America's War for the Greater Middle East: A Military History (70 page)

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Authors: Andrew J. Bacevich

Tags: #General, #Military, #World, #Middle Eastern, #United States, #Middle East, #History, #Political Science

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Balkan Battlegrounds,

To End a War,

Bill Clinton, “Remarks Announcing the Bosnia-Herzegovina Peace Agreement” (November 21, 1995).

Roger Cohen, “Taming the Bullies of Bosnia,”
The New York Times Magazine
(December 17, 1995).

Rick Atkinson, “Air Assault Set Stage for Broader Role,”
The Washington Post
(November 15, 1995).

Balkan Battlegrounds,

Colonel Robert C. Owen, “Summary,”
Final Report of the Balkans Air Campaign Study,
ed. Robert C. Owen (Montgomery, 2000), 513, 515.

Although not a NATO member, Russia also participated. Moscow’s brief post–Cold War honeymoon with the West was in full swing.

Quoted in Harold E. Raugh, Jr., ed.,
Operation Joint Endeavor: An Oral History
(Fort Leavenworth, 2010), 63.

Overall, the deployment of U.S. Army forces from Germany to Bosnia was an ill-planned and ill-coordinated mess. See Baumann et al.,
Armed Peacekeepers,

Raugh, ed.,
Operation Joint Endeavor,

For further details on Joint Endeavor (subsequently renamed Joint Guard, and then Joint Forge), see R. Cody Phillips,
Bosnia-Herzegovina: The U.S. Army’s Role in Peace Enforcement Operations, 1995–2004
(Washington, D.C., [2007]); and Richard Swain,
Neither War nor Not War
(Carlisle Barracks, 2003).

International Crisis Group, “Is Dayton Failing? Bosnia Four Years After the Peace Agreement” (October 28, 1999).

One American was killed in an incident involving a mine, which General Nash attributed to “ill-discipline on the part of the individual soldier…who tampered with the mine.” Quoted in Raugh, ed.,
Operation Joint Endeavor,

Baumann et al.,
Armed Peacekeepers,

To End a War,

10. What Winning Means

William Kristol and Robert Kagan, “Toward a Neo-Reaganite Foreign Policy,”
Foreign Affairs
(July/August 1996); Francis Fukuyama, “The End of History?”
The National Interest
(Summer 1989).

Bill Clinton, “Inaugural Address” (January 20, 1997); Bill Clinton, “Why I’m Going to China,”
(June 29, 1998).

Charles Krauthammer, “The Unipolar Moment,”
Foreign Affairs
(America and the World), 1990.

Anthony Lake, “From Containment to Enlargement” (September 21, 1993),
, accessed February 6, 2015.

Michael J. Mazarr et al.,
The Military-Technical Revolution: A Structural Framework
(Washington, D.C., 1993), 16. By the mid-1990s, the term
military-technical revolution
fell out of favor and was superseded by RMA.

Andrew Krepinevich,
The Military-Technical Revolution: A Preliminary Assessment
(Washington, D.C., 2002), 12. Although published in 2002, this study dates from 1992, when it was prepared under the auspices of the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment.

Michael J. Mazarr, “The Revolution in Military Affairs: A Framework for Defense Planning” (June 10, 1994),
, accessed February 11, 2015.

Wesley K. Clark,
Modern War
(New York, 2001), 121.

Modern War,
6, 418.

Tim Judah,
Kosovo: War and Revenge
(New Haven, 2000), 73, 91.

124–26, 162.

130–31, 136–38, 141, 147, 169–71.

Barton Gellman, “The Path to Crisis: How the U.S. and Its Allies Went to War,”
The Washington Post
(April 18, 1999).

Madeleine K. Albright, “Press Conference on Kosovo” (October 8, 1998). Unless otherwise noted, remarks by State Department officials and State Department documents are available at the department’s website,

The year prior, a movie called
Wag the Dog
directed by Barry Levinson had appeared. In this (quite funny) satire, cynical political operatives invent a fictitious war against Albania to salvage the political fortunes of an American president mired in a sex scandal.

