An Easy Guide to Meditation (5 page)

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Authors: Roy Eugene Davis

Tags: #Health, #Mind & Body

BOOK: An Easy Guide to Meditation
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– Flawless realization (with knowledge) of the allness of Consciousness: from the field of pure existence-being (that which is absolute, unmodified or pure), to God, Cosmic or Universal Mind, the primordial field of unmanifest nature, and the causal, astral, and matter realms. When established at this stage there is no other level to experience and nothing more to know. Fully enlightened souls live in the world only to fulfill evolutionary purposes and to assist souls to their higher good.


Awakening through the progressive stages of spiritual growth may be experienced during meditation. The stages we move through may also be recognized as we observe ourselves actualizing constructive psychological changes and demonstrating improvements in functional abilities. We may notice that our problem-solving abilities become more pronounced, insights enable us to know what we did not know before, and that our way of viewing life is increasingly more universal and decidedly more satisfying. While revealing meditation perceptions are satisfying at the subjective level, the life-enhancing changes we experience while engaged in objective relationships validates our spiritual progress and makes life more enjoyable.


When meditating, some discernible signs of superconscious awareness are mental peace, emotional calm, and a secure sense of being inwardly centered while being alert and attentive to what is occurring. We may still be aware of fluctuating moods and shifting mental processes but we are a witness to them and not as involved with them as we formerly were. At this stage the meditator may doubt the validity of the experience even though it is pleasant and the aftereffects are beneficial. With repeated practice of superconscious meditation, doubts vanish as more expanded states of consciousness unfold.


Every mental perception leaves an impression or memory. Mental impressions resulting from environmental stimulation and our own thoughts, moods, and desires, are not always constructive in their further influences. However, the impressions resulting from superconscious experiences are always entirely constructive, and tend to weaken and neutralize destructive mental impressions. This is why self-defeating habits and behaviors often fall away after one has been meditating on a regular schedule for a few weeks or months. Another reason why such habits and behaviors can be more easily renounced when a spiritual growth program has been implemented, is that, with new resolve, one is inspired to make better choices. When a sense of enlightened purpose is the determining factor, we are naturally inclined to direct our energies and resources to meaningful ends.


The mental impressions of superconscious perceptions are also eventually dissolved when full illumination of mind and consciousness is experienced. One is then no longer influenced by mental conditionings. Instead, intuitive guidance directed by innate intelligence determines actions.


The ideal approach to spiritual growth is to aspire to it with dedicated devotion, remaining inwardly centered and patient while growth occurs in time. Regardless of what your present degree of spiritual understanding might be, whether clouded or more clear, inwardly hold fast to the knowledge that you are a spiritual being endowed with all of the attributes and capacities common to every other soul in the universe. This is the absolute truth.


God is the only Being in existence. You are an individualized ray or unit of God’s consciousness. This fact cannot be changed. Therefore, you are endowed with innate knowledge which has but to be awakened and actualized. Never say, or think, that you are anything less than what you are as an immortal, spiritual being. The habits, viewpoints, feelings, desires—and all else that might be presently influential that comprises your self-conscious condition—are temporary. They are superimposed upon your awareness but they are not the real
They are not the final, determining circumstances of your life. They are impermanent, therefore, temporary, and you are superior to them. Everything that needs to be changed will be transformed as you awaken steadily through progressive stages of spiritual growth.


While on the awakening path, remember that the path is not the destination: it is only the way. Do not tarry when it is unnecessary. Look forward to the ultimate outcome, to what will be true for you when your awakening is complete. Remember, too, that though spiritual growth is usually progressive, there is always the possibility of sudden awakening—unanticipated breakthroughs, occasions when clear perception and knowledge blossoms and vast regions of mind and consciousness are revealed. Your dedicated practices and adherence to right living routines are but preparation. When the moment is right, when you are prepared and are responsive to grace, its redemptive actions will remove the cloud of unknowing from your mind and the light of understanding will brilliantly shine.


Grace is the enlivening life (spirit) of God supporting and transforming creation. It expresses throughout the field of nature and from within every soul. It directs the course of evolution and awakens souls from their “sleep” of mortality. When we are less self-centered and more soul-centered, less grasping and more giving, less contractive and more expansive, grace more obviously expresses to order our lives and our circumstances.





