Read An Act of Obsession (Acts of Honor Book 3) Online

Authors: K.C. Lynn

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

An Act of Obsession (Acts of Honor Book 3) (19 page)

BOOK: An Act of Obsession (Acts of Honor Book 3)
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“She can tell you herself when she’s ready.”

“Fair enough.”

The conversation ceases when other people walk into the waiting room and take seats. Heavy silence fills the air as minutes turn into hours. I do everything to distract myself. From checking in with Benny to texting my sister, but nothing helps. Nothing calms the cold hard fear paralyzing me. Fear that I may never see her again. The only girl who has ever been able to penetrate my walls and breathe life into my dead heart.

Time eventually comes to a standstill, driving me to the brink of fucking insanity. Nurses have come and gone from her room but they won’t tell me a damn thing. If I don’t get answers soon, I’ll tear the place apart. When another nurse walks out, Cooper orders me to stay put while he speaks with her. Only then do we finally get answers.

The nurse glances over at me nervously before talking to Cooper. His expression becomes more somber with every second that passes, his brows drawing together in worry.

Oh shit!

His gaze shifts to mine as he lifts his chin to signal me over.

Dread makes each step heavy and weak. “What’s going on? Is she okay?”

“She’s stable,” the nurse says, sending an explosion of relief through me. “She’s tired and a little disoriented but she’s going to be okay.”

“I want to see her.”

Her eyes dart away. “Usually we only allow family in at a time like this.”

“Well, she doesn’t have any fucking family here. I’m the closest thing she has to one.”

She nods. “That’s what Sheriff McKay has said and she has been asking for you but—”

“She’s been asking for me and no one has come to get me?” A deep-seated anger begins to burn inside of me. Without waiting for a response, I charge for her room.

“Wait. The doctor wants to speak with her in private,” she protests, but I don’t stop and barge through the door.

My swift feet falter at the sight of her. She’s hooked up to a bunch of machines, her delicate body fragile and broken—close to shattering at any given moment. Her sunken eyes swing to mine, the smallest smile touching her dry lips.

“Kolan,” she whispers, her voice shaky and weak.

A painful breath shreds my chest as I move for her. Grabbing her hand with the IV in it, I bend down and press a kiss to her forehead. I notice her scarf is gone but most of her hair surrounds the scars. She wraps an arm around my neck to pull me in close but it lacks strength.

“I’m so sorry I ruined your night,” she says, her voice thick with guilt.

“I’m the one who’s sorry, Soph. I should have made you stay home and rest.”

“No. It’s not your fault. I really was feeling a little better this morning.”

Our exchange comes to an end when someone clears their throat. “If you don’t mind, I was speaking with my patient.”

Standing, I look over at the doctor, wondering what the fuck his problem is when it’s clear he has one.

“I’m sorry, Dr. Corrigan. I tried to stop him,” the nurse apologizes. “Do you want me to call security?”

“Security?” Sophie squeaks in alarm.

“No one’s calling security,” Cooper cuts in, not bothering to hide his annoyance. It matches the burning one inside of me.

Sophie’s hand squeezes mine with a little more strength. “I don’t want him to leave.”

“Don’t worry, baby. I’m not going anywhere.” My eyes narrow at the doctor, daring him to challenge me.

“I think it’s best if I speak to you in private about the results of your blood work,” he says.

“Anything you have to say can be said in front of Kolan and Sheriff McKay. They’re friends of mine.”

Silence fills the room until the asshole finally relents with a tight nod. “Very well. Before we were interrupted, I had asked if you were on any prescription medications and you said no.”

“That’s right. I’m not.”

“Well, the results from your blood work say otherwise. There was a significant amount of DepoDur and Lorazepam found in your blood.”

“What’s that?” she asks the question before I can.

“Lorazepam is mostly found in anti-anxiety medicine such as Ativan and DepoDur in morphine.”

What the fuck?

“That’s impossible. There must be some sort of mistake.”

“I’m afraid it’s not.”

“But I’m not taking any medications. All I’ve had is aspirin this week from being sick. This doesn’t make any sense.”

“Could it be possible someone has been giving it to you without you knowing?”

Uneasiness settles in my gut.

