American Love Songs (26 page)

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Authors: Ashlyn Kane

BOOK: American Love Songs
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“I thought we were doing this later?” Parker was flushed, and his shirt had ridden up his stomach. It was a good look for him. Jake grinned a little evilly. “Oh, were not doing that. Just leave them up there, okay?”




“Because youre very handsy, and I dont want any interruptions while Im kissing you.”



Jake pressed a finger to his lips. Parkers mouth was soft but strangely dry considering how much kissing theyd been doing just recently. Hed have to rectify that. “No interruptions,” he repeated firmly. “Im going to kiss you until youre so hard you cant stand yourself, until the slightest touch on your cock will make you come. And every time I get interrupted, Im going to start all over again.”

Parker licked his finger—probably not on purpose, Jake suspected, but because it was in the way of him wetting his lips.
“That sounds awful,” Parker said. His tone suggested the opposite—it was apprehensive, but filled with approval. “Is there going to be a happy ending involved at all?”

Leaning down to brush their lips together, Jake barely quelled the smirk he could feel threatening. “Were taking it slow, remember?” He kept his touch on Parkers mouth light, teasing, and Parker responded by opening his mouth a little in invitation.

Jake ignored it, licking his open lips instead, keeping the touches just this side of satisfying. The slight creak of leather let him know just how frustrated Parker was getting, and Jake smiled against his mouth, triumphant and smug. He traced Parkers lips with his tongue again, backing off with a smirk when Parker tried to draw him in deeper.

It was still hot.
“Oh, you jerk.” Parker whined, breathing hard, when Jake backed away completely, ready to begin again. “You werent kidding.”

“No, I wasnt,” Jake agreed, sliding their noses together. For someone with complete knowledge of the fact that he wasnt going to get laid, he was really, incredibly, down-to-the-core happy in a way he couldnt ever remember feeling, though a few precious memories of Parker came close. “Now, are you going to behave?”

Parkers chest was already heaving, but he nodded, pupils dilated, and wet his lips again. Jake realized that Parker wanted this maybe more than he even knew.

He started all over again, soft, tentative flicks of his tongue and gentle brushes of his lips, teasing until Parker finally relaxed and just let it happen. He mapped the contours of Parkers lips with his mouth, learning every curve by touch, and by the time he was ready to deepen the kiss, Parker was waiting for him.

This time, though, he seemed content to let Jake set the pace, and they kissed slowly, languorously, until the scrape of Jakes teeth along Parkers lower lip caused his hips to jerk fruitlessly into the air.

Jake was equally turned on, of course, but hed had a lot more experience ignoring the directions of a hard-on that wasnt selfinduced, so he just backed off gracefully, gentling the series of kisses until it was just his nose rubbing softly against Parkers. Parker was breathing hard, his eyes closed, but they popped open when Jake tapped his lips with a finger. “There,” he said, “was that so bad?”

Groaning, Parker let go of the belt and pushed up from the bed, forcing Jake onto his back and laying a vicious kiss on him. Jakes erection got trapped between his leg and one of Parkers thighs, and by the time Parker had finished with him, he was pretty sure the wet spot was visible through his jeans. Then Parker rolled off of him, still breathing hard. “I am going to get you back for that someday.” He stood and stretched.

Jake was looking forward to it. But for now—he tore his eyes away from Parkers groin. “Wait, where are you going?”


Parker glanced down at his lap meaningfully, then back up again, smirking. “Where do you think?”

A bolt of lust hit Jake hard in the gut, and he had to resist the urge to groan aloud. “Close the door on your way out.” The knowledge of what Parker was planning was a little too much for him to handle.

Dark green eyes locked on his for a quick second before Parker shut the door behind him. Jake could still hear his footfalls in the corridor when he tore open his fly and shoved his jeans down to his thighs.

Too wound up for finesse, Jake was biting his lip hard and spilling into his palm before too long, imagining Parkers hands on his body. His brain stayed fuzzy for a good few minutes after that, and Jake had to wonder, as he finally dragged himself off of his mattress and into the bathroom for cleanup—if this was what it was like jerking himself off thinking about Parker, how the hell was he going to survive sex?

