American Gangster (5 page)

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Authors: Tiffany Lordes

BOOK: American Gangster
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Her hips bucked and her eyes rolled back in her head. “Don’t pass out on me or I’ll leave you in here like that.” She pulled herself together while I fucked. I think she got off, maybe one of the times I’d been chewing on her nipple. I know I did.

I came in the condom this time since there was no space in there to spray her without getting it all over her dress. Then again what the fuck do I care? Next time I’ll let her walk around with my cum drying all over her.

Chapter 10




“Why are you doing this to me?” She’d waited until we got back to our seat to ask this and not too nicely either.

“Keep your vice down.”

“No, I want…” It was dark in the cabin, most if not all of the occupants were asleep. I grabbed her throat hard and pulled her face into mine.

“You feeling brave? Listen. One of two things will happen if you go down this road. One, you act up, they take you off the plane in cuffs and charge you for disturbance in the sky, which these days carry a heavy sentence. Or two, I put you out here and now, and believe me I can do it without leaving any sign that I even touched you, choose.”

The light dawned in her eyes again and she came back to her damn senses, only then did I release her back into the seat. She wasn’t pleased with her options, but that ten year old me hadn’t had much of a choice with his now did he?


We landed at midnight local time the nest day don’t ask, the place is damn near at the other end of the world. I led her to my car after collecting my bags and drove the hour and a half into the hills to my very remote residence.

She was getting nervous the farther we drove out of the city into the dense trees and forestry that lined the highway. They’d been a few wildfires in the last month or so and the place was an eerie sight I was sure, to an unknown.

I did nothing to waylay her fears, in fact I was hoping for a wolf or bear to come along and add to the attraction. That way she’d think twice before stepping foot outside my house.

If the hotel room and first class seats hadn’t confused her enough, my home was what people have termed ‘a log palace.” Over five thousand square feet of birch wood and glass, it was magnificent.

The first thing I did was take her around back to where I kept my wolf hybrids. While I was gone I’d had someone coming in to watch over my boys because they didn’t like being away from home.

They did exactly what they were trained to do, growled and bore their vicious teeth at a stranger. She made as if to run and I deliberately opened the gate.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, it won’t take them long to tear your throat out.” She stiffened in fear and clung to my side. I left them out to run around our legs and jump on us as we made our way to the house.

I was accustomed to their antics by now obviously, but the girl next to me was terrified. I let a couple of them in the house just to fuck with her and let the others run around outside.

She followed them around the room with her eyes, but that wasn’t good enough, I couldn’t have her forgetting who was the alpha around here. I called the dogs off her scent, probably sniffing my scent in her pussy from earlier.

“The bedroom is through there go freshen up.” I’d taken a little power nap on the plane and was more than refreshed. I’d also had time to think and I knew exactly what I was going to do.

She cut a wide path around the dogs and headed to the door I’d pointed out. I went into my special room to get shit ready. I took some of my best weed and added a little something just to loosen her up.

I’d never used the shit for this purpose before, I tend to like my sexual partners to be cognizant, but for this I needed a little something extra.

I used the guest bathroom to shower before throwing on a robe. I met her in the bedroom drying her hair and looking around at the massive bed under eight feet of double paned glass.

“Lose the towel I brought you a gift.” I showed her the rolled joint. It had been a whole day since she’d had any smoke and from her reaction I could tell she was in need. I wonder what’s the story behind that, I don’t exactly see dad supporting the habit.

I watched her light up and take her first pull and shook my head when she offered. No thanks, one of us need to keep a clear head for this.

I hit record on the video system I had set up in my room for security purposes. “So Amber, tell me how did you end up with Carlos?” She started at my use of her name but I guess she figured I must’ve heard it that first day at Carlos’ and relaxed again.

The shit I’d laced her weed with would soon remove all inhibitions anyway and it won’t matter. “I owed him money.” Not sure I was expecting that.

“You owed him money.”

“Yes, look I was foolish okay, I wanted to go into the studio and my dad…”

“Your dad would that be Dean Stevenson?” She looked like she wanted to question my knowledge of such things but the opiate was kicking in and she just nodded her head as she dropped her towel.

“Go ahead your dad…?”

“He didn’t want me to go to the studio, he wanted me to stay in school and concentrate on a career, whatever. Him and my mother were always fighting and the place was never happy anyway, not after like the first few years anyway and I needed out.”

