Amorous (The Lincoln Series Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Amorous (The Lincoln Series Book 1)
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He reached across and ran the backs of his fingers along her arm.

“I’m sorry, Marie. I can’t seem to stop upsetting you. Let me make it up to you. How about I take you to dinner some time?”

She opened her mouth to speak and he placed a finger over her lips.

“I’m sorry. Forget I said that.”

She felt pressure in her chest and struggled to inhale. The ‘yes’ was on the tip of her tongue and she was never so glad she hadn’t spoken the word.

“I just can’t seem to stop apologizing to you, either,” he said and sat back with a sigh. “Maybe I should just greet you with
‘I’m sorry’
each time I see you and get the apology out first. God knows I’m bound to say something stupid to warrant it.”

They spent the next few breathless seconds just staring into each other’s eyes. She was afraid to blink because she knew it would trigger the tears she didn’t want to shed in front of him.

Finally, he broke the silence. “I’d better get going. My break is over.”

Without another word he headed back through the coffee shop.

She sat in stunned silence, still unable to speak or think clearly. What had just happened? She had decided to believe Janet and thought he really did want her. He even said she inspired lustful thoughts that made him flush.

But then he asked her out and told her to forget it before she had a chance to respond. She closed her eyes and a tear dropped to her cheek. Her heart felt heavy. This was just a game to him. He was toying with her.

She straightened her shoulders and lifted her chin. She made that mistake once already. She wasn’t about to make it again.

She looked back toward the exit and wiped the tear from her cheek. There was no sign of him walking away. With a heavy sigh she headed back to the office. This week could not end soon enough for her.


Warren stood out of sight and looked through the window of the coffee shop. Marie had turned around, obviously to see where he’d gone. He took a step toward the door when the urge to run to her surfaced suddenly, but stopped when he remembered AJ’s warning to stay away from her.

He stepped back into his hiding place and watched her as she passed the counter and waved to the young girl stocking the case with pastries, his gaze glued to her until she was out of sight.

He pushed out a heavy sigh and sat at the table next to him. He needed to give her time to get back to the office. He didn’t think he could trust himself not to follow her. He’d seen the sparkle on her cheek before she wiped it away. He told himself it wasn’t a tear.

He didn’t have the power to make her cry. She was AJ’s girlfriend. He was just a stray puppy who couldn’t resist begging her for attention.

Ten minutes later he headed back to the ER. The walk was almost painful as he forced his legs to go in the opposite direction. The pull she had on him was like nothing he’d ever felt before and despite the unfamiliar feeling, he had a strange sense of home when she was near. The only thing standing between him and happiness was AJ and for the first time in his life he wished his best friend had never been born.




By Friday afternoon Warren was sure his sanity was slipping away. He had to find out exactly what was going on between Marie and AJ. She had been doing a fantastic job of keeping herself so busy that he was lucky to get a friendly ‘hello’ in when he walked through the door.

He had no intention of stealing his best friend’s woman but keeping himself under control when she was around was getting more difficult by the hour. The fact that she didn’t seem to be the least bit interested in AJ only gave him more reason to try and rationalize his actions.

His need to be with her and just touch her was reaching a fever pitch. Before they had left for the day on Thursday he had nearly pinned her against his door when she brought him the files he had requested. For a minute, he thought she was waiting for him to do it, almost anticipating it. Then he had thought better of it and backed away to let her leave.

He had to find out exactly where everyone stood in this love triangle or he was going to end up doing something he’d regret. So when AJ suggested they leave early and get in nine holes of golf, he seized the opportunity to find the answers he needed.

They were at the fifth hole in the course and had finally lost the group following behind them, giving them the opportunity for a private conversation. Warren was lining up his shot so he didn’t have to look at AJ when he spoke. He didn’t want him to see how important this conversation was to him.

“So, what’s the deal with you and Marie? I haven’t seen you make a move on her all week.”

“She’s my Executive Assistant and a damned good one. I don’t intend to mess with that relationship.” He followed Warren’s shot as the ball sailed straight up the center of the fairway before he continued. “She’s doing a great job and I’ll be pretty pissed if I have to train another one. I’m tired of training a new one every six months. Marie has the potential to last me another twenty years at least. So, don’t fuck with her, Warren.”

Warren sighed when he realized he wasn’t going to be able to hide anything from AJ. He turned to look him straight in the eye.

