Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited (16 page)

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Authors: S. L. Morgan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Historical, #Science Fiction, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: Ancient Guardians: The Uninvited
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pon returning to the palace, Reece and Simone entered one of the sitting rooms where the servants had tea prepared.
Just my luck I run into Simone on the one day everybody else has something to do,
Reece thought as she pondered excuses to dismiss herself.

“I have not been in this room since the afternoon Levi came back, hostilely upset with me,” Simone said, as she poured the tea. She handed Reece a cup and sat down. “That was such a dreadful experience, and I have never been more frightened of Levi.”

Reece took a sip of her tea and glanced out toward the valley, wishing by some miracle Levi would ride up the hill and rescue her from having to be in the company of Simone.

Simone continued, “Even though my father and Emperor Navarre were in the room, I truly believed he would harm me.”

Reece restrained herself from rolling her eyes when she looked at Simone. “I think we were all in shock by what took place.”

Simone managed a faint smile. “I deserved his wrath, I am aware of that now.” She cleared her throat and sipped her tea delicately. “I can’t forgive myself for the danger I put him and all of the Guardians through.” Simone clutched her teacup tightly as she stared at the fireplace. “It wasn’t supposed to happen in such a way. None of it.” Her features darkened as she looked back at Reece. “Michael only made things worse…I’ve heard he is missing. I wish there was something I could do to help locate him.”

Yeah, I’ll bet you do,
Reece thought as she struggled to believe anything Simone was saying. She took a sip of her tea and inhaled deeply. “Emperor Navarre is confident they will find him, it’s just going to take time. You of all people should know that since your father is the Guardians’ commander.”

“My relationship with my father has become increasingly nonexistent. He will hardly look at me anymore; I don’t know what to do to make things right with him again.”

Before Reece could respond, a sharp pain jolted between her eyes. She gripped the bridge of her nose to ease the pain. As suddenly as the pain came over her, it left, along with the tension that had been building in her.

“Are you okay, Reece?” Simone asked with concern.

Reece exhaled and glanced over at the concerned expression on Simone’s face. With her tension now subsiding, she felt more relaxed in the woman’s presence. “I’m fine,” she said with a smile. “I’m sure everything with your father will work itself out in time. For now, let’s just move forward.”

“I would like that very much.” Simone brushed her ebony hair over her shoulder and smiled warmly, “Please tell me; how is the celebration planning coming along?” Simone asked with excitement. “I have heard that this celebration will be traditional wedding ceremony from Earth and will be Pemdas’ biggest event yet. Everyone is talking about it.”

Reece smiled in return. “I’m having a wonderful time making the plans with Allestaine and Elizabeth. It’s a little intimidating when I think about how many people will be here for it though.”

“Do not fear,” Simone said with a giggle. “You will be marvelous, I have no doubt.”

For the next hour or so, the two women found enjoyment in each other’s company. Reece was amazingly relaxed in Simone’s presence, and could see the woman’s genuine excitement for her and Levi’s engagement. Simone offered her ideas, and her willingness to help with the engagement party. Reece’s discomfort of the woman had vanished entirely, and she found herself enjoying Simone’s visit immensely.

Knowing it was close to the time to meet Allestaine for lunch, they stood and made their way from the room. Upon their exit, a servant met them at the doorway.

“Miss Bryant, I have been sent to notify you that Empress Allestaine has been delayed a while longer. She has asked to postpone lunch for an hour from now, if that is agreeable to you.”

Reece smiled. “That’s fine, thank you.”

“Have you been to the palace’s flower gardens yet to pick the flowers you will be using for the table centerpieces?” Simone asked, as the servant left. “It will give us something to do before lunch is served.”

“That sounds nice,” Reece responded cheerfully.

The ladies walked out of the palace and down to the garden. They strolled leisurely through the garden, discussing more about the engagement party. After perusing the many different varieties of flowers the gardens had to offer, the women decided they should head back for lunch. Before they turned to leave, Simone stopped Reece.