She was starting to ramble and I let her as I took a seat in the large armchair next to the bed. “So you borrowed money to go to the studio and…”

“It didn’t work out okay, and then that son of a bitch wouldn’t help me, said he’d told me not to do it. I don’t see what the big problem was, he had the money, but he wouldn’t budge.” She was getting agitated.

I questioned her more, learned all about the cushy upbringing, the luxury vacations. When she talked about my mom I could tell she was just repeating their words, about the old washed up fool who had let herself go. It seems dear old dad never mentioned the son he’d abandoned.

“Come here Amber.” She didn’t question, just changed tack from walking around the room aimlessly and came over to where I sat with my iron hard cock sticking straight out through the opening in my robe.

“Suck me off.” I played in those beautiful curls as the video recorded and brought her head down to my shaft. Her eyes were glassy as she studied my cock like it was her favorite ice cream flavor.

She started at my balls and licked, really going to town. In fact I don’t recall anyone ever sucking my nuts that well before.

My dick was waving like a flagpole in the wind, pre-cum oozing out rapidly. Her tongue went to work on that too and she was soon humming in her throat as she sucked my cock beautifully.

I picked up the handheld; I needed a close-up of this shit. She smiled into the camera and put some extra swirl in her tongue. “Fuck me please, my pussy’s s hot.” She had her hand between her legs fucking herself on her fingers as she sucked my cock down to the balls.

I hit the back of her throat and held her there with a fist in her hair. “Eat my meat bitch until I tell you to stop, then I’ll fuck you.”

She was only too happy to comply. I’m gonna have to start marketing this shit to some of my clients, the best way to control an unruly bitch-wife.

“So, you sold yourself to him to pay off your debt.”

“I had no choice, it was either that or he was gonna put me on the streets.”

“How long were you there?”

“Not long, just a coupla weeks before you came.”

Now she was licking my dick like a lollipop, her head turning from side to side to catch all the cock juice as it ran down. “You missed some.” I pointed to the crack of my ass where some of my juices had escaped and she actually went after it.

So she’d sold her ass for studio time, just like her bitch mother. If I’d felt anyway about what I had planned for her this would’ve erased it, but I already didn’t give a fuck so…

“Are you eating my ass you dirty bitch?” She licked my asshole and grinned before going back to my cock. It’s a good thing I never kissed this bitch, who knows… “Have you done that before, with him?” I had her hair in a punishing grip.

I wasn’t sure what my fucking problem was but I didn’t like the idea of her freely giving him what I had to work for. “No, you’re hurting me. Everything he got from me he had to threaten, I hated him I’m glad he’s dead.”

Better, that’s better. I let her get back to her sucking while I recorded. “I’m about to blast pull off, show me your tits.” She sat back on her heels so that I could see her tits as I pumped my cock a few times before blasting her face, hair, tits and even her pussy lips with my jizz.

“Eat it.” The dirty little bitch wiped it off and fed it to herself while posing for the camera. She was totally gone. “Get on the bed with your ass in the air I wanna fuck.” This was the crème de la crème, the big hoorah. This was the shit I was going to send to our ‘father’.

“Spread your ass cheeks.” I was sure to get a close-up of that shit so he could see that the bitch was wide open this was not new. Then I fucked her in the ass as she screamed and begged me to fuck her ass harder.

I pulled out of her ass and fed her my cock and you’d have thought it was her last meal the way she gobbled that shit down.

Reaching over her back I fucked her pussy from behind with my fingers before grabbing the flashlight from the night table to do the job.

She actually spread her legs wider to accept my violation. I fucked her with the flashlight as she licked my cock clean before throwing her to her back and climbing between her legs.

“Hold your legs up and open.” With her legs opened like that her pussy lips pulled back and I could see into her pussy. “Say hi daddy.” She faltered a bit but the drug had her in its clutches. “Hi daddy.” Even so her voice was a little weak. She was fighting it, too bad.

I slammed my cock into her and pounded away in her cunt, she bucked and moaned as her nails tore strips off my back and she threw the pussy up at me like a little bitch in heat.

“Fuck me fuck me fuck me.” I fucked her hard and bit into her flesh making her cream my cock. “You’re a little slut, just like your mother.” I had the camera ready when she caught my words.

“You…who are you?” She was questioning me but her body was still moving. “Your brother Gage.” I came a fuck load inside her before I remembered I wasn’t wearing a condom.

Oh well I wasn’t planning on letting her go anyway so it didn’t matter…


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