Ancient Aliens on the Moon (38 page)

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The “Power Plant.”

NASA enhancement of Visible Camera Image from LCROSS Shepherding Spacecraft.

So what had happened?

Well, as usual, my co-author on
Dark Mission
, Richard C. Hoagland, was right on top of it. Seven days later, NASA claimed that the Centaur impact (which was supposed to be the big one) had generated a feeble few “bright pixels” on the Shepherding Spacecraft’s visual light camera. They released an image showing what they purported to be the “plume.”

Instead, what it showed was the Centaur booster had crashed into an area that was covered in geometric shapes, and had apparently failed to generate a plume because it had crashed through into a vast complex below the lunar surface. It seemed obvious from the images that what NASA was claiming as the “plume” was actually a reflection off of some kind of tubing or structure under the surface. So in attempting to find water, NASA had instead inadvertently “bombed” an Ancient Alien underground base.

Enhancement showing geometric substructure beneath the lunar surface in the crater Caebeus.

Which should just about wrap it up as far as the doubters are concerned.



hrough the course of these pages, we have seen what I consider to be indisputable proof that there was once an Ancient Alien presence on the Moon on a vast scale. We’ve looked at the early histories of lunar anomalies, from the inexplicable bright flashes to the odd color changes and “vaporous” appearance of these transient events. We have come up with a theory to account for these early observations, and then had that theory—that these bright reflections are intense specular reflections off a titanic glass meteor shield constructed eons ago—confirmed. We’ve seen the otherwise inexplicable Surveyor 6 image of the Sun’s light bent around the lunar surface exactly as an atmosphere would. We’ve seen the Apollo 15 Trans Lunar Injection photo showing the mysterious “airglow” layer around the Moon—a layer of glass. We’ve seen the Tower and the Shard and the Crisium Spire, all indisputable evidence that this glass shield exists, even if it has been battered and beaten almost to dust in certain places. And we’ve seen the ground truth; the domes over the Cleomedes craters, the odd structures on the rim of Tycho, the astonishing ruins surrounding Copernicus crater, and the stunning reality of the Daedalus Ziggurat. But even with all of this, we are left with a few final questions; who built these structures? And more importantly, what happened to them?

Up until now, our search for Ancient Aliens on the Moon has been like a police procedural TV show, gathering evidence, making suppositions, looking for supporting evidence. But now, we must delve into the realm of the purely speculative.

The question of who built them would seem to be an easy one to answer. If we believe in the history books that teach us that we went from dumb old cavemen with stone tools and bearskins to smart, modern us with our hydrogen bombs and our striped toothpaste in one straight line, then they
be alien ruins. They must have come from somewhere else. Whether it was the giant
of the bible, the bug-eyed Grays of the modern motif or the proverbial little green men, they weren’t human. Not in any way. Yet, so much of what we see on the Moon looks
It looks like stuff that we would build. The architecture has a
feel to it. How then to explain that?

If the Ancient Alien theory implies anything, it is that perhaps we did not evolve in that simple straight line from caveman to quarterback. That there were some ups and downs in between.

In my previous books,
Dark Mission
The Choice
, I pointed out the substantial and credible evidence to support this idea, so I won’t recite all of it here. But I’m drawn again to the Hopi prophecies I discussed in
The Choice.
The Hopi tell us that this is the 4
world of Man, and that the previous 3 worlds were destroyed in unimaginable catastrophes of their own making. In the last World they say, our intellects had become so vast that we had many technological inventions not seen yet in this World. Inventions that would have enabled us to build bases on the Moon, and presumably elsewhere in the solar system. Maybe we even built a race of sentient robots,
if you will—to do the dangerous work on the Moon and to make our lives easier. Maybe that’s what “Data’s Head” is.

I think that is some of what we’re seeing on these images. We’re seeing the last remnants of that previous version of Man. We’re seeing the bases and habitats and industries and machines that they left behind when they were overtaken by whatever disaster struck them down.

Yet clearly, some of these ruins are older than that. What kind of technology could re-shape a mountain in to a hexagonal structure made of titanium and glass, and towering miles above the Taurus-Littrow valley? What kind of technology can plow and modify the landscape around Daedalus and Copernicus, the way
did so long ago? Those kinds of efforts seem beyond the simple technologies we can imagine. They seem almost god-like.

So I think in the end we’re seeing a bit of both. Some of what we’ve found on the Moon is Alien, built by a civilization that has no relationship to human beings. But some of it—a lot of it in fact—was built by somebody else. Somebody a bit more closely related to us. Maybe that’s what Neil Armstrong meant when he said “That’s one small step for Man… one giant leap for Mankind.” Maybe he didn’t make a mistake in that speech at all. Maybe what he was heralding was the return of a genetically related “Mankind” to their proper place amongst the stars.

As to what happened to the builders, be they humanoid or Ancient Alien, it looks to me like some of what is left was simply abandoned. Whoever was doing whatever they were doing on our Moon finished their project and left. What they left behind has been slowly decaying ever since. Other parts of these ruins look more haphazard, like they were suddenly and decisively overwhelmed by the cataclysm the Hopi talk about. Whatever the reasons, it seems clear that what we’ve found in the pages of this book is very ancient, and very dead.

And those facts would also help explain why NASA has been less than curious and far from cooperative in pursuing this line of thinking. The Brooking Report told them to keep quiet if they found evidence of ET ruins around the solar system. But what if they not only found that, but found evidence that these godlike ET’s got their asses kicked by some unimaginable catastrophe? That, it seems to me, would be reason enough to suppress (but not completely hide) what they really found on the Moon. After all, there is always that first, uncomfortable question at the proverbial press conference if you announce that Aliens once roamed the Moon:

“Excuse me, what happened to them?”

In my next book,
Ancient Aliens on Mars
, I will examine this possible solar system wide catastrophe in greater detail, right down to the timing of it. But for now, what seems more important is to assume that the Moon holds many mysteries, as we’ve now seen, many surprises, as we now know, and perhaps, many answers, as we now hope.

So it’s time to go back. And this time, tell the truth about what we find.

Mike Bara is a
New York Times
Bestselling author and lecturer. He began his writing career after spending more than 25 years as an engineering consultant for major aerospace companies, where he was a card-carrying member of the Military/Industrial complex. A self-described “Born Again conspiracy theorist,” Mike’s first book
Dark Mission-The Secret History of NASA
(co-authored with the venerable Richard C. Hoagland) was a New York Times bestseller in 2007.
The Choice
from New Page Books was published in 2010.

Mike has made numerous public appearances lecturing on the subjects of space science, NASA, physics and the link between science and spirit, and has been a featured guest on radio programs like Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. He is a regular contributor to the History Channel programs “Ancient Aliens” and “America’s Book of Secrets,” both of which are now showing on the H2 channel.

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