“Reece, wait here; there is one more particular flower I wish you to see. Allow me to find out if it has bloomed yet. I will return in a moment.”

Reece smiled in return and nodded. She and Simone had picked a variety of flowers, and Reece held the bunch of fresh blooms in her hands, studying the uniqueness of their appearance. She brought the bouquet up to inhale of the rich fragrance of the blossoms. While absorbing the delightful scents, her heart stopped when she was scooped up into strong arms.

She had only a moment to acknowledge that it was Levi before his mouth claimed hers in an enthusiastic kiss. Reece ran her fingers through his hair, welcoming the eager and powerful kiss.

“Oh!” Simone said, with surprise in her voice.

Seemingly annoyed with the interruption, Levi slowly withdrew his lips from Reece’s, and placed her feet back on the ground. Reece glanced up and saw Levi standing rigidly, staring ominously at Simone. She gently held his stiff arm, hoping that it would calm him.

“Simone,” he acknowledged her.

Simone’s cheeks turned crimson. “Levi, please forgive me for interrupting you two. If I may be so bold, I am surprised to see you here,” Simone stammered.

“I believe you have stolen the very words right out of my mouth, madam. May I inquire as to what business you could possibly have at our home?”

“Since my father is here, I decided to use the opportunity to express my deepest apologies to Reece for my despicable actions last month. I also wanted to congratulate her properly on your engagement,” Simone pleasantly responded, as she approached where Levi and Reece stood.

Reece looked up at Levi for his response; all she found was his tight-set jaw, and his darkened eyes staring down at Simone speculatively.

“I am afraid your business must wait. I have plans to steal my intended wife away for the afternoon. I have not had the pleasure of her company for quite some time.” He looked down at Reece. “If that is agreeable to you?”

“It sounds wonderful. Although, I think your mother and sister are waiting for us to have lunch with them,” Reece replied with a smile.

“I have already met with my mother, and she is aware of my plans.” He brought his attention back to Simone. “If you’ll excuse us.”

“Yes, of course,” Simone answered him with a faint smile. “Have a delightful afternoon together. I shall see you both at dinner tonight.”

“Very well, then,” Levi responded, dismissing her with a quick nod.

Simone gave Reece one last encouraging smile, and quickly strode toward the palace.

Levi exhaled and turned to look at Reece. He wound his arms around her waist and pulled her closer into him.

“This is a nice surprise!” Reece said as she embraced him. “Javian told me earlier that you wouldn’t be back for at least a week.” She squeezed him tighter, “It’s so good to have you home.”

Levi rested his chin on top of her head. “I am grateful to have you in my arms again; I have missed you.” He sighed softly. “It appears I have returned in excellent time. I had no idea that woman had come back to the palace.”

“It’s fine. She arrived this morning, and I really think she is a changed woman.”

Levi withdrew from Reece so that he could study her. “A changed woman?” Both of his eyebrows shot up in shock.

Reece looked adoringly into his eyes. “Levi, she’s apologized to me more than once, and I figured it would be best to make peace with her. Your parents forgave her; don’t you think it’s time we do the same?”

His expression softened in response, and he smiled. “Whether or not you or anyone else forgives her, my opinion of that woman will not change. I do not trust her.” He brushed the back of his fingers along her cheek. “And I do not trust her alone with you.”

“I understand, but—”

“Reece,” Levi interrupted her, with some reproach in his tone. “I have no issue with you forgiving her; truly you are a better person than I. I also will not try to dissuade you from your opinions; I only ask that you be cautious in her presence.” He softly let out his breath. “For now, I wish to speak no more of Simone.”

Should she have expected a different reaction from him? Strangely, she didn’t really know what came over her to forgive Simone so easily. Maybe it was the excitement of planning their engagement party; she was unsure. She wouldn’t argue with Levi on this issue though; he had every right to feel the way he did.

