Angelique (4 page)

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Authors: Dixie Lynn Dwyer

BOOK: Angelique
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Angelique had just finished hand sewing some beads onto the camisole that was special ordered last night when her cell phone rang.

“Hello,” she answered.

“Morning, Angelique, sorry to call so early, but what are you doing this Friday?” Maw Maw Millie asked. Angelique was surprised by her call.

“Um, I’m not quite sure really. More than likely I will be working on orders and stuff.”

“Well, I was thinking that maybe you could come on back to town and help out on the children’s project. I know your financial contributions have helped a bunch, but we’re shorthanded.”

“What kind of help do you need?”

“Mostly you’ll be painting and nailing and this and that. You come to my shop and meet me here by nine, that’s good for you, right?”

Angelique didn’t want to say no. She loved the idea behind the children’s center and the community’s desire to help one another out. It was the same thing in Orchidea.

“Okay, I’ll be there by nine, no problem.”

“Great, we’ll see you then. Bye.”

Angelique had a funny feeling in her belly. She wasn’t certain what she just agreed to besides some community volunteer work. She would just have to wait until Friday to find out. Right now she had a lot of sewing and ordering ahead of her.

As she filtered through her e-mails, she saw a special order sent from Maw Maw, and if she wanted to complete it, then she would need some special beads that only Maw Maw had at her shop. No matter what, she would be heading to town again this week instead of next week.


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“I need this done with finesse, Coot. Know what that means, Coot?” Pierre asked as he laid on his Creole accent. He rarely used it, but when dealing with local swamp rats, he forced himself to play the role.

Coot was a big guy, standing at over six feet and muscular, but a little heavy in the belly. His buddy Crosby was shorter by a few inches but a bit smarter when it came to crime.

“So it’s okay if we kill something?” Coot asked.

Pierre crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Be smart about this job, Coot. We need some small accidents to happen. It would be best if you can do it enough times and in the right places to make a difference. We need to make this operation look bad and dangerous for workers and for anyone on-site. But you can’t get caught. If you do, you know the deal.”

“Yeah, yeah, got it,” Crosby replied as he adjusted his suspenders. His shirt was dirty and his jeans filthy as if he just took a flop in the swamp. Pierre hoped he hired the right men for this job. Otherwise he’d have to get more locals involved somehow.

Pierre watched the two men leave then called Bruce on his cell phone.

“The plan is in motion. I will keep you posted,” Pierre told Bruce when he answered the phone.

“Good. You do that,” Bruce replied then hung up the phone.


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Angelique was working alongside some guy named Earl and his brother Leon. They were hammering away as they built an addition to what would be the main building. Angelique was waiting to be told what exactly she should do next since she already moved the supplies and other materials for the men. She knew a lot about construction considering that her father worked for a construction company. He had taught the girls a lot, and her sisters taught her. They didn’t need to rely on any man for anything.

“Hey, I can start taping and spackling if you want,” she stated to Earl and Leon, and they both stopped what they were doing.

“That’s okay, honey. You better save that work for men who know what they’re doing.”

She was getting annoyed as she placed her hands on her hips and took a deep breath before continuing. She didn’t want start a fight, but she was getting annoyed.

“I know what I’m doing and I know what I’m not doing, and that’s standing round here waiting to pass you nails. Now I got better things to do than that.”

Earl and Leon exchanged looks before Earl spoke. He shrugged his shoulders and nodded his head toward the side wall.

“You can start up there in the corner and work your way down. If that’s not too high for you? Then we’ll check it before you continue.”

“No problem,” she stated then hurried over to the corner of the room and gathered what she needed. An hour later, as Earl, Leon, and then a few other workers came around inspecting her work, they shook their heads in disbelief and smiled.

“She does better work than you, Leon,” Earl stated then gave Leon a light punch on his arm.

“I better watch out or the Lafonts’ going to give her my job,” he replied, and Angelique stopped what she was doing as she heard the name. Lafont? Wasn’t that Maw Maw’s last name? She thought about that a moment as she climbed the ladder to the highest point above the second window of the room. From there she stepped onto the hanging scaffolding. She was high up but wasn’t afraid of heights, so it was no big deal. Out of the window she could see other people arriving with more supplies and it looked like furniture for the main room. The addition she was in was going to be part of the day care center activity room. With all the large windows and bright sunlight, it should be a fun learning environment for the kids.

She heard a ruckus down below as three men entered the room carrying buckets of more spackle. She was glad to get more help. This was a pretty big room. She bent down to mix the container of spackle and adjusted the designer cap she wore. The guys had teased her just a short time ago because it was black with rhinestones decorating the front in an angel wings pattern. Her sister Ellena got it for her because of her nickname “Angel.” She pulled it lower over her eyes to stop the glare of the sunlight streaming through the window.


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“Who is that?” Marcel asked as he pointed up toward the high scaffolding and stared. His brothers Armand and Remy looked where he was pointing, and Earl followed suit.

