Amazing Disgrace (32 page)

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Authors: James Hamilton-Paterson

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Just as well, too; for my own future is a black book into whose pages not even regular tinctures of grappa and opium can yet nerve me to peer. I simply glean a debilitating
of rootlessness and insurance claims. Plus, of course, the
same old toad demanding that I keep on scribbling foolishly. Still, Samper may pull through and his fifty-first year could yet turn out to have been cathartic. Worse for some, I reflect, as a verselet rises unbidden to my lips:

Amazing Disgrace, so bitter-fanged,

Has brought low poor old Millie!

Admirers saw her hubris hanged

While cheering themselves silly!

Not for the first time I have to thank Mrs Maribel Ongpin for her generosity in providing me with that near-impossibility: a quiet retreat in which to work in Manila. The closing chapters of this book were mostly written in her hospitable home, whose calm and serious tenor is so innocently at odds with the antics of the egregious Gerry Samper.


I equally wish to thank Mrs Monica Arellano Ongpin. Over the years her house in Italy has been a locus of friendship, improper conversation and gin: an exhilarating and frequently inspiring combination.


Once again Quentin Huggett has earned my gratitude, as have other of my friends at Geotek Ltd, in particular John Roberts and Sally Marine. Between them they have answered my
while supplying ideas of their own. Those, as usual, ranged from the invaluable to the frankly barking. It is for the lack of anything in between that I most thank them. Nor can I forget that when we were aboard R/V
fifteen years ago, Quentin and I were present at the moment The Face first manifested itself: an ineffable apparition that immediately sparked an irreverent train of thought.


Finally, Ken Thomson was an obliging and witty consultant on Australiana and Ozisms in general.

James Hamilton-Paterson is the author of
, winner of a Whitbread Prize;
Seven-Tenths: The Sea and its Thresholds; Playing With Water;
and most recently, of the wild comic trilogy
Cooking With Fernet Branca, Amazing Disgrace
Rancid Pansies.


Loving Monsters

The View from Mount Dog


The Bell-Boy


Ghosts of Manila

The Music

Cooking with Fernet Branca

Amazing Disgrace

Rancid Pansies



Flight Underground

The House in the Waves




A Very Personal War: The Story of Cornelius Hawkridge

(also published as The Greedy War)

Mummies: Death and Life in Ancient Egypt

Playing with Water


America’s Boy

Three Miles Down



Option Three

Dutch Alps

First published in 2006
by Faber and Faber Ltd
Bloomsbury House
74–77 Great Russell Street
London WC1B 3DA
This ebook edition first published in 2012

All rights reserved
© James Hamilton-Paterson, 2006

The right of James Hamilton-Paterson to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

This ebook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any way except as specifically permitted in writing by the publishers, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorised distribution or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s and publisher’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly

ISBN 978–0–571–26765–1

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