Read An Offer He Can't Refuse Online

Authors: Theresa Ragan

An Offer He Can't Refuse (17 page)

BOOK: An Offer He Can't Refuse
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Jackson placed his other hand, the one nobody else could see, on Madison’s knee. He gave her a squeeze, letting her know he didn’t care what they were saying. As Heather and Barbara begin to talk about the horrors that would come to any couple with more than two kids, Jackson gave Madison a sly look that told her two could play at the game she’d been playing all night long. He was on to her. He knew darn well she’d been trying to get his attention for most of the night.

His thumb pushed the hem of her dress a smidgeon higher.

She shivered. He was much better at this game than she’d anticipated.

His thumb brushed over the inner, sensitive area of her thigh above her knee, making her quiver. If she wasn’t surrounded by all these people, she might have let out a small moan. Instead, she smiled at nobody in particular and tried to relax. If one thumb could make her lose her mind, she could hardly imagine what all ten digits could do.

“Isn’t that right, Madison?” Heather said again.

Distracted, Madison started, her eyes widening as she realized Heather was talking to her. “Right,” she blurted.

Mr. Razzano seemed preoccupied with finishing his meal, but Heather was not happy. Her expression had turned fierce, her porcelain skin drawn taut over high cheekbones. “You weren’t listening to a word I said, were you?”

Jackson gave Madison’s leg another squeeze and said, “She has a lot on her mind right now, what with starting a new job and—”

Heather’s face pinched tighter. “What new job, dear?”

“Starting Monday, I’ll be working for Jackson,” Madison said, the tension between their small group palpable.

“Doing what?” Heather wanted to know, her tone laced with resentment.

Jackson removed his hand from Madison’s leg and placed it around her shoulder instead. “She’ll be our new assistant sales director,” he announced.

“She’s an accountant, for God’s sake. You don’t just throw somebody into a position like that unless—”

“Unless what, Heather?”

If Madison didn’t know better, she’d say Jackson was daring Heather to question his choice in hiring whom he pleased. If ever she wanted to take Jackson’s hand and drag him off to bed, it was now. Nobody had ever stood up to Heather before, and certainly never in
defense. The idea of it made her regard Jackson with open fondness.

Heather dabbed her mouth with her napkin and excused herself. When she returned from the ladies room, she had a man at her side, a familiar looking man…Steve.

Of all the people to show up tonight, she never would have guessed it would be her old boyfriend. Coincidence?

Madison looked from Steve to Heather. No, not a coincidence. Jen was right. Heather was up to her old tricks, determined to do everything possible to put an end to her marriage to Jackson. Why hadn’t she seen it before? Of course, that’s what Heather was doing. Why else would Heather have asked her to dinner? And what a remarkable coincidence that Mr. Razzano had called soon after. What an idiot she had been to think Heather might be happy for her and wanted to make amends. Was Barbara in on it, too? Suddenly it all made sense. She was a fool.

“Madison, is that you?” Steve asked, his voice lined with exaggerated surprise.

Mr. Razzano straightened. He was all ears.

Madison felt sick as she nodded at Steve, letting him know it was indeed the same Madison he’d treated so horribly all those years. The same Madison who had cowered every time he entered a room. The same Madison who had done anything and everything to please him.

“You finally lost some weight,” Steve said. “I always knew you’d look sizzling hot if you just lost a few pounds.”

An awkward silence hovered over their table.

Steve raised his hands in a defensive gesture. “What? Did I say something wrong?” He playfully nudged Madison’s arm. “Stand up, let me see you. Madison and I were this close,” Steve said, squeezing his thumb and index finger together, “to spending the rest of our lives together. Weren’t we, babe?” He slid his cold, clammy hand up her arm.

“I think you should go,” Madison said, her hands trembling.

“You’re still upset about Gloria, aren’t you?”

Madison closed her eyes. She knew Steve well enough to know he wasn’t going to leave without making a scene. “Steve, I’d like you to meet my husband, Jackson Lang.”

Jackson pushed his chair back and stood tall. “Remove your hand from my wife or I’m afraid you might not be walking out of here on your own two legs.”