“Are you speaking literally or figuratively?”


Warren tightened his grip on his club. “So you don’t love her.”

AJ laughed. “No. She is my Executive Assistant, Warren. Not my bed partner.”

“From what I’ve seen so far she’s not the least bit interested in you either. She doesn’t belong to you, AJ. You can’t control her personal life.”

He knew now he couldn’t honor his promise to stay away from her, even if he wanted to. AJ’s interest in her was strictly business, so as far as he was concerned he wasn’t betraying their friendship. Even if AJ saw things differently, losing him as a friend seemed like nothing compared to losing a chance with Marie.

“I can and I will.”

AJ’s features turned to granite; his voice was cold and direct. He squared his shoulders and faced Warren.

“She needs a good reference from me if she resigns, and she knows I will not give her one if she disappoints me. She will do what she has to do to make me happy. I will not lose the best Executive Assistant I have ever had just because you want your dick sucked.”

As if nothing else needed to be said AJ turned and headed down the fairway.

Warren watched his childhood friend head toward the green and wondered when he had become so cold and hard. They hadn’t seen each other in the past six years, but he had been able to follow AJ’s career as a speaker for the past three. Warren never imagined his best friend could so easily lose his humanity. There had been no affection in his voice as he spoke about Marie. To AJ it was all business and nothing else mattered.

He decided to let AJ have the last word on the subject. He saw no point in continuing it. AJ wasn’t going to change his mind and he certainly wasn’t going to give Warren his blessing with his intended pursuit of Marie.

They finished their nine holes and wrapped up the day in the clubhouse, catching up on old times over a glass of Maker’s Mark and a cigar. Two hours later they parted with a cordial handshake. Now it was time to hunt down Marie and find out exactly how she felt about him. Hopefully, he already knew what her answer was going to be.

Chapter 7


Janet was already at Parillo’s when Marie walked in. It was crowded but it wasn’t full yet. That didn’t usually happen until about eight.

“Where’ve you been, Slow Poke? It’s almost 6:30.” Janet slid a glass to her. “I ordered you one already, but it’s probably warm by now.”

“Thanks.” Marie slumped down in the seat across from her best friend. She took a sip of the half melted fruity concoction.

“Don’t you want another one? That can’t be very cold.” Janet looked around for a waitress.

“No. It’s fine. It fits in perfect with my week.” Marie took another long sip before setting the glass on the table. “Did you order anything to eat yet?”

“Of course not. I’ve been waiting for you. Although, I was just about to pass out from hunger.”

“I’m not that late. Besides, I had to go home and change first. I needed to shed those office clothes. The last thing I want tonight is a reminder of that place.”

“That bad, huh?” Janet put her elbow on the table and leaned her chin on her hand, a playful grin on her face.

“You have no idea.” Marie took another long sip of her drink. “It’s a constant struggle not to make a complete fool of myself by drooling all over him. I just need to stay away from him for the next two days.”

“I assume you are referring to the sexy Dr. Jackson?”

“Yes, Janet.”

“Well, I have the perfect solution to your problem. I asked a friend to join us tonight. He just moved back to town and I thought you might like to meet him. He’s a really great guy. Maybe he’ll help you forget about your, uh, problem.” She wiggled her eyebrows.

“Oh God. Not again?”

Janet had played matchmaker with her all through college. Every time she was in this kind of situation Janet would introduce her to one of her friends to help her forget the guy. The problem was there was always something annoying about their personality. Like Mike who laughed like a hyena or Jason who still lived with his mother because she did all his laundry.

“Do I have a choice, Aphrodite?” Marie set her glass on the table and leaned her head back on the high back chair, covering her face with both hands. “So, tell me. What’s wrong with this one?”

“Nothing. He’d be perfect for you, Marie, he’s very outgoing.” Janet poked Marie in the side and giggled.

She dropped her hands to her thighs with a slap. “Great. Just what I need, a chatterbox who doesn’t know when to shut up.” She leaned forward resting her elbows on the table and her chin in her hands. “Or is he
because he wants to live in the woods with the animals?

Seriously, I don’t think I can deal with this tonight, Jan. You know I’ve been making a fool of myself at work with Dr. Jackson for the past week. I’m really not in the mood to be nice. I was just hoping we could have a fun
girl’s only
night and relax. Maybe I should just go home and let you two catch up.”

