Read Among Wolves Online

Authors: GA Hauser

Tags: #menage, #wolf shifter, #gay cowboys

Among Wolves (28 page)

BOOK: Among Wolves
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"Huh." Charlie ran his hand over his hair as
he read the police reports. "That is a mighty big maybe. And what
about the goat over at our place?"

Roman sipped the cold beer and slouched low
in the cushions. After he swallowed, he replied, "Maybe, Charlie,
there are no answers."

Butch groaned in exaggeration.

Charlie said, "Well, if Agent Burk can't
figure it out, no one can." He set the paperwork on the coffee

Roman met his eyes and Charlie smiled at


Butch yawned and relaxed, knowing he had to
get motivated to socialize and eat a ridiculously large meal that
Connie and her daughters had cooked for Christmas. He finished his
beer, setting the bottle on the coffee table and leaned his head on
Roman's shoulder.

"You look about to take a nap," Charlie

Butch felt Roman shift, as if he were trying
to look at him. "That fire's real cozy." Butch got lost in the

"Why don't you lie down?" Roman asked him.
"We have time for you to take a power nap."

"I want a power fuck."

Roman chuckled, tipping the beer to his

Charlie smiled at Butch. "A fucking

"Ya want me out, Charlie?" Butch asked. "I
can stay here at the ranch." Butch could tell Roman and Charlie
were staring at each other, as if deciding.

"Naw. I want you to come home." Charlie
propped his feet on the coffee table. "Unless Connie's home cookin'
is callin' yer name."

Roman put his arm around Butch's shoulders,
cuddling him.

"Mmm. Roman Burk, you are irresistible to man
or beast." Butch used his cheek to caress Roman's chest through his
black shirt.

"He even won over Harley." Charlie grinned

"Yeah, but I don't want to fuck Harley."
Roman kissed Butch's hair.

"Thank heaven." Charlie shook his head.

"You wanna fuck me, Roman?" Butch stared at
Roman's crotch.

"I want to fuck both of my men." Roman
reached to place the beer and the book down on the coffee table,
the amulet he rested on top of the book. "But I don't have two

"Oh, Christ," Charlie said, closing his eyes
and rubbing his face. "Don't wish fer that. I swear at this point
anything is possible."

Butch slid down Roman's body, leaning his
arms on Roman's leg. He kissed his zipper flap.

Roman shifted on the sofa, opening his

Butch gave Charlie a glance. Charlie was
smirking, as if he knew what Butch had inadvertently asked for. And
all three of them were aware Butch had never had a dick in his
mouth before.

Roman exposed himself from his pants, pulling
on his cock to get it harder than it was with the talk about

"Hmm," Charlie laughed as he spoke, "I do
believe Butch Crowell has bitten off more than he can chew."

"Don't use the term 'bitten off' when I'm
about to put my dick in his mouth." Roman spread his legs

Butch looked up at Roman, seeing his dark
five o'clock shadow and jet black hair, his masculine jaw line and
dark eyebrows.

"Too much for you, cowboy?" Roman held his
dick in one hand and caressed Butch's back with the other.

"I'm afraid I'll gag. Will ya tease me for
the rest of my life if I do?"

Charlie started laughing. He stood and knelt
on the floor in front of Roman. "Git outta the way, amateur."

Butch scooted back a little and Charlie
didn't hesitate. He drew all of Roman's cock into his mouth and
tugged at Roman's pants to get them off.

Roman managed to raise his hips and his
slacks went to his ankles, then to the floor.

As Charlie showed Butch just what a good
blowjob entailed, Butch grew stiff watching, as he always did.

Getting Roman's cock slick with salvia,
Charlie sucked it to the tip and then pointed it at Butch. "Ya
wanna lick?"

Roman groaned in pleasure and sank into the
couch as if the thought of two men on his cock was euphoria.

Butch wanted to.

"Come 'ere." Charlie drew Butch to his mouth

Butch could catch the scent and taste of
Roman on Charlie's lips. The kiss was intense. All tongue and

It left Butch a breathless mess and hornier
than hell.

Charlie parted from his lips and was about to
suck Roman's cock again, when Butch leaned closer and used the tip
of his tongue to taste it.

