Read Angel (NSC Industries) Online

Authors: D H Sidebottom

Angel (NSC Industries) (5 page)

BOOK: Angel (NSC Industries)
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stuck her tongue out at me as she filled her glass and taking a quick, sly
glance at Lexi she continued with her ‘Get Liv a man’ harassment.  “Lexi’s with
me on this Liv, you need a man, we both think it’s about time now. What’s your
boss like?”


my champagne all over my once, pristine shirt, my eyes bulged “No Fucking way,
Beth. The man’s marmite… he spreads every inch of himself all over you, he’s
disgusting. Everybody in the office feels the same about him so don’t look at
me like that. Do you know what he said to me?”  I carried on, regardless to
their tittering, “When I was leaving, I asked him if he needed anything doing
before I went and the cheeky bastard said ‘Oh Olivia, there’s plenty I
you to do but they’re not in your job description’, I mean what sort of
sleazebag would say something like that on your first chuffing day?”


looked at both my friends and waited for their reaction. They were both gawping
at me, eyes wide and eyebrows in their hairlines. “Jesus, Honey” Lexi professed
horrified, “How the hell do you attract these idiots? You’re stunning, great
figure, sensitive, brilliantly clever and funny. Why can’t you get an equally
smart fella? Who also has a pert little bottom, just the way you like them!”
she finished with a sparkle in her eye.

Yes, don’t forget Liv’s fondness for the ‘extra tight man cheeks’, Lex” Beth scoffed,
“And she says I’m a tart!” she finished with a snort.


narrowed my eyes at her and feigning offence, I swat her arm and swiped her
glass from her, “Apologise now or the champers gets it, Davis” I asserted.

clutched at her chest as she pouted and faked a sob. “Anything but the booze,
Liv. My beige dress? My cute red heels? I’ll even let you feel me up, but
please not the champers. Poor Pete spent a week’s wages on that” Beth begged.

on belly laughing, I reached over and squeezed her boob “Oooh definitely worth
the trade,” I stated “you have fine, fine tits, Miss Davis and I feel very
honoured to have embraced them.”

Beth held her chest with both hands, “Don’t ever forget it, babe” she beamed. “To
say were all forty girls, we still look damn hot... Everything still in its
rightful place” she added with a wink.

enough about my breasts. What you gonna do about your boss? He sounds a right

at her and stating that yes, he was a pervert, I shrugged. “Fuck knows girls,
but he gives me the creeps and I don’t trust him at all. His name rings a bell
though, Simon Peterson, you heard of him?” I asked.


it was Lexi’s turn to splutter on her drink, “Sod me, Liv. You remember Slutty
Sarah from uni? It’s her older brother!” she announced, downing the rest of her
champagne before anymore could spill or I stole it from her.

remember going to a party with Sarah one year and he was there. Slimy Git was
all over me like a rash, even backed me into a corner and put his hand up my
skirt and groped my arse! Pete beat the shit out of him. Looks like twenty
years hasn’t changed him much then,” she exhaled “you’re gonna have to watch
him Liv, especially with him being your boss, he’ll think he has certain rights.”


at the most supportive friends I’d ever had, I couldn’t believe how great they
had been through my rollercoaster life and after things started to go wrong in
my marriage, I pushed them away, not seeing them for over four years, but then,
when I needed them the most, they were there like a shot, picking up every
broken piece of me and helping me get back on my feet and carry on.


shook my head, mostly at myself “Why does life keep dealing me this fucking
shit, eh? When am I going to get a pissing break? Well I’ll tell you now, he
touches me inappropriately again and he’ll find his bollocks shoved that far up
his arse, he’ll be able to lick his own fuckin’ sac!”

her glass, Beth proclaimed “To Ms Olivia Adams and her ass kicking, sac licking
new life!!!”

a new me” I agreed.



first week flew by and before I knew it Friday had arrived. Grace had informed
me that Fridays were my ‘cake run’ day, hers being Monday and Leah’s was

decided that I would start tradition by making my cake run a ‘breakfast rolls’
run, and I had called at the bakery on the way and purchased croissants, rolls
and pastries, but by the time I arrived at NSC, the smell of the warm baked
goods had my stomach rumbling loudly and my taste buds salivating furiously.


arms were full of the goodies and paperwork that I had taken home to work on,
and I ran up the steps to the front doors of NSC Industries, desperate to make
it inside before they hit the floor.

morning, Miss Adams” the big, burly doorman said to me with a huge grin. I had
nicknamed him ‘Beef’ because I still didn’t know his name yet, but he was the
most jovial man I had ever met. He always had a welcoming, toothy grin and was
beyond polite whenever I approached him.