HRIS came home a few hours later, the door banging shut loudly behind him, and announced his presence with a line from a cheesy nineties television show. Jake rolled his eyes and tried another bass line, fingers lazy on the fretboard, and reminded him to take his goddamn shoes off. It had been raining for three days straight—no snow in LA at Christmas time—and the housekeeper had asked for two weeks off so she could go visit her kids.

“Yes, Mother,” Chris snorted, entering the living room and flopping on the opposite sofa. He dropped a huge pile of bags on the floor by the tree—Toys “R” Us, American Eagle, Best Buy, Kohls— and kicked his feet up over the end of the couch in an imitation of Jakes posture. “So, there something you want to tell me?”

“Your retail therapy habit is becoming truly disturbing?” Jake tried, biting his lip distractedly and switching keys. He liked the first one better, so he switched back, releasing the strings for a moment to jot down the notes on some lined paper.

Chris made a noise of disgust and stood again, walking over until he was standing behind the couch Jake was occupying. He reached down and took a handful of Jakes hair, pulling his head back, before prodding him in the neck a few times, once beneath his ear, once just to the right of his Adams apple, once almost to his shoulder. “You want to lay odds on me finding a similar set on Parker?”

Jake had known it would happen sooner or later, but truth be told, he had been enjoying keeping this new development between himself and Parker. He looked up and met Chriss eyes, seeing no hint of anger or accusation there, just a droll amusement and a hint of brotherly exasperation. “Dont know what you mean,” he tried anyway, well aware that his shit-eating grin had given him away.

“The two of you arent exactly subtle,” Chris said, cuffing him on the back of the head. “Morons. How long have you been breaking rule number two?”

How about that
, Jake thought, feeling his ears heat. Apparently he still had it in him to be embarrassed, after all. “Havent yet,” he said, aiming for cheeky, but it came off as sheepish. Oh, hell. Chris was never going to let him live this down.

As expected, that made Chris hoot with laughter. “Well, shit. Looks like youve finally met your match.”


“Shut up.” But Jake couldnt help but be pleased—and maybe a little relieved—that Chris was taking this so well.

It took Chris a moment to wipe the tears of mirth from his eyes, but once he did, he was all business. “All kidding aside, though, you break this band and I will end you myself.”

Jake wondered what the hell it said about his confidence—and how much hed changed in the past few weeks—that he wasnt really even worried. Instead, he found himself somewhat annoyed. After all, Chris had run off the most integral member of their road team by sleeping with her.

Still, he knew better than to point out that kind of thing, especially since he was fairly certain Chris already regretted it. Also, Jake wasnt completely sure, but he thought one of those bags might actually be from Baby Gap. “Relax, chief. I know the stakes.”

Chris clapped him on the shoulder a little harder than was probably necessary. “Good man,” he said. “Hey, we got any eggnog?” PRODIGAL: OFFICIAL BLOG OF THE WAYWARD SONS


Date: Friday, December 17, 2010 Author: Jake


Top 40

So I guess you guys really like “Closer,” because it just charted at #37, and its only been out for a week. Other than “thanks, youre awesome,” all I can say is—wait til you see the music video. Hot!

HRIS and Jimmy noticed the increase in volume of evangelical literature littering the house over the ensuing weeks, they never mentioned it. It was possible that they were too busy preparing—they were both flying back to Kansas for Christmas, and apparently they had decided it was more practical to buy gifts in LA and drag them through airports than shop online like sane human beings and meet the parcels at their destination. Jake was so behind on his Christmas shopping that he really should have gone with, marvel of the Internet or no, but the prospect of having Parker and the house to himself was too tempting. They were on each other like horny teenagers the second the door closed, only this time, it was Parker who practically pushed him into the bedroom.

Jake was a willing-enough accomplice, fighting back with lips and tongue and teeth as Parker tried to suck his brains out through his mouth. The backs of his knees hit the bed sooner than he expected, and he went down hard, Parker following after, apparently intent on oxygen deprivation. “Goddamn youre horny,” he commented happily, boldly grabbing two handfuls of Parkers firm butt.

Parker laughed into his mouth, the unexpected movement making their teeth clack together. “Pot, kettle,” he murmured, but he was straddling Jakes stomach now, and Jake could feel that his dick was already hard in his jeans.

“Jesus, whats got into you?” he said, grinning, squirming a little as Parkers hands worked their way up underneath his T-shirt and started tugging it upward.

