Ancient Rome: An Introductory History (9 page)

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Authors: Paul A. Zoch

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Page 39
(See the description of the classes in chapter 4.) It elected the magistrates, approved laws recommended by the Senate, declared war, and heard appeals of citizens condemned for capital crimes. R met on the Field of Mars outside the city, since armies were not allowed past the
into the city.
The Consilium Plebis, or Popular Assembly, was an assembly of the common people that elected the tribunes. Eventually this assembly could pass laws, at first with the approval of the Senate, and later without Senate approval. A law passed by the Popular Assembly was called a
, "a vote by the people").
The Priests
Rome had a state religion. Under the monarchy the king was in charge of religion; during the early republic religious duties were overseen by the
rex sacrorum
(king for the sacred rites). Eventually this official was superseded by the college of priests, the
. Chief among them was the pontifex maximus, who lived in a state-owned house called the Regia. The
were advisory to the consuls and Senate; they had no formal power, but the magistrates were expected to heed their advice. The
had power over the Vestal Virgins, the augurs, the
(who examined the vital organs of animals to foretell the future), and the
, who were priests serving one god in particular.
Page 40
Chapter 7
Traitors and Heroes of the Early Republic
Once Tarquin the Proud had been expelled, in 509
, Brutus and Collatinus assumed the leadership of the infant republic, as Rome's first consuls. Brutus promptly added three hundred members of the equestrian class to the Senate, whose numbers had been depleted by Tarquin's political murders. These senators were called conscripts (in Latin,
partes conscripti
) to distinguish them from the original senatorial families.
Collatinus served only a part of his term. His name,
Collatinus, so frightened the citizens with their newly acquired liberty that they asked him to resign; although stunned by the request, Collatinus complied and went into voluntary exile.
Publius Valerius replaced Collatinus, but he too came under suspicion of aiming for monarchy. First, he began building a house set high on a hill, which could be made into a fortress and used for looking down upon the citizens. Second, when his colleague Brutus died (see below), he did not seek a replacement for him. To reassure the common people, Valerius had his house torn down and rebuilt on the lowest part of the hill, so they could all look down upon him, and he also started the custom of having the
lowered in the presence of the people, to show that the power and greatness of the people were greater than that of the consul. Later Romans also believed (contrary to modern scholarship) that Valerius passed a law guaranteeing that a citizen convicted of a capital offence could appeal the sentence to the citizens. For the respect and love that Valerius showed the common people, he earned the nickname Poplicola (Lover of the People).
Page 41
Brutus Executes His Sons
During his consulship Brutus faced an attempt by some Romans to recall Tarquin, the exiled former king. Tarquin had sent a mission to Rome ostensibly to recover his property, but in reality to stir up unrest among the nobles, who (according to the members of the mission) would suffer the most under the rule of law of the republic: Under the rule of a friendly king, the nobles could be forgiven for petty violations of the law, but blind justice in a community ruled by law was incapable of showing favor. The conspiracy succeeded in drawing Brutus' sons, Titus and Tiberius, into the conspiracy. The members of the conspiracy signed letters pledging their support for Tarquin. A loyal slave, however, overheard their plans and reported the conspiracy to the consuls, to whom the signed letters gave absolute proof of the members' involvement in the conspiracy.
The consuls took immediate action, arresting and imprisoning the conspirators. The punishment for conspiring to bring back the kings was death, and since one of the duties of the consuls was to administer justice, Brutus was required to pass judgment on his own sons. The prisonersincluding Titus and Tiberiuswere stripped, flogged, and beheaded. The slave who had reported the conspiracy was rewarded with freedom and Roman citizenship.
Brutus did not need his consular powers to execute his sons: As
, or "father of the family," he had the father's absolute power of life and death, called
patria potestas
, over his children.
Tarquin, frustrated in that attempt to regain supreme power in Rome, now persuaded the Etruscans to help him. Rome won the battle that followed, but lost its liberator, Brutus. Tarquin's son Arruns had seen Brutus on the battlefield and furiously charged toward him for a duel; Brutus took up the challenge, and in the duel they killed each other. Tarquin next sought help from Lars Porsenna, the king of the Etruscan city Clusium. Porsenna and his city at that time were very powerful, and the citizens of Rome thus became very worried about the approaching war with him.
Page 42
Horatius at the Bridge
Horatius Cocles (One-eyed Horatius) stands out as a hero in the battle that soon followed. Horatius and other Roman soldiers were guarding Rome's one vulnerable point, the Pons Sublicius, when the Etruscans suddenly attacked. The Romans, caught by surprise, lost their customary discipline and fled, but Horatius stayed at his post. Having stopped as many of the fleeing Romans as he could, he convinced them to destroy the bridge behind him, to prevent the Etruscans from having a clear path to the city, while he held back the Etruscan army.
He strides to the first part of the bridge, easily distinguished from those Romans with their backs turned in flight from the fighting. In his hands, his weapons, ready for engaging in hand-to-hand combat; the enemy was stunned, marveling at his recklessness. Fear of disgrace convinced two men, Spurius Larcius and Titus Herminius, both famous by birth and deeds, to stay with him. With them he survived the first storm of danger and the most chaotic part of the battle. Then, since only a little part of the bridge remained, he forced them too to seek safety with those who were destroying the bridge.
Casting his fiery eyes threateningly upon the Etruscan nobles, Horatius now challenged them one by one to combat, or he thundered at them all that they, simply a pack of slaves of overbearing kings, were coming to assail the freedom of others, since they no longer knew what freedom was. They hesitated for a moment, each waiting for the others to start the battle. At last shame made them advance, and raising a shout on all sides, they all cast their javelins at their solitary enemy. When the javelins stuck on Horatius' raised shield, he no less stubbornly controlled the bridge with his formidable presence; then, when they were about to try to thrust him aside with an attack, they were filled with sudden fear at the sound of the bridge crashing down and the Romans' joyful shouting, and held up their attack.
Then Horatius says, ''I beg you, sacred Father Tiber, to receive these weapons and this soldier into your gentle flow." Thus, he jumped, weapons and all, into the Tiber and, despite the many missiles falling from above, swam safely to his friends. (Livy II.10.5-11)

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