And I Love You (15 page)

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Authors: Marie Force

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

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“Why’s that?”

“Because if she hadn’t come along and forced me to give up on my crush on Will, I might’ve missed out on the fact that his very sexy older brother was interested in getting to know me better.”

He raised a brow, and the gesture transformed his face from handsome to rakish. “Very sexy, huh?”


“What’re you doing all the way over there?”

“Just waiting for you to invite me over there.”

“Dear Megan, please come closer to me. Love, Hunter. How’s that?”

“Hmm, I’m not convinced you really want me to.”

“Let me try again then. Dear Megan, please come over here and kiss me before I die from wanting you to. Much love, Hunter. Better?”

Was it possible for a heart to do somersaults and still keep beating? “Much love?”

“Could be. You’ll have to come over here to find out.”

“Well, since you asked me so nicely …” She scooted across the big bed until she was several inches from him. “Good?”

“Not quite.” He put his arm around her and brought her the rest of the way until her body was tucked in tight against his. “Now
is much better.”

“Is it kind of crazy that we’re in this room together at a place called the Pig’s Belly with the floor vibrating from the music downstairs?”

“One of the craziest things I’ve ever done.”

“Me, too.”

“And the best first date I’ve ever had.”


He stared into her eyes for a long, breathless moment before he kissed her, groaning as their lips came together.

Megan reached for him, trying to bring him closer, which was how he ended up on top of her.

Breaking the kiss, he looked down at her. “Is this okay?”

Rather than answer him with words, she put her arms around him and tangled her legs with his to keep him from getting away.

“You have no idea how badly I want you.”

She raised her hips ever so slightly, making him groan again when she pressed against his erection. “I have a small idea.”

“Hey! There’s nothing
about it.”

Megan’s laughter was quickly muffled by devouring kisses, sweeping thrusts of his tongue and his hand under her dress, flat against the back of her leg, branding her with his heat. She squirmed under him, trying to move things along, but Hunter wouldn’t be rushed.

“Easy, honey. We’ve got all night.”

The thought of a full night with him only made her more restless.

He pulled back from her all of a sudden, kneeling between her legs and pushing her dress up and over her head, leaving her only in a black thong and matching satin bra, her breasts spilling over the top.

Hunter licked his lips as he zeroed in on her breasts before bending to kiss the upper slope of one and then the other. “You’re so beautiful, Megan. I’ve thought so for such a long time.”

He made her feel more beautiful than she had ever felt before with the way he looked at her and in the worshipful way he kissed and touched her. When she released the front clasp on her bra, his gorgeous brown eyes went wide with shock and then dark with desire. “You love to surprise me, don’t you?”

sort of fun.”

“I like your idea of fun.” He pushed the bra aside and cupped her breasts, staring down at them.

“What’s wrong?”

“Not one damned thing. Just savoring the view.” Lowering his head, he took her left nipple into his mouth while pinching the right one lightly between his fingers.

Megan grasped a handful of his hair. She’d forgotten how it felt to be consumed by desire, not that she’d ever felt anything even close to this. Her nipples were incredibly sensitive, and he was making her crazy—until he stopped all of a sudden and rolled off her, leaving her aroused and stunned by his withdrawal.


ying on his back, breathing heavily, Hunter propped an arm over his eyes.

“What’s wrong?”


“Um, okay.” A thousand thoughts went through her mind in the time it took for him to lower his arm and reach for her.

“I’m sorry.”

“Why did you stop?”

He twirled a lock of her hair around his finger. “Because I want you too much, and I’m afraid if I show you how much, I’ll freak you out and send you running from me.”

Flooded with relief to know he hadn’t changed his mind about wanting her, Megan placed her hand on his cheek, compelling him to look at her.

He turned his face into her hand, kissing her palm and setting off a whole new wave of need.

“You won’t freak me out.”

“You don’t know that for sure. It’s been a long time for you, and I’m feeling …”

“How are you feeling?”

“Out of control. And I’m never out of control. Ever.”

“Maybe there’s a first time for everything,” she said, ridiculously flattered to know she’d done that to him. Megan tugged on his T-shirt. “Take this off.”

“We should probably stop.”

“Do we have to?”

“No, but you need to understand what I mean by out of control.”

“Make me understand.”

“I can be kind of … demanding … during sex.”

“So you said earlier.” Megan swallowed hard as her entire body heated with interest and curiosity and desire that settled into an intense throb between her legs. “Demanding in what way?”

“I like to be in charge, and with you …” He cupped her breast and ran his thumb over her nipple. “Just touching you like this was like lighting a live fuse. It’s never happened that fast before.”

“Would you ever hurt me in any way?”

He blanched, his eyes widening and his mouth moving silently. “No,” he said softly. “Not in a million years would I ever hurt you. I just don’t want to scare you by showing you how crazy you make me.”

“You make me pretty crazy, too.”


She nodded and again pulled on his T-shirt, urging him to take it off, which he did, revealing a lanky, muscular chest covered with just the right amount of soft dark hair. His abs were ripped and well defined, which came as a surprise.

“Do all accountants have such impressive abs?”

He snorted out a laugh. “How the hell would I know?”

“You must work out a lot.”

“I do wilderness survival training with my brothers, so I have to work out just about every day in the gym I have in my basement so they don’t show me up when we train.”

“God forbid.”


Megan bent over him and kissed his neck, throat and chest, making a path to those impressive abs that rippled under her lips.

