Angel Seduced

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Authors: Jaime Rush

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To all of the amazing people in the South Florida Romance Writers chapter. You have been my friends, confidantes, and cheerleaders. And especially to Joyce Henderson, who is one of our founding members and now watches over us from above.






Thanks to Mary Pat Dailey for her help with information on therapists.

My gratitude to the Hachette Books team for their guidance, fabulous cover art, and everything they do to take a book from words on a computer screen to a finished product.

ye Rivers bypassed the velvet rope that corralled the line of people waiting to get into the Witch's Brew. Too bad the handful of Mundane humans didn't know this exclusive Miami nightclub allowed in only Deuces like her. Of course, they knew nothing at all about Crescents, humans who carried the DNA of gods and angels. Kye traded a greeting with the bouncer and entered the jam-packed cave of a building.

Sarai raced over, her serving tray tucked under her arm. “Kye, wait 'til you see the new bartender! His name is Kasabian. He's totally hot. And”—she gave her the
wait for it
grin—“he's Caido.”

“No way. Maybe it's a Deuce illusion, like his gimmick.”

“He couldn't hold it for two whole shifts. Plus, he's healed a couple of people with some kind of angel-essence thing.” Sarai cracked her gum. “There was quite a stir at first, as you can imagine. The women were all gaga, and the guys were all ‘why's the pretty boy Caido working here?' But people are starting to warm to him. He's nice. Not snotty like Tad or slutty like Donnie was. He's politely turned down overtures from every woman who's come on to him.”

Kye's gaze went right to the new face behind the bar. The gorgeous new face. Red lights within the thick glass counter cast a glow over the angles of his cheeks and the gloss of his dark-blond hair. Kasabian might be new to the Brew, but he was clearly not new to tending. He flipped bottles, poured, and returned them to their places with the speed and grace of a juggler. The relaxed smile on his face indicated that he was enjoying it. So were the people watching him in rapt awe. Of course, that could be the Thrall, the way Caidos could hypnotize with their preternatural beauty. Because of what Kye did for a living, she'd learned to shut out that allure.

But damn, fascination stirred deep in her chest.
Whoa, cut that shit out.

Kye shrugged. “Just another gorgeous Caido.” She pushed her long, blond hair back over her shoulder. “Think I'll order a drink now.”

“Hah. You are so totally checking him out—” Sarai's teasing smile disappeared. She gripped her arm, the mist in her eyes stirring like storm-tossed clouds. “Don't do it!”

“You're freaking over me ordering a drink from the guy?”

Sarai shook her head. “I'm feeling a lot more than a drink. First, I sensed that there could be something good and hot and sexy between the two of you. Which was crazy enough. Then I got a really bad feeling.”

Kye splayed her hand on her chest. “Uh, remember who you're talking to. The girl you're always giving a hard time because I never date.”

“Remember who's doing the talking. I had a feeling about that guy Katie was dating, and he ended up being a drug dealer. I warned Rhea that her brakes were going to give out, and the mechanic said they wouldn't have lasted another day.”

“I don't doubt your forecasts. Maybe something good and bad
come from getting involved, but I'd never get romantic with a Brew employee.” She patted Sarai's hand. “I need to meet him. He's in my world, after all.” The Brew was her second home, the employees a sort of family.

But yeah, it was odd that a Caido was working at a Deuce nightclub. All three classes of Crescents traced their ancestry to a mysterious island in the Bermuda Triangle, where humans had procreated with gods, but none intermingled much socially. Caidos, who were descended from fallen angels, were downright reclusive.

Kasabian looked up, zoning right in on her as she approached. His hazel-green eyes held the Caido glitter, like sun on early morning frost. Each of the three classes held their unique magick in their eyes, visible only to other Crescents.

He watched her, even as he shoved limes into two Coronas and pushed them across the counter to the men waiting for them. “What can I get you, love?” he asked when she reached him.
“Love”? What kind of Caido was this guy?

The smooth edge of the counter pressed into her palms as she leaned forward. “Know how to make the Whis-Kye?” she called out over the pounding beat of Katy Perry's “E.T.”

