Amazon Chief (99 page)

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Authors: Robin Roseau

BOOK: Amazon Chief
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"I didn't want to be making changes to how Amazons did things shortly before handing leadership over to you. But I didn't want to give my hand away so early. Also, I worried about a few other things. I worried that there's something special about our forest that keeps the demons from entering it. They really don't seem to like it, and it's rare that they pass through it. Also, I worried that we would get in the habit of becoming trade crafters and such rather than focusing on being warriors."

I looked at her. "I do not believe you have given the entire answer."

She looked away. "Will you delay your questions for a day or two?"

"There's something you're not telling me."

"Yes," she said. "Later. Please."

"All right. Later."

"Thank you."

I floated in the water. "Speaking of Rora, why isn't she out here with us?"

"She's never become a comfortable swimmer," Nori said. "She stays to the shallows. She can swim, but deep water intimidates her."

"Oh, I'm sorry. We should move to where she's comfortable." And so we slowly moved to shallower water, and then Rora joined us, too.

We splashed around in the water for perhaps a half hour or so before I decided, "I want to be back in the village when my family returns. I think I should be covered up. I don't believe anyone needs to see my marks. Y'all can continue to swim or join me."

"We'll join you," Maya said. "We have to suck up to the power in the forest now."

I laughed at that.

* * * *

We retreated to Omie's hut so Ralla could sleep in peace. Serra sent a companion to let us know that lunch will be ready whenever we
were ready to eat. We sent the companion back with knowledge we would eat when our families returned. I admitted to being awash and lost, not sure what I should be doing.

"Just let it settle in," Malora said. "Today take care of yourself and your family. If I may have a request."


"There are a few fun activities you could try this afternoon. I wouldn't recommend anything strenuous."

"Do you need me to judge anything, Maya?"

"Only if you want to."

"I don't want to be idle, but maybe see how things go once Lia gets here. She may want to do nothing but hold me for a long time."

It was twenty minutes later when there was a clatter.

"I'll tell them where we are," Ping offered. "Otherwise they'll go wake up Ralla."

"Tell Jasmine I want to see her, but it is her choice when," I relayed. "I only need a few seconds with her."

"I will."

It was a minute later before the door burst open. Lia ran to me, then stopped. "Omie said you weren't too hurt. Where can I touch you?"

"Careful of this arm," I said. "Cuts from Malora."

"She has bruised ribs, her leg looks horrible, and she has a hard head," Nori said. "Otherwise, she's fine."

"You got hit in the head?"

"Not today. Nori's a smart ass."

Lia threw her arms around me, but she was gentle. I buried my head in her hair. "Someone pull this braid out," I asked. Joelle stepped up and plucked at her mother's hair, and as soon as it was free, I had my hands in it.

I breathed deeply, just holding her. Then I whispered, "I love you, senior companion."

She laughed.

I pulled the girls in for a hug, Nori cautioning them to be careful of me. And then everyone else was there.

"Queen Beria?" I heard Jasmine say.

"Jasmine," I said. I pulled away from Lia. "Please come here."

She stepped the rest of the way into the hut, stopping before me. "We have never had a hugging relationship, but just this once." And I opened my arms to her. She immediately stepped into them. "Thank you," I whispered to her. "That's all I wanted to say. Thank you."

"You're welcome," she replied. "It's nice to be home, you know." Then she stepped away. "May I go?"

"Of course. She said she wasn't feeling well and asked to lay down for a while."

Pain flicked across Jasmine's face, then she was gone.

I looked around, then grabbed Omie and hugged her, then Aren and Bea, then everyone all over again.

"Why is Mother crying, Mama?" Annalise asked.

"She's just happy we're all together and safe," Lia explained.

"Lunch should be ready, and I am starving," I said.

"Excuse me?" said Aren. "What is ready?"

I turned to her. "Um."

She began to grin. "I already know. I'm just upset because I didn't get to see the fabled Serra in action. Maybe we can get her to do another meal or two while she's here. I'd love to see what I can learn from her."

We started for the door, but then I said, "Everyone freeze."

They all stopped, and I turned to Malora. "Why did you add that little side wager to the cooking lessons agreement with Two Bends?"

"Because she can send her cooks here to learn. I didn't think the new queen would want to send her companion away for a few weeks. She will have duties here."

"Is there anything you didn't think of?"

She laughed. "Of course not."

* * * *

Malora tried to give me her place at the table. There wasn't anything special about that place, except it's where she always sat. I took the place on the other side instead. The table was pretty full with all of us there, and I wondered what I would do about that. But Lia wanted the girls close, at least for this meal, and I agreed.

I turned to Lia. "I have a question for you."


"We now live in Queen's Town."

"Yes, we do."

I didn't say anything, but I turned to where Bea was sitting. Lia nodded. When Bea needed a new companion, if she still wanted Joelle, Lia would be ready.

I received a steady stream of people congratulating me. I thanked them and lost track of all of it.

We finished eating, and I stood up. "Attention for a minute." Everyone shut up and turned to me. "First, Omie, may my family continue to share your hut for a few more days?"

She glanced at Aren and then said, "Of course."

"Thank you."

I looked around and found Glorana and Frida sitting a few tables over. "I need to see the two of you sometime this afternoon."

"Yes, Queen Beria," Frida said. "We'll find you."

