Anarchy of the Heart

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Authors: Max Sebastian

Tags: #Erotica, #Sex, #couples, #oral sex, #contemporary erotica, #straight sex, #stranger sex, #partner swap

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Anarchy of the Heart



An Erotic Novel in Three Volumes



By Max Sebastian




Volume One - Making Her Blush






Smashwords Edition



This erotic
novel contains graphic sex scenes, intended for adults only.



Copyright © 2011 Max Sebastian





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Anarchy of the Heart - by Max Sebastian


Volume One - Making Her Blush




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Chapter One



It all started with a blazing row, which so
rarely happened between Leo and Caitlyn as to be remarkable in

It was a ridiculous place for an argument of
any kind - the sun was shining in a cloudless sky, a warm breeze
kept the humidity away, and the villa in which they were staying
had its own private swimming pool overlooking majestic views over
the French city of Nice, and behind it the broad, calm expanse of
the Mediterranean Sea. The whole place was made for relaxing – not
for stern words, furrowed brows and hands on hips.

Leo knew it would have been a wonderfully
restful and invigorating vacation had he not agreed to take part in
a transatlantic conference call with his company. Had he not
dropped the bombshell and infuriated his fiancée.

"And they have to have this meeting right
when we should be having a nice romantic dinner, just the two of

“They said it would only be this one

"Do they not understand what a time
difference is?"

"They want the West Coast to be in on the

Neither he nor Caitlyn had had a proper
vacation for years - the way their work diaries so rarely aligned
as both of them chased careers, they'd long figured they probably
wouldn't even get a proper honeymoon until some years after their

Yet a brief window of opportunity opened up
that summer, allowing them to get away for a peaceful, romantic
sojourn in the sun-drenched French Riviera - to spend all day,
every day relaxing out by the pool, soaking up the rays, sipping
the local rosé, perhaps making the occasional visit to a sleepy
town along the Cote D'Azur.

"You should have made it clear you were out
of contact."

"I know, honey, I thought I had."

Leo could understand why his fiancée took
offense to his company for interrupting their vacation.

Caitlyn in particular had needed a breather
from it all - for three years, she'd averaged all of six or seven
vacation days a year at her grind of a job. Then ever since Leo had
finally popped the question, she'd also taken it upon herself to do
all the planning for the wedding itself.

So now destiny had offered them a rare chance
for a vacation - Caitlyn had secured a new job that gave her the
chance to set her start date back a few weeks to sneak a little
time off, while Leo had been offered a sudden boatload of vacation
days along with a promotion, to keep him from taking a job offer
with a rival firm.

Yet while Caitlyn had insisted on leaving her
iPhone back in New York before they had jetted across the Atlantic,
Leo's company had insisted he continue to be contactable.

"I'm not having them ruin our vacation with a
whole bunch of meetings."

"It won't be a whole bunch, sweetie."

Those first couple of days staying at that
wonderful little villa on the hillside, Caitlyn had given him dark
looks every time he'd even checked his messages on that phone. He'd
taken to sneaking glances at it when visiting the restroom to keep
out of sight.

Then on the second day, after they'd come
back from a visit to St Tropez, the pretty fishing village turned
celebrity hangout, he'd been unable to hide the fact that he'd
received a message from the company, and had to act on it.

She'd been seething when he told her about
the message. When he'd said they were demanding his involvement in
an important meeting that evening, the pretty brunette had

"Tell them you can't make it. Tell them we
have plans."

"It won't be long, I'm sure - "

"Tell them you can do it in the morning when
its too early to do anything."

"They'll be asleep during our morning."

Leo understood her anger, and of course had
he been able to, he would have done exactly what she wanted. This
time, however, there was no compromise to be had. His job paid a
good share of the bills, and Caitlyn's hadn't started yet. She was
free to be fully independent these few weeks - he wasn't.

Seeing him not backing down, Caitlyn had
said: "Then I'll have to have dinner on my own, won't I?"

He hadn't expected her anger to boil over
into actually storming out, however. He thought she'd sulk and pout
at him while sunbathing out by the pool, but there she went,
whirling on her heels to march off without even changing out of the
little white top and pastel blue skirt she'd spent the day in. She
grabbed the keys to their rental car, and was gone.

She left him feeling fairly lousy, resigned
to an evening alone, even after the conference call was over.
Without an alternative transport option, he was marooned there at
the villa.

It wasn't the worst place a guy could be
marooned. The place was owned by Caitlyn's Uncle Silas, an airline
pilot who could have lived anywhere in the world. He'd been
offering them a stay here for years, and Leo had often asked him
why he'd decided to live in Nice of all places, and never quite
understood the man's answer.

Sure, it was close to Nice Airport, but this
view of the city and the hills and the wide blue expanse of the
Mediterranean was explanation enough.

Sipping a glass of the surprisingly drinkable
local wine, out on the poolside patio in front of the villa, Leo
watched the sun go down over the hills to the west, and found
himself soon able to relax.