Lifestyle Guidelines Supportive

of Our Primary Aims and Purposes



Although it is true that regular, right practice of meditation does beneficially influence our lives and contribute to useful changes and helpful improvements, we can assist ourselves to complete wellness and more skillful function by intentionally implementing constructive lifestyle routines. The guiding principle for doing this is that everything we do should fully support our primary purposes for which we are in this world. We have four primary purposes to fulfill. They are easy to remember and essential to actualize:

To Live Right
– We are living in the right way when we are self-responsible, successfully fulfilling our duties and obligations, and using our talents and abilities to make useful contributions to society and the planet. We know we are “in our right place in life” when we are soul-content and so in accord with circumstances that all aspects of our lives are balanced and harmonious.


To Learn to Have Our Life-Enhancing Desires Easily Fulfilled
– By learning how to use our intelligence and abilities to live successfully, and by learning how to adjust our mental attitude and states of consciousness, we can experience easy fulfillment of life-enhancing desires. Desires which, if fulfilled would interfere with the unfoldment of higher purposes, should be renounced. Become proficient in endeavors. Learn how to cooperate with mental and metaphysical principles of causation. Live without strain. Be a gracious, cultured, knowledgeable, successful person.


To be Affluent
– If we resist the idea of being affluent (“in the flow of life”), we restrict life’s inclination to thrive, to flourish, to be successful in the accomplishment of its purposes. The universe is self-complete, whole. When we are in harmony with its actions we are included in its processes and all of our needs are spontaneously met. When we are affluent, we can almost effortlessly fulfill all of our endeavors.


To be Spiritually Enlightened
– If we are successful in learning how to function as social beings but have not yet experienced authentic spiritual growth, our lives are not complete. Therefore, include spiritual studies and practices in your daily routine, and do your best to live from your highest level of understanding. You will grow to emotional maturity and awaken to flawless knowledge of your real nature and your relationship with the Infinite.


Come to terms with the fact that you are in relationship with life for a purpose. Find out what that purpose is and fulfill it. You will then fulfill your spiritual destiny. Merely to be inclined to drift with the tides of circumstances, or to focus on satisfying petty personal desires and whims, is to waste the precious opportunity living in this world provides. There is no better place than where we are to learn our lessons and to awaken and express our spiritual capacities. Have you wasted time, energy, and resources in the past because of purposeless or misguided endeavors? If so, release the past and resolve to do better from now on. Are you wasting time, energy, and resources now? If so, choose to think, feel, and behave more constructively.


Regardless of present circumstances, be they oppressive, or more supportive but not fulfilling, all that is needed to implement useful change in the direction of more freely expressive life is choice. When we choose more ideal circumstances, we make decisions. When we make decisions, our thought processes become more organized and rational. We enter into a cooperative relationship with the enlivening Power that nurtures the universe—and us—and, being responsive to It, discover that we are supported by currents of life which carry us along and provide for our well-being through every stage of our awakening, learning, and growing.


Right knowing, right relationship with the Infinite, and right living, is the way to confirm our dedication on the awakening path and to prove to ourselves the authenticity of our spiritual growth.






Our understanding determines the usefulness of our choices, and living with intention facilitates emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth. Do these things with conscious intention:

What is the highest good you can see for yourself?


What will you do to actualize it or experience it?






Read this book several times, marking the ideas and themes that speak to you. On another sheet of paper, or in your personal journal, write your plans and projects for living with worthwhile purpose. Write your spiritual practice routine.



I open my mind and being to my endless good.

I acknowledge the truth—that I am a spiritual being

forever established in wholeness.

I will live wisely, act with conscious intention,

and live always in tune with the Infinite.




Center for Spiritual Awareness is an enlightenment movement with offices and retreat center in the mount
ns of northeast Georgia. Meditation retreats are offered from early spring through late autumn. An active publishing program includes the production and international distribution of books, monthly lessons, the bimonthly
Truth Journal
magazine, video DVD’s and audio CD’s. Affiliated meditation groups are active in many cities of the United States and in other countries. Roy Eugene Davis is the spiritual director. Visit our web site at:
for information, our retreat schedule, free literature, videos and audio podcasts, weekly Guidelines to Inspired Living and a directory of CSA ministers and Group Leaders around the world.


Truth Journal
An Easy Guide to Meditation

and listings of Mr. Davis’ books, DVDs, and CDs, and

meditation retreat schedules may be viewed online at:


Center for Spiritual Awareness

Post Office Box 7

Lakemont, Georgia 30552-0001


(706) 782-4723 Weekdays Fax (706) 782-4560

[email protected]



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An Easy Guide to Meditation
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