And Four To Go (15 page)

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Authors: Rex Stout

Tags: #Mystery, #Crime, #Thriller, #Classic

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Nero Wolfe 30 - And Four To Go
Chapter 6

AFTER THEY WERE ALL there and Wolfe started in, it took him less than fifteen minutes to learn which one was it. I might have managed it in fifteen days, with luck. If you like games you might lean back now, close your eyes and start pushing your lips out and in, and see how long it takes you to decide how you would do it. Fair enough, since you know everything that Wolfe and I knew. But get it straight; don't try to name him or come up with evidence that would nail him; the idea is, how do you use what you now know to put the finger on him'That was what Wolfe did, and I wouldn't expect more of you than of him.

Saul Panzer, below average in size but miles above it in savvy, lived alone on the top floor-living room, bedroom, kitchenette, and bath-of a remodeled house on Thirty-eighth Street between Lexington and Third. The living room was big, lighted with two floor lamps and two table lamps, even at seven o'clock of a July evening, because the blinds were drawn. One wall had windows, another was solid with books, and the other two had pictures and shelves that were cluttered with everything from chunks of minerals to walrus tusks. In the far corner was a grand piano.

Wolfe sent his eyes around and said, 'This shouldn't take long.'

He was in the biggest chair Saul had, by a floor lamp, almost big enough for him. I was on a stool to his left and front, and Saul was off to his right, on the piano bench. The chairs of the five customers were in an arc facing him. Of course it would have been sensible and desirable to arrange the seating so that the murderer was next to either Saul or me, but that wasn't practical since we had no idea which one it was, and neither did Wolfe.

'Where's the witness?' Griffin demanded. 'Goodwin said she'd be here.'

Wolfe nodded. 'I know. Mr. Goodwin is sometimes careless with his pronouns. The witness is present.' He aimed a thumb at the piano bench. 'There. Mr. Saul Panzer, who is not only credible and confident but-'

'You said it was a woman!'

'There is another witness who is a woman; doubtless there will be others when one of you goes on trial. The urgency Mr. Goodwin spoke of relates to what Mr. Panzer will tell you. Before he does so, some explanation is required.'

'Let him talk first,' Dick Vetter said, 'and then explain. We've heard from you already.'

'I'll make it brief.' Wolfe was unruffled. 'It concerns the tape fastening on the flap of the rear entrance of the tent. As you know, Mr. Goodwin tied it before we left to go to the platform, and when he and I entered the tent later and left by the rear entrance it had been untied. By whom'Not by someone entering from the outside, since there is a witness to testify that no one had-'

James Korby cut in. 'That's the witness we want to see. Goodwin said she'd be here.'

'You'll see her, Mr. Korby, in good time. Please bear with me. Therefore the tape had been untied by someone who had entered from the front-by one of you four men. Why'The presumption is overwhelming that it was untied by the murderer, to create and support the probability that Philip Holt had been stabbed by someone who entered from the rear. It is more than a presumption; it approaches certainty. So it seemed to me that it was highly desirable, if possible, to learn who had untied the tape; and I enlisted the services of Mr. Panzer.' His head turned. 'Saul, if you please?'

Saul had his hand on a black leather case beside him on the bench. 'Do you want it all, Mr. Wolfe'How I got it?'

'Not at the moment, I think. Later, if they want to know. What you have is more important than how you got it.'

'Yes, sir.' He opened the lid of the case and took something from it. 'I'd rather not explain how I got it because it might make trouble for somebody.'

I horned in. 'What do you mean 'might''You know damn well it would make trouble for somebody.'

'Okay, Archie, okay.' His eyes went to the audience. 'What I've got is these photographs of fingerprints that were lifted from the tape on the flap of the rear entrance of the tent. There are some blurry ones, but there are four good ones. Two of the good ones are Mr. Goodwin's, and that leaves two unidentified.' He turned to the case and took things out. He cocked his head to the audience. 'The idea is, I take your prints and-'

'Not so fast, Saul.' Wolfe's eyes went right, and left again. 'You see how it is, and you understand why Mr. Goodwin said it was urgent. Surely those of you who did not untie the tape will not object to having your prints compared with the photographs. If anyone does object he cannot complain if an inference is made. Of course there is a possibility that none of your prints will match the two unidentified ones in the photographs, and in that case the results will be negative and not conclusive. Mr. Panzer has the equipment to take your prints, and he is an expert. Will you let him?'

