An Heir for the Billionaire (22 page)

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Authors: Terry Towers

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Romantic Comedy, #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Medical

BOOK: An Heir for the Billionaire
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Chewing at her lower lip, Cameron silently prayed that this man was for real and not some high school kids' idea of a fun prank. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she let out a long sigh before going through his message.

Dear sperm seeker
. Cameron laughed at being addressed as the sperm seeker, which she supposed was true
. I was considering writing an entire email selling myself to you. However, I'm thinking the best way to decide whether we could be a perfect fit for this endeavour is for us to sit down for a coffee, in a place of your choosing, and discuss the proposition you are advertising. I will say upfront that I am a perfectly healthy and extremely active thirty-four year old male, with no major mental or physical issues within my family tree - to my knowledge. By all means, give me a call at the number listed below if you're interested in seeing if we have a connection.

, wow." There was no doubt in her mind that she wanted to see if, in person, he was as amazing as she suspected he would be. His phone number was at the bottom of the email in the signature field.

Picking up the phone, she started to dial the number and then froze. Was she really going to do this? Taking another deep breath in, she exhaled loudly and nodded her head. Yes, she was.

Gathering up her courage, she punched in the remaining numbers and listened as the phone connected and began to ring.

"Yeah?" A deep male voice answered.

Cameron's heart fluttered and she silently cleared her voice. "Hi there. I'm calling for Sam."

"Sorry babe. He's not here. You just missed him. He just left for the graveyard shift at the hospital. Is there a message?"

Cameron froze. "I
..." She didn't expect to have someone else answer the phone. There was no way she was going to explain who she was and what she was calling for, to this stranger. "No, thanks."

After saying a brief good-bye, she hung up the phone and looked back at the computer screen, deciding her next plan of action. She quickly typed a message with her phone number, requesting a date, time and location for a meeting. Her finger hovered over the
button for a moment before depressing it and she released the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding until that moment.

There. Done


"Morning, bro."

"Morning." Sam shrugged off his leather jacket and draped it over the back of one of the kitchen chairs, and proceeded to kick off his running shoes.


Sam looked over at his younger brother Craig and shook his head. "I want to go to bed, not stay up longer. All these overnight shifts are fucking me up. Any calls?"

His brother was the exact opposite of him, both in physical appearance and in personality. Whereas, Sam had short blonde hair and blue eyes, Craig had dark hair that was an inch too long as far as Sam was concerned, and dark brown - almost black -eyes. While Sam was driven and responsible, Craig couldn't seem to care less about bills, career or responsibility.

Craig frowned. "
. Yeah. Yeah, there was. Some chick. Sounded pretty sexy. Wouldn't leave her name, though."

"Some woman?"

"Yeah. Did you meet someone? She hot?" Craig grinned. “She got a friend? I could stand to get laid, haven't been fucked in weeks."

Crossing his arms over his chest Sam gave scowled over at Craig. "I haven't been laid in seven months. Talk to me when you've gone that long and maybe I'll have sympathy."

"Hey, you're the one working those insane hours. You still haven't answered my question. Who is she? She hot?"

Who in the fuck would be calling me on my home phone...?

. Yeah. I think I might know." Pulling his Smartphone from his pocket, he logged into his email and there was a message waiting for him. Cameron
. Opening the message, he quickly scanned it, his brother coming across the kitchen to peer over his shoulder at the email.

"You're fucking a girl for cash man?"

"What? Fuck." The last thing he wanted to do was discuss this with his brother when he was so tired he could barely keep his eyes open.

"Well, from what I read you're going to fuck her for cash."

Sam thrust the phone back into his pocket. "It's not quite like that. And I don't know for sure."

"Well, if
not going to do it, then send her my way. I could use a couple of grand. Hey - and if she's hot I might even do her for free."

Sam cocked a brow up at Craig. "The last thing the world needs is a mini Craig running around. I can barely tolerate the original."

Craig snorted, but the grin never left his face. ''Well, if you don't do it, you send her my way." Craig grabbed his crotch briefly and his grin widened. "Even if I don't knock her up, I can at least guarantee her a good time."

"You know what. I'm done talking about this. I'm going to bed."

Sam could feel Craig's eyes watching him exit the kitchen. As he made his way through the living room and into his bedroom, he shook his head in mock disgust at his brother's chuckling. Once he woke up from a much-needed sleep, he'd shoot Cameron an email and set up a meeting for the following day.


As she sat and waited at the back of the coffee shop, Cameron's hand shook slightly as she brought the cup of coffee up to her mouth and took a sip. She couldn't believe she was so nervous. This was a business meeting - of sorts. Nothing more or less. She was there to get to know Sam and if they connected, in nine to ten months she'd have the one thing she'd been wanting for as long as she could remember - a baby.

Grabbing her purse from the chair next to her, she pulled her compact out and gave her make-up one final inspection.
God, I hope he likes me
. A soft ding indicating the coffee house front door opening had her averting her eyes from her reflection in the compact to the man walking through the front door.

Oh, my
. Cameron's heart rate accelerated as her eyes travelled their way up the man's jean clad legs and past his broad chest to his face. His sexy blue-grey eyes found her dark ones just as her inspection reached his face.

