Angel in the Shadows (4 page)

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Authors: Amy Deason

BOOK: Angel in the Shadows
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“Good. I had hoped that we would get a chance to look over the pictures you took tonight. I can’t wait to see how well they turned out. I’m sure they’re excellent.” He flashed her one of his megawatt smiles, placing his hand on her lower back, effectively holding her in place.

Nearly jumping at his touch, she forced herself not to move. She was only here for a few more minutes and then she could leave, never having to feel his hands on her again. Surely she could endure for that long. She had no intentions of staying and showing him anything. He could come to the office if he wanted to see the pictures. Or someone else could bring them to him. She was not about to step foot near him again after tonight.

“Sorry, Mr. Goldston, I mean, Vance. But it’s been a long night and I’m about to head home. In fact, if I leave now, I can catch the next ferry back to Manhattan. But I assure you that I’ll have your pictures by early next week. Then you can go over them and let me know which ones you like.” She hoped she sounded more sincere than she felt.

“If you’re sure you have to go?” He bestowed a pout on her that before may have been boyishly charming, but now was it was merely abhorrent. “Well then, please call me when the pictures are ready. We can get together to look them over.”

She felt no warmth in his smile but politely returned it with one of her own. “I’ll do that. Now if you don’t mind, I need to call a cab.”

“There is no need for that. I have a driver who can take you to the ferry terminal.”

“Thank you, but that’s really not necessary. A cab would be just fine.” She didn’t want anything more to do with Vance or his employees.

“Nonsense, it’s no problem.” Looking over her shoulder, he said, “Seth, please have Ryan escort Madison to the ferry.”

How the hell does he do that?
She never heard him come up behind her. It was scary the way he drifted around quietly, appearing and disappearing like a ghost.

“I’m sorry, sir, but Mr. Brennen is not here,” Seth’s soft voice replied.

“What do you mean he’s not here? Where would he go at this hour?” Vance demanded, his voice tinged with anger.

The ferocity made her take a step back and she bumped right into Seth. Sidestepping, she removed herself from between them.

“Miss Mears wanted to return to the city tonight and she felt it necessary to leave before the end of the party. She requested Mr. Brennen to drive her to the ferry. They left just a few minutes ago. However, if Ms. Sinclair is ready to go, I can drive her to the ferry terminal. If we leave now, we may make it in time.”

Alarm flooded her. Oh no, she was not climbing into a car with
man. Not on her life. “Thank you for your kindness but really a cab would be perfectly fine. I don’t want to trouble you.”

The ride to the ferry was only a short distance and would only take a few minutes but she knew that those minutes could seem like a lifetime with the wrong person. And Seth was
the wrong person.

“It’s no trouble, Ms. Sinclair. It’s the least I can do. But I’m afraid that we must leave now. The snow is coming down heavy and it may slow us down.”

Anger and frustration filled her as she realized she had no say in the matter. She had somehow become trapped when all she wanted to do was escape. But it seemed the only way she was going to manage that was if she spent five or ten minutes alone in a car with Vance’s cold assistant.
Lord, was this horrendous night ever going to end?

She flashed him a smile that was definitely feeling threadbare. “Thank you. Just let me grab my coat and I’ll be ready.”

Seth offered her coat out to her. “I took the liberty of getting it for you.”

Madison stood completely still for a moment, too shocked and unnerved to reach for the black coat.
How in the hell . . .? Oh Lord, it didn’t matter how.
All that mattered right now was that she get out of here and back to her warm, safe apartment in Manhattan. Flashing another fake smile that she knew couldn’t possibly be taken as real, she took her coat from the gray ghost of a man standing in front of her.

Disregarding Seth for the moment, she faced Vance again. “Thank you again. I’ll call you when the pictures are ready.”

