An Everlasting Bite (6 page)

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Authors: Stacey Kennedy

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Vampires

BOOK: An Everlasting Bite
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“Open your eyes,” Briggs’ voice was as soft as before. He stood over her, left her space to breathe. He showed her the distance between them was safe and that if she wanted him to stop, he would. She found it amazing that she didn’t want this to stop and craved more of him.

He leaned down, still keeping a distance with his body and laid his lips across hers, slowly meeting her tongue swirl for swirl. His kisses were enough to lose herself in and stole all thought from her mind.

“You’re so lovely here—so pretty, warm and wet.” He continued to play with her sensitive skin, never stopping until she was so aroused that her warmth clenched tightly and the wetness grew to a point that demanded attention. As if knowing her thoughts, he slowly slipped his finger inside her.

She gasped from the sensation of it. “Oh goodness that is wonderful.” It provided an instant relief to the desire coursing through her—a perfect outlet to fuel the arousal consuming her.

Briggs groaned, low and deep.

His strokes were slow and energizing. He caressed every part of her body to stimulate it with desire. Soon, the need to have him closer consumed her. She reached for him, took his face in her hands and pulled him down toward her. He allowed it without hesitation, leaned his chest across hers as he deepened the kiss.

With heat raging through her, she reached out with her other hand to touch him—

wanting him to feel this pleasure. Before she could, he grabbed it and placed it back on her stomach.

His strokes within her warmth came slightly quicker, still soft and gentle with just a faster speed. She moaned and squirmed beneath him. Her body begged him to go harder, faster, but he wouldn’t allow it.

Just as the rush of frustration swelled within Rynn, he backed away, and ran his hand up to her hip, grasping it gently. “Not yet, love. I want to feel your release along my body.” He slowly spun her on the bed so her buttocks were right on the edge and stood between her thighs.

She let out a deep breath that sounded as needy as she felt. Of course, she understood why he went about it like this. He wanted to take her differently than she had experienced before so the memory would be fresh and new. In taking her like this, it kept his body away from her. She wouldn’t feel held down and the ability to stop this if she wanted to.

But she didn’t. Her arousal made her numb to the memory before. Seeing him there, ready and willing, she wanted him inside her—claim her, make her his.

He reached over to the bowl again, and just as she was about to object, he spread the liquid along his hardened shaft. It glowed and glistened in the light. “This will help ease the pain.”

His gaze never left hers and the desire that burned through them was enough to set her on fire. He stepped in closer and waited—waited until she opened her thighs for him so he could close the distance. “The choice is yours, darlin’.”

“I want this—you.” She widened her legs and he slowly stepped in closer, rested his erection against her warmth. She squirmed against him, the contact with her swollen nub made her moan.

He slowly leaned back a bit, then placed the tip of his erection near her entrance and gave a steady push. She expected it to hurt, but as he slowly pushed through, it was more of a burn. He moved slowly. With each push into her body, he was immediately accepted.

It only took minutes for him to slide in completely. His eyes closed as a deep moan that called to her soul escaped his mouth. “Ahhh…” his voice purred, his eyes snapped open to hers, and he gave a mischievous grin. “Nothin’ has ever felt so good, love.”

He pulled back again and then pushed in slowly. The burn continued, but she liked it and welcomed it. The knowledge that he was the first to have her felt so right. This pain spoke the truth that it was Briggs she was meant to be with, her body was his to break in.

She wanted to tell him how much she enjoyed this, but couldn’t find her voice.

The magic poured around her as his claim over her set in deep. The joy that she’d given herself to him was hard in his eyes. Finally, their bond was now complete.

“You feel that…” his eyes burned with lust and possession, “do you feel our bond connecting.”

“Yes, oh yes, I feel it,” she drawled, raised her legs and he placed his hands on her thighs. He slowly filled her completely.

With a few more strokes, the burn began to subside as his unhurried movements continued. The thrusts inside her created flutters of pleasure straight to her core and she vocalized her happiness. “Don’t stop, please…don’t stop.”

