Angel Blackwood (47 page)

Read Angel Blackwood Online

Authors: Sophie Summers

Tags: #witch and werewolf, #werewolf and human, #werewolf alpha male, #werewolf alpha mate, #angst romance, #twins and one woman, #abuse abusive emotional, #witch and love, #werewolf alpha male romance

BOOK: Angel Blackwood
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“I don’t care what she feels
for me. I thought she was all sweet and innocent, but after that. I
fucking hate the bitch,” I reply firmly.

We soon arrive in a little
town. The only sound in the dead street is coming from a two story
building that has flashing lights shining through the window. There
are cars on either side of the street, but the only place that
seems to be open is the building with the lights and loud

I stand between the boys
as we walk in. We find a booth near the stage where a band plays a
couple of country cover songs. Nixon doesn’t want to drink, but
that doesn’t stop Axel who helps himself to whisky on the rocks,
bringing me back a large fruity cocktail. Nixon narrows his eyes at
Axel, but I ignore the both of them as I take a huge sip of the
delicious drink.

Two drinks later and the
familiar, blissful feeling takes over. All that matters is the here
and now, I happily forget all about the past few weeks. I dance
with Axel and force Nixon to dance with me too. Nixon drives us
back to his place soon after. I’m not drunk to the point where I
don’t know what the hell I’m doing or saying; my words aren’t
slurred yet. No, I’m at the point where everything is funny and
where my feet aren’t quite co-ordinating with my brain. Nixon wraps
his arm around me, keeping me from falling over. We pass a group of
young pack members as we make our way toward Nixon’s house. I don’t
miss the worried looks on my mate’s faces as I stumble pass them
standing on the main pack house porch.

Axel is totally wasted. He
picks me up and flops us onto Nixon’s guest bed before accidentally
rolling off the bed. I laugh until my stomach hurts. There’s a hard
knocking on the front door, Nixon chuckles and shakes his head at
us as he leaves the room. Axel tries to lift himself onto the bed,
but he fails miserably. He ends up lying flat on his back on the

“Fuck it!” He mumbles.

“Why the hell would you allow
her to drink?” Talon’s angry voice echoes through the walls.

“Why the hell do you even
care?” I yell from the room.

Axel starts laughing again, I
can’t help but to join in too.

I hear him stomping down the
passage towards me. Usually I would back away from an angry wolf
with anxiety, but with the alcohol running through my veins, I’m
totally chilled. My laughter dies down though when Talon walks into
the room.

He picks me up
with one quick movement, throwing me over his shoulder and walking
out of the house. I call for Nixon out loud. In my head I hear his
voice say,
“It’ll only cause
more trouble if I stop him, Angel.”

“Thanks a lot, Nixon,” I mumble
out loud.

“I’m not in the mood to be
fucked with, Angel. Nixon knows that,” Talon says.

“And you think I’m in the mood?
Let me down,” I retort.


“For fuck sakes, Talon. let me
down!” I pound at his back. When he doesn’t flinch I slap his ass
with an open hand. He pauses mid step before spanking me on the ass

I squeal then start laughing…

“I can do it harder. Want
another one? Maybe you should make more noise and let everyone see
the state you’re in?” He continues to walk. I keep quiet the rest
of the way.

“Good girl.” He rubs my ass

Talon carries me into my room
and throws me on the bed. He walks to the door, I expect him to
leave but he closes it instead. He comes back, pulling off his
shirt. I shamelessly stare open mouthed; I’ll never get over how
handsome he is. I shake my head trying to get rid of those
thoughts. I start pulling my shoes off, noticing from the corner of
my eyes that he’s taking his pants off too.

I groan, “What do you want
Talon? You told me no more lies, so I told you the truth about
sleeping with your brother and then you’re a dick to me. Now your
back here and what? You wanna tuck me in?” I raise an eyebrow and

“Not here to tuck you in,” he
says pulling off his socks, leaving him standing in my room with
nothing other than a pair of tight white boxer briefs on.
Realisation hits and my shoulders sag.