James Rubin, “Press Briefing on the Kosovo Peace Talks” (February 21, 1999).

The privileges demanded by NATO within Yugoslavia are spelled out in Annex B: Status of Multi-National Implementation Force, Rambouillet Accords,
, accessed February 18, 2015.

Modern War,
109, 112–13, 127.

Modern War,

Modern War,

Modern War,

For text and signatories, including luminaries such as John Bolton, Robert Kagan, Zalmay Khalilzad, William Kristol, and Paul Wolfowitz, see
, accessed August 20, 2015.

Walter Isaacson, “Madeleine’s War,”
(May 9, 1999). For its issue dated July 12, 1999,
New Republic
’s cover featured a caricature of Albright, referred to as “Secretary of War,” wearing the uniform of a three-star general and sporting a chest full of decorations, while striking a pose made famous by the title character in the movie

234–36; Clark,
Modern War,
171; Madeleine Albright,
Madame Secretary
(New York, 2013), 391.

Modern War,

Bill Clinton, “Address to the Nation on Airstrikes in the Former Republic of Yugoslavia” (March 24, 1999).

The account that follows draws extensively on William M. Arkin, “Operation Allied Force: ‘The Most Precise Application of Air Power in History,” in
War over Kosovo: Politics and Strategy in a Global Age,
ed. Andrew J. Bacevich and Eliot A. Cohen (New York, 2001), 1–37.

Modern War,
234. By war’s end, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimated that the total number of displaced Kosovars exceeded 850,000.
UNHCR Global Report 1999
(June 2000), 345.

Modern War,


William Drozdiak, “Commander of Air War Says Kosovo Victory Near,”
The Washington Post
(May 24, 1999).

Dana Priest, “United NATO Front Was Divided Within,”
The Washington Post
(September 21, 1999).

Modern War,

At one press conference, for example, Clark stated that it was “always understood that there was no way we were going to be able to stop Serb paramilitary forces who were going in and murdering civilians in villages.” By implication, Clark was assigning to parties unknown responsibility for the refugee crisis that he himself had failed to anticipate. Clark,
Modern War,

Modern War,

Modern War
, 229.

Richard G. Lugar, “Send in the Ground Forces,”
The Washington Post
(April 1, 1999).

Robert Kagan and William Kristol, “Win It,”
The Weekly Standard
(April 19, 1999).

John McCain, “Will Clinton Trade U.S. Honor for a False Peace?”
The Wall Street Journal
(May 10, 1999).

Patricia Cohen, “Ground Wars Make Strange Bedfellows,”
The New York Times
(May 30, 1999).

Bernard E. Trainor, “How to Mount a Ground War in the Balkans,”
The Boston Globe
(May 13, 1999); Warren Bass, “Ground Rules,”
The New Republic
(May 17, 1999).

Steven Erlanger, “With Milosevic Unyielding on Kosovo, NATO Moved Toward Invasion,”
The New York Times
(November 7, 1999).

Modern War,
396, 398.

287. In Kosovar eyes, Roma were Serb collaborators.

R. Cody Phillips,
Operation Joint Guardian: The U.S. Army in Kosovo
(Washington, D.C., [2007]), 22.

In the manner of Zionists such as Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir, various KLA leaders went from being practitioners of terror to becoming mainstream politicians favoring of law and order. For example, the first prime minister of the Kosovo Republic was former KLA leader Hashim Thaçi, who held office for nearly seven years.

Two crewmembers of an AH-64 Apache were killed when their helicopter crashed during a training exercise in Albania, one of two Apaches lost in accidents. In the other accident, the crew survived.

Modern War,

“Fundamentalists Conclude London Meeting, Issue Statement,”
Foreign Broadcast Information Service
(May 23, 1999).

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