“I’ve only just begun.” He picked up his pace, glided inside her with gentle movements. He was careful, as if she would break and didn’t want to force her into climax. He waited patiently for her response to grow naturally from just his gentle touch.

And it was building.

She moaned aloud as the pleasure took hold. “Oooo…don’t…stop,” was all she could come up with. His body provided the perfect ease of the pressure. She began to contract around him. Her back arched, breasts high as her hands clasped his forearms and gripped them tight.

As the tightness engulfing her grew stronger, his body throbbed inside her. With the added sensations, she reeled in pleasure. Her entire body clamped down and her eyes closed as the most glorious euphoria washed over her.

Briggs’ deep groan echoed through the room. “Damn…” he groaned. “Mmmm…yes darlin’, let go.”

His hands around her hips tightened and his soft strokes faltered. After two hard thrusts, nothing else existed. No him, no her, only the pure pleasure rocketing through her body and loud roars within the air.

By the time she returned to reality, the hardness within her had alleviated, and Briggs wore a sedated and content expression.

He gathered her into his arms, withdrew from her body and pushed her back up into the middle of the bed. After he settled in beside her, he ran his fingers down the length of her spine and stared at her with elated eyes, which she was sure mirrored her own expression.

She snuggled deeper into his arms, burrowed into his comfort. “I didn’t think of him.”

“No?” His breath tickled her forehead.

She leaned back a bit and met his gaze. “I thought I’d think of him. That he’d be all I could think of but it wasn’t. He wasn’t anywhere in my mind.”

“It’s because your body was treated as it should have been, love.” Briggs smiled before he kissed her forehead. “There was room for your mind to wander.”

He had never asked about what happened to her that night—never wanted to know all the grimy details. She was sure it was because it’d be too hard for him to keep it together.

It was almost a relief, really. Focusing on the future was far easier than dealing with a past she could never change. Besides, her future looked bright, why deal with the dark?

She sighed, content and leaned her head against his arm, while his fingers feather along her spine. “It wasn’t just that. It’s because it was with you.”

He winked and gave her a mischievous grin. “There is that too.” He glanced at her, curious. “There was one thing that was a bit of a surprise.”

She tensed.

He chuckled and gave her bottom a little tap. “Now don’t go doing that, love. You bled is all.”

She blushed. “Isn’t that normal?”

Briggs lifted his hand from where it rested on her bottom, ran his fingers along one rosy cheek. “I thought that had already been done.”

Right, she never told him. Her blush deepened, and she thought it wise to explain.

“Zia healed that for me.” The memory from just a few nights ago rushed back into her mind. It was the first night she saw for herself that there were more worlds than just the one she knew. The first time she couldn’t deny the existence of witches, vampires, guardians.

The woman before Rynn was one of the four leaders of the Otherworld, but looked
more like a star gliding across the red carpet. Her elegance, confidence, and shining
beauty gave her the air of a perfect woman. “I am Zia, Master of Witches. Please
consider this your home as well,”

Rynn blushed, feeling slightly inadequate. “Thank you.” She glanced around a little,
surprised to say the least. Tonight wasn’t at all what Rynn had expected. Here in the
Otherworld, they were celebrating the full moon. Rynn could feel the pull to it now that
she was a werewolf, but seeing so many supernatural creatures together—carrying on
like this was a birthday bash—was nothing short of amazing.

When Rynn glanced back at Zia, she was giving her a curious look. Zia glanced at
Briggs. “She’s your mate?”

Briggs beamed at Zia. “Aye, she is.”

Rynn felt just as thrilled. They were classic newlyweds, lost in each other and
wanting everyone to see it.

Zia clapped her hands, a smile graced her face that made her more beautiful, if that
was even possible. “Oh, what wonderful news!” She leaned forward, reached a hand out
to Rynn. The second their skin made contact, she snapped it back and gasped.

Rynn gasped as well and leaned into Briggs, who wrapped an arm around her. She
could barely breathe. It was quite obvious by Zia’s horrified expression that her magical
abilities allowed her to see into Rynn’s mind, and what had happened to her. Something
Rynn didn’t want anyone to see.