“Ah… I get it.
You want your turn. You want in on the
action too
.” I
reach for my pants repeating the words he’d said

“A turn? Action?” He asks

I pull them down, leaving
me in a pair of turquoise lace panties. Rolling over on the bed, I

“Yeah. A turn, Talon. How do
you want me? On my hands and knees like Tyler?” I move into

“You can tug on my hair too if
you like. My scalp is still a bit raw from where your brother
yanked on it, but hey, I’ll deal.” I hold my hair out with one hand
for him. I feel the tears forming, but I don’t let him see them as
I look down at the silver comforter on my bed.

He doesn’t say anything. “Don’t
worry, I’ll keep my top on so you won’t have to see the scars,” I
whisper on a sob.

“Jesus.” He climbs on the bed
in front of me, pulling me onto his lap. I don’t want to hold him,
but his wolf calling for me and I can’t help but soak up all the
affection I’m getting from him in this moment. I rest my forehead
in the crook of his neck, trying to get the tears under

“I’m so sorry, baby. So
sorry. I should have been here for you. He shouldn’t have taken you
like that. God, he shouldn’t have treated you so brutally. Jesus, I
know it’s no excuse, but you should have told him you were a
virgin,” he says breathlessly, his voice breaking. It only makes me
cry harder into his neck as he holds me tighter.

“I told you guys about me being
a virgin. You knew. I didn’t know what to do, I just lay there.” I
shudder and close my eyes pulling away from him. He holds me close
though, refusing to let go.

I watch him wince. “I
know, baby. But we thought that you would’ve slept with your
boyfriend since then. It was a couple months and you didn’t speak
to us, Angel. What were we suppose to think? We didn’t know what to

“So you just assume I slept
with him? I hardly saw him in those months. After the attack, I
didn’t want anyone to touch me. No one, Talon,” I say softly,
looking into his sad blue eyes.

“I know, okay. I get it… we
shouldn’t have left things the way we did. I’m sorry.” He pulls me
into his chest and I hold him. I hear the bathroom door open behind
me and I smell the sweet scent as he enters. I hold onto Talon even
tighter as he rubs my back.

“I need to talk to her,
brother,” Tyler says gently.

. You need to leave,” Talon growls.

“Please, I need to make it
right,” Tyler pleads.

“Don’t leave me alone with him,
Talon,” I say against Talon’s chest. He tenses when I say this. I
feel him nod his head on my shoulder, but when I feel Tyler’s warm
hands wrap around my waist, I cling to Talon in fear.

“I promise he won’t hurt you.
You need to talk to him, Angel,” Talon says, pushing me towards
Tyler who sits behind me on the bed. I reach out for him like a
baby wanting their mother. He looks down at me sadly, walks to the
bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Tyler wraps his arms around
me bringing my back against his chest.

“Please stop struggling against
me.” He sounds pained as he says this.

“Let me go then,” I say through
gritted teeth.

I can’t feel the effects of the
alcohol any longer; my state of blissful ignorance is gone.

He doesn’t let me go, but turns
me around to face him. He grabs my face harshly and cradles me
cheeks. I scratch at his hands trying to free my face.

“Stop struggling,” he says
calmly. I stop.

“I’m sorry, Angel,” he says,
looking my face over intently. His usual neatly combed over hair is
messy and out of place. Habit has me reaching out to move the hair
out of his face and he leans his face into the palm of my hand
without hesitation.

“I’m so sorry for what I did to
you. The way I took you was awful. I still can’t believe I treated
you that way.” I watch a tear fall down his cheek. His once blue
eyes aren’t so shiny and vibrant anymore. He looks as if he’s lost
weight and he has dark circles under his eyes. I want to feel sorry
for him, but I just can’t. He drops his hands, resting one on my
bare thigh. I stare down at his big tan hand against my fair

His other hand runs back and
forth on my jawline. “Did I hurt you?” He whispers.

“Yes," I whisper back.

