Angel of Redemption (12 page)

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Authors: J. A. Little

BOOK: Angel of Redemption
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s all right, Matty,

I say. I start to reach out, but pull back, clenching my

Maybe we can sit down and talk later?

Matty keeps his gaze trained on the floor as he leaves the
room. Logan joins him, putting his hand on the back of his little brother

s head. I see why Kayla said they
e a package deal. These two need each


m going to call Em and tell her what happened,

Aiden says.

Everything is okay, right?

He looks at Kayla, waiting for confirmation.

Should be,

she sighs.

That one wasn

t too bad.

this has definitely happened before, and it wasn

t something I was made aware of. I
start to get very irritated. Being caught off guard is my biggest pet peeve,
not to mention it

fucking dangerous. Since Kayla is a social worker, she should know that better
than anyone.

Can we talk?

I ask her, trying not to sound too pissed off.

Yeah, sure,

she replies. She follows me out of the den toward my
office. I open the door for her and she enters the room.

How often does that happen?

I ask, closing the door behind me.

Not that often.

How often?

In mere minutes, my agitation has grown and I can

t hide it.


It depends. I

m not sure what sets him off,

she admits.

Are you the only one who can calm him

Sometimes, yes.

Okay. For future reference, that

s something the placement needs to
know ahead of time.


Okay, well, first of all, I tried to
tell you the night I brought them here, but you interrupted me multiple times,

she snaps.

Second of all, it

s in the paperwork. If you

bothered to read it, you would have seen a detailed report.

narrow my eyes. She

s right about the interrupting. Emily
accuses me of that all the time when I

agitated. But she

s wrong about the report. There was
nothing in the paperwork about Matty having an anxiety disorder.


I growl.


s in the mental health write-up.

There was no mental health write-up.

Yes, there was,

she insists. I walk over to my filing cabinet and open it,
flipping through the files until I reach Matty

s. I throw it on the desk.

Show me.


hesitate. She opens the file and searches through the papers. When she gets to
the end, she goes through it again, backward. Her face is the picture of

I don


I know I put it in here.

Her eyes suddenly darken.

Fuck! When the hell did he get to it?

She looks up at me and grimaces.

Excuse my language.

I let out an unexpected laugh. Is she really
worried about swearing with me? Do I look like the kind of guy who gives a shit
about language? I shake my head and smirk a little.

Kayla’s still trying to figure out what happened. “He
must have taken it out. I don’t know when he could have done it, though.”



had some of the best con artists around come through this place. If they really
want something, they

ll figure out a way. Aiden

s had things taken straight out of his
hand before and not realized it.


m so sorry, Dean,

Kayla apologizes, running her hand through her hair.

I should have gone over all of that with you before I left.

Yeah, well, it was late, and I was
kind of an asshole.

smiles softly.

Yes, you were.

let myself smile back at her.

Why don

you brief me now?

an hour later, I have Matty

s entire mental health history and a guarantee that Kayla
will bring me a hard copy when she comes back for Logan

s Independent Living session tomorrow.
I find myself kinda looking forward to seeing her again, even though I know her
focus will be on other things.

I need to go have a word with Logan,

she sighs.


t be too hard on him. He obviously

think about what would happen when Matty had an issue. I have a feeling this
might be the tamest thing he does while he

s here.

Logan very rarely thinks of the
consequences of his actions.

Most of them don

t. Did you at their age?

Yes, I

m fishing. I want to know if she was a Miss Goody Two-shoes
or if she maybe had a wild streak.

Good point,

she chuckles, looking away. She pushes her hair back, and I
can see the pink tint to her cheeks. So she
have a wild streak. I
wonder if she still does. I notice she doesn

t ask me the same question. I have no
idea if it

because it

obvious or if she

s already found out, but I

m not going to offer the information.

stands up, and I imitate the movement. Without thinking, I push up my sleeves.

a motion I

done a million times before. It isn

t until I hear her quick intake of breath that I realize
what I

done. Her mouth is open slightly, her eyes scanning over me. I move to cover
them again, but her hand on my forearm stops me.



I apologize. This is the first time she

s touched me, and it

s like a shock to my system. A
deep-seated urge makes me want to fucking grab her and pull her closer, but I

Heat radiates through my body. This is not good. Her eyes dart to mine, and
then she tilts her head.

What are you sorry for?

I try to keep them covered when there
are guests in the house.

looks back to my arm, her fingers sliding down toward my wrist.

Why? They

re beautiful,

she whispers.


I murmur.

They don

t exactly make for a professional
image though.

looks up at me curiously and then down again. Her hand starts to move back up
my arm. I

okay until she reaches the fabric of my shirtsleeve. When she starts to push it
up a little, I panic and stop her. She

s about to find more than just ink.


I didn

t mean


s okay. I just, um

re both fumbling for words, and it

s awkward. She looks embarrassed. I have no clue what

s wrong with me. I am now fully and
inappropriately turned on. Thank God I

m wearing jeans.

I really don

t want to let go of her hand, I

m sure she

s getting creeped out, so I let her
fingers slip away.

I, uh, I guess I

ll go talk to Logan and check in on


I agree, shaking my head in a vain attempt to clear it.

I need to go get Curtis anyway, he

s helping me with dinner tonight. I

ll walk you up.

Kayla smiles and it

s beautiful. She

beautiful. And I

m fucked.

behind her up the stairs, I get a spectacular view of her jean-clad ass. I didn

t even realize how casually she was
dressed until now. She has one hand on the railing and her shirt is riding up.
I get a sneak peak of dark blue beneath the waistband. I have to stop looking
before she catches me. That would be my luck. With one more lingering glance, I
find a spot on her upper back and focus on that instead. Much safer.

stops at Logan

s door, knocking loudly. I chuckle

she means business. I

hate to be him right now.

grabbing Curtis, I escort him back down to the kitchen. Aiden has already
started pulling out ingredients for four chicken casseroles. I hope it

s enough to feed all seven boys plus


re about halfway through mixing ingredients when I hear
footsteps. Turning, I see Logan standing with a very stern looking Kayla. Their
size difference is comical and I have to bite the inside of my cheek not to
laugh. Logan doesn

t look happy. Kayla nudges him.

Sorry for taking Matty

s mental-health report out of his

he mumbles.

You see now why we might have needed

I ask.


I didn

t know he

d have an attack so soon. I was just
trying to help him. People treat him differently when they know he freaks like

glance over at my brother briefly. He understands completely. The kid was only
trying to protect his little brother

Aiden knows all about.

Wish you would have given me the
benefit of the doubt. I don

t like being taken off guard. Get it?

Logan nods.

“Good. Why don’t you help Curtis finish up,” I
suggest. “I’m gonna walk Kayla out.”

nods again and eyes me warily for a moment before going to wash his hands. I
approach Kayla and wave my hand for her to walk ahead of me.

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