Among the Fallen: Resurrection (28 page)

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Authors: Ross Shortall,Scott Beadle

Tags: #Splatter horror, #splatter, #toxic shock publishing, #Terror, #ghosts, #science fiction, #Cannibalism, #alexandra beaumont, #part one, #Horror, #ross shortall, #among the fallen, #Demonic Possession, #supernatural, #scifi, #Satanic Stories, #epic, #Thriller, #Torture horror, #B-Movie Horror, #Action-Adventure, #zombie, #scott beadle, #resurrection, #scary, #Paranormal horror, #Psychological horror, #Macabre, #Reincarnation, #Suspense, #Gothic, #zombies

BOOK: Among the Fallen: Resurrection
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The Evidence Room was huge, full of metal lockers and racking, stuffed with organized boxes, video cassettes and files. There were boxes full of tagged firearms and knives, photographs of crime scenes and at a glance; it appeared to be in complete disarray. Alex gazed upon the whole room completely bewildered, looking for a place to start as she searched over the dates on the boxes.

Eventually, she found a shelf marked 2012, containing just six heavy boxes, the last being July. Alex pulled out April’s box and tore off the lid; searching frantically through the folders and pulling out the one tagged BEAUMONT, ALEXANDRA LOUISE. She pulled out the photographs of the crime scene and dropped to the floor in deep shock, slowly going through each as she gazed upon her battered and almost unrecognizable body. Alex scowled belligerently, it was obvious that Stanson had nothing to do with it, even a fool with half a brain could tell that her murdered body looked like it had been hit by an express train – but then again, it was just one man; well that’s all she remembered anyway. Alex threw the photos to the floor and opened another folder. All it contained was a memo.

Memo found in the Evidence Room – Police Precinct East


Marcus Nolan

From: Rudger Milton



Date: 04/14/2012


Change to order 88/9 – Exhibit 35.1976.ALB

As you are aware, there is an investigation into the murders of the Mayors daughters currently
underway by B.C.P.D detectives. As of today, the investigation has been handed to the Beaumont
Corporation and is being dealt with by Corporation Governing Bodies and Special Forces. I find this
not only highly irregular but deeply offensive to my team, the Corporation can NOT take over criminal
investigations no matter whom the victims are or who is involved. So I hereby hand in my resignation
and I am leaving the city to except a job offer elsewhere. I have suspected for some time Blackwater
has been under corporate control, and this action confirms it, I do not wish to work, live or bring up
my family under a hidden regime

Regards, Rudger Milton.

Alex folded the memo and put it in her rucksack, her original and obviously misjudged opinions on the police were wrong – but why did the corporation seize control of the investigation? Suddenly, a small ticket fell from within the folder. Alex picked it up and read it, 889-55? What did that mean?

She turned and gazed around, almost dismissing the number completely. Suddenly, she noticed all the locker drawers were of similar numbers. Alex instantly searched the room, gazing over the drawers with quick and frantic glances – there it was, 889-55. Alex swiftly clasped the drawer and pulled it out, snapping its secure lock with ease. She pulled out the draw as she mumbled and cursed; praying perhaps, or merely trying to calm herself down; even she didn’t know what was going through her head. Slowly, she opened her eyes and looked down - inside was a file which rested on some other objects. She picked up the file and read it.

Nazi and Occult Research Archive: Operation: Ermorden Todabschuss Page 1 of 4

In 1367 a Catholic Priest named Coliv Sentri claimed to have written a book whilst he was under

‘demonic possession’ called the Bibliis Mortuorum (Bible of the Dead) the book was hidden away
from public eye by the priest as he claimed to have been ‘raped by Satan’ and this book was the
product. Coliv spent the next twenty years trying to repent for his sin of being possessed and all his
attempts at destroying the book apparently failed. He died in 1390 with a reported 2,769 separate
self-inflicted wounds as he tried to repent the works of Satan. The book remained hidden by the
Sentri Family for hundreds of years in Poland, hidden away from the Catholic Church and every
person on the planet due to its apparent lack of respect for human nature, God and its sacrilegious
rites, rituals and prayer.