Marcel could tell that it was a woman. The slim-fitting fatigue carpenter pants accentuated her ass like no other fatigues did for any woman he had ever seen in the military. The dark olive-green tank top she wore clung to a slim waist, and as she lifted her arms to spackle around the window frame, he could see the side profile of her breast. She was built beautifully. She wore a black baseball cap low over her face, and he couldn’t wait to see what she looked like.

“I don’t know who that is. Everyone is supposed to sign in and be properly assigned a job,” Armand added and started walking toward her direction. Marcel and Remy followed.

“That’s Angelique. Your Papa brought her first thing this morning and said your mama added her to the list. She knows exactly what she’s doing. As a matter of fact, she’s damn good at it,” Earl yelled to them. Remy and Marcel stopped as Armand grabbed their arms.

“What’s with you?” Marcel asked. He wanted to see who the woman was.

“It’s her. I don’t know how Mama did it, but she got her to come here. The one Eloi and I told you about,” Armand stated then began walking again. Remy and Marcel exchanged glances but followed their brother.

“Angelique!” Armand yelled up, and she turned to look at him. Her eyes widened, obviously shocked to see Armand so soon. Marcel wondered if it was a happy surprise on her face or a worried expression. Then his eyes zoned in on her body.

“What are you doing here?” she asked as she placed a hand on her hip and stared down at them. Marcel watched her eyes go from his brother Armand to Remy and then to him. Marcel winked. “We’re your bosses,” he stated firmly and saw her eyes widen. She looked like she was blushing, and then she turned her back on them.

“What are you doing up there? It’s too dangerous for you. Get down here and I’ll send Remy up to do that,” Armand ordered. Angelique whipped her head around and glared at him.

“I’m capable. I’ve been up here for hours, so no thanks.” She turned back around and began spackling again.

Armand stepped forward, and Marcel grabbed his arm as he smiled.

“She got a temper, all right. Maybe I should go up and help her. You two get started on the other side,” Marcel told Armand. His brother looked annoyed as he glanced up at Angelique’s back.

“Remy and me have to get to know her, too, if there’s a possibility that she’s the one,” he added, and Armand nodded his head then turned and left, but not before glancing up one more time at Angelique.

“How do you want to play this?” Remy asked.

“I go up first and smooth her over, then you come up when I signal you,” Marcel stated, and Remy nodded his head. Remy was the youngest and had served in the army as a platoon sergeant. He was loyal and disciplined and a hard worker. The four of them made a great team and built the business to one of the best in New Orleans.

Marcel grabbed his tools, buckled his utility belt around his waist, and climbed the ladder.


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Angelique could hardly concentrate on making smooth strips of tape around the window. She didn’t want there to be seams after the spackle dried and then after the paint was added, but seeing Armand stirred something inside of her. Then for some strange reason, the two men he was with nabbed her full attention as well. Apparently this construction company hired only hot guys. And what was with the boss comment by the really tall guy with the tight jeans and the big muscles? She felt the scaffolding shake and knew that someone had joined her.
Oh shit.

“Looking good, darling.” The sound of a deep voice different than Armand’s voice attacked her body. It was as if she was instantly turned on by the voice alone, and how the hell did she know that it wasn’t Armand? She swallowed hard then turned to look at who joined her and who the deep, sexy voice belonged to. Her eyes collided with a utility belt, long, jean-covered legs, and construction boots. As she raised her eyes slowly until she finally reached his face and eyes, her heart skipped a beat.
Son of a bitch.
He was gorgeous, and by the smirk that covered his face and what she hoped was a blush from her drooling, he winked at her. His green eyes sparkled with mischief, and his chiseled jaw set firmly as he watched her.

“I’m Marcel, Armand’s brother,” he stated as he reached his hand out for her to shake it. Did she dare touch him? He looked like a sexual fantasy wearing the utility belt, the big muscles, and tight shirt, never mind his good looks. No, she shouldn’t touch him, but she didn’t want to be rude. She took a deep breath and placed the tool down on the top of the bucket.

“I’m Angelique,” she told him, and he took her hand into his own and squeezed. Big mistake. She shouldn’t have touched him. A shot of heat sprung from her fingertips to her wrist then up her arm. She pulled away and turned back toward the window.

She heard him move behind her as he started to gather some spackle to help her. The space was small, especially with such a large man. This scaffolding wasn’t made for two people.

“I can handle this fine alone. So if you have something else to do, go do it,” she told him as her voice cracked. Damn, this guy was intimidating. He was almost as intimidating as Eloi. Thoughts of Eloi filled her mind, and damn it, if her pussy didn’t just ache and leak from the thought. She was embarrassed and shocked at her body’s reaction. Three brothers in two days and she couldn’t help but wonder if the fourth brother were just as appealing close up as he was standing by Armand and Marcel a few minutes ago. If that was their brother? It had to be. He looked just like the other three. She swallowed hard and tried to focus.

