Angel (22 page)

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Authors: Dani Wyatt

Tags: #Romance, #daddy dom, #safe

BOOK: Angel
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“Go, babe, I’ll just watch from down here.”

“You’re impossible.”

Emily is playing with the dogs in the great room.  I can see her from my position in the kitchen, but she can’t see her father or what’s going on down below. 

“You’re beautiful.”  He answers with a sigh.  Letting my skirt down with a smack on the outside of my thigh. I quit wearing panties years ago, Daddy’s orders.  “That ass is going to be turned up and red tonight.  You know why, too.”

“Yes, Daddy.”  I whisper down at him.

“No skipping meals, baby.  I told you, I like you just the way you are.  The babies only made you more beautiful to me.  You skip breakfast again, and it won’t just be a spanking.”

Emily is four and Magnus Jr. is three.  Then there’s Lenny, who is just six months.  We’re done now.  The doctor said the complications with Lenny would make it dangerous for me to have any more babies, but we’re okay with that. We have three beautiful children and our life is full and chaotic, and more wonderful than I ever imagined.

We’ve managed to keep our own personal dynamic alive, too.  I will always be Daddy’s girl, and although we tone it down when we’re with them, even in front of the kids we show our love that way.  We are still who we are.  I belong to him completely and he loves me unconditionally.

He’s a ripe pain in my butt sometimes, but I know that he really does know best and I trust him completely. 

The rehab is running on its own now.  With the kids and everything, I only manage to work there once a week at the shelter doing some group pet therapy with the patients, but that’s enough for me.

Even Dad is working a little. He’s slow, his rough life has caught up with him a bit, but he does what he can with some activities and talks at the center.  He certainly knows what they are going through, and it gives him purpose.  Magnus bought him a little house nearby, down the road from us, and he has a driver to take him wherever he wants.

Erik and Andrea got hitched a couple years ago.  They ended up living in the city, which suits them, but we get together every Friday night for a family dinner.  Cindy comes too. She hasn’t found her happily ever after yet, but she’s doing well.  The wine business is now in six states and there’s no sign of the growth stopping any time soon.

“Baby’s crying.”  Magnus has ears like an eagle.  “I’ll go get the little monster.  Get those tits out and ready.  I’ll hand him off to you and finish up the pancakes.”

“Yes, Daddy.  Whatever you say.”

“Darn right.”

With a smack on my ass and a kiss on my cheek he’s out of the kitchen and chirping something at Emily as she pulls on the dog’s ears and tumbles around with all her furry friends like a pig in mud.

Every day I still let Magnus know how much I want him.  Because I do.  I guess I never imagined what this kind of life could be like for us.  Ours is a special kind of love, but I can’t imagine it any other way.  I’m the luckiest girl I know.


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felt like I was going to puke. The way they treated my Chloe was nauseating.  What a fucked up family, sitting there, slobbering all over themselves. If they thought that their little princess—Chloe’s older sister— was about to snag me like a little bitch and use me to turn them into some kind of second rate, trailer trash royalty they’d be wrong.  If they only knew what they had coming, they’d be running as fast as they could for the tin can where they came from.

Don’t get me wrong; I grew up in that same trash heap down at the bottom of Eight Mile.  Yeah, there was a movie about it. Don’t make a big deal about it, but that’s where I grew up, and that’s where Chloe and her family still live. Only, they don’t have any fucking idea what I know about their precious Theresa, a.k.a. Trixie. And it’s about to go viral.

“Why didn’t you wear a suit?  This is a special night.”  Trixie Whitehouse sat there like a smug cartoon queen with her strapless orange nightmare of a dress barely holding up the weight of her third round of silicone implants. 

“I don’t wear what you tell me to wear.”  I lean back in my chair, my eyes unable to stay off the ultimate prize, who sat there like a demure china doll next to her parents.  I wore my fatigues. I knew Trix hated them, and I also knew my babygirl loved me in my camo, and she’s the goddess I serve

“Chloe, go get us two more Bud’s.”  Edgar Whitehouse is too lazy to go get his own beer from the bar, so he sends his youngest daughter to do his dirty work. 

“Sit.”  I growl at Chloe inches her chair back to stand.

“No, it’s okay. Let me go.”  She smiles and I see the wheels turning in the beautiful head of hers.  She’s so scared of her family knowing about us. The pleading look in her eyes breaks my heart.

What a fucking evil piece of shit her father is. I want to jump across the eight top and smash the ten teeth he has left down his throat.  But I know that would be too much for my little girl, so I roll my eyes and swallow deep, counting the seconds until I get us the fuck out of here.

My gut told me to steal her away from them the day I got home.  But, she wasn’t ready and my plan wasn’t quite pulled together but it is now. 

“Why aren’t you listening to me?” Trixie looked like a ten-cent whore, and her breath smelled like a trashcan filled with ten kinds of cheap liquor and a hundred ashtrays.  She made my stomach turn. 

My voice caught in my throat.  “Trix,”  I took a deep breath before continuing.  “I told you I would come here, but lay the fuck off.”

Even the thought of pretending to be her friend sets my teeth on edge, but I’ll do anything to stay close to Chloe.  Just a little while longer and this whole charade is over.