His mouth curved into a heart-stopping smile as his gaze lingered on the patch on her black leather jacket that read
. “You must be Kye. Before he left, Donnie filled me in on the special customers. From what I've heard, you're quite special.” He held out his hand. “I'm Kasabian.”

A strange twist of anticipation and fear overtook her, but she slid her hand into his—and instantly knew why. A jolt like a low-level electrical surge went through her. She pulled her hand back, heat flushing over her. He was watching her as though he expected her to react, so she did her best not to.

He turned and pulled down the bottle of Johnnie Walker Black whiskey with one hand, a highball glass in another. There were no available stools, but the couple beside her shifted so she could settle in more comfortably. Which she shouldn't do. Which she did.

Kasabian mixed the drink Mike, the club's owner, had concocted for her years ago. Whiskey, Mountain Dew, and a splash of lime, just enough liquor for a tiny buzz. He snuggled a wedge of orange on the rim and slid the glass in front of her. Someone farther down the bar flagged Kasabian down.

“Don't go,” he said, moving away to take an order. He made three different drinks and pulled one draft. His tight black shirt showed off a physique he got doing more than tossing bottles. Not bodybuilder thick, but lean and well defined. He returned to her. “Mike told me you're a Zensu Deuce, that you pick up people's sensual pathos and fix them. He thinks you're a goddess.”

Embarrassment stung her cheeks but warmed her heart. That was a lot more appreciation than she'd ever gotten from her own family over her gift. She couldn't go into how she'd helped Mike with his sexual dysfunction, discovering it stemmed from an impotency spell cast by an ex.

“I'm a certified sex therapist,” she felt compelled to say. “With a doctorate in clinical sexology.”

“Plus a dash of magick.”

She lifted one shoulder. “To be honest, it's mostly the magick.”

Kasabian regarded her with a curious expression. “You pick up people's feelings?”

“It can work that way, if someone asks me to open the door. I don't make a habit of eavesdropping. In fact, I keep the psychic door closed most of the time.”

He gestured for her to lean closer, then leaned in himself. She had the bizarre notion that he was going to kiss her. Even more bizarre, she involuntarily licked her lips in anticipation. His mouth moved close to her ear, brushing the shell of it ever so slightly as he said, “So, what do you get from me?”

She tried to stifle her shiver at his touch. He leaned back, and she saw that his question was a challenge, maybe a test. She opened the door and…holy Zensu, a wave of desire, pain, and heat washed over her. Desire for her.
He's Caido. This can't be right.
She'd never picked up anything like that before. It spiraled inside her like a vine, a dark hunger twining through her until she slammed the door shut.

She worked to mask her surprise, along with the flush on her face. She had to lean close to him now. “I got nothing, but that's no surprise. Caidos don't have sexual pathos…or sexual anything. You're all shut down.” She grabbed her drink, intending to turn around and leave.

Kasabian's raised eyebrow and smile said,
I don't believe you.
He gave her a wink and tipped his chin toward the dance floor. “Go dance, give me something to watch.”

Was he serious? His playful smile could go both ways.

A woman tugged her sleeve. “Are you Kye? I was told you could help me with…a problem.”

“Yes, yes, I can.” Kye gratefully led her to her usual table. Damn, did she need a diversion from the way his smile still tingled through her.

sign sat on the shiny black tabletop. Mike let her conduct business in the club, and she insisted on giving him a cut. Some people felt more comfortable talking about their sexual issues in loud, smoky surroundings. The club had become her second office.

It was damn annoying how Kye's attention kept straying to Kasabian through the night, how her mind kept replaying their conversation. Women gawked and flirted, but he didn't flirt back. She was glad to see him leave while she finished up with a client session after closing time.

Her relief evaporated when she stepped into the well-lit parking lot and spotted him leaning against a deep yellow sports car. As though he were waiting for her. The thought fluttered in her chest. Not helping, the Lotus's license plate read
, and black angel wings spread across the hood. Caidos in particular were drawn to fancy, fast cars, funded by the good investments many had made in real estate before the boom.

But the man himself was far sexier than his car. His arms were loosely crossed in front of his chest, which made his biceps bulge nicely. She told herself it was enough to enjoy the view. Men who took care of their bodies, working out enough to build muscle without looking jacked up, were eye candy. No calories in looking.