“Of course not. I haven’t even been around anyone this week other than Kolan.”

When his eyes shift to me, rage ignites in my blood. His silence says it all.

A bitter laugh escapes me. “Unfuckingbelievable.”

Sophie looks up at me, confusion marring her pale face before she finally clues in. “Wait. You think Kolan did this?”

“That’s exactly what he thinks,” I grit.

It now makes sense why they didn’t want me near her. It shouldn’t surprise me that the blame is being misplaced once again. I swear, if I could be blamed for global fucking warming I would be.

“I’m only trying to figure out how this ended up in your system if you did not take it. It also wasn’t long ago that Mr. Slade was accused of hurting—”

“I’m going to stop you right there, Doctor,” Cooper says, his interruption stopping me from knocking this asshole out. “Any and all charges Kolan was facing months ago were dropped. Now, I agree that something is obviously going on here, and I will personally be looking into it. But I know whatever it is does not have to do with Kolan.”

I toss him an appreciative glance, a little surprised he had my back but damn thankful for it.

“Exactly,” Sophie bites out, her voice stronger than when I first walked in here. “He would never hurt me.”

A worry I didn’t realize I was carrying eases. Her opinion matters most to me, and obviously, it does look suspicious because I am the only one who has been around her all week.

Jesus, what the fuck is going on?

“Fair enough. I’ll leave this with you then, Sheriff,” the doctor says before looking back at Sophie. “I would like to keep you here overnight for observation. Just to make sure all is good before sending you home.”

She nods, her pale expression troubled. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Take care, Miss Kay.” He leaves without so much of a glance in my direction, a tense silence filling the room.

“This doesn’t make any sense,” Sophie whispers, looking up at me. “I’m still convinced it’s a mistake.”

I sit in the chair next to her bed and clasp her small hand between mine, wishing I had the answers for her, but I’m still trying to wrap my head around it all.

“Why don’t you get some rest, Sophie, and we’ll talk more about this tomorrow when you’re released,” Cooper suggests. She tenses at the use of her name, her eyes snapping to his. He gives her a sympathetic smile. “I’ve always known.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because I hoped you would tell me when you were ready.”

“I’m sorry, Cooper,” she whispers, her words heavy with guilt.

“Don’t be. I understand why you did it but you don’t have to hide anymore. We’ll figure this out. Okay?”

She nods. “Thank you. For everything.”

“No problem.” His eyes move to me. “You need a ride?”

Sophie’s delicate fingers grip my hand.

“No. I’m staying here tonight.”

“I figured. I’ll see you both tomorrow then.”

After he leaves, I look back at Sophie, her troubled eyes fixated on me. “You didn’t have to stay,” she says. “But I’m really glad you are because I need you right now.”

“I’m here, baby. I’m not going anywhere.”

Her hand moves to the side of my face. “You saved my life.”

“Nah. I didn’t do anything. But thanks to Cooper’s badass driving, we got you here much faster than the ambulance would have.” I pause, the last few hours crashing down on me full force. “You scared the hell out of me, Soph,” I breathe, my heart tearing apart at the thought of how I almost lost her.

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. It’s just…” I shake my head, trying to figure out how to explain to her that I felt like my life was ending with hers. Instead of admitting that, I brush her hair aside and bury my face in her neck, my lips resting on the very place she hates but I admire.

I feel her throat bob as she holds me close. “What’s happening, Kolan?”

I pull back to look at her and see fear shining bright in her eyes.

“It can’t be him,” she whispers. She doesn’t need to elaborate because we both know whom she’s talking about. I can’t deny it’s where my thoughts are right now and it has a dangerous rage brewing inside of me. “I would know if he was near. I would feel him. There’s no way I wouldn’t…right?”

“I don’t know, Soph. I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but I swear to you I’m going to find out. I won’t leave your side until we do.”

If it turns out he’s back and has done this to her, I will take his last fucking breath.



’m finally discharged the next afternoon and on my way back home with Kolan. Thanks to his sister and Nick who brought his truck by this morning when they came to check on me.