“Nothing to do but this job. It was mine anyways, so if anyone has to leave, it would be you,” he stated in a fierce tone, and when she turned in shock at his words, she caught the gleam in his eyes and the joking expression on his face.

“Just kidding, Angel. Trying to break the ice, I guess,” he told her, and she wondered why he called her Angel.

“The name’s Angelique,” she told him.

He looked her over and smiled.

“With the way that sun is shining through the windows behind you, you look like an Angel to me,” he told her, and she felt her jaw drop and her belly clench. Damn, he was good at flirting. She felt herself blush and get some weird sensation inside. She tried to hide her attraction to him.

“Whatever,” she stated then turned back to working. She heard him chuckle, and a moment later, they were working side by side. Before long, he was striking up small talk and she was chatting away, amazed at how nice he was. They worked together, and silly her was beginning to really find him interesting and of course attractive. What woman in her right mind wouldn’t be attracted to a gorgeous, six feet plus, ex-military officer dressed in construction gear? She blamed her attraction on the scent of his enticing cologne and pleasant personality. His dimples were pretty lethal, too. He told her about him being in the army and that he was a lieutenant and about his brother Remy. A few times Remy climbed up to bring them bottles of water and chat a little, too. Her heart didn’t think she could take too much more of the sexy Lafont men. Remy was adorable. He had such a genuinely nice demeanor that she felt instantly comfortable with him. It was crazy, but she could imagine being friends with someone like Remy. They were getting ready to break for lunch when Marcel saw something out the window.

“What the hell are they doing with that truck?” he asked, and Angelique followed his line of sight out the window. Someone had the large truck that was filled with long pieces of wood, and it appeared that they didn’t know how to drive.

“I’ll be right back,” he told her then hurried down the ladder as he yelled to the others.

She continued to finish up and was covering the containers of spackle when she heard a commotion outside.

“Hold on!” someone yelled, and she realized it was Armand and Remy yelling at her. Something made her look out the window, and she saw Marcel chasing the truck. The truck door was opened, and it appeared that no one was driving the vehicle. It was a matter of seconds as the truck headed straight toward the building. She heard the glass below the scaffolding shatter and saw Marcel hop into the driver’s seat, stopping the truck from coming through the rest of the way or causing more damage. A quick glance down toward the men and they were running toward the scaffolding as if trying to reach her in time, and then they froze as a loud noise encompassed the big room.

Then she felt the scaffolding shake, and a cracking sound echoed through the room. A glance between the cracks and she knew the culprits were the large pieces of four-by-four wood knocking into the legs of the scaffolding. It happened so quickly as the structure jerked, and she reached for anything to hold on to.

“Hold on!” Armand hollered, and she grabbed for the windowsill. The scaffolding cracked, and pieces of wood splintered at her. Something hit her side as she screamed.

She closed her eyes, hoping that she wouldn’t fall, but she held tight and climbed up into the window. The sounds of buckets of spackle colliding with the floor and splattering along with pieces of wood filled her ears. If she fell, she would surely be injured if not killed. She had a good grip but wouldn’t be able to hold long at all. Her heart pounded inside of her chest, and her body shook with fear as she hung on. The sill was thicker than most, but the trim molding was made for aesthetic purposes, not for holding a person hanging for dear life. The scaffolding crashed to the ground below, and she heard yelling, some screams, and Armand telling her to hold on. She clenched her eyes tight and prayed she had the strength to hold on. Then something hit the window next to her.

“Hold tight, I’m coming up,” Armand yelled, and she did as he told her. She felt the ladder under her legs, but she was shaking so badly now as the circumstances of what happened sank in.

“I got you, baby. Damn, I got you,” Armand stated as she felt his body press over hers and his hands move her feet to the ladder rungs. She was shaking so hard, and then she felt his warm, large body press against hers. His hand pushed her hair out of the way. She had lost her cap, and her hair was hanging loose. She could feel his hard body and him holding her.

“I got you, baby. You’re okay now. You can let go of the window,” he whispered, but she couldn’t let go. She knew they weren’t safe yet. Her legs shook, and they still had to get down the ladder.

“Is she okay?” she heard Marcel yell from below.

“Okay, just shaken up,” he called behind him then rubbed her shoulder and her back.

“We have to climb down, sugar. I’ll help you now, and then we can look you over,” he told her, and she nodded her head.

It was as if their bodies were one. She could feel the metal of his belt buckle against her lower back, and his legs encased her thighs like a wall of protection from further harm. She knew deep inside that if this ladder were to break next that Armand would take the fall. Even his arms remained on the sides of the ladder guiding her every step of the way. The realization of just how high up they were began to sink in.

Slowly, with him whispering to her every step of the way, they climbed down the ladder. When they got to the ground, she held the ladder and took deep, steady breaths.

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