The thick, black heels of her boots clunked on the asphalt. She felt such an odd pull toward him that she gave him a brief smile and made to continue on.

“Aren't you hot in that?” he asked, gesturing as though he were wearing a jacket.

She slowed to a stop in front of him. “Only when I dance.” No matter how warm she got, she never took off the black leather jacket with her patches and studs.

“And you didn't dance.” He tilted his head, giving her an oh-my-gods-stop-my-heart pout. “Pity.”

“Are you flirting with me?”

He arched an eyebrow. “You make it sound like a crime.”

“What you're hearing is surprise. I know it's painful for Caidos to feel desire, punishment when your forefathers fell to human temptation. Don't worry. As a therapist, I'm sworn to secrecy,” she added. “Caido clients tell me it's easier to shut down their desire. Yet you do…feel desire.”

“Ah, so you did sense it.”

“You threw me off back at the bar. First that you were flirting, then that you asked me outright to feel you.” She had an instant visual image of her hands sliding down those biceps. “I mean, to sense your feelings. You're different.”

“Very. I don't usually flirt.” He let his gaze drift down over her black leather skirt and fishnet stockings. His eyes met hers again, jumpstarting her heart. “You have a strange effect on me.”

Ditto, buddy.
Which made her all too aware that they were outside alone together.

His chuckle rolled across her skin. “Don't worry, I'm not waiting out here to pounce on you.”

“But you are waiting for me.”

“Yes, I am.”

“You're not going to ask me out or anything, are you? Because I don't date.” He didn't say anything, which made for a really awkward few seconds. “It's a general rule, nothing personal. If…that's what you were going to ask.” She would
herself on the forehead if it wouldn't look stupid.

And, of course, as a Caido, he picked up everything she was feeling, which put a sexy smile on his face. “As much as I'd love to hook up with you, it's not feasible. Or wise.”

He'd love to hook up with her. She tried to stanch her reaction.

He gave her a sympathetic smile. “The love guru doesn't date? That's sad.”

She debated being obtuse but decided it was better that he knew she wasn't just playing hard to get. “Being involved with someone interferes with my abilities. The drama and distraction, even if things are going well, takes over my mind. All I get is noise when I read someone.”

He cocked his head. “And that terrifies you. Why?”

She really hated that he could read her. “Helping people is important to me.”

“Which leads beautifully to the reason I'm waiting for you. The Caido/Deuce couple who came in and greeted you like you were their best friend, who danced together, and kissed…you helped them, didn't you?”

Kye had watched them snuggling together on the dance floor with just a tiny bit of longing. “Sorry, client confidentiality.”

He rubbed his chin. “So you did help them. The only way they could be together is by doing the Essex. I assume you know what that is.”

She had been shocked and saddened to learn that the emotions Caidos picked up from others cut through them like a knife. It was a secret they held very closely, for their own well-being. Kasabian was testing her. She knew he wouldn't volunteer the information. “That's when a Caido exchanges his magick essence with a Dragon or Deuce. It's how a Caido heals other Crescents' emotional or physical pain. Unbeknownst to those Crescents, our essence has a balancing effect on him so he's not as sensitive to others' emotions. Or desire.”

He nodded. “But it only temporarily eases his pain. So a long-term relationship would eventually deplete her essence, because he would have to do it with her every day. No self-respecting Caido would endanger someone he cares about. So how is it that they're together?”

“I can only give you a general answer. Not one specific to any couple in particular. I've come up with a way to make the Essex permanent.”

He pushed away from the car, interest crackling off him as he came closer. “Tell me more.”

She fought the instinct to back up a step. “I've had a few mixed-Caido couples approach me about circumventing the pain. They hadn't meant to fall in love, but now they wanted to be together. I tried several different spells and magick devices, but nothing worked.”

He crossed his arms in front of him and rocked back on his heels. “And you take it very hard when you can't fix someone.”

“You get that from me, too?”

“I suppose we both bear a similar burden in picking up feelings we have no business sensing. How does your permanent Essex work?”

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