Ancient Enemy (11 page)

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Authors: Mark Lukens

BOOK: Ancient Enemy
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Cole ran to
the bathroom door. Jose was right behind him, his gun drawn. Cole pounded on the bathroom door. “Trevor!” he called out. “You okay in there?”

No answer.

“Trevor, answer me! Are you okay?!”

Still no answer.

Cole tried the door handle. It wasn’t locked, but it seemed like the door was stuck. “Trevor! Trevor, open the door!”

Trevor wasn’t answering them.

Cole looked at Jose who stood next to him, his gun in his hand. “I’m going to break the door down. You get ready to shoot if you have to.”

Jose nodded – he was ready.

“But be careful,” Cole told Jose. “Let’s see what’s going on before you start blasting away.”

“Yeah, man. I’m not going to shoot you.”

“I don’t want any accidents,” Cole said, then he turned back to face the bathroom door. “Trevor, I’m going to break this door down!”

Cole still heard nothing from inside the bathroom. He backed up a step and slammed his shoulder into the door and it almost caved in immediately. Cole backed up another step, ready to ram it again with his shoulder. He had played high school football, strong safety position, and he knew how to hit with his shoulder. Trevor had played high school ball too, his mind whispered, but he pushed the thought away. He didn’t want to think of Trevor in the past tense, but he couldn’t help feeling a knot of dread worming its way through his body. He rammed the door again with his shoulder, and this time it flew open and slammed against the wall.

The bathroom was empty. Trevor was gone.

Cole entered the bathroom, looking around in shock. Everything looked the same in the bathroom except for two things: Trevor wasn’t there and the bathroom window was wide open and damaged around the edges. Cole walked towards the damaged window, the toilet right underneath the window. The toilet lid was up and Trevor’s gun was on the toilet tank lid.

“Look,” Jose whispered from behind Cole. “Look at the fucking window.”

The freezing air from outside invaded the bathroom through the busted and damaged window.

Cole hurried to the window.

“What the fuck?” Jose said from behind Cole as he followed him to the window. “You think Trevor went out that window?” But it didn’t seem possible, he thought. The window was too small for a man to fit through.

Cole didn’t answer Jose. He drew his gun and pointed it out the window, looking around as much as he could see. “Trevor!” he called. “You out there?!”

No answer from outside, no sound except the freezing wind.

Cole stuck his head and arm out the window; it was as much of his body as he could comfortably fit. The sleeves of his shirt brushed against the splintered wooden frame and the small bits of jagged glass that were still imbedded in the wood. He aimed his gun around outside, ready to fire if he needed to, and he tried to look everywhere at once. But there were no tracks in the snow; there was no blood in the snow, no splinters of wood or broken glass in the snow that Cole could see. He looked at the trees in the distance; there was no movement in the trees, nothing out here at all except the lonely wilderness.


Trevor did not shout back.

“Cole, look at the window.”

Cole pulled himself back inside and studied the splintered wood around the window. The wood was cracked in many places, almost like the wood had been twisted by some unimaginable force, like something too big for the window had been pulled through quickly. But what was more disturbing were what looked like claw marks grooved into the wood at the bottom of the window sill, like fingernails had tried to hold onto the wood. And then Cole found the piece of a human fingernail stuck in the groove of the window sill where the window would have come down if it was still there. It was nearly a whole fingernail with blood and a small piece of flesh stuck to the end of it, like it had snapped off completely from a finger.

Trevor’s finger.

Cole’s mind buzzed with panic. Trevor was gone. His little brother was gone. Someone had pulled his brother out through the window. And they hadn’t heard anything in the living room except the crashing of glass and snapping of wood. No screams from Trevor. No gunshots. Trevor hadn’t even gone for his gun; it was still here on the toilet tank lid.

How was this possible?

But Cole didn’t care how, he didn’t even care why at this moment, the only thing he could think of was going outside and finding his brother. He could feel a rage building up inside of him, a rage he hadn’t felt in so long, a rage that could make him kill someone.

Cole grabbed Trevor’s gun and shoved it down in the waistband of his pants. He brushed past Jose and ran out of the bathroom.

Jose turned to follow him. “Wait a minute, Cole! Where are you going?” Jose ran after Cole who ran right past the dining room table and straight for the front door.

“Wait for me,” Jose said to Cole.

