Anarchist Book 4: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 4 (3 page)

BOOK: Anarchist Book 4: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 4
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“You wanna take a quick shower with me babe?” I headed for the attached bathroom and a shower.

If all goes well tonight I might be able to go back to my own house soon. Either that or the shit could get worse.

Chapter 3



I went back to the cottage after having a chat with the priest. She was still lazing about on the bed naked and that’s when I noticed it.

“Why is your pussy waxed?” I was too upset before to notice much of anything, but now that I’d had her again after a whole year of going without, my mind was clear.

“I like it like this.” She looked down at herself and ran her hand over her bald pussy.

“Who told you you could wax your pussy while I was gone?” Yes I’m that guy. I stay on top of my fucking woman and watch every fuck she does. Why? Because I don’t like fucking surprises and the one she’d dealt me on my return was more than enough to last me a lifetime.

“I, you, we; what do you mean?”

“That’s my pussy, you don’t do shit to it without my say so.”

“Don’t be ridiculous Travis, what did you expect me to do, let it grow until you got back? I don’t see what the big deal is.”

It only took one look to bring her back to her fucking senses. “Get up and get dressed.”

“Where’re we going?”

“To get married. Close your mouth babe and get that ass moving.”

“What do you mean to get married? I don’t have any of my stuff here, Travis come back here.”

“We’re getting married in five minutes, you wanna do it like that fine by me, but it might be hard on the priest.”

I went to my bags where I had the ring I’d bought her, while she rushed around getting dressed and mumbling under her breath.


The ceremony was brief and to the point. My new cousin in law was there as well as Melissa, Kyle and Law. It wasn’t exactly the wedding I’d wanted to give my woman, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

I sent her off with the girls when it was over and done with, and us men went in search of the rest of the crew. It was time to get shit moving.




The sun was fast approaching its zenith and night would be on us before you know it. It gets dark real early in these parts this time of year.

“Okay, the scouts came back from their last recon, Davis called in reinforcements, unknowns. I don’t really give a fuck, one asshole’s as good as another, and if they want to stick their necks in my shit I have no problem offing their asses.

Now all of you know where you’re supposed to be right? He’s thinking of hitting us after midnight but we’d have been there and back long before that.

I don’t have to tell any of you what this shit means to my family and me. This is the first time in almost three years that I would be getting this close to that snake; he’s always in hiding and surrounded by men.

This might be the last chance I have at him, so if anyone fucks this up there’s going to be hell to pay.”

I looked around at the men who had gathered in the meeting room. Each of them had a grievance of their own, either against Davis or the asshole sheriff.

They wanted this as much as I did, but they all knew my complaint was the gravest. Where some of them might have lost land and property, I had lost my fucking blood.

“One last thing, who do we have staying behind with the women and children?” suddenly the thought of leaving Dana Sue here alone without me to look after her didn’t feel so good.

That’s the kind of shit I’d been trying to avoid. For the past three years I had no one but myself to look out for. Kyle could handle himself I’d made fucking sure of that shit.

But what the fuck was I supposed to do with a wife? I can’t go into battle worrying about her.

“It was hard getting volunteers for that so we went ahead and chose some of the guys that we could afford to spare.”

“Make sure they know what the fuck they’re doing, I don’t want any casualties on our end. They’re not supposed to get this far anyway. The guys started on the perimeter Kyle?”

“Yeah they’re in position, Cole is in charge of that. He’s pissed that he’s not going to be in on the action, but he understands that being here is important too. I told him he was protecting the boss’s wife which was almost just as important.”

The ass grinned at me after saying that and I only had to glare around the table once to get the snickering to stop.

“Now let’s go over this shit one last time. I’m going to be up on the ridge above the Davis place with my night scope.

Brand, Clay, I know you guys aren’t exactly on board with the bloodshed but this is the only way to do this. We’ve tried going the legal route and that didn’t work I’ll understand if you two wanna sit this one out.”

“Don’t be an ass Law, we’ve made peace with this shit a long time ago.” Clay folded his arms and leaned back in his chair, while Brand glared and went back to checking his piece.

“Okay then, say your goodbyes and let’s be out.” I went in search of her to let her know that I was leaving, which I kind of resented just a tad bit.

I don’t like the idea of answering to anyone and I guess it showed when I finally caught up with her, because she tried lecturing my ass about my attitude.

“Lawton you should try to be nicer to me, this is no way to start a marriage.” The fuck!

“Dana Sue, how many times do I have to tell you? This is not a real marriage, after tonight I might be able to give you your freedom and then you can go on with your life.”

“I’m sorry Lawton but you heard what the priest said there at the end...”

“I don’t have time for this shit right now, we’ll talk when I get back. Now stay in the clubhouse with the others and don’t go running around outside.”

“I’m not exactly stupid you know. Now you make sure and be careful out there and don’t get yourself in trouble.”

What the fuck did she think I was about to do, invite the fuck to tea? I just glared at her and stalked off.

“Oh Lawton?”

“What the fuck is it now?”

