Anarchy in New Enlgand (17 page)

BOOK: Anarchy in New Enlgand
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Back in the pod when the transmission cut out, Agent White swore loudly and kicked angrily at anything in reach, shattering the plastic cover on the front of the pod’s wall. He put his head in his hand thinking about his dead partner, his throbbing arm, and his failed mission. He tried to calm himself as he got out of the pod at his destination. He walked down the street until he found the busiest watering hole, and posted up at the bar with a strong drink. It would be hours before they could trace his movement to the area, and anyway they still wouldn’t be able to identify him by his face, his glasses still intact. White had severed communication between his and Agent Orange’s glasses when he saw Themis’s face hovering over Agent Orange’s body in the smoky room, taking pictures.



Drake had arrived at his office, and flipped through a couple of channels until he found the story he was looking for. He kept two telescreens in his office in order to monitor more news feeds at once. There were so many different websites for news, each with their own live streaming channel, that Drake would have the two telescreens cycle through some preset channels finding important stories. A young female reporter stood outside of the smoking remains of Themis’s house, emergency lights flashing all around her on the still dark residential street.

"A vicious attack at the home of Officer James Themis has left two men hospitalized, and one suspect dead; another, on the run. The home of Officer Themis, the lead investigator for Corner Cop Security, was broken into after 23:00 last night, as the officer entertained two guests, one of whom, Molly Metis, a reporter for Business Ethics Review, was herself a recent victim of a violent home invasion. Ironically the other guest is the president of a major security company, Kittery Atlas of Atlas Protection."

This was news to Drake, and though a pang of worry at first gripped him, he quickly decided this would benefit him, only helping the public to connect the two attacks.

"There is some speculation on whether the two attacks are connected;" the broadcast continued, "a car owned by a known drug cartel member from New York was found outside Themis’s home, while the surviving suspect fled on foot. Reports suggest the suspect who was shot and killed after breaking into Molly Metis’ home last week was also a member of the same drug cartel, leading many to conclude that both Metis and Themis, head violent crimes investigator for Corner Cop Security, were targeted systematically by the same, deadly cartel. That Kitt Atlas was a third high-profile victim only fans the flames of speculation."

Perfect, Drake thought, they already picked up the first bit of misinformation put out there by NNE without fact checking, in an attempt to give a quick, gripping story to the public.

"Themis and Atlas were admitted into an area hospital with non-life-threatening injuries; the rest of the family escaped without any major physical harm."

Drake was feeling good about the setup, and he sent a message to a trusted NNE reporter who had another story waiting for release. Refreshing the home page, Drake saw the story appear with a bold red headline after the uppercase phrase: "BREAKING NEWS."

The story started by recounting the events of just hours earlier, and naming the drug cartel involved. Then it became the first outlet to report that Mr. Barry was in fact murdered, mixing truth with fiction by reporting that Barry was murdered by the same thugs who broke into Themis’s home and set it on fire. The article explained that Barry Arbitration had been secretly investigating the Cartel, and preparing multiple warrants for a crackdown targeting suspects from a variety of unsolved New England crimes, as the cartel expanded its New England influence. CCS was to execute the warrants this very morning, the article continued, which sparked the late night attack on CCS’ head investigator, Themis. Molly had been attacked earlier in a successful attempt to keep the story out of the headlines. The article urged people to remain indoors for at least 24 hours, since undisclosed sources claimed more attacks were coming, possibly on a larger scale.

By the time the sun started to rise over the Atlantic, the News of New England article had been picked up by most area news outlets, and repeated relentlessly. Drake prepared a statement as his customers clamored for more details, and reassurances that they would be safe. But first he sent word to his men, and Mr. Patrick sent word to his, that all traffic coming into New England was to be halted at the border, and rerouted to stations under NESA or Minutemen Arms control. Every officer was called in on emergency, and by the time most people in the "border" towns awoke, patrols of heavily armed police battalions were marching through their streets.

Drake gazed out his arched office window as the first rays of light shone through. His employees were already mustering, and the cameras were ready. Drake sat down at his desk with the cameras rolling to make a statement.

He was calm, as always, and spoke slowly and deeply. Confidence bristled from every pore of Drake’s body.

"People of New England, we are in a crisis. As you have undoubtedly heard, a drug cartel from New York has implemented a series of attacks against the media, arbiters, and security officers. As the largest security company in New England, it is my duty, not only to the customers of New England Security Agency, but to every honest inhabitant of New England, to keep you and your family safe.

"NESA cares about more than just profits, we care about the future of peace and stability in our beloved region. Many of you remember the interim years before order was restored, and I vow to each and every one of you that under my watch, chaos will never return to New England! That is why, effective immediately and until further notice, NESA and our partners will secure every home, business, street, and person in New England against all crimes.

"In the interest of security, today in New England we cannot rely on fragmented forces to deliver safety when a coordinated attack looms at our borders. That is why I am calling on all security agencies to put their differences, their egos, their desire for control, and their bank accounts aside, and allow the expertise and experience of NESA to dictate the response we need, if we are to survive as a peaceful, prosperous region.

"Mr. Patrick of Minutemen Arms has graciously ceded control of his forces to the militia structure of NESA, necessary for issuing orders that will prevent further death and destruction. Mr. Atlas of Atlas Protection has been hospitalized by the very same enemy – this is not the time to fight amongst ourselves and allow inexperienced security personnel to call the shots, in their own selfish attempts to promote their careers, or play hero. Some things are bigger than money, some events call for us to put aside our quarrels, and have faith in experienced leadership to keep us safe.