But before Cole and Jose even reached the front door, still half a dozen steps away from it, something pelted the front door from outside. Whatever hit the door sounded solid, but it also gave a wet thump when it hit the door.

Cole stopped in his tracks and stared at the door, his gun still in his hand.

Jose stopped, too. He was only a few steps behind Cole. They waited a split second, but it felt like an eternity until they heard the next sounds – it sounded like dozens of objects pelting the front door all at the same time.

“Oh God, no,” Cole whispered, and then he ran for the door. He unlocked the deadbolt with trembling fingers, still trying to hold his gun in his hand.

“Wait a minute, Cole,” Jose said from behind him.

But Cole didn’t hear Jose. He didn’t hear or see anything around him; it had all faded away into a white noise. All he could think about was getting to Trevor before it was too late.

Cole unlocked the small lock on the door handle, twisted the knob and swung the door open and stood in the doorway.

It was too late for Trevor.


Needles wouldn’t stop
screaming. It was an insane scream. It was the screaming from someone whose mind had finally snapped. After seeing what was on the front porch, Needles’ grip on sanity was nearly gone.

Jose was still a few steps behind Cole who stood in the doorway staring down at the carnage littering the floorboards of the front porch. His body blocked much of what Jose could see, but he did notice the splatters of blood on the front door of the cabin. He didn’t want to see what was out there, he didn’t want to make his feet move forward, but he had to – he had to back Cole up. He moved to the side of the doorway, nearly beside Cole, but still a few steps behind him, his gun up and ready to shoot. But his gun hand dropped back down as he lost the strength in his body.

Stella let out a cry from the couch and turned David away from the gore on the porch. But she hadn’t been quick enough; she knew David had seen it, even if only for a few seconds. But David let her guide his face away even though they had seen this before, they had seen things like this at the dig site in New Mexico.

Cole stared down in horror at the pieces of Trevor’s body scattered on the floorboards of the front porch: pieces of Trevor’s arms, pieces of his legs, pieces of his flesh; some of the pieces were the size of small hams or turkeys. Most of the pieces of Trevor’s body still had clothing stuck to them, the cloth held in place by the drying blood which was so dark in some places it was almost black. A femur bone was splintered at the end of a chunk of flesh that used to be part of Trevor’s thigh; the fabric of the jeans was still wrapped around the skin of the leg. Trevor had been cut apart – no, it looked more like he’d been ripped apart, torn apart.

“No …” that was the only word Cole could utter. He could feel his stomach churning, the last meal and coffee he’d eaten and drank threatening to come back up.

Trevor. His brother. His little brother.

The worst part was Trevor’s head. It was right there in the middle of the pieces of his body. The head was upright and the eyes were staring at him; flaps of skin from Trevor’s neck were spread out underneath the chin like lily pads. Trevor’s mouth hung open in a silent scream. His eyes were wide open, staring at Cole; perhaps those eyes were still seeing their last image on earth – some unimaginable horror that had pulled him out through the bathroom window and torn him to pieces.

“Oh God, Cole,” Jose yelled from behind Cole. “Shut the fucking door!”

Cole still stood in front of the doorway. He wanted to look away from these pieces that used to be his brother, but he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away.

Jose moved into action; he could see that Cole wasn’t going to move, he was too paralyzed by shock. Jose hurried around Cole and slammed the front door shut, and then he twisted the lock on the door handle and then turned the deadbolt lock.

Cole finally came alive; he stared at Jose with a hatred burning in his eyes. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

Jose stood his ground. “They’re out there. We need to shut the door. Get ready to defend ourselves.”

“Trevor … he’s out there …”

“We can’t do anything for him now! He’s gone!”

Cole stared at Jose.

Needles’ screams had died down, but now he was whimpering as he cowered in his recliner, staring at the front door like he was waiting for it to suddenly crash open. “I told you, Cole,” Needles cried. “I told you it was the devil out there! I told you the devil was coming for us!”

“Shut the fuck up, Needles!” Jose screamed at him.

“I told you when we first got here that we shouldn’t go inside this cabin. I told you we couldn’t stay here. And now it’s too late. Now the devil’s here and there’s nothing we can do.”

Jose stomped across the room, his gun aimed at Needles who cowered back into the recliner even more. “I said, shut the fuck up, or I swear to God I’m going to blow your fucking head off.”

The cabin was suddenly quiet.

Stella held onto David, her body was nearly in front of his body, protecting him. She knew what was coming next.