“It won’t be a pretty sight,” Madison warned.

Mr. Razzano’s eyes widened.

Barbara remained silent, as did Heather.

Steve looked thoroughly perplexed by the idea of Madison being married.

“Remove your hand now,” Jackson told Steve. “I’m not going to ask again.”

Red-faced, Steve said, “You’re all crazy!” And then he stormed off, taking himself to the bar.

“What an exciting night this is turning out to be,” Barbara exclaimed while Heather mumbled something under her breath and plopped back into her seat.




It was past midnight by the time Madison led Barbara and Heather to the door. They had all come back to the house for a nightcap and Madison was eager to see them off. “Good night,” she called, waving goodbye as their guests finally drove away. She turned toward Jackson. “There. That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

Jackson reached a hand over her shoulder, pushing the door shut with one small nudge. “Not so bad?”

They both laughed.

He looked devastatingly handsome. He’d been a perfect gentleman all night. Not only had he made her laugh more than once tonight, he’d made her want him more than she’d ever imagined wanting a man, which is why she ducked under his arm and set about gathering the porcelain cups in the dining room. When her hands were full, she headed for the kitchen.

Jackson followed close behind. “What are you trying to do to me?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. For instance, that dress you’re wearing. What happened to your collection of baggy t-shirts and overalls? And where are those ridiculous eyeglasses of yours?”

She set the tea cups on the granite counter. “Who do you think you are, my father?” With a snort, she attempted to march past him, but he put out his arm to stop her. She lifted her chin. “If my ‘ridiculous’ glasses bothered you so much, you should have said something.”

“I just did.” He moved closer, close enough for her to feel the heat of his body and smell his fresh earthy scent. His eyes darkened. “You’ve been acting strange lately, and I want to know what’s gotten into you?”

“Not this again. I have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s late. I’m going to bed.”

“This is what I’m talking about.” He lifted her chin with the pad of his thumb. She couldn’t help but stare at his hand, the same strong hand that had held her interest most of the night as she imagined his long, capable fingers exploring all of her. With a sigh, she pressed her cheek against his palm. She was done playing games.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. He brushed his mouth against hers and kissed her, thoroughly this time, his mouth warm, his tongue hot. With a whispered moan, she curled her arms around his neck and pressed her hips closer.

He kissed her throat, her cheek, her ear. “Is this what you want?” His words came out in a husky whisper, tingly and warm against her skin, sending chills up her spine.

“Hmmm,” she said into his mouth as his lips hovered over hers once again.

That’s all it took. He swooped her into his arms. Burying her face into the hollow of his neck, she rested against him as he carried her from the kitchen and up the stairs. He took long easy strides down the hallway and to his bedroom. Blood flowed hot through her veins, every inch of her craving his touch.

The door to his room was open and he carried her straight to his bed. Gazing at the strong line of his throat, she let out a long sigh when he laid her on the bed and brushed her hair away from her face.

As he hovered over her, gazing down at her, her insides whirred with churning anticipation. She would go mad if he didn’t kiss her again soon. He seductively outlined her lips with his finger. His gentleness and the way he was taking his time with her was agonizing torture.

“Jackson,” she said in a breathless whisper, the tip of her tongue grazing his thumb.


“I feel as if I’ve been waiting for this moment my entire life.”

“Waiting for what? Tell me.” The sound of his husky voice aroused her almost as much as having his body pressed against hers.

“Waiting for you to hold me, touch me, and make love to me all night long.”

His mouth curved into a smile. “Then you have nothing to worry about because we’ve only just begun.” His lips left a searing path over her throat. She arched into him as his hand curled around her back where he unzipped her dress and unhooked her bra. His mouth traveled over her shoulder, his jaw brushing over her skin as he removed her dress, sliding the fabric easily down to her waist.

With desire coursing through every part of her body, she reached up and unbuttoned his shirt. She ran her fingers through a dark feathering of hair that spanned across his chest and over his flat torso before disappearing under the top band of his slacks. Next, she removed his belt. His dark eyes shimmered beneath the moonlight filtering in through the window.