Other than being tired and my tummy a little tender, I’m feeling better. Yet, there’s still this cloud of fear and uncertainty hanging over me as I continue to wonder how all of this came to be. I’m still convinced the tests are wrong. There has to be some other explanation. There is nothing logical to support that someone else has been doing this to me, especially when I haven’t been around anyone. Well, except for Kolan, but my mind doesn’t support that idea for a second. My heart still aches that the doctor not only judged him but also insinuated it was him. Kolan brushed it off when I tried speaking to him about it, but I know it must have hurt.

I will never understand how people can think he is this awful person who thrives on hurting others. They don’t see the man who taught me how to defend myself. Who kisses my scars like they are marks of strength rather than weakness. How he took care of me when I was sick. I don’t know how I would have survived these past several weeks without him. Heck, I don’t know how I’ve managed my whole life without him. He’s come to mean so much to me and those feelings only grew after last night. Not only for saving my life but also for staying by my side. He slept in a chair and held my hand all night. It’s something I will never forget.

When Kolan pulls up to my house, he turns off the truck and looks at me. His eyes are soft as he reaches over to gently brush his fingers across my cheek. The small contact calming my turmoil.

“Let’s go inside and get you settled, then we’ll call Cooper to come by, okay?”

I nod. “Yeah, okay.”

Getting out of the truck, he strides over to my side and helps me down.

“Are you sure you don’t need to do anything at the gym?” I ask, not for the first time today. I feel horrible about all the responsibility he’s been putting off because of me.

“Soph, I told you it’s fine. The guys have everything under control and Sarge is taking care of the youth classes.”

I sigh as we begin heading up my walkway. “Okay. But if you need to go for anything it’s completely fine and—” My words stop abruptly when he throws an arm across my chest, halting me. Looking up at him, I see his eyes trained on the steps. “What’s wrong?” My attention moves to where his is, and I see a package sitting on my doorstep. Usually, that wouldn’t be so alarming, but what has fear crawling up my throat is seeing my name in black felt marker scribbled on top.

Not Lia Kay but Sophie Parish.

I blink several times, frozen to my spot.

“In the truck, now!” Kolan orders.

I’m unable to get my feet moving until he grabs my arm and drags me back to the vehicle. Opening the passenger door, he covers me until I’m safely inside then walks around to get behind the wheel. He pulls out his phone after hitting the locks, pressing a button before putting it to his ear. When he leans over to open the glove compartment, my eyes widen in shock at the gun he pulls out.

Oh god, this is not happening.

“Get to Sophie’s place. Now.”

My eyes snap to his as he hangs up. “Who was that?”

“Cooper. He’s on his way.” When he makes another call saying the same thing, I assume it’s Nick.

A chill racks my body, causing a shiver to work up my spine. Crossing my arms over my chest, I look out the window, waiting for that feeling to hit. The feeling of his malicious eyes. The feeling of being watched. But I can’t feel anything other than fear.

It can’t be him. I would know. I would feel it.

No matter how much I try to assure myself of this, I can’t shake the feeling in the pit of my stomach that my time is up. That Daniel has found me once again.

Please, God, don’t let it be him. I’m not ready yet.

“Sophie, are you listening to me?” My eyes snap to Kolan when his voice penetrates my torment. “I want you to stay here.”

My arm shoots out to grab his, fingers digging into his hard muscle. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to show Cooper what’s on the doorstep.”

My eyes move to the side mirror to see Cooper getting out of his squad truck. I hadn’t even realized he pulled up. I shake my head. “Please don’t leave me right now.”

Sympathy washes over his expression. “I’m not. I’ll stay where I can see you and you me. Okay?” My fingers ease the death grip on his arm when all I want to do is cling tighter. Leaning in, he hooks a hand around my neck to pull me in close, our foreheads touching. “Everything is going to be okay. No matter what. Do you understand?”

I nod jerkily but know if this is what I fear most then it will not be okay.

After giving me a swift kiss on the lips, he gets out and slams the door before locking me in. My eyes follow his every move as he meets with Cooper. Words are exchanged before Cooper pulls his gun and starts for the house. Kolan does what he said he would do and stands where I can see him. His arms are crossed, stance tense as he watches the door, making sure to glance in my direction every now and again.

BOOK: An Act of Obsession (Acts of Honor Book 3)
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