Zia regained control of herself quickly, then reached out to Rynn again, sadness lay
very prevalent in her eyes. She leaned forward and whispered in Rynn’s ear. “As a Spirit
Witch, I can erase that memory from your mind. Would you like me to do that for you?”

Rynn backed away from her in shock. “You can do that?” This magical stuff was
unbelievable. To think such a thing possible, she couldn’t wrap her head around it.

Zia smiled and nodded softly.

Rynn thought for a moment, considered Zia’s offer. Without a lot of consideration,
she knew the answer. “No. I do not want you to erase the memory.” The memory was
what brought her into this new life. Without it, pieces would be missing. She had already
lost enough of herself and to willingly lose more, wasn’t an option. No matter how
horrible the memory was.

Zia’s smile was gentle as she leaned back in. “That I can understand, but what I can
do for you is return your virginity. I can heal your body so that when you make love
again, it will be as if it wasn’t stolen from you.”

Hope filled Rynn. To have that back, to give it to Briggs… “Yes, that is something I
would want.”

Zia gave her arm a little squeeze and with it came pain that nearly crippled Rynn.

Menstrual cramps felt like a massage compared to this.

Briggs tensed immediately. Rynn could sense that he was about to lose it. She quickly
grasped his arm to let him know she was fine. Yes, it was painful, but she could endure it
because of what having her virginity back meant to her.

It wasn’t long before the pain eased and when Rynn opened her eyes, she did feel
different. Whole again. It was a wonderful feeling.

“Thank you,” she whispered to Zia. “Thank you isn’t enough. A thousand thank yous
will never be enough.”

Zia cupped her cheek. “I hope that gives you some peace, Rynn.”

Briggs’ fingers continued the dance along her cheek and snapped her out of the memory. He gave her a classic Briggs grin. “It pleased me.”

She smiled back at him, pleased as well. She believed that in this moment, it was the beginning—the start of her healing.

Would she ever be cured of what that night did to her soul? She doubted it. But Briggs showed her one thing tonight that she needed to see.

This was love, pleasure and how she deserved to be treated.

That night was theft, hatred, and a lust for power. There was a difference between the two. The event may always scar her, be ever-present in her mind, but eventually it would fade away to a distant memory.

She had Briggs and a bright future with him. That was all that mattered.





Chapter Six






“This is so embarrassing,” Rynn exclaimed to Briggs as they sat in the Grand Hall.

“There’s no hiding it. They all knew I hadn’t done it a few hours ago, now they’ll all scent out that I have.” Her sweet cheeks burned crimson.

Briggs chuckled at her blush and took her hand in his. “It’s nothing they haven’t done themselves, darlin’.”

Rynn snorted softly and gave him an annoyed glance. “Still.”

His grin grew and he lifted her hand to his mouth, laid a kiss upon her palm as he glanced at the crowd. The Grand Hall was located just off the main lodge at Wolf Creek—with typical high ceilings of dark wood beams, crystal chandeliers and candles provided dim light. The table where he, Rynn and Valor sat had a deep silver cotton tablecloth with sleek matching covered chairs.

“So, what’s going to happen?” Rynn whispered to Briggs.

He would have responded, if Tiago’s entrance in the hall didn’t steal his attention.

Briggs watched as Tiago inhaled deeply. Immediately, he scented out that Rynn had been claimed, sending his eyes into slits.

Within seconds, the look faded and he gave Briggs a firm nod of acknowledgment as he found his way to his table.
Tiago was not a man he liked at the moment and it would serve him well to stay clear.

It took a few more minutes for all the wolves to find their tables—of course, Valor’s table sat a little apart from the rest. Briggs could sense Rynn didn’t enjoy the fact she was displayed in such a way. He found her lack of comfort amusing but did scoot her chair a little behind his so she was hidden further.

As the last of the wolves took their seats, Valor stood. “Hendrix. Sayer.” His voice rang clear in authority, a sound Briggs had gotten used to and respected. “Come forward.”