“Don’t worry. I just want you to meet him. He probably won’t hang around long anyway. You know how guys are. Girly talk gives them hives.” Janet grinned from ear to ear. “But seriously, I think you’re gonna like this one.”

“Jan you don’t understand. I’ve been—”

“Well, I’d love to hear all about it but now wouldn’t be a good time.” Janet cut her off with a look of disgust and nodded in a direction behind Marie.

“Dear lord, not tonight. I don’t have the energy for him.” Marie closed her eyes and wished she had just stayed home.

“Well, hello ladies. Is this seat taken?”

Jake’s slimy voice sent a cold shiver down her spine. He didn’t wait for an answer but pulled the chair next to her closer and sat down. And as usual, he sat way too close for her comfort.

She slid her chair away from him. Just breathing the same air was enough to make her nauseous.

He had been hounding her since their one and only date from hell two years ago. The day after he had walked into Parillo’s with the bimbo crawling all over him, he started making regular stops at her table. He never failed to make her regret her time with him and leave her feeling dirty and used.

Janet crossed her arms and glared at him. “Actually, Jake, it is taken and he’ll be here any minute so I think it would be best if you just slithered on out of here.”

He ignored Janet’s comment and gave Marie the once over with his sleazy smile. He always made her feel violated when he did that.

“Marie, baby. The longer you keep up this game of Hard to Get the more you risk losing my interest. I just might get tired of waiting around.” He leaned over and put his arm across her shoulders, the smell of stale beer and bourbon assaulted her senses.

She jumped to her feet and stepped back. She glared at him and said, “Look, Jake. I’ve had a hard day and I really don’t want to go through this with you. Just get away from me.” She clenched her fists and waited for him to leave.

“I know how to make you feel better. Why don’t you let me buy you a drink then we’ll head back to my place for an appetizer.” He leaned back in his chair and flagged a waitress.

Marie felt something snap. Suddenly her patience with him was gone. “Jake, you’re not stupid! You know I’m never going to have a drink with you or have dinner with you or do anything with you. Ever! So, for once in your pathetic life…Leave! Me! Alone!”

He sat completely still and the expression on his face turned dark. “Well, I can see I’ve got my work cut out for me tonight. You’re in an extra bitchy mood. I might actually have to use some foreplay this time.”

She slowly dropped her hands to her side. Jake had never gotten angry with her, just more arrogant. But then again, Marie had never yelled at him in the middle of a crowded bar either. Despite how she felt about him she’d always tried to be polite when she rejected his advances.

She opened her mouth to speak just as she felt a hand touch the small of her back. Startled, she spun around and barely recognized Dr. Jackson before he lowered his head and covered her mouth with his.

The kiss was deep and passionate and she felt herself melt against him. Her anger was immediately transformed into a passion she couldn’t control. She slid her hands up his chest and grabbed the lapels of his silk shirt. She rose up on her tip toes and tried to get closer, eager to feel the warmth of his body. She remembered the warmth she felt each time they touched. And just as each time he touched her she couldn’t resist his heat.




Warren walked in to Parillo’s about a quarter after six. The bar was more crowded than he had expected, considering it was still early. He was hoping it wouldn’t take too long to find Janet. He hadn’t seen her since high school but they had kept in touch through Facebook. Janet was always adding new pictures, which he thought was a waste of time. Now he was glad he knew exactly who he was looking for in this crowd.

He spotted an empty stool and headed for the bar. He ordered a beer and began scanning the crowd again. Maybe if he couldn’t find her she would find him.

The crowd tonight was more subdued than the usual weekend crowd and that was just fine with him. He really wasn’t into the rowdy bar scene. The only reason he agreed to meet her here was because she had insisted. He was hoping once he found her he could convince her to go somewhere a little less crowded.

She was like the little sister he never had and he was looking forward to seeing her, so when she had asked him to join her tonight he was willing to risk having to deal with a bar crowd.

Lincoln was not a small town but it wasn’t a big city either and Janet seemed to know everyone. With her blonde hair, blue eyes, and tall slender figure she was always popular and had a lot of friends. Now that she was a very successful real estate agent she seemed to know everyone new in town as well.

The thought occurred to him she might know where he could find Marie. And since Parillo’s attracted mostly business types, maybe he’d get real lucky and Marie would actually be here tonight.

