An Unexpected Love (The Colorado Brides Series Book 5) (12 page)

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Authors: Carré White

Tags: #Romance, #Western, #Inspirational, #Westerns

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I scooted closer, sliding an arm beneath his head, letting him use it as a pillow. He turned to me, his eyes glistening with wetness. Seeing him this way affected me greatly, as an intense wave of tenderness came over me, flooding all of my senses. I cared not that there was now blood on my face, because I’d pressed my cheek to his. While Susanna stared at us, I lay my arm across his belly, while he held me, the gentle motion of the wagon jostling us ever so slightly.


Chapter Twelve



“Are you in pain?” I whispered.

“A little, but I’m better now.” He grinned, but grimaced, groaning. “I got a shiner, huh?”

“Yes.” The stars hung overhead, brilliant in a nearly black sky, while the wagon continued down the rocky and rutted road. “Where are we going?” I asked.

“He’s at Hannah’s, isn’t he?” said Fanny.

“Are you?”

“I am.”

“He’s still there.”

“Then that’s where we’ll take him.”

“You’re ruining your dress,” said Susanna. “You’ve got blood all over it now.”

“I don’t care.”

“I…never got to see you in it.”

I met his gaze. “You will.” Then I remembered something. “Drats! I forgot my shawl.”

“Someone will return it,” said Mary.

“I doubt it.” I moved a strand of hair away from his forehead, examining his eye, which had bruised substantially. “You didn't get to dance.”


“What happened?”

“They accosted me as soon as I arrived. I hadn’t tied up Banter for three minutes before they were on me.”

“I’m sorry things are so hard for you. I’m truly appalled by people.”

“It’s been that way my whole life. I’m used to it.”

“But it shouldn’t be like that!” I cried passionately. “You’re being harassed and judged on solely what you look like. It’s unfair.”

“It is,” agreed Jack. “Something’s going to be done about it too. I’ve had enough.”

When we reached Hannah’s house, all the lights were on. We hadn’t been at the social long, and everyone was still awake. Nathan appeared on the front steps, having heard the wagon.

His hands were on his hips. “Pastor Bailey?”

“We brought your ranch hand home,” said Jack. “He had the misfortune of meeting up with a coupla drunks. They made a mess of him.”


“What do you mean again?” I asked, hating that the locals were treating Ryan in such a manner. “How often does this happen?”

“What’s going on?” Hannah stood near the door with Charlie in her arms. “Fanny, is that you?”

“Yes, and Mary, Susanna, and Jane.”

“Gracious, what’s the matter?”

“Ryan’s been attacked,” said Nathan. “How injured are you?”

“I’ll live.”

“Looks like Miss Hampton’s been taking good care of you.” His expression revealed amusement. “Did you get any dancin’ in?”

“No, sir.” He struggled to sit, holding his belly. “Darn. They sure kicked me good this time.”

“Things are probably bruised in there. You better take it easy.” He held out his hand. “Come here, Jane. I’ll help you down.”

“I’m fine. I can manage.” I stepped from the back of the wagon, although the wide skirts were cumbersome.

“You look pretty fancy in that dress.”

“Thank you.”

“Too bad you got blood everywhere.”

“It couldn’t be helped, I’m afraid.”

Ryan was able to leave the wagon on his own steam, but every movement seemed to bother him, as he grunted and groaned. Once we were in the house, Hannah’s little girl, Letty, approached us. She was dressed in her nightclothes.

“What happened to him?”

“He’s had an accident, honey,” said Hannah.

Nathan helped Ryan to the sofa, where he sat against the cushions, looking miserable, but focused. I was next to him, eyeing the wounds judiciously. “He needs a cold compress.”

“I’ll get one,” said Hannah.

“I’m sorry this happened to you, Mr. Hartsock,” said Fanny. “I know Jane was looking forward to dancing with you.”

“I’m lousy at dancing anyway.”

“But this can’t go on,” I implored. “Why do they keep doing this to him? It has to stop.”

Hannah returned with a small block of ice in a cloth. “Here you are.”

“Thank you.”

Nathan seemed resigned. “Was it the Oldham brothers?”

“Them and a few others.”

“That’s hardly a fair fight.”

“There was nothing fair about it,” I said. “It was five to one.”

“Are you fond of a whiskey, son?”

“Not much.”