“No problem, my dear. I look forward to hearing from you.” He grasped her hand and bringing it up, placed a light kiss on the back of it. His warm lips against her skin was almost more than she could bear. She thought she might throw up. Turning, she followed Seth out of the warmth of the mansion and into the cold December air. A definite improvement. The falling snow pirouetted in the night sky, performing a cold, silent ballet but she was not in the mood to enjoy its beauty. She pulled the lightweight coat around her tightly; she wished she had worn something warmer.

“It’s not very smart wearing a dress like that in the middle of winter.”

Madison turned to her unwanted escort, the last of her politeness reserve used up for the night. Even angry she noticed how the white flakes landed in his dark hair, on his muted clothing, lending color to him.
Black and white, good and evil.
“Thank you Mr. Reynolds. I will keep that in mind next time.” She couldn’t stop the bite in her voice and didn’t even care to try. She was tired and cranky and ready to leave. He didn’t seem offended in the least. Damn, she’d hoped she might have aggravated him at least a little. He was certainly aggravating her.

“Stay here, I’ll get the car.” Not even waiting for her response, he stepped out into the falling snow, immediately enveloped; disappearing like the ghost he appeared to be.

Sitting in the driver’s seat, listening to the soft purr of the engine, Seth opened the sleek, black cell phone and reviewed the information he’d received hours earlier. So far, Ms. Sinclair’s story was just as she said, though it was easy enough to plant false information about herself if she knew what she was doing. Ricki was hacking her way through the system, searching deeper.
Be patient
, she’d said. He wanted to shout,
Lives were on the line. Time is of the essence
. He couldn’t afford to wait but it seemed he had no choice. He would have to make it work.

So far he knew Ms. Sinclair had had few relationships, none of them serious. The most recent lasting for less than a year. She didn’t appear to be a frigid woman but she held herself back, never really enjoying what was offered. Or quite possibly, her former lovers were lousy in bed. The reasons didn’t matter but they might be helpful if he had to use certain tactics to find the information he needed. He knew his talents in the bedroom and was confident he could seduce her with relative ease despite whatever hang ups she may have with intimacy. She was pretty enough, and he hadn’t thought about sex since he started this mission so it would definitely be an unexpected bonus. A little entertainment was not off limits as long as it didn’t interfere with the job. Occasionally, it was an essential part of the assignment and was actually encouraged.

There were, of course, other ways to get information from someone, not all of them pleasant. He hoped he wouldn’t have to resort to that type of persuasion, preferring the pleasurable to the painful. But his preferences didn’t come into play during a mission. He just did what he had to. Tucking the phone into his pocket, he shifted the car into ‘drive’ and pulled out of the dark garage and into the blinding, white snow.

The party was far from winding down but Vance needed a few minutes to think. Disappearing into his office, he focused on a little problem that had the potential to turn into something bigger if not dealt with soon. Stacy, that hot, sexy, little minx was going to be his downfall if he didn’t get rid of her. It had been a mistake keeping her around this long but she was such a nice toy and he hated to give her up. Such playthings were expensive. Oh, he could always afford another doll whenever he chose but he really enjoyed playing with this one. Kinky and wild and totally uninhibited in the sack, Stacy was exactly what he wanted. She liked it rough and dirty and no matter how licentious his fantasies became, she was game. She was at his beck and call day or night. He
her. But lately, she wanted more than he was willing to give. The little whore wanted a commitment, something serious involving diamonds and wedding vows. That was never going to happen. No matter how incredible the ass was.

He had his suspicions that she knew more than was good for her. There was always the chance that she could reveal something to the wrong person and spoil all of his fun. That was not an option. He’d worked too hard to face failure now. So, it was time for her to bow out. He doubted that she was going to do that gracefully. A woman scorned was nothing to mess around with. But he knew exactly how to deal with unpleasant situations like this.

Leaning back in his leather chair, he placed his perfectly manicured hands behind his head and closed his eyes, letting his mind wander. Long ago, he realized that timing was everything. And right now, things were going according to plan. In fact, the timing couldn’t be more perfect. More than two years had passed since that disastrous event and he still shook with anger and outrage every time there was mention of it.