“Christmas spirit,” Parker said succinctly, giving up on finessing the shirt and yanking instead. Jake struggled to help him, half-sitting, and as soon as the neck cleared his face, Parker shoved him back down again, latching his mouth onto his clavicle.

Gasping in a breath as Parkers teeth scraped across his skin, Jake murmured, “Halle-fuckin-lujah,” and fit his hands on either side of Parkers head, dragging him up for another kiss.

The first—probably involuntary—roll of Parkers hips against Jakes abdomen startled him, but the second had bolts of pure lust running straight to his crotch, and he moaned and slid his hands down to feel the muscles in Parkers thighs flexing. With a tremendous effort, he pulled his mouth away long enough to say, “Parker, youre, uh—”

Parker interrupted him by sitting up and moving one of Jakes hands from his leg to the fly of his jeans, and Jake could feel everything; Parker was hard and leaking and practically bursting out of his jeans.

Jake swallowed. “Yeah?”

He barely waited for the confirmation nod before bucking up off the bed and rolling them over so he could use both hands to tug at Parkers fly. In the meantime, he made good use of his mouth, sliding his tongue past Parkers lips, tasting him. Parkers breath came fast and loud, desperate, and he bit Jakes lip hard when he finally got his fly undone and yanked his jeans and boxers down his thighs.

Jake had to pull away then, slowly trailing his gaze down Parkers body, fixing on the generous, erect cock nestled between his thighs. Parkers eyes were wild, and his cheeks were flushed, his hips jerking up as if to invite Jake to touch him.

Not wanting to disappoint, Jake took an unsteady breath, arranged Parkers legs on either side of his body, and bent down, meeting the drop of pre-come at the tip of Parkers cock with the flat of his tongue. He settled one hand on Parkers stomach, feeling the muscles flex and heave under his palm, opened his mouth, and—

“Jeez,” Parker hissed, hips bucking again, sending his dick right to the back of Jakes throat. Jake relaxed and took it, swallowing, determined to make it good. “Jake—”

He had to watch, it was like a compulsion, and he kept his eyes fixed on Parker as he threw his head back, memorizing the graceful, smooth curve as he relished the slide of salty skin across his tongue. He pulled back to swipe his tongue across the head a few more times, then sank down again, cradling Parkers balls with one hand.

Jake felt the deep moan Parker gave in the hand he had settled against Parkers stomach, sensed the muscles coiling tighter, and his own dick jerked in his jeans, begging for attention. He ignored it, scored his fingernails down Parkers sternum instead, let his cock fall from his mouth and lapped at his balls, wanting to touch him everywhere. He worked his way back up again with soft little licks, letting Parkers cock bob against his face, feeling drops of pre-come smear against his skin.


It wouldnt be long now; Jake had keyed right in to the sounds Parker was making, soft little moans and muffled gasps, and the way his dick was weeping in his mouth was kind of a giveaway. Jake made a throaty noise of appreciation and wrapped his right hand firmly around the base of Parkers erection as he went down again, working his mouth and hand in tandem, keeping his left hand flat on Parkers abdomen.

At last, Parker tried to push him away, but the hand yanking on Jakes hair just encouraged him, and Jake concentrated on milking every last drop of pleasure from him as he came, whole body shaking violently, cheeks flushed with arousal and exertion. It was bar none the most erotic thing Jake had ever seen, and his own prick throbbed in his jeans as he leaned up to kiss Parker.

The orgasm only left Parker boneless for so long, though, and then he was pushing himself up into a sitting position and fighting Jakes belt awkwardly. Jake returned the favor by peeling Parkers sweatshirt off of him and propping himself up on Parkers shoulder for balance until Parker jerked the zipper down and leaned back, pulling Jake with him by his cock until he was straddling Parkers body on all fours. All Jakes breath left him in a rush when the wet, sensitive head of his dick brushed across the warm skin on Parkers stomach, and the way Parker wet his lips and curled his hand a little tighter as he stroked him didnt go unappreciated either. He barely had time to realize that Parker was aiming for him to shoot all over his chest and stomach before Parker encouraged in a whisper, wet-lipped and blushing furiously, “Come on, come on, Jake, I want—” and it didnt take more than that.

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