“We might have to take a little trip to town together and join the boys at the bar. I’ve a coupla friends who’ll have our back.”

“Why would I do that?”

“To show everyone that you’re one of us. They look at you and see a heathen, no offense. I’m speaking bluntly. You scare people, Ryan. If they saw you more often, they’d get used to you. If anyone tries to pull somethin’, I’ll be there to help you.”

“I can hold my own, sir.” He moved slightly, grimacing.

“Not against five people. No one can.”

“I’m going to mention this in church.” Jack’s brows had drawn together. “How partial are you to church?”


“Do you go to church? I’ve never seen you there.”

“I’ve been…but not often.”

“If you were to attend regularly, folks would get to know you. I’d like it, if you could come read for us this Sunday.”

“I’ll look like something the cat dragged in.”

“It doesn’t matter. Everyone is welcome in the house of God, no matter what condition they come in.” He smiled, chuckling.

I closed my hand over his. “You could sit next to me.”

“Then I’ll go,” he said with surprising vigor. “Yes, sir. I’ll be happy to pray with all you people on Sunday.”

“I think he’s going to be just fine,” said Hannah. Her gaze lingered on me. “You’re quite a sight. There’s blood on your face.”

I raised my chin a notch. “It couldn’t be helped.”

“No, of course not.” Her smile was hidden beneath a secretive veneer. She knew I was partial to Ryan.

“Well then,” said Jack. “We’ve got a plan now to deal with this issue.”

“I’m willin’ to do whatever it takes to help the boy,” said Nathan. “He worked harder than any man out there killing ‘em bugs in my field. He dug trenches faster than nobody’s business, and he saved Jane from fire. He’s golden in my book, and I’m not gonna let a coupla no-good drunks drive this good, honest, hardworking man from town.”

“Amen,” murmured Hannah.

“Why are people so mean to Ryan?” asked Letty. Her little pink mouth had turned down. “He’s awfully nice to me. I get horseback rides from him all the time.”

“People can be small-minded, honey.” Hannah ruffled her hair. “Did you brush your teeth? Are you ready for bed?”

“I don’t wanna go to bed.”

“Go finish up, and I’ll help you say your prayers.”

She grumbled in reply, grasping the banister. “Oh, all right, but I’m not happy about this.”

“We should be going,” said Fanny. “It would’ve been a fun night, if this hadn’t happened, but it was hardly Ryan’s fault. I feel awful that he wasn’t able to enjoy himself.”

He glanced at me; his expression was pained, yet thoughtful. “I missed something special.”

“We’ll make up for it. I promise.”

“Does this mean I can court you?”

“Yes.” My response had been given swiftly, without hesitation. I noted the look that passed between Fanny and Hannah, yet I didn’t care. My feelings had grown dramatically where Ryan was concerned, and I wouldn’t be able to hide them any longer. “You most certainly can.”

He grinned, but then groaned. “Well, the night wasn’t a complete loss. Not at all.” His gaze lingered on my face. “My blood looks good on you.”

“I must be a sight.”

“We’ll have to soak that dress in cold water as soon as we get home,” said Fanny. “It can still be saved…I hope.”

Ryan squeezed my hand. “Now I’ve got somethin’ to look forward to.”

“What?” I whispered.

“Sunday. I never thought I’d want to go to church so bad, but I sure do now.”

I giggled in reply, enjoying the feel of his hand, although it was swollen and marred with dried blood. “Please get some rest.”

“I will. Thank you for being here.” He glanced over my shoulder. “Thank you, Pastor Bailey. I’m sorry you took one to the face. Looks like you might have a shiner yourself come Sunday.”

“Well, I was injured in the line of duty, I suppose. There are times when you have to stick your neck out there. Tonight was one of those times.”

“Thank you, Mr. Weaver. I’ll probably take you up on that idea to go to the saloon pretty soon. If that’ll make the boys realize I’m one of ‘em, then I’ll do it. I’m not much of a drinker, though. You might have to…um…carry me home after.”

“I’ll toss you over your horse, and you’ll be good.” His grin revealed he was teasing.

“Yes, sir.”

Fanny’s hand was on my shoulder. “We should go now.”

“I’ll see you on Sunday then,” I said.

“Sunday.” He squeezed my hand.

I hated having to leave, but the evening was over. “Bye.”

“Bye, but not for long.”