He buried his fingers in her hair, tightening them into fists as she moved farther down, following the trail of dark hair that led to the waistband of his jeans. “Megan …”

“Maybe if we take the edge off, you won’t be so scary with this loss-of-control issue you seem to have.” As she spoke, all the reasons she’d thought it was a bad idea to get involved with him were swept away on a wave of desire so strong she could barely breathe for wanting him. She unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, pushing them down to reveal silk boxers that made her laugh. “Why am I not surprised?”

“What’s so funny?”

“You. You’re classy right down to the silk boxers.”

“Haven’t you ever felt silk against your most important parts?”

“Can’t say that I have.”

He caressed her face. “We’ll have to rectify that. Immediately. Then you won’t be laughing.”

“You’re going to buy me underwear?”

“Sweetheart, I’m going to buy you
underwear. Only the best.”

“I’ll look forward to that.” She kissed his stomach, working her way from one side to the other and then back down to where his cock strained against dark silk. “Will you promise me something?” she asked.


“That no matter what we do here, you won’t think less of me because of it.”

“I could never think less of you for wanting to be with me this way. I feel like all the best fantasies I’ve ever had are happening right in front of me. How could I ever think less of you?”

“I don’t do this sort of thing. At least not anymore.”

“I know. You told me, and I believed you. Trust me, if you’d been with anyone else in the last couple of years, I would’ve known. I’ve been a little … obsessed.”

Megan smiled widely. “Really?”

“Yeah, really. Not like a stalker or anything … It hadn’t come to that. Yet.”

She loved that he made her laugh, he made her hot and he made her courageous all at the same time.

“We could stop right now, and that would be fine, too,” he said. “I’d be quite content if I got to hold you while you sleep.”

“Would you?”

He nodded.

“But wouldn’t this make it difficult for you to sleep?” She caressed his hard length, dragging the silky fabric back and forth until he was pressing desperately against her palm. Then she raised the waistband up and over, leaving it to rest on his shaft.

“Christ, Megan. You’re making me feel like a horny teenager.”

Pushing her hand inside his boxers, she wrapped her fingers around his cock and stroked while bending over him to run her tongue around the head. “Did anyone do this for you when you were a horny teenager?”

“I wish,” he said with a pained laugh.

Megan wished she were doing this for the first time with him. She wished she’d saved herself for a man who appreciated her the way he did. Back then, she’d been so out of control, so determined to outrun the relentless pain that always came rushing back the minute she was left alone again with her own thoughts.

“What’re you thinking?”

She looked up at him. “That I wish I’d never done this before so you could be my first.”

“I’ll be the first one who matters.”

Snagged in his adoring gaze, Megan had trouble looking away. Then he surged in her hand, harder than he’d been before, reminding her of what she’d started. Reluctantly, she dropped her eyes and tried to show him what his kindness had meant to her.

She drew him in, pushing his underwear down as she went. As he bumped against the back of her throat, she squeezed the base with her hand and swirled her tongue around the head.

“Holy shit,”
he said, hissing as he throbbed and lengthened in her mouth. He fisted tight handfuls of her hair, holding on tight as she withdrew and then took him deep again, cupping his balls with her free hand.
“Megan …”

“Hmm?” As she let her lips vibrate against his cock, she absolutely loved that she’d made Hunter Abbott swear.

Stop. If you don’t want me to …”

She didn’t stop. Rather she stepped up her game, sucking and stroking and licking until his hips lifted off the bed and he came with a groan that echoed through his body and into her mouth. Megan swallowed and stroked him gently until he sagged back into the mattress, seeming totally spent. She cleaned him up with her tongue, kissing her way up to his stomach, which quivered violently under her lips.

His arms came around her, holding her head to his chest, his breathing deep and strained, his heart beating rapidly. “That was incredible. Thank you.”

She’d never had a guy thank her for doing that before. “Figures you’re polite, even in bed.”

“Especially in bed.”

“Why am I not surprised?”

“That doesn’t mean I can’t get down and dirty, too.”

“Oh really? Do tell.”

“I’d rather
. Just give me a minute to recover, and then it’s on.”

Megan closed her eyes, smiling at the promise she heard in his voice. “Mmm, can’t wait.”

Hunter’s mind—among other things—was completely blown. She’d rocked his entire universe with what she’d done, but
her do it … That had been the single most erotic moment of his life. He’d relive it over and over again. And now, with her warm soft body curled up to his, his cock cradled between her breasts, all he wanted was more of her.

“Are you tired?” It was now after midnight, and she’d been up since the crack of dawn to work the breakfast shift.

“Not as tired as I should be.” To make her point, she dragged her breasts up over his chest, sending a surge of lust to his recently satisfied cock.

He tucked her hair behind her ears. “What time did you get up yesterday?”

“Five. Same time I’m always up—even on days off. My internal alarm goes off at the same time every day.”

“Well, that kind of sucks.”

“You know it. On Mondays, when I get to sleep in, I never make it past five.”

His hands moved down her back until he was cupping her ass cheeks. “Maybe you just need to be properly worn out.”

“Right. Like working eight hours a day doesn’t do that?”

“You work too hard.”

She shrugged. “It’s not like I have anything better to do.”

“Yes, you do.”

“Like what?”

“Your writing, for one thing. Me, for another.”

“You?” she said, laughing. “Doing you is better than working. I’ll give you that.”

“Wow, thanks. Nicest compliment I’ve ever received.”

Her quiet laughter made him smile as a wave of contentment unlike anything he’d ever experienced had him wishing this night at the Pig’s Belly would last forever.

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