Angelique Rising (27 page)

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Authors: Lorain O'Neil

BOOK: Angelique Rising
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"Hello, Ladies and Gentlemen," Robert almost serenaded the audience which hushed immediately. "I'd like to thank you again for coming, for supporting this worthy cause tonight." He waited for applause which came dutifully. "Now as many of you know, I got my start here at the Center but what you may not know was that what I did here was to dance with a beautiful lady who's here tonight. And she's agreed to dance with me once again for you all."

Pandemonium. He --the Sex Adonis Du Jour-- was going to
for them. Who was the girl?

Can I call it or can I call it
Anthony smirked silently.

Oh shit
is what Angelique thought and that was downright saintly compared to what Wyatt was thinking.

"So Angelique Reising --dance with me!"

He was pointing at her. And he'd used her maiden name.
Shit, shit, shit.
She didn't dare look at Wyatt who she knew would be at Def Con Megablast One on the fission scale of explosivity.

Seeing what she had foisted on Angelique, Maureen was almost having a mini-orgasm.

In stunned politeness Angelique slowly rose. The audience was clapping like mad in expectation. Robert was holding his hand out to her, still smiling.

''Just look professional," was hissed at her --Anthony. And he was right.
She snapped on her audience-smile and glided out over the dance floor to Robert who had cleverly meandered to the middle of it. She'd just have to deal with Wyatt later.

Oh let it not be--

The music started. And it was. It was the sexiest most intimate dance routine she had ever performed with Robert.
she thought. But Wyatt's words popped unbidden into her mind.

You're my wife. And you act like it.

She hadn't fully comprehended then what he'd been talking about but she sure did now.

I'll do it. Maybe worse. You choose to be my wife you accept that right now. No crying about it later.

How did she get herself into these things she inwardly moaned.

Never breaking eye contact with her Robert took off his jacket and threw it toward the orchestra. His tie came next and when he did that the top two buttons of his shirt wondrously popped open. Female (and a few male) voices gasped in unison. It was pure steam heat. The music quickly started pounding. There was no singer, just the orchestra, but it was a popular song and everyone heard the words in their heads.

My fever is rising, rebellion, revolt...

Robert had Angelique in his arms, he was pressing her to him so tightly she couldn't breathe. And then he grabbed her by the waist and she went sailing around him, her red sequins flashing like they were on fire as he twirled her. He whipped her around to his side and she went pirouetting off around the dance floor on her stilettos.

I want it bad baby so you're not gonna bolt.

Robert spun himself and with an incredible leap caught up to her, seizing her, throwing her up above his shoulders, tossing her into the air. The chandeliers were quivering, vibrating to the beat of the coarse bawdy music and casting rainbow prisms of light dancing over the floor. Angelique flew through the air and Robert caught her again, pulling her to him but then dropping her, scraping her bottom along the floor between his legs.

It's gotta be you gonna give it tonight...

The audience was awe-struck, it was a
She was tossed up in the air again, her hair flying in one great erotic shimmering undulation surrounding Robert as he swirled her around and around and around.

Gonna happen now baby without any fight. Woooo...

You like what I do, I know what it takes. Woooo...

So I'm taking it now for both of our sakes.

He had her on his shoulder sliding down his body as they gamboled past Wyatt and then to the center of the dance floor, her rump pressed back up to his front as he ground into her, then on his knees before her as she kicked her leg over him, her stockings showing clearly, her skirt flaring wildly, like it had been caught in some kind of evilly fiendish wind. The music had reached its peak, Robert's face was shining wet. She was wiggling her shoulders at him (and therefore her breasts) as he dashed to his feet, grabbed her once again and
her, the audience holding its breath at the perfect synchronization between the two.

Come for me now, gonna hear your sweet scream,

So tomorrow you'll know sure wasn't no dream.

They appeared to almost collapse into each other as the music ended and the audience thundered to its feet clapping. Angelique was panting, and looking --for Wyatt. Her eyes caught his and to her incredible relief he was not only smiling at her he was on his feet clapping too. He nodded at her and she thought
oh thank goodness


And Robert saw it too. At the dance's end it had not been
eyes she'd wanted to find, but Wyatt Cochran's.

Wyatt was pissed, but nowhere near where she'd thought he'd be because of two reasons. When Robert had announced from the stage that Angelique had "agreed" to dance with him, Wyatt had seen the totally astounded look on her face. At the same time Wyatt had seen the oh so pleased with herself leer on Maureen's face --the organizer of the event. And though the dance had been sexy, it had also been incredibly, perfectly,
And from Angelique, it had been missing that hard to define inexpressible note of passion that she had when she was around
All it was was a dance --a trick of Maureen's to accomplish what? Make him angry at her? Something nefarious no doubt. He looked at Angelique and blew her a smoochy kiss --and the ecstatic look on Maureen's face dissipated and fell.

