Amethyst (8 page)

Read Amethyst Online

Authors: Sharon Barrett

Tags: #werecat, #werewolf, #adult sex, #romantic paranormal, #shiftershaper, #susprense

BOOK: Amethyst
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The Reverend Davenport drove his own car,
when he left the cabin he did not drive into Coyote Ridge as Rain
had instructed him to, instead he drove north to Spring Water a
half an hours drive north. He had thought to call a friend who
worked at the court-house an hour later Paul his friend had
everything taken care of. Paul had registered the marriage
certificate and Amethyst last will and testament. Paul was a tall
lanky man with dark red hair side burns that were down to his jaws.
His smile was the most charming thing about him. He loved doing
favors for people, it made him feel important, and it showed; any
one who was his friend was significant.

With the papers registered Davenport walked
to his vehicle smiling. An hour later he called Rain on his cell
phone, and told him what he had done. And the reason for not going
into Coyote Ridge in case those men came to see him plus having to
wait a day more to register the papers could ruin things. He also
told Rain he would not return home until Tuesday night, so he would
not be at the church before then. This way no one would know the
difference. Copies of the papers Amethyst gave him were mailed as
per her wishes to her attorney. "What papers did Amethyst give

"You will have to ask her yourself son, she
said she would tell you this evening when I ask her if you knew.
Give her a chance to tell you herself, without asking son. See you
at Markus's and Silvers wedding, bye Rain"

"Thanks Reverend." Rain clicked off his

Pend and Kelly had brought food and drinks
for the occasion. Kelly held Pend's hand the entire time and could
not stop smiling. "Amethyst I want you to know how thrilled Pend
and I are to see Rain so happy. He has been a lonely man for to
long. I know he's only twenty-five now; he has been on his own
since he was fifteen. He met Pend, when they were twenty, and they
set up the pack just four years ago. They have worked hard,
welcomed new comers. In two weeks we have a nurse coming, we are
building a clinic for her. It's a great time to be joining our
pack. And there is going to be a wedding this week. Markus is
getting married to a wonderful girl name Silver. She is from the
same pack I came from. Rain sent Markus with a message for my
father, and that is when they met. They have been dating for four
months. Markus ask her to mate about two weeks ago. Markus starting
building his home shortly after joining the pack, always wanted a
home of his own."

"If Pend and Rain came here to set up the
pack, when did you meet Pend" Amethyst asked?

"Our marriage was arranged in away. My father
is the alpha with the pack east of here. The marriage between Pend,
and I secures our lands together giving us lots of space to grow. I
love Pend, have since the moment I saw him, we are one in thought,
mind, body, and soul."

Amethyst looked confused then said, "I
thought arranged marriages were between alpha's daughters, and an
alpha of another pack. So why didn't you marry Rain?"

"Rain was notified by my father of his
request for a political pairing. When Rain came with Pend to visit
my father; I talked my father into letting me marry Pend, when I
saw Pend, I just knew we were meant to be. There was no one that
made my heart flutter, then beat faster, not even Rain with all his
good looks. I cannot explain it; I lost my heart to Pend. My father
agreed to the marriage. Just as long as Rain agreed, and he did, so
I married Pend. We didn't mind bond for the first week. He wanted
me to feel I was a part of the pack first. Pend and I have been
mated for all most half a year now. Pend admitted to me later, he
didn't want to mind bond right away, it didn't feel like the right
time to him. We were mated a week when he finally felt it was the
right time," Kelly giggled. "I am glad we waited it was amazing.
You just wait and see when you and Rain mind bond."

Smiling she hugged Kelly, "I am so glad you
married Pend." Laughing, sneaking a peek at Rain across the room
while he spoke with the other men.

As if he new she was looking at him Rains
eyes moved from Pend and he looked at her. Rains smile was warm and
loving. His eyes were shining, she thought, "he's happy, really and
truly happy. The lines in his face were gone from stress. It is as
if the challenge that Hartman was giving him heightened his
awareness. Gave him something to focus on besides his pack; he new
he could trust each and everyone of them to back him up and he's be
there for them! An inner strength seems to be seeping from his
body. The scent of him caused her insides to quiver slightly."