The dim lights were still bright enough he could see clear to the back, but the crowd was getting thicker. He scanned the room and let his thoughts drift to Marie. He had been dreaming about her all week, sometimes waking in the middle of the night, his cock hard enough to pound spikes. She was starting to dominate his thoughts while he was awake as well.

He looked back to the front of the bar and nearly dropped his beer. Marie had just stepped through the door. She smiled at the bouncer and started to make her way through the crowd. His heart did a flip in his chest and he almost jumped off the stool to run after her. Instead, he watched her walk through the bar. She was alone and he wanted to see who she was meeting.

She was wearing a peach colored sweater and when she turned sideways to squeeze past a table he groaned. The sweater was hugging her breasts. They were perfect. He imagined holding them in his hands and feeling their weight as he pulled her naked body to his bare chest to fuck her from behind.

She passed by him a couple of tables away and didn’t look in his direction. His eyes followed her all the way to her destination. Her jeans weren’t tight but he finally got that look at her ass he had been dying for. Its heart shape would be perfect for holding on to while he made love to her.

She walked to a table near the back of the bar and sat down. She was wearing her hair down as always. He watched it sway across her back as she settled in her seat. It seemed to float around her shoulders. In the dim light of the bar her hair was shining the color of a crimson sunset. He couldn’t wait to sink his hands into her soft silky hair and kiss those red lips.

Despite the tired look about her she was more beautiful than any woman he had ever seen, especially when she smiled, her whole face seemed to light up. It had been a long week and he knew he hadn’t made it any easier on her. He couldn’t help but smile when he thought about how flustered she got when he was near her.

Someone was sitting across the table from her but they were blocked from his view by the group next to them. She didn’t look like she was on a date so there didn’t seem to be any hurry to interrupt. He’d let her visit for a while before he took her away from her friend, hopefully back to his place for an intimate evening.

He put his elbow on the edge of the bar and rested his cheek on his fist. He could watch her for hours. He spun around with a sigh and ordered another beer. He paid the bartender and shoved a couple of bills in his tip jar then took a swig and turned back to watch her.

There was someone else at the table now. Jake Winston was sitting next to her, a little too close for his comfort. That damned weasel hadn’t changed. He looked just as slimy as he did when Warren left town ten years ago. Funny how some things never changed.

Over the years his training as a psychologist had given him an understanding of why Jake was the way he was. Warren had almost started to feel sorry for the way he had treated him in high school, but now that he was getting up close and personal with Marie, remorse was the farthest thing from his mind. By the way Marie stiffened her posture he was sure she didn’t want him around her either. He felt a sudden instinct to protect her and decided it was time to say hello to the star of his fantasies.

He was half way through the crowd when Marie shot out of her chair like a rocket. He quickened his pace trying not to knock anyone down and cause a scene. When he stopped behind her he put his hand on the small of her back. She spun around into his body and, as if it was a completely natural reaction, he pulled her in for a kiss.

He wasn’t sure what made him do it, but he couldn’t stop himself. Maybe all the fantasizing he’d been doing all week got the best of him. She felt so good against him. With one hand around her waist he slid the fingers of his other hand up into her hair. When she grabbed his shirt and rose to her tip toes he tightened his grip and picked her up off the ground, sliding her up his chest. He tilted his head and deepened the kiss. His body began to burn and his cock came to life. Suddenly he was wishing they were already back at his place. He broke the kiss and smiled down at her trying to catch his breath.

“Sorry I’m late honey. I got held up at the office.”


Marie slowly slid down the front of his chest. She was speechless. What the hell did she just do? She felt his erection press into her belly as he held her against him. She looked up at him in shock and despite her surprise at what had happened, she felt safe in his arms.

He lightly kissed the tip of her nose, shifted her to his side and kept his arm around her waist.

“Hey there, Jakey boy. Haven’t seen you in a while.”

Dr. Jackson’s voice seemed less than pleasant although she didn’t know why. She was still trying to get her bearings after that earth shattering kiss. The room seemed stifling hot and she needed some air, but more than that she needed to be held by him. Feeling his body next to hers was pure bliss.

Jake stood slowly. “When did you get back, Warren? Sticking around this time or just passing through? Personally, I’d prefer the latter.”

“I’m here to stay, Jake. Sorry if you have a problem with that.”

Dr. Jackson tightened his hold on her and she instinctively wrapped her arms around his waist.

Jake said, “Don’t you and Freud have some rats to play with? Leave the girls to me.”

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