Amber's Fantasy (8 page)

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Authors: Pepper Anthony

BOOK: Amber's Fantasy
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“Saundra was disappointed that you left before she presented
this to you,” she heard a man say. Amber froze just outside the entrance to the
living room. Finally she peeked around the corner. Cal was standing there,
handing an envelope to Ray, who was once more dressed in his slacks. She
watched as he opened the envelope and unfolded a paper. His eyes skimmed the

“What is it?” Cal asked.

“A letter of recommendation I’d asked her for. Not that I
need it now, but for future use. You never know.” He took a second piece of
paper from the envelope, read it, and then held it out for Cal to look at.

“A gift certificate. That’s nice of her.”

“Yeah. I’ve always wanted to try that restaurant. The steaks
are supposed to be something else.” Ray set the papers on the coffee table.
“Thanks for dropping that by. Is the party still going strong?”

Cal shrugged. “Nah. There’s plenty of food left but maybe
only half the people are still there. The dance music seemed to scare them off.
I know it did me.” Cal glanced around the room. “Why’d you sneak off, anyway?”

Amber saw Ray hesitate. Suddenly he sensed her presence. He
turned toward her and their eyes met. She jumped back into the hallway, and he

“Well, actually, Amber is here with me. She—uh—she had a
little too much champagne to drink so we went out for some coffee and ended up


“Come out, Amber. Be friendly. It’s just Cal.”

“I’m not dressed,” she called back, retreating toward the
bathroom. Then she palmed her forehead. Damn! She’d just pretty much announced
to Ray’s cousin what they’d been doing for the past hour.

“Even better,” Ray called in a teasing voice.

Awkward silence ensued. Amber hung by the bathroom door,
uncertain what to do next. In a moment Ray came down the hall. To her surprise,
he backed her up to the wall and planted a long, searing kiss on her lips. Then
he held her there, his hands on the wall on either side of her, his forehead
touching hers.

“Amber, baby, I’ve been thinking about this. Hear me out,
okay? I want to give you your fantasy. I’m sure Cal would be up for it. What do
you say?”

It was the last thing she expected from him. She stared into
his eyes, struggling to speak against the sudden knot in her throat. “But I
thought you liked—”

“Oh, I did. I loved it. You and I are great together.” He
kissed her again, his lips lingering this time before he continued. “But let’s
be honest. I know you want more.”

“No. No, I never said I wanted that. I just like reading
those books, that’s all.”

But flashes from her sexy daydreams were streaking through
her head in arousing technicolor. God! What if she really
act them
out? Her heart took off at a dizzying gallop. She needed to sit down before her
knees gave away.

“I think there’s more to it than that,” Ray whispered. “You
told me you’d like to try it someday. Remember?” His lips found hers once more,
his insistent tongue a visceral reminder of their heated lovemaking. His hand
found its way under the shirt and he squeezed her breast, running his thumb
over her nipple. “There will never be a better time for you to find out.”

Amber gasped as his fingers teased the tips of her breasts.
The very idea that they were standing there, only a few feet from his cousin in
the next room, should have made her feel shy, should have shut down all her
sexual response. Instead, she found herself incredibly aroused. Ray’s fingers
trailed over her naked skin, down, down over her quivering tummy. She waited,
holding her breath, her gaze locked with his in the dim hallway. Finally his
finger barely nudged her damp slit. Exquisite pangs of pleasure swirled through

“Ahhh!” She couldn’t keep the little cry from escaping her

“The idea turns you on, doesn’t it, Amber?”

She nodded, unable to lie. “But I can’t.”

“You’re so sexy. Passionate. Hot.” He kissed her neck
between each word. “If you want this, I want it for you.”

“I don’t know—”

“You’ll call all the shots. I promise.” He pulled back and
lifted her chin with his fingers so that their eyes met. “This is totally your
show. Okay?”

The space of eons seemed to tick by as she gazed into his

“Okay.” The word just kind of fell from her lips before she
could stop it.

“Wait here. I’ll be back in just a minute.”

She escaped once more to the bathroom, where she ran cool
water over her hands as she stared into the mirror. What had she just gotten
herself into? An almost-unrecognizable Amber stared back at her. Her cheeks
were stained a rosy pink, her eyes were huge, her breath jerked and fluttered
in her chest.

She was about to live out her secret fantasy!

Chapter 8


Ray didn’t dare let go of Amber’s hand. He knew the modest,
uptight Amber still had a death grip on the sexy, more confident woman he’d
made love to earlier that evening. At any moment she might get cold feet and
run back to the safety of the bathroom. Once they got started though, he hoped
she’d get caught up in the sensual game. By the end of the evening she’d know
for sure if this is what she really wanted.