I glanced at him one last time before I left the house, as he held the ice to his eye. Nathan followed us out, heading for Ryan’s horse, which was tethered to the back of the wagon.

“Gotta get Banter in the paddock. Then you can be off.”

Mary and Susanna scrambled into the back of the wagon, while I sat with Fanny. I heard Jack say, “Thank you again for your help, Nathan.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

“But you will. You’ll help Ryan be accepted, although the acceptance of a bunch of drunks isn’t something to aspire to, but the hostility towards him must end.”

“Yeah, it will. Some folks just take longer to warm up to things.” He led the horse away saying, “Have a safe trip home.”

“Thank you, we will.”

Fanny glanced at me. “What’s this about courting Mr. Hartsock?”

“He wants to court me…and I want him to.”

“I think you should wait for Wesley’s return before going forward with this. Have you written to him about Ryan?”

“No.” I stared at the darkness that surrounded us, feeling a slight breeze. The sound of crickets resonated.

“I don’t think I can give permission for this. Wesley is laboring under the assumption that he’s going to marry you. It speaks poorly of your character, if you were to…carry on behind his back.”

“I haven’t heard a peep from Wesley in nearly two months. I don’t even know where to send the letters.”

“Then you should wait to tell him in person.”

“Why must I? I don’t believe I want to be with him.”

“Just think before acting, Jane. What do you really know of Ryan Hartsock? He’s not from around here, and he’s not connected with anyone other than the Weaver’s, and they’re his employer, not family. I just don’t want to see you ruining something with a steady, dependable man like Wesley.”

“I’m not thinking about running off with him and getting married. I only want the opportunity to get to know him better.” It was irritating having this conversation, feeling that I had somehow done something wrong. I hated having her censure. I couldn’t help the way I felt, and, every time I saw Ryan, those feelings grew. They grew even when we were apart.

“What do you think, Jack? Should she be able to court Ryan, while Wesley is in the mountains working hard for their future?”

“I…” he seemed displeased to have been brought into this discussion, “think that maybe taking things slow is a wise idea.”

“So, you’re forbidding me to see Ryan?” Anger flared hot and unreasonable, but I tamped it down, trying to remain as serene in appearance as possible.

“Let’s just wait until Wesley returns,” said Fanny. “When you’ve seen him and talked things over with him, then you may make a final decision, and we shall respect it.”

“Fine,” I said stiffly, crossing my arms over my chest. I had no intention of following these unreasonable dictates. A plan had begun to form, and I would implement it, as soon as possible.


Chapter Thirteen



There was a rebellious spirit in my personality that I had thought I’d eradicated years earlier, but, as I slid from bed early the next morning, I knew it had returned with a vengeance. I washed and dressed as quietly as possible, eyeing my sleeping sisters. After tying my boots, I gazed at myself in the mirror, seeing a young woman with wide, expectant eyes.

As quietly as I could, I slid from the room, traipsing down the hallway, hoping my boots wouldn’t make a sound. The occupants of the house were sleeping, as Jack’s light snore registered. Since it was Saturday, they would all sleep in an extra hour. Determined to make a clean escape, I hastened from the house, striding towards the pasture where I found Sally Anne. After bridling and affixing the sidesaddle, I stepped into the stirrup and pressed my thighs to her flanks.

“Let’s go, girl!”

This clandestine flight left me heady with anticipation, thrilled with the notion that I had taken matters into my own hands—although I knew I would be discovered. I was willing to take the risk. The morning was cool, with the scent of wildflowers lingering in the air. The horse trotted along at a brisk pace. The Weaver farm was as quiet as Fanny’s, everyone was still asleep, and, as I made my way to the paddock, I left Sally Anne inside, the horse grazing on blades of grass.

Ryan’s tipi stood at a distance, and I hurried to it, my boots wet from the dew. Tossing aside the flap, I spied him on his bedding; his face was to the side, but even from here, I could see the bruising. I left the boots near the entrance, not wanting to make a muddy mess of his home, and entered. He seemed to sense a disturbance, turning his head to the other side.


As if it was the most natural thing in the world, I removed my bonnet, tossing it aside, and drew close to him.


“It’s me.”


“Were you expecting someone else?” There was humor in my voice, yet, as I snuggled next to him, he drew me into his arms, squeezing me.

“What are you doing here so early, you crazy woman?”

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