An Angel in the Mail (20 page)

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Authors: Callie Hutton

Tags: #Western, #Romance

BOOK: An Angel in the Mail
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The sun edged its way toward the horizon, casting the pink and white bedroom in dusky shadows. Lying in the bathtub in front of the fireplace for the second time that day, Lucy ran the details of her party through her mind. She filled a sponge with cool, scented water, and squeezed it over her breasts, enjoying the delicious sensation as the liquid ran over her nipples. Raising one leg, she dribbled water over it, and slipped deeper into the tub.

More than a few men she’d met in Europe had been happy to introduce her to the pleasures of lovemaking. They had also taught her how to prevent pregnancy, which left her free to enjoy those pleasures. If she couldn’t tempt Nate soon, she would have to find someone else to relieve her building needs. She shivered to think of the many interesting things she had learned on her European trip, and how wonderful it would be to share them all with Nate.

She imagined his long fingers stroking her, caressing her in sensitive places. His mouth on her breasts, and other places she’d learned were even more fascinating. Frowning, she remembered his dowdy wife, and banged the side of the tub in frustration.

Pushing the unpleasant thought aside, she went back to planning her party. She would wear her utterly stunning, royal blue dress, with the cream-colored piping around the scandalously low neckline. She had it made up in an exclusive little shop in Paris, along with slippers to match.

That would show up Nate’s wife, who’d probably never owned a ball gown in her wretched life. The woman had the look of a domestic or laundress, which she probably did in New York before she finagled Nate into marrying her. Or more likely a tavern maid. Who knew what kind of lies she told him in order to get herself a husband?

Lucy would convince Nate of his mistake, and make him her own. She would appear sophisticated and provocative, unlike Angel.

Her insides clenched in anger when she thought of the wonderful plans she’d made for her and Nate. After they were married, Papa would give Nate one of his businesses to manage, which would significantly improve his income. With the large house Papa would have built for them, they would have room for servants, and a nanny and nursery for the children, so she wouldn’t even have to see them.

They would host lavish parties and attend the theater in Oregon City, and travel to San Francisco several times a year to enjoy the social life in that fascinating city. She would be stunning in her beauty, with a handsome husband on her arm.

Drat Nate! Why didn’t he wait until she came back from Europe? He had seriously ruined her plans.

Angel stood at the doorway to the kitchen and watched Matt and Mark slugging each other. Near the end of August, the day had been a particularly trying one. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, once again listening to the twins bickering with each other. Her usually easygoing Julia-Rose had fussed all day, which made her hope the baby wasn’t getting sick.

The children she’d tutored that day had been distracted, which made the lessons last much longer. She had forgotten to soak the beans the night before, so they couldn’t have the beans and ham hock she planned for supper, which was a blessing in this heat. Instead, her already unhappy brood had to make due with scrambled eggs and bread quickly purchased from the bakery.

“I hate eating breakfast for supper!” Luke whined when he came to the table.

“Never mind, young man, be thankful you have food for your belly,” Nate said as he strapped Julia-Rose in her chair.

Angel dished up the eggs and bread, and plopped in her seat. She reached over and spooned eggs and buttered bread for Julia-Rose. Putting the food in front of the baby, she sighed as she realized she forgot the coffee. She winced at her stiff muscles as she rose, then poured two cups for her and Nate.

“Honey, have I told you what a good job you’re doing?”

She stared at him with narrowing eyes.

“No, I mean it. The house isn’t perfect, laundry isn’t always on time, and there’s the occasional breakfast for supper.” Nate waved his hand around the table. “But we all appreciate what you’re doing, don’t we, boys?” His sons hadn’t picked up on his enthusiasm, and sat silently. “I think when supper’s over, we’ll clean up the kitchen so you can take a nice, cool bath.”

“Aw, Papa, that’s women’s work,” Matt groused.

“Work is work, and we all help each other as a family to get things done.” He regarded each boy in turn. “Let’s hear no more about it.”