She pouted but ran up to me and pulled my head down to hers for a kiss.

Damn, my dick was on the rise again.

“You done?” I hope she couldn’t tell that she was getting to me; that’s all I need. She patted my shoulder before letting me go about my business.

Outside the night was going fully dark as we headed out. Because sneaking up on someone on a bike was next to damn near impossible, we left the bikes and walked in.

“We shoulda taken the horses.”

“This ain’t the fucking wild-west Kyle what the fuck?”

We split up on the crest near the Davis’s ranch and I headed for the trees with my trusty rifle.

Always before I would be down there in the midst of my guys, but Davis always slipped away. This time I was going to pick him off if he tried to get away.

I had men surrounding his place so that there was no escape route open to him. I wasn’t too worried about his hired muscle, if they got in the way I’d burn them too, but my fight wasn’t with anyone else but Davis and sheriff Bailey.

When I got the signal that they were in place, the first shot rang out and there was pandemonium down below.

Men’s voices were raised in surprise and the sound of feet beating tracks could be heard.

The guys knew they didn’t have to kill anyone unless it was necessary, but we aimed to do as much damage as possible, so they won’t be a next time.

I kept my eye trained through the scope looking for that head of salt and pepper hair that was burnt into my corneas.

While my boys were cleaning up the riffraff there was finally movement in the Davis house. My heart picked up speed and I felt almost light headed.

It had taken me three years, but it seemed like everything was coming to an end here tonight. It was almost unbelievable. After all this time it seemed almost surreal that it was really about to happen.

My finger was steady on the trigger when I finally saw him make his way out the back door. Looks like I’d called that one right, fucking coward.

He stopped long enough to check his pockets for something and that was the last thing he ever did.

I didn’t get the feeling of satisfaction I thought I would when his head exploded at the end of my bullet, nor two minutes later when I stood over his almost headless corpse.

If not for DNA I would’ve spit on the fuck, but I had something else in mind. “Where’s Jr.” I looked to Travis for an answer but he shook his head, fuck. “Burn it.”

Chapter 4



The party that Law was dead set against was in full swing by the time we made it back.

I went after a beer first thing and avoided the hands that grabbed at me. Fucking women are always horny, and since I’m damn near exotic in these parts, they’re always on my dick.

It was going to be a long fucking night. Law was feeling a little raw after finally getting revenge against the fucker that had taken out his family, but the son hadn’t been there, so that meant we were still in it.

I saw a hot new chick off in the corner, but she already had more testosterone on her than flies on shit.

Since we had formed the club there was more pussy in and out these doors than we knew what to do with. I’m not sure what it was about bikers and bikes that make women crazy, but I’ve never seen anything like it until now.

I hadn’t seen this one here before though, I think I would’ve remembered that ass that my eyes kept drifting back to.

Her tits could use some padding, I like my women built up top, but that ass was nothing to sneeze at.

She had the room in the palm of her hand nonetheless; all the swinging dicks were in attendance. When I caught her eye I smirked at her before looking away. I wasn’t one for joining the crowd.

“Where’s Law?” Clay came up to my side and we both took in the festivities. His two women were at opposite ends of the room and I wondered what the fuck he’d done now.

Well to be fair, Ginger Lee had won that fight, but Cindy was still very much in the picture, since Clay was still carrying a heavy dose of guilt.

Clay’s life is always a source of entertainment for me, the man had to be out of his fucking mind to saddle himself with two women. One was headache enough, that’s why I’ve been avoiding that trap.

Today alone I had seen two of the good guys bite the dust, it was enough to make a guy shut up his nuts and take it easy for a while, until this wedding fever shit passed.

“His wife dragged him off somewhere.” That shit was funny as hell too. Law thought he had married that little filly to save her from Davis and that was the end of that.

I guess my friend have been out of the game too long, because he’d missed the signs. He was hooked good and proper and didn’t even know it.

That’s a female for ya they know how to sneak up on a man. Makes me wonder sometimes just who the fuck was hitting whom over the head and dragging them off to the caves.

“What’s wrong with your two now? I expect to hear the pace count any minute and guns drawn.”

“They’ll get over their shit soon, I’m not getting in the middle. Ginger Lee is my girl and Cindy is my friend.”

“You’re fucked in the head if you believe that shit bro. If you want any peace in your life you would kill that friendship shit before that crazy woman of yours fuck your shit up.”

He glared across the room before storming off, leaving me to laugh at him.

I tuned back in to notice that Travis had his girl in a lip lock in the corner, and the filly I’d had my eye on was now closer, though she was still swimming through the sharks that littered the room.

I decided to let her make her own way instead of going to rescue her from their clutches. I had no doubt that she was trying to get to me, so I decided to stay right where I was until she caught me.

It only took her another five minutes before she was standing next to me, looking out into the room.


“Hey yourself.” I took a swig of beer and kept my eyes on the room at large. She was wearing some sweet perfume, the kind that catches a man’s attention and holds it.

“So, how did you end up in this deadbeat town?” She had a nice little drawl.

