An Angel in the Mail (27 page)

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Authors: Callie Hutton

Tags: #Western, #Romance

BOOK: An Angel in the Mail
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“What I’m trying to say in the worse possible way . . .” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. Stiff fingers fumbled with the lid. The gold ring, with its rubies and emerald stones, sparkled in the moonlight streaming through the buggy window. “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Sylvia sat like a statute, staring at the ring, her mouth slightly open, eyes wide.

“Please, Sylvia.” Eli’s voice shook. “Say something.”

Sylvia ran her tongue around her lips. “This is a surprise.”

He took a deep breath in an attempt to calm his racing heart. “A good surprise, or a bad one?”

Sylvia raised her eyes and met his. “For the first time in my life, I’m earning my own way. Oh, I know I live in my stepdaughter’s house, but I have a position. I get paid a salary every week, my own money, something I’d never had before.”

“Sweetheart, say yes and I’ll give you all the money you want.”

She straightened her shoulders. “No, you don’t understand. I don’t want someone to
me money. I’ve had that all my life. I like working, and knowing I
the money that sits in the bank in my name.”

“You can keep your job,” he said quickly.

“But will you still pay me my own money?”

“Yes, in fact I’ll give you a raise.”

Sylvia sighed. “I don’t want a raise. I merely want to continue to work at the restaurant, and receive my regular pay.”

Her features grew serious, and she took Eli’s hand. “I don’t think you can possibly know how much employment means to me. I feel like a grown-up person for the first time in my life. I’ve always had someone hand me money. I never minded it, or even thought about it, until I made my home with Angel and Nate. My stepdaughter has all those children, but she still earns money that she can use for herself. When you handed me my first pay envelope, I almost cried.”

“Let me see if I understand this. If I guarantee your job and your pay—without a raise—will you marry me?” He held his breath.

She smiled as women must have done since the beginning of time, when faced with that question. “Yes, I will marry you, Eli Benson.”

With shaking hands, he removed the ring from the box, and slid it on her finger. Then, ever so gently, he cupped her face in his hands and kissed her.

It took all of his control not to shout, “yippee,” as he released the brake, and slapped the reins. As the buggy started forward, and made its way to the livery, Sylvia raised her hand to the scant moonlight and tilted her head to admire the ring on her finger.

Lucy stood, tapping her foot, arms crossed over her chest as she waited for her father to return with
that woman
. Almost time for the guests to arrive, and he still hadn’t arrived. What in heaven’s name took so long?

The front door opened, and Papa guided a small woman with blonde hair into the large entrance hall. He helped her out of her coat, and handed it to the servant stationed at the door for the evening.

He turned to her, a beaming smile on his face. “I have wonderful news for you, Lucy.”

“What?” she snapped. The woman, obviously the thief from New York, hung onto her papa’s arm as if she couldn’t stand on her own two feet.

Papa frowned slightly. “I would like you to meet Mrs. Sylvia Hardwick.”

Lucy nodded her head in Sylvia’s direction. “Charmed.”

Returning her gaze to her father, she said, “Papa, what took you so long? The guests will arrive any minute.”

Before he could answer, the doorbell chimed. Lucy patted her hair, and smoothed her dress. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, and their exceedingly plain, unmarried daughter, entered the hall, and greeted them with Christmas wishes.

“How nice to see you, Eli, Lucy,” Mrs. Douglas said. They turned expectantly to the woman standing by Papa, with curiosity.

“Mr. and Mrs. Douglas, I would like to present to you my fiancée, Mrs. Sylvia Hardwick.” Papa said proudly.

Lucy gasped and grabbed the back of the chair next to her. “Your fiancée?”

Dear God, when he said she might become a member of the family, she never expected it to be so soon. The witch would probably pilfer the silverware when her papa wasn’t looking. She’d have to hide all her jewelry.

“Yes, dear, your father and I just became engaged.” Sylvia raised her hand to display the beautiful ring.

Rage coursed over Lucy in waves.
The woman probably can’t wait to quit that stupid job at the restaurant and live off Papa’s money.
She took a deep breath as a slow smile split her face.

Not if she’s in jail, she won’t.

Lucy’s jaw ached from grinding her teeth together. This party had turned into a disaster. First, she had to deal with her papa’s surprise engagement. Reeling from that, she didn’t get a chance to catch her breath before other guests began to arrive. Then Papa pushed that woman into the limelight, introducing her to everyone as if she were royalty. No one paid any attention to Lucy.

Nate and Angel arrived about an hour after the party started, probably because of those sniveling little terrors. She’d tried to get close to him for a while, but he never left Angel’s side, or her infuriating stepmother. At this point, Lucy had a raging headache, and wished everyone would leave so she could lock her bedroom door and have a few drinks from her newly replenished brandy bottle.

Angel laughed as Nate spun her around on the dance floor.

He bent his head and whispered in her ear, “I hope you’ve forgotten your undergarments again.”

“Guess.” She smiled.

He pulled her close and growled.

Christmas always being favorite holiday anyway, this year having a husband and children made it all the more special for Angel. As they glided around the dance floor, her eyes focused on Sylvia and Eli, arm in arm and speaking with two other couples. Her stepmother positively glowed tonight. Shaking her head, Angel still couldn’t believe Sylvia was going to marry Eli Benson. No matter what, the woman always landed on her feet.

She fanned herself after leaving Nate, and joined a group of other married women gathered in a circle far enough away from the band to allow for conversation. Nate had gone to ask the Douglas girl to dance. How kind of her husband to seek out the young ladies who most likely would never make it to the dance floor if he hadn’t asked. She truly did owe Sylvia a big ‘thank you’ for sending her to him.

Angel spent an enjoyable time chatting with the women. It being difficult to get to town too often, she caught up on all the news. The hair on the back of her neck rose as a deep voice sounded in her ear. “When do you want to leave, honey?”