Angel studied Nate, her heart filling. Here sat a man who took life’s rough spots with ease. He was a loving, fair father, and a courteous and caring husband. If she had to be forced into the role of a mail order bride, she couldn’t have found a better man. Her feelings for him became more engaged every day. That would be a good thing if he returned the sentiments, but as kind as he was, he’d never indicated anything stronger for her. Perhaps he wasn’t ready to let go of Amy’s memory.

True to his word, once they’d finished, Nate prompted the boys to clean the kitchen while he washed Julia-Rose, and put her nightgown on. Her fussiness had stopped, but she appeared as tired as Angel, her head on his chest, fingers crammed into her mouth, when he carried her upstairs to bed. As soon as the boys were done, he told them to wash up and go to bed. Angel had taken in and folded clean laundry from the yard, and then read to them while Nate prepared the water for her bath. She came down from the boys’ room as he finished.

He’d dragged the heavy tub into the parlor and placed it in front of the fireplace. Even though it had been a hot, sticky day, he made a small fire, and filled the tub with water.

She gazed longingly at the tub. “Oh, that looks wonderful. I’ll get my things and be right back.”

Shortly she returned with a towel, scented soap and a washcloth. Nate’s long legs ate up the distance between the fireplace and the doorway. He took the bath items from her hands. Slowly, he lowered his head, his lips meeting hers. When she softened in his arms, he grasped her bottom, and pulled her closer to his manhood, already hard.

“Considering how dangerous your bath was the night after you arrived, I think for safety, I should assist you,” he mumbled in her ear, his breath warm and sensuous. Angel’s knees grew weak.

He released her, and slowly unbuttoned her dress. His lips moved over her neck, as he slid the dress over her shoulders, trapping her arms. His blond head moved back and forth as he nibbled and licked at her collarbone, and up to the back of her ear. Angel angled her head back, and he continued to nip, lick and kiss her heated skin.

Nate pushed the dress to her feet, and Angel kicked it away. Nimble fingers lowered the straps of her chemise, revealing her full breasts, the nipples erect with anticipation.

His palms moved languidly over the turgid peaks. “I love how you respond to my touch.” He lowered the chemise, along with her drawers, and Angel stepped out of those as well.

The smell of her perfumed soap drifted on the air, mixed with the scent of Nate, spicy and male, as he drew her to him, and kissed her deeply, slanting her head for better access. They tangled with their tongues, and Angel moaned softly. He wrapped his arm around her waist, and splaying his hand over her bottom, edged her closer. With his other hand, he cupped her breast, rolling the taut nipple.

She loved the sensation of her naked body against his fully clothed one, and how wanton it made her seem. The scratchiness of his shirt and pants rubbed delightfully over her sensitive spots.
Where in heaven’s name has my modesty gone?

His lips released her, and he gazed at her through heavy eyelids. “Later.” He lifted her and placed her gently in the tub.

Angel moaned with pleasure as the chilled water surrounded her body, relaxing tired muscles. She reclined against the tub and closed her eyes. Nate took the cloth and scented soap and washed her neck and shoulders, rubbing in slow circles. She leaned forward and he continued his ministrations on her back. He rinsed her skin by squeezing cool water over it, and then licked the wetness from her shoulders. Goose bumps arose on her flesh, and raced down her body, pooling in her center.

His large, but gentle hands washed her breasts, spending a lot of time on her nipples. Angel moved restlessly in the water, squeezing her thighs together.

“Does that feel good?” Nate murmured. His teeth tugged at her earlobe.

“Oh, yes.”

He splashed water on her breasts, his gaze traveling as the water slid down, and dropped off her nipple. Taking a full breast in his mouth, he suckled hard, moving his hand to the curls between her legs. She hugged his head closer, running her fingers through the silky strands of hair, while his busy fingers separated her folds and found the little nub, already stiff.

He flicked it with his finger, and then circled it with his thumb. He slid a finger into her opening, causing Angel to buck. She felt completely shameless, lying there with her legs spread while Nate worked his magic.

“Close your eyes, sweetheart, let me bring you pleasure.” His warm breath, like a familiar perfume, wafted over her face. Another finger joined the first, and with the rhythm of his fingers, combined with the circling of his thumb, Angel felt herself reaching for the explosion she knew would soon erupt.

