An Eighty Percent Solution (CorpGov) (61 page)

BOOK: An Eighty Percent Solution (CorpGov)
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ur projections tell us why this is happening, but do we have any intel

“The operatives we do have in the field
report hearing
rumors of key GAM members dying, including their leader
Even better,
the rumor on the street is

s a power struggle among those left.”

“This is excellent news.”

“This means that the number of actions from the GAM in the future will be reduced?”

“Perhaps even eliminated," she said, sparing a cold look at
didn’t even fli
Hers was not the first assassin to
fail against him.

“I suggest we keep
this on the agenda…”

“Advisory,” came a pleasant
generated voice
“Stocks of all major corporations experiencing significant drop in value based on broad sell and put activity
That program would only activate in the case of a
ten percent
or more drop in all major stocks.


The room echoed with a resounding boom
Dust filtered down from the ceiling and one window cracked afterward with a loud report.

“This facility is under attack,” said
the same
soft, but obviously artificial
female voice
“Please remain calm.”

* * *

Tony counted on his fingers
Before he reached eight, the building shuddered and flame licked briefly down the tube
Ignoring the incendiaries, Tony jumped into the grav tube just in time to hear two almost simultaneous tremors
One would be Andrea setting off the pinch
The other would be the opening blast against the response team.

His guts s
nk to the floor as the grav tube flung him upward
They then slammed in
to his mouth as
his ascent slowed
Even before he arrived
sweet stench of burnt flesh mixed with the acrid odor of smoldering plastic filled his nose
Tony scrambled for a perch as a black gaping maw, partially obscured by smoke, replaced the
landing ledge

Several small fires that had been computers, notepads
or even a table burned fitfully
Nothing else remained of the room except
heaps of
One of the mounds moved slowly, crawling in a seemingly random direction
Tony walked up, put his gauss
to the indistinguishable mound and pulled the trigger
The lump
stopped moving in a sickening splash of something between liquid and solid.

Christine landed
from the grav chute
second behind him
Augustine just seconds after that
Arthur brought up the rear a few seconds later
what had been the doorway
The door itself lay askew halfway down the hall
Tony wouldn’t need the explosives he brought to gain entry

The four of them marched in an open diamond formation,
Tony leading
into the meeting room
Seven of the
ten most powerful people in the
solar system
already stood, looking for something to do, or some way to escape
The other three just gaped

“What are you

one of them sputtered.

Tony interrupted with a blast from his gauss gun into the ceiling
Christine and Augustine stood beside him covering the council

“I beg your attention, ladies and gentlemen
Sorry for the theatrics
but I needed your attention.
time to change your little cabal here into a positive force.”

“Welcome, Tony,”
“You were very effective

Christine shot the man in the fleshy part of the arm
His scream and subsequent whimpering stifled anyone else from making comment.

“Oh, quit whining
She only nicked you
Trust me when I say she could easily have chosen to remove a single testicle had she taken it in her mind

Completely out of character, Christine smiled

“Now that
we’ve settled that
, I want you all against the window, facing out at our fair city
And before you think
only buying time until the cavalry arrives, we’ve neutralized everything
including the
Metro response
If you look out
you might just see the
involved in
a riot at the Main Metro complex itself

“Now that I’ve taken hope from you, I will give it back
Behave and your families will live

One woman half turned toward Tony
, but froze as Christine’s weapon swung about to point at her head.

“That’s right
,” Tony went on. “
We have each of your families ready to be vaped
We have trigger teams shadowing all of them, including yours, sir, on their holiday on Io.
Now, I want you each to announce which corporation you head

Each went in turn from one end to the other.
Wisely, none of them hesitated or protested.

answer the question put to me earlier
Yes, I was a very effective weapon for
this council
plan worked
after a
You’ve decimated the ranks of the GAM.

“So this is revenge?”
Percomm Systems
spat back.

If this were revenge
I’d have tracked down how to hurt each of you the worst,” Tony said as he paced up and down the line
“Torture your daughter, maybe?” he asked one executive
“Or maybe make your grandson a vegetable?” he said walking by another
“How about removing the genitalia of your lover and giving it to your wife?
Bottom line, this is the start of something new
tainted by just a smidge of justice.”

“So you want to kill us and take over?”

no,” Augustine
laughed as she

“I have to agree with my colleague
First off, we don’t have the experience to run your companies
Your successors would soon
oust us
Even if we could, we don’t want this kind of power
We do
want those who exercise supreme power to be answerable to the people.”

“How are you going to do that
” Wintel asked
“You can’t post a guard on each of us
to make sure we behave.”

We can’t
then our actions against your corporations have made each of us very wealthy
So wealthy
in fact
be funding multiple independent watchdog organizations, each with enough capital to start a small army
Remember how easily our small organization got to you
Think of how easily someone could do it with military hardware.”

going to let us live?”

“Well, that depends
We obviously can’t kill you all
or we lose our object lesson here
But then letting you all go would lose its impact
eventually think it was a fluke and try to do something stupid.

“So what
it depend on?”

“This pretty young lady here is going to draw lots
Those drawn will be killed outright
It isn’t a perfect plan, but then none is
I honestly don’t know how to restore full public responsibility
I leave that for you to decide
knowing that we
, and many like us
will be watching
Note that some of them
on’t quite have our patience.

“Why would we just stand still and wait to be killed?”

“First of all, do you think even the ten of you, unarmed, could overcome four trained, armed guerilla fighters
more importantly
if even one of you resists
we will kill each
and every one
of your families
That includes any
wife, parent, child, lover, friend, pet
or bastard
within two generations

The executives fidgeted but said nothing.

“Christine, if you please
Oh, and did I mention,
be drawing eight names

exactly eighty percent.”



Author’s Note:

I want to thank you for reading
An Eighty Percent Solution
I truly hope
enjoyed it
Because of the curse or blessing of my creative side
not only
write, I
game master roleplaying games and
many other activities where I invent to entertain

s unlikely that
in my lifetime my creativity will wane.
Because I write to entertain
I must
take this occasion to
drag out my podium

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