But could he count on Cal to follow through? His cousin had
been initially shocked, but it hadn’t taken much to talk him into playing his
part, especially when Ray assured him that Amber would be directing things.

To tell the truth, he was relieved about that as well. The
only kind of threesome he’d ever imagined himself being involved in featured
two women, not two men. He didn’t have a clear idea of how this all should go.
Since it was Amber’s favorite fantasy, he was counting on her knowing exactly
how to choreograph the whole thing.

They came around the corner to find Cal standing like a deer
in the headlights in the center of the living room. God, maybe this wasn’t such
a good idea after all. His cousin’s expression was strained at the least, his
fists clenched, eyes darting anywhere but at the two of them. Ray felt Amber’s
resistant tug on his hand and knew if they all stood around and thought about
this any longer, it wasn’t going to happen.

He quickly pulled Amber into his arms and kissed her, using
his tongue to plunder her mouth in a way that was meant to reawaken the sensual
woman who had just shared his bed. For a moment she was stiff and self-conscious
in his arms, but gradually she softened and began to kiss him back. He dared to
put his hand on her ass and drag her shirt up just a little, knowing Cal would be able to see the rounded globes of her lovely brown skin. He also knew that
Amber would realize Cal could see.

She froze again.

“You’re so beautiful. So sexy,” he whispered in her ear. “I
can’t keep my hands off you.”

She stared up at him, and he smiled at her and kissed her
again. A small moan broke from her throat as she responded, quivering in his
arms. They all heard the sound. Cal was watching them now, his expression avid.
Ray moved his hands up her back, dragging the shirt higher.

“Tell us what you want, Amber.”

She glanced over at Cal for the first time, and then closed
her eyes. Her cheeks were highly colored.

“Um, no shirts.” He could barely hear her.

Cal stripped out of his dress shirt in record time and flung
it on the floor.

“What else, baby?” He rained small kisses along her hairline
as he massaged her back and let the tips of his fingers brush across her naked
ass. “Do you want Cal to touch you too? Or just watch us?”

“Oh God. I don’t know about this.” She started to pull away.

“I do. I know you want it. We want it for you, baby. Come
on. Relax and enjoy yourself.”

She nodded, but then she dropped her gaze and just stood
there motionless. Ray held his breath and watched a storm of expressions cross
her lovely face. Things were not looking very promising.

Suddenly she turned back to Cal. “Come stand behind me,

Cal circled around them and took his place.

“Up closer,” she prompted. “Now take hold of my upper arms.”
She let out a gasp when his fingers touched her arms. She glanced over her
shoulder toward him. “Tighter. So I can’t—escape.”

Cal’s hands firmly banded her upper arms and pulled back so
that her breasts made saucy points against the fabric of the shirt. Ray licked
his lips as Amber gave another broken moan and closed her eyes.

“Oh God,” she gasped. “Ray. Please. Touch me. Everywhere.”
Her voice shook.

He was more than ready to comply with her request. She
looked incredibly hot in that pose, half dressed, held captive by his cousin’s
big hands. His cock went rock-hard in two seconds flat.

He reached for the top button of her shirt, his hands
fumbling a little in his excitement. He forced himself to slow down, letting
his fingers tease across the skin of her upper chest as he bent and kissed her
again. She whimpered at his touch. He held his lips to hers as one button came
open. Then the next. He could hear Cal’s raspy breathing from behind her but he
didn’t dare make eye contact with his cousin. Now all the buttons were free and
he pushed the shirt open.

Taking a half step back, he feasted his eyes on her glorious
body, on the proud points of her chocolate colored nipples, the velvet skin of
her belly. Her scarlet lips were slightly parted, swollen with his kisses. And
down below, the thatch of trimmed black curls that decorated her delectable
pussy. As he remembered the scent and taste of her, his cock twitched.

He’d never seen anything so hot in his life.

he’d touch her everywhere.

As he closed his mouth on one naked nipple, he heard her
ragged sigh.

* * * *

Was she floating on air? Amber couldn’t feel her feet any
longer, only the sweet insistent tug of Ray’s lips on her nipple and the grip
of Cal’s hands on her arms. It was exactly as she had imagined it a hundred
times, only better. Her pussy tingled, anticipating Ray’s touch, but he waited,
seeming content to fondle and tease her aching breasts, first one and then the

She gave in to the delicious heightening of her arousal,
letting out little moans of encouragement. When Cal pushed up against her from
behind, his erection long and thick against her buttocks, she welcomed his
heat. But there was fabric between her body and his. What did he look like
under those dress slacks? Was he as well built as Ray?

“Take your pants off, both of you.”