Glances were exchanged.

'What the hell,' Vetter said. 'Mine are on file anyway. Sure.'

'Mine also,' Griffin said. 'I have no objection.'

Paul Rago abruptly exploded. 'Treeks again!'

All eyes went to him. Wolfe spoke. 'No, Mr. Rago, no tricks. Mr. Panzer would prefer not to explain how he got the photographs, but he will if you insist. I assure you-'

'I don't mean treeks how he gets them.' The sauce chef uncrossed his legs. 'I mean what you said, it was the murderer who untied the tape. That is not necessary. I can say that was a lie! When I entered the tent and looked at him it seemed to me he did not breathe good, there was not enough air, and I went and untied the tape so the air could come through. So if you take my print and find it is like the photograph, what will that prove'Nothing at all. Nuh-theeng! So I say it is treeks again, and in this great land of freedom-'

I wasn't trying to panic him. I wasn't even going to touch him. And I had the Marley.38 in my pocket, and Saul had one too, so if he had tried to start something he would have got stopped quick. But using a gun, especially in a crowd, is always bad management unless you have to, and he was twelve feet away from me, and I got up and moved merely because I wanted to be closer.

Saul had the same notion at the same instant, and the sight of us two heading for him, with all that he knew that we didn't know yet, was too much for him. He was out of his chair and plunging toward the door as I took my second step.

Then, of course, we had to touch him. I reached him first, not because I'm faster than Saul but because he was farther off. And the damn fool put up a fight, although I had him wrapped. He kicked Saul where it hurt, and knocked a lamp over, and bumped my nose with his skull. When he sank his teeth in my arm I thought, That will do for you, mister, and jerked the Marley from my pocket and slapped him above the ear, and he went down.

Turning, I saw that Dick Vetter had also wrapped his arms around someone, and she was neither kicking nor biting. In moments of stress people usually show what is really on their minds, even important public figures like TV stars. There wasn't a word about it in the columns next day.

Nero Wolfe 30 - And Four To Go
Chapter 7

I HAVE OFTEN WONDERED how Paul Rago felt when, at his trial a couple of months later, no evidence whatever was introduced about fingerprints. He knew then, of course, that it had been a treek and nothing but, that no prints had been lifted from the tape by Saul or anyone else, and that if he had kept his mouth shut and played along he might have been playing yet.

I once asked Wolfe what he would have done if that had happened.

He said. 'It didn't happen.'

I said, 'What if it had?'

He said, 'Pfui. The contingency was too remote to consider. It was as good as certain that the murderer had untied the tape. Confronted with the strong probability that it was about to be disclosed that his print was on the tape, he had to say something. He had to explain how it got there, and it was vastly preferable to do so voluntarily instead of waiting until evidence compelled it.'

I hung on. 'Okay, it was a good trick, but I still say what if?'

'And I still say it is pointless to consider remote contingencies. What if your mother had abandoned you in a tiger's cage at the age of three months'What would you have done?'

I told him I'd think it over and let him know.

As for motive, you can have three guesses if you want them, but you'll never get warm if you dig them out of what I have reported. In all the jabber in Wolfe's office that day, there wasn't one word that had the slightest bearing on why Philip Holt died, which goes to show why detectives get ulcers. No, I'm wrong; it was mentioned that Philip Holt liked women, and certainly that had a bearing. One of the women he had liked was Paul Rago's wife, an attractive blue-eyed number about half as old as her husband, and he was still liking her, and, unlike Flora Korby, she had liked him and proved it.

Paul Rago hadn't liked that.

Nero Wolfe 30 - And Four To Go
Nero Wolfe 30 - And Four To Go
Chapter 1

I WAS A LITTLE disappointed in Flora Gallant when she arrived that Tuesday morning for her eleven-o'clock appointment with Nero Wolfe. Her getup was a letdown. One of my functions as Wolfe's factotum is checking on people who phone for an appointment with him, and when I learned that Flora Gallant was one of the staff of her brother Alec's establishment on East Fifty-fourth Street, and remembered remarks a friend of mine named Lily Rowan had made about Alex Gallant, I had phoned Lily for particulars.

