

“Look,” she said, dismissing their concern, “I'm none the worse for wear.” The last thing she wanted was to show up at the hospital in an ambulance when she wasn't even hurt.

“You'll have your own doctor examine you?” the second man asked.

“I will,” she promised.

“I'll see that she does,” Fletcher added.

The policeman knelt down in front of Fletcher's sedan. “I don't see any marks here.”

Fletcher looked at Julie, his eyes full of suspicion. “I don't know how to explain what happened, but I swear I didn't hit you.”

“Would you stop telling me how innocent you are?” Then it dawned on her that he was afraid she was going to sue him. As a man with deep pockets, he'd be worried about lawsuits.

“Nope, I don't see any evidence here at all,” the police officer said, frowning in puzzlement.

Men always stick together, Julie thought irritably. Well, if that was what the police had decided, so be it.

“I'll leave it for you two to settle,” the officer said.

“Thank you,” Roy told him.

The paramedics climbed back into their vehicle and drove off, and shortly afterward the police car followed.

“Look at my bike!” Julie studied the damage to her ten-speed. The entire back wheel was bent and twisted; the frame had buckled beyond repair.

“I'll buy you another,” Fletcher said as he loaded her crumpled bike into the trunk of his car.

“So you
admitting responsibility,” she challenged, hands on her hips.

“No,” he said in a flat, businesslike tone.

“You don't have to worry. I have no intention of suing you.”

He didn't respond as he opened the passenger door. “Get in,” he said curtly.

“Where are you taking me?”

“To my personal physician.”

“I said I'm not hurt.”

“I know what you said. Now are you going to do as I ask, or do I have to put you inside this car myself?”

Julie could see it was pointless to argue; he was determined to do things his way. “Oh, all right,” she said with a complete lack of graciousness.

He slipped into the driver's seat and exhaled slowly. “Thank you.”

Julie crossed her arms and tried to stifle a laugh.

“What's so funny?”

“Nothing.” But then she couldn't help it and burst out laughing.


“It's you,” she said between peals of laughter. “You said ‘thank you.' Were you thanking me for sparing you the effort of having to physically lift me?”

“No.” He apparently lacked even the most rudimentary sense of humor. “I was thanking you for not putting up any more of a fuss than you already have.”

He started the engine. “What are you doing here, anyway?”

Until he asked, she'd totally forgotten. “Dad's lunch. It's on the bike. He forgot it this morning and I was taking it to him.” She turned around and looked behind her, wondering if his lunch had somehow survived the collision. “I need to get it to him.”

“Your father can go without lunch—getting you to a doctor is more important at the moment.”

She glared at him, and he groaned audibly.

“Oh, all right.” Without her having to say another word, he drove up to the main entrance and parked. “Stay where you are,” Fletcher ordered.

“I wouldn't dream of doing anything else,” she said with exaggerated sweetness.

He looked as though he doubted her, then quickly leaped out of the car. Removing her sorely bent and abused ten-speed, he leaned it against the building. She couldn't see what he was doing, but a moment later, the side mirror on the passenger door gave her a brief view of him on his cell phone.

“Did you tell my dad I wasn't hurt?” she asked when he got back in the car.

“No, I was talking to Dr. Wilbur.”

Great, just great. Her father would find her bike, a crumpled mess, and assume the worst. “Give me that phone.”

He stared at her as if no one ever spoke to him like that. “Please,” she added, realizing how rude she must sound. “I've got to tell Dad I'm all right. He won't know what to think if he finds that.”

“By the way,” he said wryly, “his lunch did not sustain any mishap. The sandwich isn't smashed at all. I thought you'd want to know.” He reached inside his jacket and handed her the cell, which was the tiniest phone she'd ever seen. It took Julie a few minutes to figure out how it worked.

Her father was away from his desk and once again she had to leave a message with someone else. She explained the situation and said he should collect his lunch from her bike.

“Are you happy now?” Fletcher asked when she'd finished her call and returned his phone.


“Good. Now sit back and relax.”

“Don't be so bossy,” she muttered.

“Don't be so stubborn.”

“This really isn't necessary. I have no intention of suing,” she said, not for the first time.

“Good thing, because you'd lose.”

Julie thought she saw a hint of a smile. She looked again, certain she must be wrong. The high-and-mighty computer whiz was actually amused. Now
was something to write home about.

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