When Pend and Kelly left they took Rains
silver Ford truck. Parked out side was Pend dark blue Ford truck.
The other men and women in turn loaded the remaining four

"Why did Pend take your truck and leave

"You said that you used cash for everything
and then you stayed in your vehicle instead of using motels and
hotels. We are reasonably sure you had to have been scented for
someone to find you so quickly. Even you thought you must have been
scented. So we are going to make sure your scent gets lost or mixed
into with others so it can't be found so easy."

"Where did Pend and Kelly take your truck if
not back to your house Amethyst asked?

"They went to Spring Water; they took your
jeans, and are going to leave a trail there in town. Then come back
the long way. They should get back around midnight or so."

"If any one is scenting us it will throw them
off for a time. Pend's truck parked next to the porch, and I am
carrying you out of here, and placing you into the truck, and
taking you home to my house. So get your things, and let's go."
Rain drove different roads in different directions in hopes to make
tracking more difficult.

Amethyst set next to Rain and he had his arm
around her shoulders. The ride back to the alpha house was
accomplished in no time. Rain crossed graveled roads and slipped up
a cow path at one point and back onto another gravel road. She was
actually enjoying the ride and loved how Rain gave her shoulder a
squeeze every once in a while. Both seem to be lost in the pleasure
of the ride and didn't speak. Amethyst realized how much her life
had changed over so short a time. There was no turning back, she
had to face what came next in her life, and she didn't have to do
it alone. The thought gave her a lot of comfort. Her father crossed
her mind and new he would be happy for her. It was all he ever said
he wanted for her out of life. With the thought of her father her
mother came with him. She knew her mother was happy for her, but
missed her deeply. She would be so proud of her right now. It gave
her comfort deep inside to know both her parents loved her so much
when they were alive.



Chapter 4

Driving up the drive away towards Rains home
she was shocked to see it. The house was huge. It was painted white
on the out side with medium green colored window frames. It had
several large windows in the front of the house. The yard was at
least five acres mowed. With tall jack pines here and there, a
coupe of apple trees were planted in the front yard. Several cherry
trees had been planted off to the right of the house. Flowers were
planted under the windows. She could see the front door was a jar.
Amethyst voiced her concern to Rain when he came around to her side
of the truck. "Rain the front door is open."

"Welcome to our home sweet heart, he slide
across the seat and kissed her warmly on the lips Stay in the truck
until I come around the other side. Slipping out of the truck he
walked around opened her door, put his arms under her. I ask Mike
to leave the door slightly open so as not to have any of your scent
on it. She picked up the briefcase; laptop and he carried her to
the house. He pushed open the door with his foot, kicked it shut
behind him, turned and locked it. Walked in setting her feet down
on the floor once he reached the stair case. Kissing her gently on
the lips he said come sweetness and I will show you our rooms. You
can see the rest of the house tomorrow."

Up stairs and to the left he led her down the
hall passing doors as they went. When they reached the end of the
hall Rain opened a door that led into a medium size room. A small
wooden oak desk set in one corner and a couple of chairs and a
brown leather chair with an ottoman set in a corner with a reading
lamp. A CD player set on the floor with a dozen CD's sitting on top
of one of the speakers. A small TV set on a small TV stand in
another corner with DVD's sitting next to the TV on the stand. The
walls were cream-colored with golden trim at the top. A large
picture of a black wolf standing next to a jack pine was on one
wall. She thought, `the picture was beautiful."

At that moment Rain smiled, "If you want to
change this room around feel free. You want to add a small couch or
another chair or small tables the house is yours to do with as you
please. Rearrange furniture to your hearts content.

Amethyst smiled at Rain, "why the room is so
you?" Then she laughed and so did Rain.

"I never got around to doing much with this
room, it is just sort of here. I thought of adding a small book
shelf for my personal collection but that was all I gave thought to
as far as this room is concerned.