And got them. Gallant was crowding two others for top ranking in the world of high fashion. He thumbed his nose at Paris and sneered at Rome, and was getting away with it. He had refused to finish three dresses for the Duchess of Harwynd because she postponed flying over from London for fittings. He declined to make anything whatever for a certain famous movie actress because he didn't like the way she handled her hips when she walked. He had been known to charge as little as eight hundred dollars for an afternoon frock, but it had been for a favorite customer so he practically gave it away.

And so forth. Therefore when I opened the door to admit his sister Flora that Tuesday morning it was a letdown to see a dumpy middle-aged female in a dark gray suit that was anything but spectacular. It needed pressing, and the shoulders were too tight, and her waist wasn't where it thought it was. As I ushered her down the hall to the office and introduced her to Wolfe, I was thinking that if the shoemaker's son went barefoot I supposed his sister could too, but all the same I felt cheated.

Her conversation was no more impressive than her costume, at least at the beginning. Seated on the edge of the red leather chair beyond the end of Wolfe's desk, the fingers of both hands gripping the rim of the gray leather bag on her lap, she apologized, in a low meek mumble with just a trace of a foreign accent, for asking such an important man as Nero Wolfe to give any of his valuable time to her and her troubles. That didn't sound promising, indicating as it did that she was looking for a bargain. As she went on with it Wolfe started a frown going, and soon he cut her off by saying that it would take less of his time if she would tell him what her troubles were.

She nodded. 'I know. I just wanted you to understand that I don't expect anything for myself. I'm not anybody myself, but you know who my brother is'My brother Alec?'

'Yes. Mr. Goodwin has informed me. An illustrious dressmaker.'

'He is not merely a dressmaker. He is an artist, a great artist.' She wasn't arguing, just stating a fact. 'This trouble is about him, and that's why I must be careful with it. That's why I come to you, and also'-she sent me a glance and then back to Wolfe-'also Mr. Archie Goodwin, because I know that although you are private detectives, you are gentlemen. I know you are worthy of confidence.'

She stopped, apparently for acknowledgment. Wolfe obliged her. 'Umph.'

'Then it is understood I am trusting you?'

'Yes. You may.'

She looked at me. 'Mr. Goodwin?'

'Right. Whatever Mr. Wolfe says. I only work here.'

She hesitated, seeming to consider if that was satisfactory, decided it was, and returned to Wolfe. 'So I'll tell you. I must explain that in France, where my brother and I were born and brought up, our name was not 'Gallant.' What it was doesn't matter. I came to this country in nineteen-thirty-seven, when I was twenty-five years old, and Alex only came in nineteen-forty-five, after the war was over. He had changed his name to Gallant and entered legally under that name. Within seven years he had made a reputation as a designer, and then-Perhaps you remember his fall collection in nineteen-fifty-three?'

Wolfe grunted no.

Her right hand abandoned its grip on the bag to gesture. 'But of course you are not married, and you have no mistress, feeling as you do about women. That collection showed what my brother was-an artist, a true creator. He got financial backing, more than he needed, and opened his place on Fifty-fourth Street. I had quit my job four years earlier-my job as a governess-in order to work with him and help him, and had changed my name to have it the same as his. From nineteen-fifty-three on it has been all a triumph, many triumphs. I will not say I had a hand in them, but I have been trying to help in my little way. The glory of great success has been my brother's, but I have been with him, and so have others. But now trouble has come.'

Both hands were gripping the bag again. 'The trouble,' she said, 'is a woman. A woman named Bianca Voss.'