"Oh, Christ," Roman moaned and Butch felt him
trying to get him to suck it, pushing at Butch's head.

Charlie began lapping up the length, watching

Butch closed his eyes and placed his lips on
the soft spongy head of Roman's cock.

"Damn!" Roman flinched and his leg muscles
tensed up.

"Tell the boy when yer close, Roman. He ain't
ready for a mouthful."

Butch certainly wasn't. Not yet. He took
another look at Roman's dick, its delightful size, perfectly
straight, cut, with tight balls underneath. He opened his lips and
took the head of Roman's cock into his mouth. Under him, Charlie
lapped at the base and sucked Roman's balls.

"Oh, fuck!" Roman's legs shook and he
tightened his grip on Butch's neck, making Butch stay put.

Butch was surprised he did not have a gag
issue. But of course, he wasn't allowing Roman's dick too deeply
into his mouth, and Charlie seemed to be taking care of whatever
was not being sucked.

The taste of pre-cum hit Butch's tongue. It
was not objectionable. He had actually tasted his own…once.

Roman began rising off the couch, fucking
Butch's mouth. It made Butch shift and back up, but Roman's grip on
Butch's neck was firm.

Of course if Butch wanted to stop, he

He heard rustling and could tell Charlie was
getting his own cock out, obviously enjoying the act, jerking
himself off as he continued to participate.

That heated Butch up to an inferno. Butch
enjoyed a flash of fire recalling Roman fucking him, the sensation
of being mounted, filled, and the heat up his back passage. It was

Butch moaned and drew harder suction, daring
to suck slightly more of Roman's cock into his mouth. Then without
a sound, Roman came.

Butch blinked and had no idea what to do.

Charlie obviously felt Roman's cock throbbing
and said, "Don't be afraid to spit it out, babe."

Butch closed his eyes tightly and swallowed,
keeping Roman's cock in his mouth as a little more came out and
coated his tongue.

The grip released on Butch's neck and Roman
huffed for air as he recuperated.

Butch sat up and stared at Roman. "Damn!"

Roman opened his eyes, looking satisfied and
groggy. He gripped Butch by his hair and brought him to his lips,
kissing him, using his tongue to taste his own cum off Butch's

"Oh fuck yeah!" Charlie grunted and the sound
of movement made it obvious he was jerking off…and coming.

Butch parted from Roman's lips and caught
Roman's sexy smile. "Welcome to the pack."

Butch felt his cheeks blush and started
laughing. He glanced at Charlie to see Charlie had a pool of cum in
his hand and his cock was softening as it hung over his pants. "You
two were a sight to see," Charlie said.

Before Butch could react, Roman began urging
him backwards to the end of the couch. As Roman opened Butch's
pants, Charlie left the room, Butch assumed, to clean up.

With his shirt pushed up his torso, and his
pants down at his knees, Butch held his breath as Roman Burk, top
dog, sank Butch's cock entirely into his mouth.

"Oh sweet Mother…" Butch felt his eyes nearly
roll back in his head and held onto the cushions of the couch.

Roman gave him one hell of an aggressive
blowjob, sucking hard, deep, twisting his palm around Butch's slick
length, and pushing his finger into Butch's ass at the same

Butch hit the sky and arched his back, his
heels digging into the floor. The noises of his own whimpers were
nothing more than coughs and gasps.

As Roman milked him, lapping at the tip and
purring like a crazy contented animal, Butch said, "I have never
come like that in my life."

"Get used to it." Roman winked at him, stood,
grabbed his pants and left the room.

Butch watched his masculine strut and tight
ass, then drooped into the sofa cushions and recuperated.


Dinner time, the three men headed to the
ranch house. The moment they opened the door the warmth and scent
of food from within was like a furnace blast.

Holding paperwork, Roman took off his coat
and hung it on a rack near the door as his new pal Harley wagged
his tail and came to greet him.

"Vernon," Roman said, "I got some news for
you on the sacrifice killings."

Vernon set his coffee mug on the table and
stood from his reclining seat in front of the hearth. JP and Goat
stopped talking and gave Roman their attention.

After handing Vernon the reports, Roman said,
"According to one of the officers over at the sheriff's office,
they made a couple of arrests."

"Was it a cult?" Vernon looked at the
paperwork, the concern showing on his face.