"I have placed myself at my sister's disposal, so she will know my schedule."

"Yes!" Maya said. "First I spent twenty years ordering one queen around, and now I have a new one to order around."

She earned some laughter.

"I've already done a lot of thanking," I said, "but I'm going to do it again. Thank you to all of you. We had a few hours of stress, but everyone did what was necessary. Thank you."

I considered things. "I want to remind you, there is a truce on pranks between Queen's Town and Lake Juna. That truce remains in effect for one additional week. After that, well, don't let me catch you."

There was laughter at that.

"My old job of patrol coordinator is now open. I suspect Queen Malora is going to have suggestions for that, but she hasn't shared them with me."

I heard noise behind me, and I saw Malora had her head buried. I stared at the top of her head and began laughing.

"There wa
s something you didn't think of, Queen Malora?"

She nodded to much laughter.

"Well. What do you know? She can't think of everything." I turned back to face everyone else. "If you have suggestions for the position, please see me. If you want the job yourself, please see me. I do not know what I will do about it yet." I turned to Malora. "Is there anything you want to add to that?"

She looked up. "Do you mind?"


She stood up. "The position is more than just roaming from village to village. It means you're gone a lot. And it requires the ability to be subtle. You are also the queen's eyes."

"Also," I added, "you should have a companion who can travel with you. It would have been horrible without Lia's willingness to travel with me." I turned to Ralla. "Ralla, how are you feeling?"

"A nap did wonders," she said.

"Are you in a hurry to return to Gallen's Cove? Said another way, are you able to stay for a while?"

"For a while," she said. "But I am not taking that job."

I laughed. "Will you help me find my replacement?"

"I would be happy to."

"Okay, so. Don't see me. See Ralla. Or Jasmine. Jasmine, will you help?"

"Of course."

"I will say this. I want the person who holds that position to live here or Lake Juna, and I prefer here."

"I would agree," said Ralla.

"So if someone not currently living in one of those villages wants the job, she needs to be willing to relocate, and we need to have space."

Gaylie climbed to her feet. "Queen Beria. I am in no hurry to move away, but I will serve you however you need. If you need to move me, I will go."

A few others said the same thing.

"Queen Beria thanks you for your offers," Malora said. "She'll let you know if she needs to make any requests of that nature."

I turned to Malora.

"Meddling. Old woman. Deal with it."

I laughed.

"Am I forgetting anything?"

"Yes," said Maya. "You need to tell them to have fun this afternoon, and you need to remind them that Malora and I are in charge of the event. I want my power reconfirmed."

I laughed. "You heard my sister."

And I sat down.

* * * *

Maya had me help officiate a couple of events. She kept the girls occupied and Lia plastered to my side.

Glorana and Frida found me while I was waiting for the second event to get started. "Is now a good time?" they asked.

"Lake Juna needs a village chief. Do you two want it?"

They didn't even look at each other. "Yes," they said together.

"Do you anticipate complaints?"

For that, they
conferred together. "No."

"It's yours. Please allow me to announce it tonight."
I turned to Lia. "Do you want your sister in Queen's Town?"

"Is there room?"

"We'll make room." I turned to them. "You're losing us and Badra and Tamma, although I'll make it their choice. You may entice anyone you like. You'll probably get offers. Find Badra and Tamma and ask them to see us."

"We're losing our cook. Again."

"Sorry. You can't have Omie and Aren. We're keeping them here."

"Maybe Rahna wants to learn to cook," Glorana said. "Queen Beria, could we send her here for lessons?"

"That's an issue for the senior companion, who I presume will also talk to the head cook."

"Yes," Lia said. "You may send anyone here for cooking lessons. She'll need to stay for a while, or come down often."

Glorana nodded. "Thank you. We'll find Badra and Tamma."

I turned to Lia. "I like this queen thing."

She laughed.

"You've come a long way, too," I said. "From unappreciated sister-in-law to senior companion and the queen's companion."

"Do I get a crown?"

"I will weave you a tiara of flowers," I said. "If I can find the time to go pick them."

Badra and Tamma found us a few minutes later. "Frida said you were looking for us," Badra said.

"This is a request," I said. "You may say 'no'. Would you be willing to relocate to Queen's Town? This is made as a request to family. Sisters should be together."

Tamma turned her eyes on Badra, who barely glanced at her. "I think that's your answer."

"Housing may be an issue for a while. We'll figure it out. I'll talk to Rora about building more once everything else settles down."

"When do we move?" Badra asked.

"Work it out with the new village chiefs at Lake Juna. Don't leave them high and dry for patrol."

"Chiefs?" She asked.

"Yeah. Let me announce it tonight."

I turned to Lia. "Please handle moving us. Coordinate whatever help you need."

"I can do it for you," Tamma said. "I presume everything in the two huts. Anything elsewhere?"

"Leave my fishing equipment there, except I want the net with my fishing flies. We use different equipment here. Let the village keep them."

"Your boat," Lia said.

"It's for the lake. It stays. I wouldn't use it on the water here. And leave the furniture. The next person will need it. Hmm. And bedding. Lia you may override me."

"No, that's good."

"I have spare tack in the stable."

"I know it," Badra said. "We'll send it."

"Well, that was easy," said Lia. "I like this whole delegate thing."

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