Wolfe made a face. She saw it and responded to it. 'No, not an affaire d'amour, I'm sure it's not that. Though my brother has never married, he is by no means insensible to women, he is very healthy about women, but since you are worthy of confidence I may tell you that he has an amie intime, a young woman who is of importance in his establishment. It is impossible that Bianca Voss has attracted him that way. She first came there a little more than a year ago. My brother had told us to expect her, so he had met her somewhere. He designed a dress and a suit for her, and they were made there in the shop, but no bill was ever sent her. Then he gave her one of the rooms, the offices, on the third floor, and she started to come every day, and then the trouble began. My brother never told us she had any authority, but she took it and he allowed her to. Sometimes she interferes directly, and sometimes through him. She pokes her nose into everything. She got my brother to discharge a fitter, a very capable woman, who had been with him for years. She has a private telephone line in her office upstairs, but no one else has. About two months ago some of the others persuaded me to try to find out about her, what her standing is, and I asked my brother, but he wouldn't tell me. I begged him to, but he wouldn't.'

'It sounds,' Wolfe said, 'as if she owns the business. Perhaps she bought it.'

Flora Gallant shook her head. 'No, she hasn't. I'm sure she hasn't. She wasn't one of the financial backers in nineteen-fifty-three, and since then there have been good profits, and anyway my brother has control. But now she's going to ruin it and he's going to let her, we don't know why. She wants him to design a factory line to be promoted by a chain of department stores using his name. She wants him to sponsor a line of Alec Gallant cosmetics on a royalty basis. And other things. We're against all of them, and my brother is too, really, but we think he's going to give in to her, and that will ruin it.'

Her fingers tightened on the bag. 'Mr. Wolfe, I want you to ruin her.'

Wolfe grunted. 'By wiggling a finger?'

'No, but you can. I'm sure you can. I'm sure she has some hold on him, but I don't know what. I don't know who she is or where she came from. I don't know what her real name is. She speaks with an accent, but not French; I'm not sure what it is. I don't know when she came to America; she may be here illegally. She may have known my brother in France, during the war. You can find out. If she has a hold on my brother you can find out what it is. If she is blackmailing him, isn't that against the law'Wouldn't that ruin her?'

'It might. It might ruin him too.'

'Not unless you betrayed him.' She swallowed that and added hastily, 'I don't mean that, I only mean I am trusting you, you said I could, and you could make her stop and that's all you would have to do. Couldn't you just do that?'

'Conceivably.' Wolfe wasn't enthusiastic. 'I fear, madam, that you're biting off more than you can chew. The procedure you suggest would be prolonged, laborious, and extremely expensive. It would probably require elaborate investigation abroad. Aside from my fee, which would not be modest, the outlay would be considerable and the outcome highly uncertain. Are you in a position to undertake it?'

'I am not rich myself, Mr. Wolfe. I have some savings. But my brother-if you get her away, if you release him from her-he is truly g9?n9?rlux-excuse me-he is a generous man. He is not stingy.'

'But he isn't hiring me, and your assumption that she is galling him may be groundless.' Wolfe shook his head. 'No. Not a reasonable venture. Unless, of course, your brother himself consults me. If you care to bring him'Or send him?'

'Oh, I couldn't!' She gestured again. 'You must see that isn't possible! When I asked him about her, I told you, he wouldn't tell me anything. He was annoyed. He is never abrupt with me, but he was then. I assure you, Mr. Wolfe, she is a villain. You are sagace-excuse me-you are an acute man. You would know it if you saw her, spoke with her.'

'Perhaps.' Wolfe was getting impatient. 'Even so, my perception of her villainy wouldn't avail. No, madam.'

'But you would know I am right.' She opened her bag, fingered in it with both hands, came out with something, left her chair to step to Wolfe's desk, and put the something on his desk pad in front of him. 'There,' she said, 'that is one hundred dollars. For you that is nothing, but it shows how I am in earnest. I can't ask her to come so you can speak with her, she would merely laugh at me, but you can. You can tell her you have been asked in confidence to discuss a matter with her and ask her to come to see you. You will not tell her what it is. She will come, she will be afraid not to, and that alone will show you she has a secret, perhaps many secrets. Then when she comes you will ask her whatever occurs to you. For that you do not need my suggestions. You are an acute man.'

Wolfe grunted. 'Everybody has secrets.'

'Yes,' she agreed, 'but not secrets that would make them afraid not to come to see Nero Wolfe. When she comes and you have spoken with her, we shall see. That may be all or it may not. We shall see.'