Malcolm's face didn't change at all for the simple reason that though he'd watched the dance his thoughts had been very much elsewhere.

Somebody should go to Paris and make sure that girl's still alive.

He was disturbed about what the costume manager had said about Lexa, and Angelique's flamboyantly tawdry dance hadn't calmed him any. Damn. He wasn't worried about the costume manager per se --that man was the kind of cretin who knew nothing about everything-- but Malcolm Cochran hadn't escaped notice by being careless. Even a hint of suspicion, he could not allow. Even though he hadn't finished with her, he would have to get rid of Lexa.


And ah well, look on the bright side. The sooner I get rid of her, the sooner Angelique can take her place.

Robert led Angelique back to the table where Wyatt was still standing, and Wyatt reached out his hand to her. She took it immediately.

"That was SO COOL," Tinka gushed not looking at Angelique at all but only at Robert.

"Everyone, I'd like you all to meet Robert--"

who he is, Angelique," Maureen interrupted striving for a blasé stare but failing to make it, landing squarely on snippy.

"Anthony, good to see you again," Robert grinned shaking Anthony's hand, his delight obviously genuine. Malcolm scowled, Robert, the little punk, had risen so high now he could ignore

"And Wyatt, good to see you again."

"Robert," Wyatt said snaking
hand around Angelique's waist which Robert painfully noticed.

"I hear congratulations are in order," Robert smiled and Wyatt could see what it cost him.

"Thank you."

for letting me borrow your bride. May-May, if you're ever in L.A., you'll visit, right? And when Lexa gets back tell her to call me. There's a movie role coming up I'd like her to test for --female lead to me."

"I will," Angelique smiled to him, knowing they were saying good-bye, knowing he knew it, grateful to him that he was deliberately not making it hard for her. He gave them a final wave, turned, and was instantly swallowed up by an adoring mob as he made his way to go find his jacket, his heart broken, his soul crying. He would never have her. He knew that now. Really knew it.

Angelique and Wyatt said their good-byes and headed home.

"I'm glad you're not mad," Angelique said.

Wyatt just smiled deadpan as Johnson, driving them up the driveway to the house thought
no, no, I don't want to know.


Angelique stretched out naked on the bed on top of an equally naked Wyatt. He wrapped his arms around her and rolled over so she was beneath him.

My angel
he wanted to say to her but he knew she wouldn't like that so he didn't say it, just continued touching her with his potent effective fingers. The way she liked, what he knew she wanted.

"You like this, don't you, May-May?" he murmured into her neck. "I can feel how much you like this, I can tell, you're so moist."

"Wyatt, let me--"

"No, no, this is for

Her mouth was open, her eyes closed. Wantonly rapturous. He could feel her loosening, coming undone beneath him. He could taste her sweat on her, dried from her dance with Robert.

Oh Angelique
, he thought,
what I am going to do to you --your little surprise dance number for me, my little surprise for you.

He wrapped each of his arms around her waist encircling her, and with his right hand he ran his fingers forcefully down one of her buttocks as the memory of him slowly peeling down her panties and admiring her oh so perfect behind the first night he had ever seen her sprung into his mind. He smiled. If he'd only known then what he would be doing tonight to that perfect rosebud behind. He touched the tip of his tongue to her lips, he knew she was expecting him to enter her.

"Don't move, baby," and he could almost
her thinking
not for all the tea in China.

And he eased into her, just the tip of his pinky finger, but in a place Angelique had never had anything ease
her before only
of her.

she screeched squirming uncomfortably, trying to rise, but his weight on her was too much. He withdrew, paused, and then wickedly continued, a little further this time.

"Did you enjoy your dance with Robert?" he mouthed darkly against her flesh. He withdrew, slowly.

"Ah... Ah..."
was all she could articulate.

"Did it feel
He pushed
then withdrew --almost. And then he reversed... back
He knew what he was doing to her, the steady rhythm of each insertion, each time sinking into her just a little further, and he felt her body start to bow under him as the deadly pleasure she had never before known began to invade her.

"Wyatt!" she gurgled and he heard the agonizing yearning in her voice.

"That's right, baby, say my name. Know who I am. I'm the man who can do
to you." He penetrated her with his entire pinky finger and she convulsed helplessly underneath him.

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