She turned to Nate. “I’m ready whenever you are. I imagine the boys will be awake early tomorrow, and I have that big dinner to fix. Or burn.” She laughed.

“Oh, sorry, I forgot to tell you. Eli has invited all of us for Christmas dinner. Do you mind?”

“All of us? The children, too?”

He nodded.

“Heavens no, that’s wonderful. Another meal I won’t have to ruin.” They excused themselves from the women, Angel taking his arm to find Eli and Lucy, and say their good nights.

Eli had attached himself firmly to Sylvia’s side as he talked with his guests. Lucy had disappeared, so Nate and Angel said their goodbyes to Eli, and headed for the door. Nate helped her into the buggy, and as he turned to walk to the other side, he heard his name called.

Lucy ran down the steps, her skirt bunched in her fist.

“Nate, please wait for me.” She gasped as she hurried to him.

“I didn’t get to talk to you all night,” she pouted. “You danced with everyone else except me.”

“Lucy, you had so many men vying for your attention, I’m sure you didn’t miss me.” He grinned.

“Yes I did,” she stomped her foot. “You danced with every ugly girl at the party.”

Nate’s smile faltered. “That remark was uncalled for, Lucy.”

“I’m sorry. I think my father’s surprise announcement has unsettled me.” She moved closer and ran her tongue around her lips. “Goodnight, Nate, thanks for coming.” Rising on tiptoes, she kissed him soundly on the mouth, attempting to coax his mouth open with her tongue.

Nate pulled back and pried her arms from around his neck. “Good night.”

He climbed into the buggy, and slapping the reins, they left.

“Nate, something needs to be done about that young woman.” Angel huddled in the corner, shivering from the cold damp air.

Glancing sideways, he pulled her over and wrapped his arm around her. “I know. And even more disturbs me.”

She snuggled into his warmth. “What?”

“I distinctly smelled liquor on her breath. And I’m not speaking of the champagne at the party, but strong spirits.”

“Oh, my. I’m afraid Sylvia’s going to have her hands full with that one.”

“So it seems.” He hugged her closer and steered the buggy toward home.

Before the sun had eased over the horizon, Luke and John crawled into their parents’ bed.

“Papa,” John whispered in Nate’s ear.

He kept his eyes closed. “What?”

“It’s Christmas.” Luke whispered in his other ear.

“I know.” Nate opened one eye.

“Can we go look in our stockings?” John still whispered.

“If you’re whispering to keep from waking me up, it’s too late, gentlemen.” Angel sat up and grabbed a pillow from under Nate’s head. With a grin and a mighty swing, she swatted Luke on the back.

“Pillow fight!” John yelled, grabbing Angel’s pillow.

The peaceful morning air rang with giggles, tickles and pillow slinging. Soon Matt and Mark joined the fray. Nate and Angel scooted out of the bed and left the boys to battle it out. Angel lifted Julia-Rose who cried to join her brothers.

Angel put on coffee and heated milk for potted chocolate. Not long after, the boys joined them in the kitchen.

“Can we look in our stockings now?” Mark asked.

“Angel and I will be right in, just wait for a minute. Matt, go change Julia-Rose please, and Mark, set out cups for coffee and chocolate.”

Angel breathed in the cool air as Nate started a fire. She glanced around in amazement. Her family. What a huge difference from last Christmas, with her and Sylvia trying to cheer each other, so soon after Papa’s death. The table had been filled with all kinds of Christmas dishes, served by starched servants. She and Sylvia nibbled a bit and then excused themselves from the table and went their own way.

She’d attended a Christmas party much like the one last night, but instead of dancing all night in the strong arms of her husband, she’d bantered and flirted with a number of men. No one made her feel a tiny bit the way she did when she looked at Nate.

His hair falling over his forehead, he shoved it back and continued helping her get the coffee and chocolate ready for Christmas morning. The boys danced around with impatience, and from her place on the floor, Julia-Rose raised chubby arms to be picked up.

Soon, the family gathered in the parlor, and the boys dug into their stockings which contained fruit, a candy stick, and a few toys. Nate had elected not to have candles on the tree for safety reasons, so the house sat in shadows until the sun came up. By then Angel had served her family breakfast, and they all chattered about going to Eli Benson’s house for Christmas dinner.

“Angel, can you finish reading
A Christmas Carol
to us before we go?” Matt asked.

“Yes, I’ll do that as soon as we’re cleaned up from breakfast.” She wiped Julia-Rose’s hands free of scrambled eggs.

“Before that, boys, we need to read the story of the ‘First Christmas’ from the Bible,” Nate added. ”In fact, Mark can you read for us?”

The boy’s face glowed with pride. Since Angel had been tutoring him, his confidence had grown.

After the readings from the Bible and Dickens’ book, Luke crawled on Angel’s lap and twirled her hair around his finger. “Why does Julia-Rose get to call you
, and we all call you Angel?”

“Because she’s our Angel. Papa said so when she came,” Mark said, sucking on his peppermint stick.

“I already have an angel Mama in heaven. I want a real one here.” Luke looked at her, his eyes wide.

Angel’s heart melted, and she turned to Nate for help.

“If any of you want to call Angel
, I’m sure it would be all right with her.” Nate studied each boy in turn.

“Is it all right with you?” Matt looked at her from across the room.

Because she couldn’t talk, Angel merely nodded, and wiping quickly at her tears, hugged Luke. Before long the other three settled next to her, and she hugged them all.

When she finally spoke over the lump in her throat, she looked beyond four small heads at Nate. “This is the best Christmas I’ve ever had.”

“Me, too.” Nate watched them, all gathered together on the settee. Julia-Rose climbed from his lap, and toddled over to Angel.

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