I do not say that the hundred bucks there on his desk in used twenties was no factor in Wolfe's decision. Even though income tax would reduce it to sixteen dollars, that would buy four days' supply of beer. Another factor was plain curiosity: would she come or wouldn't she'Still another was the chance that it might develop into a decent fee. But what really settled it was her saying. 'We shall see' instead of 'We'll see' or 'We will see.' He will always stretch a point, within reason, for people who use words as he thinks they should be used. So he muttered at her, 'Where is she?'

'At my brother's place. She always is.'

'Give Mr. Goodwin the phone number.'

'I'll get it. She may be downstairs.' She started a hand for the phone on Wolfe's desk, but I told her to use mine and left my chair, and she came and sat, lifted the receiver and dialed.

In a moment she spoke. 'Doris'Flora. Is Miss Voss around?& Oh. I thought she might have come down& No, don't bother, I'll ring her there.'

She pushed the button down, told us, 'She's up in her office,' waited a moment, released the button, and dialed again. When she spoke it was another voice, as she barely moved her lips and brought it out through her nose: 'Miss Bianca Voss'Hold the line, please. Mr. Nero Wolfe wishes to speak with you& Mr. Nero Wolfe, the private detective.'

She looked at Wolfe and he got at his phone. Having my own share of curiosity, I extended a hand for my receiver, and she let me take it and left my chair. As I sat and got it to my ear Wolfe was speaking.

'This is Nero Wolfe. Is this Miss Bianca Voss?'

'Yes.' It was more like 'yiss.' 'What do you want?' The 'wh' and the 'w' were off.

'If my name is unknown to you, I should explain-'

'I know your name. What do you want?'

'I want to invite you to call on me at my office. I have been asked to discuss certain matters with you, and-'

'Who asked you?'

'I am not at liberty to say. I shall-'

'What matters?' The 'wh' was more off.

'If you will let me finish. The matters are personal and confidential, and concern you closely. That's all I can say on the telephone. I am sure you-'

A snort stopped him, a snort that might be spelled 'Tzchaahh!' followed by: 'I know your name, yes! You are scum, I know, in your stinking sewer! Your slimy little ego in your big gob of fat! And you dare to-owulggh!'

That's the best I can do at spelling it. It was part scream, part groan, and part just noise. It was followed immediately by another noise, a mixture of crash and clatter, then others, faint rustlings, and then nothing. I looked at Wolfe and he looked at me. I spoke to my transmitter. 'Hello hello hello. Hello! Hello?'

I cradled it and so did Wolfe. Flora Gallant was asking, 'What is it'She hung up?'

We ignored her. Wolfe said, 'Archie'You heard.'

'Yes, sir. If you want a guess, something hit her and she dragged the phone along as she went down and it struck the floor. The other noises, not even a guess, except that at the end either she put the receiver back on and cut the connection or someone else did. I don't-Okay, Miss Gallant. Take it easy.' She had grabbed my arm with both hands and was jabbering, 'What is it'What happened?' I put a hand on her shoulder and made it emphatic. 'Take a breath and let go. You heard what I told Mr. Wolfe. Apparently something fell on her and then hung up the phone.'

'But it couldn't! It is not possible!'

'That's what it sounded like. What's the number'The one downstairs?'

She just gawked at me. I looked at Wolfe and he gave me a nod, and I jerked my arm loose, sat at my desk, got the Manhattan book, flipped to the Gs and got the number, PL2-0330 and dialed it.

A cultured female voice came. 'Alec Gallant Incorporated.'

'This is a friend of Miss Voss,' I told her. 'I was just speaking to her on the phone, in her office, and from the sounds I got I think something may have happened to her. Will you send someone up to see'Right away. I'll hold the wire.'

'Who is this speaking, please?'

'Never mind that. Step on it. She may be hurt.'

I heard her calling to someone, then apparently she covered the transmitter. I sat and waited. Wolfe sat and scowled at me. Flora Gallant stood for a good five minutes at my elbow, staring down at me, then turned and went to the red leather chair and lowered herself onto its edge. I looked at my wristwatch: 11:40. It had said 11:31 when the connection with Bianca Voss had been cut. More waiting, and then a male voice came.



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