“I was so angry and upset. I
wanted you so bad and couldn’t control myself. I kept telling
myself I couldn’t do this to Kate. When you asked for Caspian I was
furious, my wolf was furious,” he says, stroking my cheek gently. I
pull my face away from him, watching his hand drop and shoulders

I’m so hurt that I have to take
a few minutes to compose myself before I can even form the words.
“Why did you tell her about what happened between us? I know it
wasn’t that good, but… but did you really have to tell her all the

“I just told her that we
had sex, Angel. I didn’t tell her anything else. She must have seen
your scars when we went to her apartment after Drake attacked you;
she helped dress you. I can’t believe she said those things to you.
She’s not a mean person, Angel. You know that. I don’t know why she
was so harsh to you, but I do know that she feels terrible about
the way she treated you.”

I sit frozen, I can’t believe
what I’m hearing. After everything… he still has the nerve to
defend her.

I turn stiff in his arms and I
move away from his warmth.

“Angel? What? What did I do?”
He sounds panicked.

“Can you… uh can you please
leave,” I say politely, scratching my head and looking away.


“I just want to be alone right
now,” I say, still avoiding his eyes.


“Please, just go!” I say
harshly. I hear movement and then footsteps as he makes his way to
the door. From the corner of my eye I see him standing in the
doorway staring at me, but he doesn’t say a word. A few seconds
later he leaves.

Chapter 2

I wake up to loud screams,
yelling and howls. I’m alone in bed in the clothes I passed out in
after Tyler left. I run over to where I left my balcony doors open
and I’m immediately met my chaos. Wolves attacking wolves. Growling
and snarling, people yelling and panic all around.

They’ve been spotted on the east side!”
Jacob’s voice filters through our pack

I run back into my room and
throw on some clothes. I don’t have time to put on shoes as I’m
already out the door and going down the stairs.

“Angel! Are
you okay? Answer me!”
father’s voice booms in my head.

“I’m fine.
Where are you? Jacob says there are Rogues on our land,”
I link back quickly.

“We’re close,
Honey. You need to go to Noelle, you’ll be safe there. No wolves
will dare enter the compound with that spell in place. Get in your
car and get out of the pack house.
” My mother’s worried voice has me starting to

“I can’t just
leave, Mom. I can help here
I head for the back door.

“No. You must
leave and go to Noelle’s right now, Angel.”
My father’s authoritative voice makes me freeze in
place. His voice then returns, but this time it’s soft and gentle
as he pleads, “
Honey, I’m
begging you. Please… just listen to me. Go to Noelle, she’s waiting
for you. Phoenix is worried too. If you don’t go to them, they’re
likely to come looking for you. You don’t want them caught in the
crossfire, do you. Please… just do this for us.

The thought of
Noelle or Phoenix getting hurt because I can’t follow a simple
instruction is enough to agree with my father. “
Okay, Dad. I’m leaving now

I head out of the front door,
keeping an eye out for any wolves that don’t have our packs scent.
I don’t shift into my wolf because I’m not sure whether the spell
the witches have to ward off wolves will affect me when I’m not in
my human form.

Wolves are scattered around the
clearing. I head for my car keeping an eye out for Talon and Tyler,
but I don’t see their wolves anywhere.

I climb inside my car and I’m
just about to start it when I feel Tyler trying to link with me. I
open the link and allow him to speak. Faith needs to know he’s


“Angel, I need
you. Please… I need you to come.”
He sounds as if he’s in tears .

“Are you
hurt? Where are you?”

“I’m at the
lake. Come quickly!”
frantic now. I jump out of my car and start running in the
direction of the lake. The stones and branches hurt my bare feet,
but I don’t care. My adrenaline is pumping, I’m so worried about

I make it to the lake and see
him hunched over something in the darkness.

“What’s going on? What’s wrong?
Are you okay?” I start yelling as I get closer to where he’s
kneeled in the sand. Tyler stands up quickly and I notice there’s
blood all over his shirt. Tears run down his face as I look down at
whoever he was hunched over and see Kate.

“Rogues… they attacked her. I
couldn’t shift, I couldn’t help her,” he sobs, bending down and
gently wiping the hair away from her face with a shaky hand. This
gesture as well the way he’s looking at her is enough to tell me
that he loves her. He stood up for her earlier, even after the
nasty things she said to me.

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