The two men stood from their chairs—both puffed up, muscles clenched, death gazes hard on their faces. Briggs could only hope no blood would be shed here in front of Rynn, which was very likely. She’d yet to see how violent his kind could be and enough had happened already. He wasn’t sure she could take much more.

Hendrix and Sayer stopped in front of the table. Hendrix immediately got down to business. “Return my daughter!” he roared at Sayer.

Briggs tensed, ready to move Rynn out of the way if he needed to. Hendrix looked about a second away from shifting. His entire body trembled beneath his khakis and black cotton tee shirt. Even his charcoal shoulder-length hair seemed to shake and his dark eyes raged with fury.

Sayer stepped in closer to him, nose-to-nose. “I do not have her,” he said through gritted teeth. The challenge had been issued, and Sayer wasn’t stepping down. The look in his eyes was just like his cropped honey hair, soft and relaxed. Exactly how an Alpha should look like when presented with a situation like this—not guilty.

Valor sighed and gave his face a rub as he examined the men. “You have not heard anything of this?” he asked Sayer.

Sayer glanced at him, his gaze conveyed truth. “Nothing at all, nor am I involved in it. Furthermore, I doubt any of my pack is either.”

“How can you be so sure?” Valor asked.

“I am as sure as you would be. I trust my pack. They are not capable of doing this.

My wolves are well looked after. They do not go without. They wouldn’t need her for anything. What would the motive be?”

Valor leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms, his brows furrowed in contemplation. “Hendrix, you heard him. He does not have her or any knowledge of her whereabouts.”

Hendrix breathed deep through his nose, his fists clenched tight against his sides. “I do not care. If the trail ended in Minnesota then she must be with the wolves there. He needs to pay for their lack of discipline.”

Valor turned his gaze to Sayer, who stood cool and collected. “That does pose a question. Have you had any rogue wolves come into your area?”

Sayer pondered that for a moment, then shook his head. “Not that I know of. I would have been informed immediately. No one has presented themselves to me.”

Briggs leaned over and whispered in Rynn’s ear, sensing the conversation confused her. “When wolves are without a pack, they are known as rogues. An Alpha’s permission is needed for them to stay in his territory.”

Rynn smiled a soft thank you, then looked back at the men.

“You see,” Hendrix accused, drawing Briggs’ gaze back to his. “No rogues. It must be members of his pack then.”

Valor ignored him, continued to look at Sayer. “Have any of your pack scented any others who have entered your territory and belong to another pack?”

“I have not been told of any.” Sayer replied.

“Point proven!” Hendrix roared like an wild animal just released from its cage. “You must die for this.”

Abruptly, a wave of amusement swept through Briggs. Stunned by it, he glanced at Rynn who was looking down at the table, shaking. Only a second later, she burst out laughing and glanced at Briggs with watery eyes.

When her laughter subsided a bit, she glanced around and noticed everyone was looking at her. Her laughter ceased, fear charging through their bond .She looked at Briggs for help.

He had to restrain his laughter seeing her frightened expression. As if, he’d let anything happen to her. He arched a brow. “Something funny, darlin’?”

“Ahhh…” She glanced around the room, then met his gaze again. “Sorry, no.”

Valor shifted his chair to face her, crossed his arms over his chest, and gave her a look that was half-inquisitive, half-amused. “You have something to add?”

Her brows rose, her face went beat red in an instant. She shook her head quickly.


Valor smiled softly, gave a wave of his hand. “Something amused you. Please enlighten us.”

She glanced at Briggs, seeking assistance. He didn’t offer what she wanted, instead only gave her a reassuring nod.

“Go on, love. Speak your mind.” Seeing her squirm was amusement in itself.

Besides, she had just as much right to speak here as any other. Plus, he was slightly intrigued as to what was on her mind and caused such an outburst.

She gave him an annoyed look for not rescuing her and sighed. “It’s just that—this one,” she pointed to Hendrix, “just keeps repeating
die, die, die
. Then, there’s this one,”

she pointed at Sayer, “who has no idea what’s going on.” She shrugged. “It is just funny—a pointless conversation.”