In 1939 the Nazi’s discovered the book during their occupation of Poland. Adolf Hitler had the book
sent to Wewelsburg Castle, which according to documents was his Occult Science Research facility
and home of the central temple of the satanic cult that was created and directed Germany’s Nazi
party. This so called Vril Society counted many of Hitler’s henchmen as members, including Himmler,
Bormann, and Hess. Central to the whole cult was Hitler, who they believed to be a psychic medium
in contact with powerful forces that would create an all-conquering Aryan nation. Some saw him as
the Dark Messiah.

Historians have tended to downplay the occult foundations of Nazism for fear of trivializing its
heinous war crimes, but a recent documentary on a Satellite Channel laid bare the untold story of the
secretive religion at the heart of fascist Germany. And bizarrely, it is thought to have been based on
a 19th Century science fiction novel that predicted flying saucers, an alien race at the centre of the
earth, and a mysterious force known as Vril.

Operation: Land der Toten

‘Land der Toten’ loosely translated means ‘Land of the Dead’ and was the Codename for Hitler’s
attempt at world domination and was apparently the reason so many Jewish were Executed during
World War II.

According to the “Bible of the Dead” there is a ‘World of Demons with unspeakable evils of power’

which is believed to be Hell in most religions. By mass harvesting innocent souls it’s possible to
merge the two worlds together using sacrilegious text and appeasing the off world Lord by granting
him the souls of the innocent. There are according the Bible of the Dead, two parts to the ceremony.

Six corrupted souls must be sacrificed in six very specific ways, and then their remains are mixed and
pledged to the Demon World in exchange for a tool, device, weapon or knowledge to begin the
second part of the ritual known as the ‘Great Harvest’. Then, when contact is made with the
Underworld, the main offering (The Great Harvest) is made, in Hitler’s case, the Jews.

The Nazis were according to historic research, were half way through the ritual when they were
stopped by the ‘Susceptor Custodis’ which means ‘Guardian’. According to the ancient scripts
whoever sets in motion the Two World Mergence MUST appoint a Guardian for the ritual to be legal
in both worlds. The Guardian is granted abilities, power and knowledge to combat the Five Judges of
Libellous which represent the five points of the Pentangle and a sixth Warlord in the middle. Some
scripts say the Warlord is Hades himself and the five Judges are in fact his five children Hypnos,
Minos, Moirae, Persephone, Rhadamanthus, Hecate and his Guardian the Ceberus (often a depicted
as a three headed hound, but some religions’ say this is a metaphor for three faces of judgment).

If the mergence were to succeed the heavens will fall, black would become white, up would become
down and the dead will walk and the Demons would plague the Earth.

Page 1 of 4

Alex folded the document and put it in her rucksack and investigated further. Also inside was a plastic bag containing Alex’s mobile phone and Sarah’s stuffed toy; caked in blood and dirt - its fur hardened and sullied. Immediately, she reached for the ruined teddy and held it in front of her as a cascade of sadness lowered all around her, the room suddenly turning dark and the cries of the dead fell silent as her mind slipped away. She smiled through her tears as she was rewarded with memories; instant images flooding back to her like a torrent of overwhelming happiness. Small and precious moments that Alex never even thought were worthy of remembering, instantly returned to her as her eyes welled up in a bizarre mixture of happiness and grief. As Sarah’s happy and innocent face played before her, Alex shed a tear of acceptance as she held the toy to her chest, her eyes shut tight and for that moment, the big sister and Mother she was born to be, merely stood enjoying the collection of moments that were mercifully given back to her. After what seemed like a lifetime, the darkness arose and her memories faded, Alex found herself back in the Evidence Room and although saddened, she also felt happy, choked by the gift of memories that she never even knew was possible. She attached the teddy to her belt and pulled out her cell phone.

Calmly, she tore the bag open and removed her phone before switching it on. As she waited for the phone to start, she turned and crouched against the lockers and just happily stroked the teddy, she didn’t know why, maybe in some way it was like having Sarah with her in spirit. Alex couldn’t explain half the things she was doing that night; but that stuffed toy, that made her feel happy and less alone, a connection to the little sister she loved unconditionally, and a connection that was the best gift she could ever have.

All of a sudden, her cell phone rang and vibrated. Alex jumped in fright and gazed upon the phone in bewilderment; the screen readout jumbled and unreadable, like all the other phones in the city.

How was this even possible?