"NESA will not tolerate obstructionists while eradicating the cartel criminal element that has seeped into New England. There may be no time for arbitration when any delay in justice will surely lead to unnecessary death, and could give the cartel the foothold it needs to expand permanently into New England, threatening our stability and economy. These are terrorists and must be treated as the invading enemy that they are. Justice cannot be served in the timeframe we
if they are treated like any old criminal. These methods may seem at times unorthodox, but trust me when I say they are necessary sacrifices if you wish to continue to live securely in peace.

"I ask you all to stay in your homes, and await instruction. In times of great crisis, it takes the collective to join hands and oppose evil which can be vanquished by no individual, by no disorganized band of profit seekers ready to exploit fears, even as the enemy closes in around them. Together, we can get through this. Together, we will keep this cartel from dragging us down, and instead, move forward!"

Drake finished, and the video cut out. A crowd of employees had gathered in his office to hear the address, and all looked at Drake with mesmerized adoration. Never had they known their boss to be so articulate, and such a fatherly leader. A slow clap started somewhere in the back, and grew to a loud applause. Cheers followed, and even Drake could not suppress a humble smile as employees shook his hand and patted him on the back.

"True leadership shines through in dark times!"

"Amazing speech sir, gave me chills."

Employees whispered to each other, how could they be worried with Drake in charge? They were so confident in his ability, and were thrilled to be a part of the company that would save New England. They had never been so proud to wear NESA badges. Emboldened by his speech, the employees returned to their posts to continue organizing.

Most other security companies seemed to be glad to have orders to follow, rather than be forced to deal with this crisis on their own. There was no precedent for an event like this, not the least of their problems including scared, frenzied customers. After all, they were used to petty criminals, not organized attacks by larger groups.

"Mr. Drake! You have to see this." His secretary, Benjamin, was frantically rushing toward Drake with a tablet in hand, pointing horrified at the screen.

It was a discussion board frequented by locals from southwestern New England, where the pods were being stopped. Criticism abounded of NESA, with reports of lies and exaggerations. One post read:

"I live right next to the station where all the pods are being rerouted. No drug cartels, just businessmen and women. I saw one guy get arrested after he refused to be detained in the station."

Another: "Where are the cartels streaming in that Drake’s talking about?? All I see is everyday folks being harassed and manhandled by his thugs."

More: "Drake is a lying son of a bitch! He just committed a crime against every New Englander and should be held accountable! He needs to rot in a cell! DO NOT COMPLY! Alert your security company immediately if NESA cops try to use FORCE on you!"

"Oh just accept your authority and you’ll save us? Thanks so much Drake, what would we do without you?" said with sarcasm. A serious tone followed, "The only thing I trust is my 30/30. I DARE those NESA thugs to push me around. No warrant? Shove it up your ass!"

"No druggies on the border. This is scary people. Remember your history lessons."

And worse still for Drake was that at least two smaller news outlets were already reporting on the lack of turmoil at the border. Drake tapped his finger against his desk, his jaw tight. He motioned for his secretary to leave and shut the door, then reached for his screen, and pressed some buttons.

The CEO of Coastal Internet appeared. "Mr. Drake, good morning."

"Good morning. My Agents will be coming to your offices soon. I need you to comply with them. I’m sending over the code for 100 ContraCoins. You should leave now and instruct your employees to follow their orders when they get there."

The CEO was silent at first, and he appeared to be in thought. The code arrived for the hundred ContraCoins: about $60,000. He glanced down at the codes, and pressed to collect them. Looking back at Drake, the CEO said gravely, "Please do everything you can to resolve this situation quickly," and disconnected.

Drake then quickly pressed more buttons.

"Yes sir?" A high ranking NESA officer appeared on the screen.

"Drug cartel members have taken over Coastal Internet, raid immediately, cut transmission, detain everyone; suspects are dressed in plain clothes and will be indistinguishable from the workers."

The officer gave a confused look, apparently not entirely believing Drake. "They… they’re that organized sir?"

"This isn’t some half-ass attack, this has been planned, officer. Now I need you to follow my orders. Raid and detain."

"Yes sir", the officer spoke slowly without confidence, "Should I… Should I wait for a warrant?"

Drake slammed his fist on his desk, and raised his voice, "Dammit there’s no time! Do as you’re told or I will find someone who will!"

"Yes sir! Right away!" and the officer changed his tune and immediately began to follow his orders.

Drake disconnected, and punched in another number. This time he had to bribe the editor of Post Daily to change the story and say that there were in fact cartel soldiers streaming into New England, but not on the pods, on the roads! Unfortunately Drake had to tip his hand in order to have the editor comply; he kept the details minimal, but offered the editor, in addition to money, an "unprecedented position with the power to review all media before it is disseminated to the public, in the interest of keeping damaging lies out of people’s heads."

Arbiters were also calling Drake, furious that he was acting without permission or warrants. Most he ignored, but one hinted that he knew what was going on, and could offer his agency to cover Drake’s actions, "in the interest of security, and the greater good of New England," of course.

The CEO of Collective Arbitration said he just wanted to be "rewarded" for his commitment to the security of New England, once the smoke cleared. Drake was glad to have warrants for all further actions, as his first attempt to issue orders without one was tense. And anyway, Barry was no longer around to become Minister of Arbitration. He sent along a warrant to placate the officer he had earlier ordered to raid Coastal Internet.

Drake was delighted to find that Mr. Patrick was already effectively using his power as Minister of Transportation. All pod transportation – except to and from hospitals, and for security companies – had been suspended inside of New England until further notice, with Minutemen Arms troops enforcing the freeze. They were also doing their best to keep the skies clear of pesky skyships and airplanes, and had closed major highways. The excuse was that a number of drug cartel soldiers had already infiltrated New England, and were going to muster to take out high level targets in order to collapse the security system, and set up their own criminal regime. News of New England seeded the proper story.

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