He lowered his head, every movement confident and sensual, arousing her to new heights with every touch. His tongue moved across her breast. She dug her fingers into his hair and brought him impossibly closer.

Before long he raised his head so he could nibble on her ear, teasing her with his rough, throaty voice as he painted a mental picture of what he was going to do to her next. Her body sizzled with anticipation as he slid her dress down from her waist and tossed it aside. Bringing his mouth back to hers, he coaxed her lips open so he could kiss her deeply while his fingers slid downward over her hips and between her thighs. His warm breath spilled across her neck and shoulders as he removed her lacy pink undergarments. “What are you feeling now?”

“Hot,” she said, “alive.” Caressing his strong shoulders, the moment his hand slid between her legs, she dropped her head against the soft pillows and urged him onward.

“Do you know how beautiful you are?” he asked, his voice husky, his breathing uneven.

“Show me.”

She felt him hard against her hips.

His mouth covered hers again as she fumbled with his zipper as if time were running out. She’d never felt so desperate—a primitive need like nothing she’d ever experience before consumed her. She tugged at his pants, frustration gaining the upper hand. She needed him now, this instance.

Devilish charm lit up Jackson’s eyes as he took hold of her wrists and pushed her arms back, flat against the mattress.

“What are you doing? I need to touch you. I want you
,” she commanded.

A cocky grin curved his lips before he lowered his head and nibbled at her ear. “What is it you want exactly?”

“You,” she said, her voice a throaty whisper. “I want you.”

His warm breath left goose bumps against her neck.“How badly do you want me?”

“So badly I might expire right here and now if you don’t do something about it…and quickly.”

Satisfied, he let go of her wrists. He then slid off the bed and hastily removed the rest of his clothes. He pulled a condom from the bedside table and slipped it on. By the time he was pressed up against her again, her patience had worn thin, making him grin.

She wriggled against him, her hips arching.

He kissed her mouth. “Not yet, sweetheart.”

“You’re not playing fair.”

“This isn’t a game.”

“No,” she said. “You’re right. It’s not a game.” Her palm brushed against his jaw. She wanted to tell him she loved him, but she knew it was too soon. Her fingers pressed into his shoulders, splayed against his backside when he entered her.

There was no holding back once he finally gave in, giving her what she wanted. Giving and giving until she cried out as he sank lower, hard and deep. Her legs quivered. This was her husband making love to her; the same man who had dared to believe in her and take a chance. The man whose mere gaze made her feel alive and beautiful.

He kissed her neck, her shoulder, her face as his hands slid beneath the curve of her bottom. A second rippling sensation erupted, and then shattered, winding down into small pleasurable pulses.

After a moment, their heartbeats slowed and he slid to her side, leaving one hand to rest across her stomach. Content, she burrowed her head between his shoulder and chest. “Jackson?”

“Hmmm?” He kissed the top of her head.

“I had no idea making love could be so good.”

“Neither did I.”

She lifted her head, thinking he was teasing until she saw the earnestness on his face. “Really?”

He rolled over, pinning her body beneath his. “Really.”

“It seems that I keep breaking my own rules.”

“Rules are made to be broken.”

Were hearts made to be broken, too? she wondered. “What are we going to do now?”

“I guess we’ll have to get married.”

She smiled and then kissed his throat, prompting him to roll to his back and prop his arms beneath his head. He reminded her of an ad in a magazine—a charismatic, male model. Untouchable. Way too gorgeous to be real or to be looking at her as if he was enchanted by her, too.



Chapter Twelve



Ten weeks as man and wife and Jackson felt as eager to see Madison this morning as he had after spending their first night together. At the moment, he could hear her shuffling through the medicine cabinet in the bathroom as he lay in bed with a bad cold.

Releasing a helpless groan, he hid a smile when she rushed from the bathroom and made her way to his side. She gave the thermometer a shake before guiding it gently under his tongue. Next, she placed a cool palm on his forehead.

“I’m late for work,” she told him. “If I can get away, I’ll come home at lunch to check on you.”

BOOK: An Offer He Can't Refuse
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