The room was deadly silent.

Briggs was amused. His little wolf pleased him. Showing confidence around the others was something he had not expected her to do and it made him proud.

Valor shared in the amusement and cocked his head as if he meant to be serious, but his eyes said otherwise. “You have a solution to this then, do you?”

She leaned forward, looked Valor dead in the eye. “Don’t you think time would be better spent trying to find the poor girl?”

Surprised flashed across Valor’s face, she had clearly stated a valid suggestion.

“Indeed it would.” He glanced at Sayer and Hendrix, who stared at Rynn with equal blank looks. “What say you?”

Hendrix’s eyes darkened, his gaze determined as he looked down at her. “You’re willing to help with this search?”

“Sure,” she answered, her tone sarcastic. “Don’t expect a miracle though, I’m no detective.”

Briggs laughed and wrapped an arm around her. The more he saw of the real her, the more he loved. She was such a quiet thing, soft in every way, but there was strength in her that appealed to his Alpha. She only needed to see it for herself. That would be the challenge.

Hendrix’s look of death slowly lessened and behind it was deep pain. “Rynn is right.” Sadness was heavy in his voice. “We should be out searching for her.”

Briggs patted her shoulder, quite thrilled with her. She just had two very strong Alphas agree with her. The moon had indeed granted him one hell of a mate.

“Sayer, you and your pack will give aid here.” Valor ordered.

“Of course,” he responded without hesitation.

Valor stood from his chair and gave the crowd a direct once-over. “Any other business to discuss?”

No one said a word.

“Good,” Valor resumed his seat. “Before we leave for Minnesota, we must eat. We need our strength.”

Hendrix nodded, then glanced at Sayer, who just slapped him on the back. “Let’s eat, dolt, then we’ll find her.” They shared a smile, then headed back to their tables.

Briggs glanced across the table. Valor had pride in his eyes. “Destiny has brought a wise mate to you, Briggs.”

“Aye,” Briggs responded as he looked at Rynn. It sure had.

She dismissed them both with a wave of her hand and fiddled with her napkin. “Its common sense, not wisdom.”

Valor leaned forward, tapped his finger on the table to grab her attention. “No, sweetling, it is human smarts. You think like a human. We have not had that within the United States wolves before.”

She gave him a baffled look, then turned toward Briggs. “What does he mean?”

“He means,” Briggs answered, a little lost in her sweet expression. He wished it were proper, amidst a pack meeting, for him to kiss those pouty lips of hers. “As Wolves we have been raised having these gatherings and solving the problems within them. Plus, Alphas are Alphas, whose answers usually result in the death of someone.”

“So…” she exhaled long and deep, then seemed to gather her thoughts. “Sayer would have been killed tonight, then what?”

“Hendrix would have requested the new Minnesota Alpha to give him aid in finding his daughter.”

Rynn snorted. “Well that is just plain stupid.”

Valor laughed and winked at her. “Isla could be right. You might be just the one to change our ways.”

Just then, Echo, Sayer’s mate, approached Briggs. He glanced at her just as she said,

“Looks like you saved the day.”

Rynn rolled her eyes and let out another loud snort. Echo smiled at her before glancing at Briggs. “Would you mind if I had a moment alone with your mate?”

Briggs eyed her curiously. What would Sayer’s mate have to discuss with Rynn? If it had been anyone else, he would have said hell no. Echo was a kind and gentle woman and he suspected that if anyone would welcome Rynn, it would be her. So far, his instincts had never led him astray.

But he did think it wise to look to Rynn for her answer. When Echo directed the question at him, he felt pings of annoyance running through their bond. Of course, it was proper, but Rynn hadn’t yet learned that.

He glanced at Rynn. She nodded and shrugged at the same time, equally mystified.

Briggs looked back to Echo and gave a firm nod. “Of course.”

After a final curious glance his way, Rynn stood. Echo took her hand and led them out of the Grand Hall.

Briggs had to wonder what the two women would discuss.

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