She stared at the phone as it continued to ring endlessly - she didn’t know whether to ignore it or answer it, but nevertheless, it rang and rang with no sign of stopping. Alex raised the phone as curiosity got the better of her; pressing the button and instantly accepting the call, slowly and fearfully holding the handset to her ear and waited silently.

“It comes like a fleeting ghost. From some distant creepy coast; and no footsteps will you hear; as that beast draws ever near. Not a whisper, not a word; from that fearful thing is heard. By the pale moon’s eerie light, with a heart that is full of spite, in the depths of darkened skies - comes the thing with burning eyes.” A child’s voice whispered, sending instant chills down her spine.

“Who is this?” Alex mumbled in anxiety, “where are you?” she continued as her dark eyes blinked nervously. A cold silence followed as she heard the child fumbling on the other end. “Hello?” Alex whispered timidly, the phone shaking as she trembled in a fear of the unknown; until suddenly…

“Where am I?” the voice giggled creepily. “I’m outside the door, Silly!” it said with a clear and obvious tone. Suddenly, there was a clanging of metal as if something fell to the floor out in the corridor and Alex jumped in fright. “Come and find me, Alex!” the child said playfully as the line went dead. Alex took the phone away from her ear and stared at the door in fear, her eyes jittering and her lip quivering as she realized there was only one way out of the room.

Chapter Nineteen: Hide and Seek

Alex pulled open the door slightly, peering through the gap as she held her breath fearfully. Nothing was around - or at the very least it seemed to have gone. The corridor was filled with scorching steam; the condensation crawled down the stone walls and the damp air glazed across her sleepless eyes. Slowly, she opened the door wide, peering further into the fog with irrepressible doubt, stepping out into the corridor and glaring through the mist. She immediately noticed the pipe she had barred the Mortuary doors with - twisted and bowed; it gently rocked on the ground. The iron shutters on the windows tapped, occasionally banging as if something was on the other side trying to get in with very little effort. Alex stood for moment or two, the steam soaking her skin as she tried to get a grip on the morbid atmosphere around her.

“Fuck!” she mumbled as she stepped closer to the Mortuary frosted glass windows, trying desperately to see through. The glass squeaked as she wiped the water away - all that resided within remained hidden and a complete mystery; but strangely, it was deathly silent on the other side. She looked down the corridor cautiously, the voices in her head whispering and cursing as she walked along the wall towards the Mortuary door. “Walk away, Alex you daft bitch!” she stammered as she clasped the door handle; her eyes tightly shut as the fear squeezed through her heart and crushed her stomach. Suddenly, her eyes flashed open, and she pushed the door hard, slamming it into the wall with a deafening crash. Alex walked in slowly, blindly shutting the door behind her as the steam around her slowly vanished.

The room was surprisingly empty, its grey stone walls cast in shadows from the network of water and gas pipes the crawled the ceiling. Twisting compressed air hoses hung from above, their thick metal valves hanging over the steel plated metal floor as the red light beamed through the barred windows. Everything was made from stainless steel, square sinks and severe edges of glistening metal, worktops and expensive looking hi-tech corpse tables sulking within the red dimness all around her. As Alex moped further into the room, her reflection flashed within every surface, gadget and tool; the intimidating and somewhat demoralizing morgue sinking its macabre atmosphere further into her consciousness. In the corner of the room was an opening, leading into wash area, more metal sinks and blood-stained latex gloves filled the basin; the wall hanging with scrubs and protective coats, some clean while others appeared massacred and stiff with blood. Alex took out her lighter, flicking it and illuminating the wash area cautiously. On the back wall was another sink, filled with soapy water that sat almost still. Alex turned away, suddenly looking back as something within the water caught her eye. She immediately pulled the plug and looked around with a paranoid feeling, quickly looking back into the sink as the plughole gargled and choked. As the last of the murky water slipped away, Alex waved her flame over the darkened sink revealing police badges, all glistening and glowing with gold under her flame. Alex slowly pushed a few aside, revealing more underneath; twenty or thirty, maybe more – all representing a life lost. Alex shivered suddenly, backing out of the cold room and back into the Mortuary, looking over the freezer compartments, taking in the feeling of it. She could feel the long-gone souls around her, her heart almost weeping as the air conditioning relentlessly replaced the air she breathed.

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