I grinned back to him, handing him a pastry that I had bought just for him.


it from me, he seemed stunned, looking at it for quite a while.

his gaze from the pastry and looking back at me, he smiled with a blush
creeping up his neck. “Well Miss Adams, I have worked here for over six years,
but you’re the first person who has actually acknowledged me or spoke properly to
me, and you’re definitely the first person to buy me anything.”


my head to one side, I gave him a puzzled look, not quite comprehending how
anybody could ignore this huge, brawny giant. “Well…” I replied “you have always
been a perfect gentleman to me, and may I say that I always look forward to
your wonderful, warm smile every morning.”


me an enormous, face-splitting grin he held the door open and gestured me
through with a wink. “You ever need anything, anything at all Miss Adams, then
you ask me. In fact I will send my mobile number up to your desk for you and
don’t hesitate to use it if you need me.”


the doorway, I held up my own pastry and tapped his in a salute. “Thank you and
here’s to many more Friday Pastries” I winked to him as I entered the building
and walked towards the elevator, waving to the sunny, joyful ‘Miss Kipper’ as I
passed her, needless to say all I got from her was a tight nod.


around my desk a while later, coffee in hand and scoffing the breakfast treats,
Grace, Leah and I were chatting and gossiping.

we all go across to ‘The Late Lounge’ after work on Fridays, you wanna join
us?” Grace asked me.

the last piece of croissant into my mouth as Mr Peterson entered the office, I
smiled at her, grateful to the fact that my colleagues had accepted me as one
of their own. “Sure, that sounds good. After working my ass off this week, I’ll
be glad of some alcohol” I winked.


had sent paperwork home with me every day and after ten hours at work then
another two at home I was beyond knackered.

was spending the weekend at my mothers, which was the norm every weekend. Erin
was staying at Brad’s now that they had kissed and made-up.

‘Erin and Brad’ saga had turned out to be a misunderstanding according to Erin;
little did Erin know that Brad had phoned me after she had persecuted him,  filling
me in on his plans to take Erin away for a weekend on her birthday.

liked Brad and he was good for her. Erin could be a bit hot-headed and Brad
grounded her, never putting up with her moods or ‘the sarky lip’ as Brad called
it when she was being sassy.  


anyway, my weekend was my own, and I planned to catch up with housework, have
lots of wine and catch up with Beth on our usual Sunday lunch date.

always had Sunday lunch together, usually at mine, because she couldn’t cook,
in fact Beth couldn’t even open a tin of beans without burning something. When
it was Beth’s turn to do lunch we always ended up at the pub, her buying my
lunch instead of burning it.


Beth had never found love and settled down, she always said that it was a waste
to cook a dinner just for her, but secretly I think she got lonely on Sundays
so it was our ‘get together day’.

Lexi and I had each turned forty this year. All of us sobbing drunkenly to each
other on our birthdays but Beth still lived life to the full, still sleeping
around and having fun.

‘little black book’ had now transformed into an A4 folder with extra sub-sections.

often said that she wanted to find love and settle down but she was waiting for
the right man and, after lots of encouragement from me to make sure he was the
right one for her; she hadn’t as yet found her ‘soul mate’.


Peterson shouted to me, bringing me out of my head and back to the office “can you
join me in my office please? Bring your diary for syncing.”

groaned inwardly and rolled my eyes as I heaved myself out of my chair and
Grace gave me a sympathetic smile. “Smile, breathe and think happy thoughts,
Sweetie. In fact picture his balls in a vice” she winked, and I laughed loudly
as I grabbed my diary and the paperwork I had completed last night.


slowly made my way towards Peterson’s office and entered anxiously when I saw
him sat on one of his stark, white couches.

was wearing an expensive grey suit; his black hair combed to perfection and was
sporting a huge grin. There were lots of employees who desired him. He was a
good looking, mid-forties solid man, but his personality let him down. He was
rude, obnoxious and very full of himself.


and join me over here Olivia. Much more comfortable for a Friday morning, don’t
you think?” he said to me, patting the seat next to him.

tightly, I sat down on the opposite end of the sofa and closed my thighs
tightly before I placed the paperwork across my knees.

edged towards me a couple of inches and I backed against the arm of the couch,
disturbed to find there was no more room to move.


your first week at NSC been, Olivia?” he asked whilst his eyes travelled down
my body.

been wonderful, thank you Mr Peterson. Everybody has been really kind and
welcoming” I smiled back professionally, pulling my dress further down my

that’s great to hear. I knew you’d fit in brilliantly here the moment we met”
he said, licking his lips as his eyes stopped at my chest. “You know, Olivia.
When you came for your interview, old Theo had reservations about you. He said
that you might find it difficult adjusting here, what with you working in a
bank for ten years. But, I was adamant that you would be perfect for me,” he
continued with a sneer “But I fought for you Olivia, you know. I fought real
hard, putting my reputation on the line to
get you
” he sighed, putting
his hand on my arm.