Following Rain through a door way. The bed
was a king size bed with oak frame, head-board had carved flower
designs on it. At the foot of the bed was a hope chest made of oak.
Several matching dressers lined the walls and a large oval rug on
the floor. "Rain it is beautiful!"

"I am glad you like it," as he raised and
lowered his eye brows several times then smiling

The next room was the bathroom, which had a
shower inside a tub that had feet on it. She realized that two
would fit into the tub at the same time and looked forward to
sharing it with Rain.

The smile on Amethyst face, "Rain knew she
was pleased with their rooms. He hoped she would be equally pleased
with the rest of the house. "Tomorrow after I show you the rest of
the house I will let you in on our plans on how to deal with these
men. I assure you they won't bother you again. Also tomorrow I will
get on the internet and have you registered with our pack and that
you're now my mate Mrs. Rain Walker with the Lycan Registry. I will
need your full name Amethyst."

"There is simple answer to that question it
is; Amethyst Shimmer Richardson Walker." She smiled up into this
face. Her eyes were glowing with happiness, her smile reached his

"Tell me did you belong to a pack in
Wyoming," Rain asked? "They will also need to be contacted."

"No my father kept me pretty well hidden from
the world. He did not want me mixed up with humans. It was
important way to protect me since I can multi-shape shift.

He was concerned I would not be accepted by a
wolf pack. It was a lonely life, I was spoiled rotten and it helped
to make up for it. Once I got older my father explained things in
great detail, how I might affect a pack, not be accepted. Some
would fear me others might be jealous; still others might see me as
a freak of nature. He also said that I might be killed. So I
accepted my fate, and never got close to any one. I told you about
getting close to someone once; well when he found out what I was,
he said I was a freak of nature, and that the sight of me made him
sick. He was a wolf from a pack close by. I never saw him again.
After that I never told anyone what I was or capable of."

Amethyst move towards the window and looked
out and saw a jack pine tree. It limbs could not touch the house
but it did rise above the second floor window, and past the roof.
It made her smile. Rain stepped up behind her, and pulled her back
against his chest. "You are breath-taking standing here, but come
away from the window sweetness!

Turning in Rains arms, and away from his
chest she looked up into his blue eyes, and her heart began to
flutter then beat so hard she thought he could hear it. Placing her
arms around his neck she pulled him down until her lips met his.
She opened her mouth letting his tongue slide in. His tongue teased
and caressed the in side of her mouth. Until she was breathless
then slowly began to undo her skirt and it fall to the floor.
Moving his hands up inside her top he undid her bra and then lifted
the top over her head leaving her breast bare to his eyes. Slipping
his arms under her he picked her up and carried her to the bed.

"Amethyst you are so beautiful, you make my
blood run hot, and everywhere you touch leaves me burning for you.
Your skin is soft as goose down and creamy white. I want you so

He laid Amethyst on the bed after pulling
down the sheet and kissed her lips until she, "whimpered with
delight. A purring sound sounded from her throat" Rain smiled.
"This should be one hell of a turn on to make love to such an
enticing minks; she could be herself completely." Rain was looking
forward to her letting go of the control, she had over herself.

Amethyst ran her hand up, and down Rains back
moving them in small circles. Then moved her hands around to his
chest pulled the snaps to his shirt open, and ran her fingers
through the chest hair, and smiled. Rain was full and hard and
strong. He lay back giving her access to him. She slid up kissing
his lips, then his ears, and neck, running her tongue over his
nipples. She pulled at his shirt and he removed it then removed his
jeans and boxer shorts. Slowly she moved down towards his shaft
lick here and there with her tongue. Her tongue was ruff and it
made him moan then growl. She heard Rain moan and felt his body
shiver with delight. Growling out her desire, her tongue moved down
one leg then the other. Turning Rain over she ran her tongue up one
leg and then up the other. When she reached his butt she nipped him
on each cheek. Smiled when Rain moaned deep and then turned into a
growl. Slowly she moved up his back, began to kiss his neck and
then placed her tongue in one ear then the other.

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