“I was born and raised here, how about you?”

She gave me a look like I should know the answer to that, which made no sense, because I’d never seen her before in my life.

“Would you like to go somewhere more comfortable?” Nothing like a good fuck after a fight to set a man right!

“I thought you’d never ask.” That smile of hers looked very cunning, but I wasn’t paying too much attention to anything but her ass. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on it.

I looked around the room to make sure no one was in my business. When I got the all clear I took her elbow and led her back towards my room.

It was only a matter of time before the place resembled a roman orgy anyway; one of the many perks of being part of an MC.

“So, do you have a name?”

“Yes I do Brandon.”

“Huh, you have me at a disadvantage, you know my name but I still don’t know yours.” It was kind of flattering that she had obviously asked about me.

“It’s Illyana.”

“Beautiful, kinda different, I like it.” We made it to my room and I offered her a drink, which she refused.

“Why don’t we skip the formalities? We both know why I’m here.” She ran her nails down the side of my shaved head while pushing her chest into mine.

“Hmm.” She’s cute. I picked her tiny ass up and wrapped her legs around my middle while finding her mouth with mine.

She tasted like she looked, like cotton candy. Fuck I love ‘em sweet. She ground her jeans covered crotch into mine as I pulled on her tongue.

“Let’s get these off shall we?” she jumped down and pulled at my clothes. I got the hint and tore at hers.

We landed on the bed with my hand between her thighs, resting on her pussy. I turned her to her back and slipped a finger inside her while sucking a nipple into my mouth.

She was hot and wet and greedy. She moved her legs against mine and tried to pull me over her.

I made my way down her middle until I reached her pussy. I gave it a nose over to make sure that it was okay before taking a quick taste.

She tasted different somehow, fresh and sweet on my tongue. She moved against my mouth wildly, until her juices were running down my chin.

“No I want you up here.” She pulled me up until I was nestled between her thighs with my mouth back on hers, sharing her taste with her.

I started to fuck her with a condom on, but then I felt the barrier inside her and pulled back out. Don’t ask me why the fuck I did that, but it was my first virgin pussy and I wanted to enjoy.

“You sure?” I bit her ear playfully as I whispered the question in her ear. I wasn’t sure why she would be giving up her virginity for a one- night stand.


I slid back into her bareback, and was glad as fuck I did. Her pussy was furnace hot and so fucking wet, shit.

She was almost too tight for me to fit into. “Don’t stop, the pain’s almost gone now.” she clutched at me bringing me closer.

I stroked into her trying not to feed her too much dick at once, but she wasn’t having it.

I lifted up onto my arms to ease my weight off of her as I slid a little deeper into her.

She spread her legs and held them open for me; my kinda girl. Our mouths stayed glued together as I screwed my way into her body deeper and deeper.

I was trying to go slow, she had just bled all over my dick after all and I’m not a complete animal, but she had other ideas.

She dug her nails and teeth into me as she moved her hips up to meet mine.

“Oh shit yeah fuck me with that big black cock, oh shit make me cum.”

What the fuck? I looked down at her face to see if she was fucking with me, but she wasn’t, she was dead fucking serious.

She almost bucked me off of her with her wild shit and I felt like I was just hanging on for the ride.

I pulled her hair back “Don’t stop keep going.” If she wanted to play I was game. I pounded her pussy harder and went after her clit with my thumb.

“Oh fuck, own this pussy big boy.” Oh yeah, I like a dirty mouthed broad.

We went at each other like two animals in heat. I don’t think I’d ever fucked anything this tight and hot before in my life.

She scratched and clawed at me as I fucked her like I was trying to imprint my dick inside her. I won’t go so far as to say I was in love, but it was fucking close.

I got the shock of my life when I flipped her over and saw the tat in her back. It wasn’t just the fact that the innocent little thing was inked, but the ink itself, to each his own.

“Cum in me, I want to feel you cumming inside me.” Now a thinking man would say ‘what the fuck’ and pull out and spray all over her ass, but I wasn’t thinking.

The thought of cumming inside her set something off inside me and before long I was emptying myself inside her.

She clamped down around me until my dick was empty and I felt fucking drained.

“Wow, that was, damn, I didn’t know it was going to be like that.”

“You wanna tell me why you just bled all over my sheets?”

“I think most virgins bleed the first time.”

“Yeah I get that, but my question is why me?”

“Does there have to be a reason, I saw you and I liked you.” She trailed her finger down my chest as she leaned on her hand. I smelled a rat but I’m the last fuck to care.

I gave her a hot bath to ease her pussy ache before taking her back to bed. I thought maybe I’d leave her alone for the rest of the night, even though my cock stayed hard, but she had other plans.

We spent the rest of the night fucking like bunnies and I had the scratches to prove it, while I covered her body with my mark.

We fell asleep wrapped around each other with my hand on that ass of hers. For the first time in a long time I was looking forward to seeing a woman the morning after.

BOOK: Anarchist Book 4: (An MC Serial Novel) Book 4
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