The revolutionary weight loss drug had been a success. The results were fast acting and the money was pouring in fast than he had hoped. It proved to be yet another overnight success in his long string of achievements. Eden Pharmaceuticals was his ultimate success, his baby. In a sense, he’d given birth to this company, nurtured it, and watched it grow. But then something had gone wrong. Shortly after taking the pills, thousands of people became gravely ill and the months following were nothing short of a nightmare. His product was pulled from the shelves and then the FDA had to stick their noses into it, investigating everything from the drug itself to him and his previous business ventures. Every part of his life was brought out into the light and examined under a microscope. Then came the hearings. They were long and tedious. And expensive. His companies took a major hit financially and worse, he became a target for criticism and ridicule countrywide. Every past success tended to be overlooked in the shadow of this failure. His extreme benevolence had been forgotten and his importance completely disregarded. That was unacceptable.

He deserved to be recognized for his genius, honored for his insight, and exalted for the god he was, not condemned for the failures of those under him. But that didn’t matter to
Nothing mattered but black balling him from everything he was used to. Everything he deserved. Country clubs, parties, everything. Their intense hatred and suspicions infuriated him and thoughts of retaliation burned in his every waking thought. Women came and went, helping to curb his violent ideas and his quick fire anger but on occasion, he would lose control of himself and they would have to disappear mysteriously.

But then he came upon an idea for the perfect revenge. It was simple but devastatingly effective. With this, he would make them all pay for what they had done to him. He worked nonstop, analyzing each and every detail over and over. At last, he was done. It was ready. And now, the time was coming to exact his revenge on those that tried to defeat him. Just a little longer and the world would worship him once again. He’d worked so hard to get to this point and he was going to be damned if he allowed one upset female destroy everything he’d mapped out.

When Stacy was out of the way, he would find someone a little more down to earth to take care of his needs. Maybe someone like that nice, young photographer. Ms. Sinclair. His face erupted in a slow, lecherous grin. Now she was something totally different. Quiet, reserved, she was a little more padded than the women he was used to. Maybe a change would be good. It would be something to look forward to once he took care of his other little problem. Opening his eyes, he sat forward, his lips drawn in a harsh line. He picked up the private line and punched in the numbers from memory. The phone on the other end only rang once before being picked up.

“I have a job for you.”

Chapter 4

The black Cadillac sliced through the snow silently, a dark bullet in the night. Sitting in the passenger seat, Madison sat as close to the door as possible, distancing herself from Seth. So far, he had been the perfect gentleman. Pulling up to the front of the house, he had climbed out of the car and opened the door, waiting for her to slide in. She had expected to sit in the back but he opened the front door and waited expectantly. Swallowing her qualms about riding so close to him, she didn’t argue knowing it would be a waste of time and breath. Besides, she was freezing. Thankfully, he had the heat blasting and she was warmed even before he settled himself behind the wheel.

Through the window, she watched the falling snow as they sped through the night, the steady hiss of tires on the wet pavement breaking the silence. Her thoughts settled on Stacy, trying to figure out why she would put up with someone like Vance. She was a gorgeous woman that could have any man she wanted. Did she stay for money? For love? She would probably never know the reason, which was probably just as well. It still wouldn’t make any sense to her.

“I wouldn’t worry too much about Stacy if I were you. She’s a big girl and she can take care of herself,” Seth said, his voice slipping over her like velvet in the darkness.

Startled, she kept her eyes pinned to the window, refusing to look at him. “I don’t know what you mean.” Her voice wavered slightly as the unease coursed through her. He always seemed to know what she was thinking, like he was inside her head. And that was the last place she wanted him to be.

“There’s no sense pretending you weren’t thinking about what happened back there. I heard the same things you did. It happens more often than you think.”