There had been nothing he could have done
otherwise, after all, and it was probably good to give Caitlyn a
little space to let off steam.

But after a while, as the glorious amber
twilight began to leach out of the sky, and his fiancée still did
not return, Leo did begin to worry.

Damn it, why hadn't he insisted she brought
her phone?

There had never been the slightest idea
before this evening that the two of them might part ways at some
point during the vacation.

Now he had visions that she'd been attacked
in some darkened alleyway somewhere, she'd gotten drunk and walked
out into the sea. Or perhaps worse, she'd decided to risk driving
back home after an evening's alcohol consumption.

Those roads veering around the steep
hillsides up from the city were not forgiving of any slips

By the time it was approaching midnight, Leo
was resorting to quiet prayer, and the only thing keeping him from
alerting the authorities was the movie-inspired feeling that no one
would take him seriously until the missing person had been gone at
least 24 hours.

Then, just as he'd been about to start
tearing out his hair, Caitlyn had simply turned up, as sober as

"I was driving. What did you expect?"

"Hey - I'm not complaining, I'm glad you
weren't drinking with those roads."

"Are you trying to say something about my
driving skills?"

She was so casual about her return,
completely oblivious to the possibility that her fiancé might have
been worrying about where she was all night. But she was all
smiles, and the relief of having her back with her spirits restored
was enough for Leo's instant forgiveness.

"No, I'm saying something about your drinking

"You and me, Mister. Right now. I could take
you any time."

There was a friskiness in her manner, which
definitely appealed to Leo. Maybe a little time away from him now
and again was a good thing, even on vacation.

He grinned, "Hey, you should try some of this
rosé, though. It's actually not bad at all."

They went outside, even now that it was
heading into the small hours, and despite the sustained racket of
the cicadas, the warm breeze was relaxing and the stars overhead
perfect for a little drinking and light conversation.

Neither of them seemed quite ready for sleep
yet, their body-clocks not yet fully adjusted to European time, so
a couple of glasses and a chilled bottle of plonk out by the edge
of the pool seemed just the ticket.

"Yeah - not bad," she said. "It's supposed to
be the thing to drink around here, apparently."

"Well that's lucky - it's practically the
only thing your Uncle Silas has in stock."

"It doesn't travel, though, I hear."

"You hear? From who?"

"Oh, you know. People. So how did the meeting

Their row was now water under the bridge. It
was often the way on the few occasions when they did have
disagreements - wait a while, and the tension dissipated.

As far as Caitlyn was concerned, Leo's
meeting was done and dusted, no longer a source of grief, as though
it never had been.

"Oh you know, just a load of hot air. Frank
can't take 'no' for an answer, as usual."

"Probably that small penis of his."

"And you've met Frank, what, twice?"

"When I go to your work things, they're
always saying that about him. Don't tell me you've never heard

"Why do you think I'm never jealous when
you're flirting with him?"

"You're never jealous, period. A girl could
get quite upset."

Leo chuckled, "So are you going to let me in
on what exactly you've been up to all evening?"

And at that question, something happened that
Leo did not expect at all, and yet affected him more than he could
ever have imagined it would.

His fiancée blushed.




How did something as petty as the pinkish hue
of his fiancée's face affect him so much? Leo could not explain,
then or afterwards.

Of course he'd always found her devastatingly
attractive - from the first time they'd met at a party in the
latter days of college, but over the years that attraction had
mellowed into more of a sustained love, with less of the original
fire of their early days, with other aspects of their relationship
making up for it.

Yet suddenly, here under the outdoor lights,
Caitlyn's pale cheeks turned the same color as the wine they were
drinking, and Leo just wanted to tear her clothes off and devour

He certainly wasn't going to let her off
without an explanation, and finally she saw that.

She said: "I guess you could say I met some
new friends."

She looked so bashful, so awkward, and yet
her flush was so devastatingly becoming on her. Leo felt his heart
begin to beat a little more heavily, so he could feel it pounding
inside his chest.

"Friends? Were they American too?"

"Spanish couple," she said, sipping from her
glass. "They're on vacation here, like us. Only they're staying at
one of those hotels on the seafront."

"What happened?"

"Okay, but you have to promise you won't
freak out..."

How best to get a guy to freak out: tell him
not to. But this far along in their relationship, Leo wasn't the
same guy who had preferred not to find out about Caitlyn's past
boyfriends when they were dating, because he hadn't liked the idea
of her being with another man. These days, he was confident enough
in their relationship that when she pointed out a hunky man, or
flirted with a work colleague, he didn't mind in the slightest.

And right now, Leo was rather distracted by
the new power base in their relationship: her sexy blush.

So he just listened, feet lazily dipping into
the cool pool water, as she talked of meeting a guy called Marco,
and his girlfriend Sofia, in a bar down by the promenade.

"They couldn't understand why I was on
vacation and drinking fruit juice. I guess Europeans drink wine
like it's just soda. But they were so much fun. It was like I
didn't even need alcohol."

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