Her muscles tensed, and he pressed his thumb hard. She jerked and cried out, reaching for him, her hands leaving a wet imprint on his sleeve. He silenced her cries with another deep kiss. Angel lay there panting as the ripples in her body came to an end.

She opened her eyes and looked at him, with a slow, lazy smile. He stood abruptly and hauled her out of the tub. He grabbed the towel and wiped her dry. Angel stood like a rag doll, letting Nate rub the cloth up and down her limp body.

He dropped the towel, scooped her up, and headed for their bedroom, taking the stairs two at a time. He laid her tenderly on the bed and stepped back. His eyes glowing with an inner fire, he worked the buttons on his shirt. He yanked it out of his pants, and loosened his belt.

Angel watched his clever fingers slide the buttons free, anxious for him to finish. The muscles under his golden skin rippled as he peeled off the shirt. The beauty of his chest, dusted with blond hairs, caused her breath to hitch. Her heart sped up as he rid himself of his pants and joined her on the bed.

Propped on his elbow, his hair falling over his sweat-beaded forehead, he ran his hands over her body. “My Angel. Truly a gift from heaven.”

“As are you,” she answered, dragging his head down to capture his lips.

He quickly moved over her, and slid into her moistness. Her hands kneaded his buttocks, as the muscles tightened with his thrusts. After only a few minutes, he brought her closer to his body, nuzzling her neck, and found his release as he mumbled her name. Gulping for air, Nate collapsed on top of her, then shifted to the side and tugged her against his chest.

Nate smoothed the dampened strands of hair from her face, and kissed her forehead. “I hope you enjoyed your bath.”

“Indeed. I may need a bath more often.” Angel snuggled closer, as he moved his hand to cup her breast, softly massaging. She let out a sigh.

He brushed his lips over hers, swollen from his kisses, and whispered. “Go to sleep, darlin’.”

As she drifted off to sleep, his voice came from a distance. Faintly, he whispered, “I love you.”

Chapter 13

“Where are the fresh flowers I ordered?” Lucy raged at Mrs. Flannery, the only housekeeper to survive any length of time in the Benson household.

The night of Lucy’s party had arrived. She’d spent weeks planning the most impressive event of the year. Additional servants had been brought to the big house to help set up, cook, and serve the hundred or so guests, coming from all over the county.

“They will be here, miss,” Mrs. Flannery responded in her most calming voice.

“I want everything perfect,” Lucy snapped, as she studied the large room, searching for any imperfection.

“Miss Lucy, why don’t you take your bath now? I will see everything is taken care of,” the housekeeper soothed.

“All right, I guess I do need to get dressed.” She took one final look around, and headed to her room.

“Bella, you better have my bath drawn,” she warned as she stomped up the stairs.

“Yes, miss.” A soft voice answered from the top of the stairs. “It’s all ready for you.”

Lucy swept past the maid and entered her room. The bathtub sat in front of the fireplace, with warmed towels, scented soap, and cloths on a small glass table next to it. Lucy dropped the wrapper she had been wearing and stepped into the tub.

As she relaxed against it, her thoughts wandered to how impressed Nate would be with her party. He’d realize how well she managed a large household, getting everything done, and still look beautiful.

She’d heard rumors in town that his wife was less than the best housekeeper, even having served eggs for supper more than once.
You accomplished everything with an army of servants.

No matter. When she and Nate were married, she’d see to it that Papa paid for as many servants as she needed.

Sighing dreamily, she squeezed warm, scented water from the sponge and washed, and imagined a night of dancing in Nate’s strong arms.

Angel had finally gotten all the children down for the night. She took a quick bath, and dressed for Lucy’s party. Nate had suggested they skip it, but even though she knew Lucy had plans with regard to her husband, she didn’t want to lose the opportunity to wear one of her gowns again, and socialize with adults for an evening. As much as she’d grown to love the children, there were times when she craved a conversation that consisted of more than a few words.
Pick that up, do your homework, stop fighting, are you chores done?

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