"No, boss," Charlie shook his head. "A couple
of hopped up drug addicts."

"You sure?" JP asked.

"Sure as we can be." Charlie nodded, running
his hand through his hair.

"What about all that crazy stuff up the
mountain?" Goat asked, approaching the men near the door.

Roman hoped he would be believed. "That is a
group of people who actually worship Mother Earth and all her

JP laughed sarcastically.

Vernon raised his eyebrows, the reports still
in his hand.

Charlie said, "Look, fellas, that cult, that
group?" He folded his arms over his flannel shirt. "They came to
our aid. They helped us fight somethin' way bigger than we could

Vernon held up his free hand to stop them.
"Do I wanna know?"

Roman glanced at Butch to see his reaction.
Butch gave Roman a slight indication to not get into the whole
'Alpha' explanation.

"Just as long as it stops, right?" Goat

"It should stop." Roman hoped so.

Vernon nodded, as if he'd heard enough and
vanished into the kitchen. "Let me get my reading glasses."

Charlie leaned closer to Roman to say, "You
think them good ole boys who are in the county lock-up, had
anythin' to do with the murder of that young woman?"

Roman hadn't thought of it. "Anything is
possible. Let me text Phil just to see if they have any DNA from
the cold case." Roman took his phone out and before he wrote that
text, he wished Phil a Merry Christmas.

As he stood still with his phone, Connie
called everyone to the table to eat.

The men hurried to the dining room as if
they'd been starving.

Roman sent the text and pocketed his phone,
looking down at Harley who was sitting right at his feet.

"Ya crazy mutt," Roman laughed at him. "Let's

Harley wagged his tail and followed Roman to
the kitchen.


Roman couldn't believe the amount of food. It
was obscene. And they hadn't even hit the desserts yet.

Roasted ham, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes,
corn, baked beans, green bean casserole, biscuits, gravy, steamed
peas and carrots, stuffing…

The wine and beer were causing everyone to
laugh and get silly. JP was drunk while Goat teased him for being
such a lightweight in both the food and booze consumption.

The girls were rosy from the heat coming from
the kitchen and the alcohol, and Connie had finally slowed down
enough from her cooking, to sip a glass of sherry.

"I am stuffed!" Butch reclined in the chair
and opened the top button of his jeans. "I am waving the white
flag." He picked up his red and green napkin and used it to
indicate defeat.

Charlie scooted his chair back and said, "I
need a nice walk. I am too full to sit."

Roman hadn't over eaten, knowing it would put
him into a food coma. He raised his glass to Vernon and his wife.
"Thank you. Thanks for being our family during the holidays."

Vernon brightened up, his cheeks red from the
warmth of the ranch house and the wine as well. "Our pleasure,
Roman. You are welcome in our home anytime."

"Accept on all fours!" Sherlane giggled.

Vernon, as an afterthought asked JP, "The
horses in for the night?"

"Oh!" JP got to his feet. "Sorry, boss."

"No problem." Vernon waved at him.

"I'll help." Butch stood and fastened his
pants as Goat got to his feet too.

Charlie said, "Can I pitch in?"

"Sure." JP smiled at him. "As long as ya
don't scare the horses."

"I guess we'll see."

Roman asked Connie, "You need help clearing

She gestured to him as if he were silly. "No.
You go on. You just go relax."

"Thank you for everything." Roman stood and
pushed his chair in, seeing Suzie and Sherlane smiling at him as
they stacked the empty plates. Then Roman realized something. He
could not hear their thoughts.

The men were near the door, getting their
jackets, boots and hats on. It was only six, but dark as night.

Roman put his leather jacket on and followed
the group outside. When he looked up, the moon was glowing and yet,
snowflakes were falling as well. He then realized the moon was just
showing its face from behind a wall of thick clouds, and a ring
surrounded it like a halo.

Butch led the way to the paddock, opening up
the gate, beginning to move the horses into the barn. A routine the
animals knew well and did easily since there was food waiting for
them. JP and Goat stood at the barn leading the horses as they
trotted across the lane into the stalls.

Roman lingered beside Charlie, admiring the
freshly fallen snow and the beautiful colored lights decorating the
ranch house. "Charlie."

BOOK: Among Wolves
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