The men broke contact and complied. She turned and watched
as their twin erections bobbed free of their clothes. They now stood naked, two
amazing male specimens at her beck and call. She could hardly take her eyes off
their beautiful cocks.

I did that.

The realization that she alone was responsible for their
engorged condition set her body on fire.
They both want me.

And suddenly she was never more clear. She wanted them too.

“Ray, lie down on the couch.”

Grinning at the sudden confidence in her tone, he sprawled
back on the cushions, one leg draped over the back of the couch, offering her
full access.

“How’s this?”


She knelt beside the couch and took his cock in her hand. It
was very firm, sheathed in satiny pink skin that went dark at the bulbous head.
She caressed it, getting better acquainted with the length and breadth of it,
the warm weight of it. Ray groaned as he watched what her hands were doing.

She encircled him, stroking up and down.

“Oh, baby. Yeah. Like that.” Soon a tiny drop glistened at
the tip. She licked it away, tasting the salty fluid and the dried remnants of
her own juices on his skin. He groaned again as she closed her lips around him
and pulled him deep into her throat. Nodding up and down, she sucked and licked
the length of him.

His appreciative noises inspired and excited her, making her
feel even stronger in her feminine power. She’d never dreamed it could be such
an aphrodisiac to have two handsome men staring at her nearly naked body.

Aware that Cal stood silently watching, she rose and
straddled Ray, her breasts dangling free. He took them in eager hands, working
and pinching the tender tips until she cried out. She sucked Ray’s cock and
raised her hips higher, knowing Cal’s eyes must certainly be locked on the rear
view of her exposed pussy.

Don’t you want to fuck me?

With her free hand she reached around and stroked her own
buttocks, opening herself to him in a blatant invitation. In a moment she heard
him rustling through his clothes, the sound of a foil packet tearing open.

When his fingers came to rest on her hip a moment later, his
touch alone was almost enough to make her come. She gasped as he inserted a
finger into her slit. The contact was tentative, but it didn’t matter. Her
whole pussy was so sensitized, his awkward movements only heightened the
titillation. She pressed herself back against his hand and then turned and
smiled at him. He didn’t notice. His face was a study in concentration, his
gaze locked on what his finger was doing inside her. As she watched, his other
hand left her hip and grasped his cock. In a few seconds she felt it nudge her

She widened her stance for him, and he slid fully into her
throbbing body, pulling a raw sob from her throat. She was so slick there was
almost no friction, despite his impressive size. But as he began to move in and
out, his cock rubbed against her swollen clit in exactly the right way. It was
pure heaven. After a moment, she matched the rhythm of her mouth on Ray’s
erection to the perfect cadence of Cal’s cock as it penetrated her pussy. Over
and over again he drove into her from behind, as a delicious tension began to
gather in her core.

The more aroused she became, the more eagerly she sucked
Ray’s cock, taking it further into her throat until her lips nearly touched his

“God, that’s good,” he groaned. “I’m gonna come, Amber.”

His eyes sought hers. Through the heat of their tangled
gaze, she realized she’d never felt as connected to another person as she did
to Ray in this moment. She gave a little nod. She’d never swallowed before, but
it didn’t occur to her to stop the perfect rhythm of their three bodies. Seconds
later, he grimaced, his skin flushing, and a rush of salty fluid washed down
her throat. At almost the same time, she felt Cal’s finger move under her and
find her clit. He plucked at it once or twice. That was all it took to send her
over the edge herself.

The planet seemed to spin faster as Amber lost track of
where she was and who she was. Her body became a pulsing, singing thing that took
her consciousness with it into divine oblivion. From somewhere far away she
heard Cal’s soft grunt and felt his hands grasping her hips. He locked his body
to hers, grinding his release into her still-throbbing pussy. Her orgasm seemed
to go on and on, twanging through her very bones before finally dissolving like
a spent wave lapping the sand. Her knees would no longer support her. As she
collapsed against Ray’s chest, she felt Cal’s softening cock slip out of her.

When Amber opened her eyes a few minutes later, Cal had disappeared. She thought she heard the sound of running water from the bathroom.
Ray lay still beneath her, eyes closed, his chest barely moving with his
breath. His heartbeat sounded slow and steady in her ear. She became aware of
the crisp hair on his chest against her cheek and his nipple just inches from
her mouth. Resisting the urge to tweak the tiny bud, she stroked her hand
across his pectoral muscle and down his arm, savoring the feel of the velvet
and steel beneath her fingertips.

He opened his eyes and smiled, then leaned up to give her a
quick kiss on the cheek.

“Was that all you were hoping for?”

“Better,” she whispered. “Thank you.”

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