I bet you’d like to get me!


tightly, I gently but firmly removed his hand and looked him straight in the
eyes. “Well I appreciate what you’ve done for me, Mr Peterson. After leaving
the bank I did wonder if I’d be able to keep up with the work load here, but I
must say, I find the areas my job description dictates, thoroughly interesting
and enjoyable. I
stay within the limits of my specified posts and
don’t cross the line, with anything or
 I told
him with a flash in my eyes.


eyes narrowed as he glowered at me and he cleared his throat “Yes well, I’m glad
you’ve established your roles here, Olivia” he paused, the corners of his mouth
turning downwards as a tic in his cheek twitched rapidly.

did he look pissed. I had no doubt that he’d understood the cryptic warning I’d
just given him.

think we’d better sync our diaries and get started now” he said as he got to
his feet and stalked towards his desk, looking back at me he grunted, “You
Ready Miss Adams?”

smiled coyly to myself.

goody, back to business


Leah came over to me. “Bert sent this up for you Olivia” she said handing me a
tiny, scrap of white paper. I looked at her frowning “Bert?”

rolled her eyes and shook her head slightly. “Yeah, you know, the sexy door guy
downstairs. Bert Bassett” she informed me with a slight giggle.

Bassett?” I scoffed, “Is that his name? Oh my god, poor bugger” I laughed, now
crippled with hysteria. What a bloody name. “That’s just classic!”


hoped I could take him seriously now that I knew his actual name. “I think I’ll
keep calling him ‘Beef’” I said to her with a chuckle.

that what you’ve nicknamed him?” she asked with a laugh of her own and a raise of
her eyebrows.

nicknamed anybody else?” This was asked with a questioning look, probably
wondering if I’d given her a nickname of her own.

Samantha in main reception” I said, looking down at my lap.

come on, this one should be good. Enlighten me” she nudged.

Wet Kipper,” I told her in a whisper “because she always looks like…” I
started, but Leah finished “like she’s been slapped with a wet kipper” she

God Olivia, you can seriously read my mind.”

winked and turned to retreat to her desk with her shoulders shaking, a sign
that she was still laughing.


I picked up my phone to insert Bert’s number into my contacts a text message
popped up.



babe, piss up outing 2moro night. 8pm.

said Pete's coming too!!!

be fun.        

beers and the man starts stripping, singing and dry humping the wall like a
randy dog on speed. Lol



I wouldn’t survive the weekend with all the offers of alcohol induced meetings
I texted back.



on. Good old Pete. I need the laugh.

new outfit 2.




her reply, telling me that she would pick me up at 1pm, I knuckled down with my
work before Peterson would have another reason to shout at me.

this morning’s discussion, I was not his favourite person. He’d been aloof and
stern for the rest of the day but to be honest it was a welcome relief and knowing
that he wouldn’t be making any more lewd remarks, I felt myself relax into my
work for the first time all week.


came round fast and we all piled into ‘The Late Lounge’ across from the NSC

ya’ drinking, Olivia?” Josh asked.

large, white wine please” I answered with a grin.

invited Bert to join us as I left the building and had received some
questioning glances from my colleagues. Thanking me, Bert had said he finished
his shift at 6pm and that he would pop across then.


know, I’ve always thought Bert was quite sexy but a little intimidating,
Olivia” Leah informed me with a shy smile.

like him?” I probed.

yes, don’t you think he’s hot?” she tested, “he has huge hands, and those lips
of his do something to melt my insides.”

kept casting a glance at the door as she watched for Bert to come in. “Hey,
he’s really sweet, Leah. You should definitely get to know him better” I


returned to our table with everybody’s drinks and a few bags of nuts and

a large gulp of my wine, I noticed Peterson enter and approach the bar before
giving me a mocking smile.

I exclaimed to the others, “Pervertsons here.”

ignore him, Olivia,” Grace said “he doesn’t usually acknowledge us when we’re


pub doors opened and Bert came in. His eyes skimmed the crowd before he spotted
us and then he gestured to the bar, making a drinking motion with his hand,
silently asking if we wanted a drink. Lifting my glass to him to tell him that
we were sorted, he nodded and smiled.


BOOK: Angel (NSC Industries)
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