“Let’s change the subject then. So,” she tilted her head up and kissed him tenderly on his chin, “you were saying something about spending the day out with your intended wife?”

Levi’s vibrant blue eyes glistened as they stared down into hers. He clasped both her hands in his. “You are correct. But before we leave, I must ask you to return to your room and change.”

“What exactly do you have planned?” Reece asked.

Levi laughed at her response as he offered his arm. “You will find out soon enough. Come, there are a few additional arrangements that must be made while I await your return.”

Levi escorted Reece back to her room. “When you are finished, I will be waiting for you in the courtyard.” A tiny smile drew up in one corner of his mouth as he winked and turned to walk away.

Reece walked into her room and toward the sofa, where she came across two large white boxes wrapped elaborately with red velvet bows. With no sign of Jasmeen, she approached the boxes and saw that they had been addressed to her from Levi.

She picked up the folded card that lay on one of the boxes and slid her finger under the red wax seal. Her heart raced with anticipation as she read Levi’s penned note.


Upon your request, I arranged to have this outfit tailored for you. I hope it will meet with your expectations.


Reece reached into the box and pulled out an English-style riding jacket. She held it up and examined it. The jacket was crimson in color, with silver trim, along with silver buttons that had tiny arrows engraved on them.

Reece was reminded of their conversation when she had asked him for a riding outfit like this the morning he left Stavesworth Hall. Given his reaction and response, she assumed that she would have to get used to riding in long dresses living in Pemdas.
Should have known he was giving me a hard time,
she thought with a grin

She explored further and found taupe riding pants to complete the ensemble. Without hesitation, she opened the second box and found tall, black leather riding boots. Reece was overjoyed, and scooped up her new riding outfit and made her way toward the closet to change into it, and get back to Levi. She nearly ran into Jasmeen as the maiden was walking out of her wardrobe closet.

Jasmeen smiled. “I must say, I was skeptical when Master Levi approached me for your measurements; however, I couldn’t bring myself to dissuade him. I have never known the young master to be so excited about anything. Now,” she held out her hands for the outfit, “let’s get you ready,” she said with a smile.

Reece stared at her reflection in the mirror and giggled with excitement. She looked like a perfectly polished equestrienne. The outfit was impeccable. Jasmeen finished making sure her lapel was straight, and with a quick tug on the tails of the coat, she confirmed to Reece that she was prepared to leave. “Now, is there anything more that you require?” Jasmeen asked.

“I’m ready to go. Thank you, Jasmeen,” she answered, and swiftly left the room to meet Levi.

As Reece walked out into the courtyard, she smiled widely at the scene before her. She stood in silence, admiring Levi as he adjusted the straps on Areion’s saddle. He was so impossibly handsome, and she was so thankful he was home. Her heart responded gleefully when she saw Arrow standing at Levi’s side. As Levi turned to his left to adjust the halter on the colt, he noticed Reece, quietly watching him from the top step.

Without hesitation, he marched up the steps to her, and pulled her into a tightened embrace. He withdrew from her leisurely, and glanced down at her in her riding outfit. “Do you approve of the riding attire? I must say, it agrees with you perfectly.”

“I love it! Thank you. I really believed that you were against my riding a horse in an outfit like this.”

Levi chuckled as he led her down to where the horses waited. “I would never deny you anything that you desire; especially if that desire happens to be in regard to one of my greatest enjoyments.”

Levi escorted her down to the horses, where she noticed a new halter on Arrow. It was crimson with a silver plate, engraved with Arrow’s name.

“This is beautiful,” she said, as she traced her fingers along the letters.

“I disagree; it is a horse’s halter, and therefore, it is hardly beautiful.” He bent down to kiss her. “You are beautiful.” He gave Arrow a sturdy clap on his shoulder. “I deemed it was necessary. Your new outfit should match your horse in some manner. Since Arrow still has a few more weeks until he is ready for the saddle, I decided upon having this custom halter made for him instead.” His brilliant eyes sparkled as he grinned at her.

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