He paused a moment, and then gave her a nod as he made his way across the dining room of the coffee house to her secluded little corner. As he approached, she snapped the compact shut, slightly embarrassed that he’d caught her inspecting herself. Slowly, she rose to her feet extending her hand out to greet him.

"Cameron?" He put his hand out to take hers.

"Sam?" She accepted his hand, and a jolt of electricity shot through her as his hand eclipsed hers as in a firm handshake, that lasted a moment longer than necessary.

"How are you?" Sam asked as a smile of reassurance spread across his lips, helping to ease her anxiety about the meeting.

"I...Um... I'm okay. You?"

"Good." Releasing her hand, he pulled a chair out and sat down.

"I'm nervous," Cameron, admitted lowering her eyes, a faint blush colouring her cheeks as she sat down and laced her fingers on the table in front of her.

His smile turned sympathetic as he leaned forward in his chair and placed his hands over hers. "Now, why would you be nervous? I'm the one being interviewed here."

She lifted her eyes to meet his and there was amusement and kindness in his gaze. His smile was infectious and she found her anxiety slowly depleting as she returned his smile. "Yes, but the nature of what I'm interviewing for is somewhat embarrassing."

"No, it isn't. Now tell me about yourself. Why do you need me?"

To her surprise, he didn't remove his hands from hers and she liked it. His hands on hers were comforting, making him feel more like a friend and confident rather than what he really was - a stranger. An amazingly sexy one.

Her smile widened as she rolled her eyes at him. "Well, I can't very well do it by myself,
now can I?

He chuckled. "Good point."

Damn, even his laughing is sexy
, she mused.

"So why this way? You're young... Twenty-" His voice trailed off as he waited for her to put the correct number behind the twenty.

"Actually, I just turned thirty."

"Thirty is still very young Cameron."

Cameron sighed. "I know. I know. But it feels like the years are slipping away and if I don't do this soon.
. Then I may never get the chance. I waited for marriage, it never happened"

"So you've never been married?"

She shook her head, a lock of hair falling into her eyes. Before she could brush the strand out of her face, he leaned a little further over and did it for her, tucking the unruly strand behind her ear. The gesture was so sweet, so familiar; it sent a warmth through her, further easing her anxiety over the situation.

"I still think you have enough years ahead of you to not worry yet, but that's just my opinion, it’s ultimately your decision to make."

"So why are you interested in umm... donating?"

"Well, both my brother and I are adopted."

"Really?" Her curiosity of him peaked. "Have you met your biological parents?"

"Nope. Don't want to. My brother tracked his down, but I wasn't interested. The people that raised me were my parents. Which makes me curious, have you considered adopting?"

Cameron grimaced. "I have, but being a single woman who runs a nightclub - regardless of how profitable - wasn't preferable in comparison to married couples who also wanted children. I even considered adopting internationally, but once I did my research, I realized this is the best option for my situation."

Sam nodded. "Fair enough."

His thumb stroked her wrist, sending a delicious shiver through her. She had to bite her lower lip to keep from moaning. She'd been so caught up with making her night club a success over the past couple of years that she'd been neglecting her romantic life. The simple feel of his hands on her, and his thumb stroking her wrist reminded her how superb it was to have a man touching her. She squirmed in her seat, trying the relieve some of the tension building between her legs.

Scolding herself silently, she tried to clear the indecent thoughts beginning to race through her mind. "So, why do you want to do this?" Her gaze lowered to their entwined hands. His hands were strong, but unnaturally soft for a man. How would those hands feel caressing her body?

"Well, I'm a resident at the hospital and I'm embarrassed to admit that the med school bills are rather hefty. So the money is a very, very small part of it," he shrugged, "but more importantly, as I mentioned, I'm adopted. My parents tried for years to have children before they decided to adopt. I know how important children are in peoples' lives. If I can help someone with that, then that's reason enough for me."

Cameron lifted her eyes once more to meet his and saw a devilish gleam shine within them and he gave her a wink.

"Besides, it's been an awful long time since I've gotten laid and meeting you tonight makes me pretty confident that I can add another reason to the list of reasons why I would be interested in doing this - with you."

Her cheeks grew hot as a bout of nervous laughter overtook her. She was embarrassed, aroused, amused. A million emotions rushed through her. "Then perhaps you could drop by my place tomorrow night and we could discuss the legal aspects of this arrangement."

"I counter that with the offer to take you out, we can get to know each other better,
and then
we can go to your place and discuss the terms."

Is he asking me out on a date?

"Is it smart to go out on a date when our arrangement is for-"

"I think it's
smart. It may take a number of tries you know."

She squirmed again. Multiple times with Sam Jerkins? Yes, please. A bout of boldness emerged from her, fuelled by her increasing desire for him. "As many times as necessary."

The electricity between them increased, she could almost hear it crackling in her ears it was so intense. She licked her lower lip, as her eyes lowered to his lips.

"It's a nice night. How about we get out of here and go for a little walk?"

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: terry [email protected]

: Terry Towers


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