She watched Cole who stared at the front door like he wanted to open it again, like he wanted to see his brother one more time, but he didn’t want to see him like that.

Then Cole looked right at her.

And Stella saw the rage in his eyes. He marched across the wood floor, his boots thumped on the wood as his long legs made the trip across the floor in a few strides. He stood in front of her, stared down at her. And she was afraid of him at this moment; afraid he would snap and kill her and David.

“Who’s out there?” he growled at her.

“I don’t know,” Stella told him.

“They killed my brother. If you don’t tell me …” Cole began.

“I swear to God I don’t know,” Stella said quickly, interrupting his words. “That’s the truth. I don’t know what it is. How many times do I have to tell you?”

Cole stared at her.

“I already told you what I know,” Stella continued. “At the dig site in New Mexico, it was like this. Something was taking us one by one. I took David and we managed to get to my truck and get away.”

“How come your truck wasn’t destroyed there like it was here?”

Stella paused for a moment, and then she answered him. “I don’t know.”

Jose paced across the living room floor, his gun still in his hand. His eyes flicked to the front door and windows every few seconds. “I told you, Cole. I told you earlier that you were making a big mistake.”

Cole tried to tune out Jose’s voice.

“We should’ve questioned her more,” Jose went on. “We should’ve started putting bullets in that kid’s knees until she told us everything we wanted to know.”

Cole’s stomach churned at the thought of shooting a small child in the kneecaps.

“She’s just bullshitting with us,” Jose continued as he paced. “She’s just playing fucking mind games with us. There’s no monsters out there. There’s no devils. It’s just some people out there. And either Frank’s working with them or they’re making Frank work with them. I don’t know. I don’t care, but it’s just some people out there and it’s all about the money.”

“That’s enough, Jose,” Cole said.

Jose stopped pacing. They all watched him as his face scrunched in anger and hurt. “You’re still gonna stand by that bitch even after your brother was killed by those people out there, the people that she’s protecting?”

Cole turned and marched towards Jose.

Jose tensed his body, ready for a fight, but Cole walked right past him and into the kitchen.

“What are you doing?” Jose asked Cole.

Stella could feel David clinging to her arm; she could feel his quick breaths as he held on to her. He was so scared, and he had a right to be. It took a while before they wanted to kill David down in New Mexico, but here it would be happening much more quickly, she was sure of that.

Cole searched through the bottom cabinets until he found what he was looking for – a box of heavy duty black garbage bags. He turned and saw the expression on Jose’s face. “I can’t leave my brother out there like that,” was all Cole offered for an explanation. Cole searched other drawers and cabinets until he found a bag of rubber dishwashing gloves. He slipped his coat and leather gloves on. Then he slid the rubber gloves on over his leather gloves. The rubber gloves were a loose fit over his hands which might interfere with his fingers when he held his gun, but he had to take that chance. He needed to do this for his brother.

Cole grabbed the box of garbage bags from the counter and walked towards the front door.

“So that’s it?” Jose said as he followed Cole to the door. “You’re just going to let that bitch and that kid sit there on the couch while those people out there pick us off one by one?”

“I’m not torturing anyone,” Cole muttered. “And that’s it.”

You don’t know what you’re going to do soon, Stella thought to herself. You’ll do things you never thought you were capable of. But she couldn’t tell them that. She knew that between these three men, Cole was her best chance of staying alive, the only one who seemed opposed to the idea of either torturing or killing her and David, or just leaving her and David here in the cabin while they ran.

Stella knew what Cole would see next. She wanted to warn him, but she couldn’t. She couldn’t reveal how much she knew, how much she and David had seen. Not yet anyway. Their lives depended on it.

Cole was about to grab the door handle and open the front door, but he turned to Jose. “I’m going to get my brother off that porch and then I’m going to find those motherfuckers out there, whoever they are, and I’m going to kill them.”

Jose started to say something, but he didn’t. The look in Cole’s eyes stopped him. He wasn’t afraid of Cole, but he was wary of him. And there was a look in Cole’s eyes like he’d never seen before.

“Wait, I’ll help you,” Jose said and he rushed back into the kitchen for another pair of dishwashing gloves.

Cole opened the front door, about to walk out onto the porch. But he froze, he stood very still as he stared at the front porch.

Jose rushed up behind Cole and saw what Cole was looking at. Jose just stared. “What the hell?” he whispered.

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