It was one of Trixie’s skanky friend’s getting married, and she was in the bridal party.  I was thankful because it meant she was sitting at the head table and not with the family.  She’s staring at me.

“What?”  It was all I could do not to push her face away from me and flatten her on the ground.  In her condition, it was only a matter of time before she ended up on the floor, but I didn’t want to be the one to put her there, at least not in front of my angel.

“Why are you such a grump?”  Trixie pouted, maintaining a distorted fantasy that somehow I might think looking at her bratty face was cute.

“I’m not a grump, but you
drunk, and if you don’t know by now how I hate...”  I let my voice trail off.

What the fuck did I care?  She knew how I felt about drinking, and she chose to throw back as many shots as the bartender would serve at once along with the other Orange Crush contingent standing next to the bride.

She wasn’t going to listen anyway.  Her attention span made a flea look focused.  I looked over at my girl walking back from the bar, her hands gripping two brown bottles with red and white labels. She set them down in front of the toothless wonder and his lovely bride who applied her eyeliner as thick as her lipstick.  Besides her raccoon eyes and smeared red lips, there wasn’t a bottle of peroxide left at Walmart from the looks of her hair. 

“Mom!”  Trixie screamed across the table. 

I took a deep breath, all I wanted to do was grab my baby’s hand and get her the hell out of here.  She looked so lost and out of place with this circus sideshow.  How the fuck she came from the same place as the rest of these freaks is beyond me. 

I was only here for Chloe; she had begged me not to be to brutal with Trix.  We hadn’t been together since the day I met Chloe.  I wasn’t even sure why her sister wanted to be friends with me.  I hadn’t touched her in years, not since those first months in high school when we got together. Before I met her family.  And Chloe.  In fact, my dick would turtle up if Trix even made an eyelash bat my way. 

Truth is, I know why Trix wants to maintain our friendship. She’s thinks I’m about to provide her winning lottery ticket.

As long as my baby was still in that house with these freaks, I would try to keep her life from getting even worse by playing along.  Being gone overseas, I needed to know she was at least under a roof, such as it was. I couldn’t back out on my contract, so we had to make a deal with each other. We stuck to it, but time’s up.  I’m done with hiding and pretending. It’s time for me and my babygirl to be together for real.

“Yes, princess?”  Elvira’s twin leaned her elbows on the table, taking a deep draw from the long necked, brown bottle, and then wiped the back of her hand over her chin when she couldn’t even manage to keep the beer from dribbling out of her lips.

“Don’t you think Ryder looks older?  I think he got older while he was sitting in that desert for so long.  Did you get older?”  They both laughed. 

“Yep. Older and wiser,”  I spat back as my gut clenched.

Trixie leaned over, her hand on my leg and her triple D silicone popping out the top of the cheap cream-sickle dress.  It felt like acid was burning through my pants where she rested her hand, and I couldn’t breathe for another second with her so close to me.

I jerked my leg sideways and kicked my chair back so hard it almost fell over.

“Where are you going?” 

“To get some water.” 

“There’s water right here silly.  Come on, let’s dance!”  She looked up, leaned on the table and tried to stand up.  The tendrils of her intricate up-do falling in highlighted streaks across her face.  What a train wreck.

“No.  I’ll be back.”  I looked over at Chloe, sitting there with her eyes low, her teeth biting on her lower lip.  Jesus, if she knew what she was doing to me, sitting there looking like that.

I threw my head back and cracked my neck, trying to release some of the tension from watching the freak show. My cock screamed for my babygirl.

Just knowing she was sitting there thinking about me was almost more than I could take.  I needed to take a walk and try to tame the beast that was quickly growing in my pants. 

Of course, I should have broken it off with Trixie long ago, but I stuck around and played nice with the family.  Chloe was less than legal when we met, and I’d never have gone near her then. But I knew.  I knew our day would come and I needed an excuse to stay close, so I played the friend game with Trix.. Chloe actually felt so bad, like somehow she’d done something wrong when we had our first kiss.

Trix thought I was her ticket out of the trailer park even before word of my inheritance began to circulate. I hated myself for a long time for this, but when I laid my eyes on Chloe when she was only thirteen. I knew even then; she was the only one for me. I would’ve never done anything back then with her, but I think I stayed loosely bound to her sister just to keep an eye on her until it was our time.  In fact, I never touched Trixie after that day.

Fuck, it shocked the hell out of me when I put us in the friend zone and Trix took it as well as she did.

Chloe begged me not to bring us out in the open before I deployed, and after she explained it to me, there was no way I wanted to make her life any harder than it already was.

Her fucked up parents had some twisted idea that their little blond princess somehow was more valuable than the sweet smoldering angel that had her fingers wrapped unwillingly around my heart, and soon, around my cock, but not yet. Chloe was worth waiting for. 

She was
the one,
and I was going to do it all right for her.  It was killing me not being able to feel the insides of her curve around my cock as I entered the first time, but we had to do it like I planned, for her benefit.  Even in high school I kept my eye on her.  She was the little sister, the jail-bait, but looking back, even then I knew. I just didn’t want to admit it. 

“Hurry back, and bring me another...”  Trix waved her empty glass in the air.  There was no way in hell I was getting her another drink, and the fact that she asked me to was just another nail in her coffin.

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