“It’s none of my business what happened,” she answered, determined not to engage in conversation with him. Feeling his eyes on her, she turned to face him. Illuminated by the instrument panel, his pale eyes glowed in the dark interior of the car, making her breath catch unexpectedly.

“No, it’s not.”

The statement was simple, carrying with it an unseen threat. Her feelings of disquiet escalated another notch, rapidly increasing her heartbeat.

“Just what is your business, Ms. Sinclair?” His voice was soft and insidious, winding around her carefully but with purpose.

A faint demand weaved through his voice, carrying a significant weight with it. Insipid brown eyes drilled into her, seeking something deep within her. She had nothing to offer him.

Swallowing painfully, she raised her chin defiantly, “I’m a photographer, Mr. Reynolds. That’s my business.”

He continued to stare at her intently, his eyes never leaving her face as he drove.

“I wonder.”

The tires lost their tenuous grip on the wet highway and the car abruptly slid to the left. Crying out, she gripped the seat tightly, preparing herself for the impact as her heart lurched painfully in her chest. Continuing to look at her, Seth’s grip on the wheel remained relaxed as he brought the car back into the center of the road.

“Shouldn’t you be watching what’s in front of you?” she whispered. Her panic was palpable. A living, breathing thing that stole the breath right out of her lungs.

His eyes remained transfixed on her and she fought the overwhelming urge to squirm under their intensity. He seemed to be dissecting her personality, watching her, peering into the very depths of her soul.

“Indeed,” he murmured, at last returning his attention to the road.

By the time they reached the terminal, Madison’s nerves were stretched so tight she felt they might snap at any second. All she wanted to do was get away from Seth and lock her apartment door and never come out again. Just what the hell had Robert gotten her into?
Fun my ass, this was a total nightmare!

Climbing out of the car on shaky legs, she tried to steady herself. It didn’t escape her that Seth unfolded himself from the driver’s seat with a sinuous grace that absolutely disgusted her.

“Thank you for the ride, Mr. Reynolds,” she lied.

Seth’s eyes bored into her, through her. “It was no problem, Ms. Sinclair. Would you like me to see you to the ferry?”

“No,” she replied a little too quickly. “No, thank you. I can make it from here.” The quicker she could escape him, the sooner she would be able to relax, forgetting this whole evening.

A slow nod was his only response.

Clenching her coat tighter around her, she turned her back to him and walked to the ticket booth, leaving him standing alone in the whirling snow.

Seth watched her disappear into the terminal. His instincts told him that she was nothing to worry about. He should just return to the mansion where the real threat lived and breathed. Trouble was, he was only human regardless of the intense training that was supposed to drive that imperfection from him. Mistakes could be made. There was always a chance his normally infallible senses may have temporarily went AWOL. Hadn’t he been doubting himself lately? He should just climb back in the car and drive away, effectively erasing her from his mind. Something he should have no trouble doing.

Still, he stared after her, reluctant to admit that Madison intrigued him. She was a conflicting mixture of emotions. Both defiant and submissive, forthright and secretive. She stared at him intently when she thought he wasn’t watching her but when he faced her, she seemed almost frozen. He found her interesting. Extremely interesting. It didn’t mean he had to let his thoughts linger on her. There were much more important things to focus on rather than some insignificant blond photographer that happened to peak his curiosity. But oddly, he couldn’t help it. This compulsion to investigate her further was so strong, so demanding, that it overshadowed anything else. That was a severe problem.

Slightly alarmed by this unexpected rash of emotion, he decided to follow her. Maybe if he got this bizarre impulse out of his system, he could go back to what he was supposed to be doing without further interruption. He loathed to admit this weakness so rather than attribute this decision to his personal curiosity, he instead blamed it on his need to know every detail of Ms. Sinclair’s possible involvement in this little game. A lie that he was happy to contend with.
Better to know and be done with it than to let it go and pay for it later
. With a deep sigh that was less of an annoyance than he cared to admit, he slammed the car door and started into the terminal after her.

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