Amaury's Hellion (36 page)

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Authors: Tina Folsom

BOOK: Amaury's Hellion
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Nina shivered. Luther’s last words had given her the chill.

She looked to her side to where Eddie had hidden earlier, but couldn’t see him anywhere. She caught a look at the clock. Less than five minutes remained.

Out in the distance across the grassy area she could make out some shadows. Were they moving toward her, or was this merely wishful thinking?

Seconds later she saw a familiar shape come into view. Despite the darkness, she recognized him: Amaury. Next to him, a slimmer, but equally tall man appeared: Samson.

Nina looked over the edge of the platform as Amaury and Samson continued their approach, unimpeded by anybody. This wasn’t right. It was too easy. Why would Luther leave them alone, so their men could come to free them? It didn’t make sense. Yes, the bomb was ticking, but five minutes would be plenty of time to free them and be far enough away from the platform by the time it blew up. No, something was seriously wrong with this picture.

It’s a trap!

She concentrated on Amaury and opened her mind to him. Frantically, she looked around herself, following the wires.

From the corner of her eye she suddenly saw a movement. Eddie rushed past the platform and toward Samson and Amaury, launching himself onto them. She wanted to scream and stop him, but the gag in her mouth prevented her from it.

Instead she watched as he bounced against Amaury. They fought while Samson continued to approach. A frantic look by Eddie toward Samson told her that something was wrong. Eddie wasn’t fighting to kill them, only fighting to stop them.

Amaury, stop! Don’t hurt Eddie! No further! Stop Samson—stop him now!

A second later Amaury’s command echoed through the night. “Samson, stay back!”

His friend instantly stilled, and so did Eddie. He stopped punching.

“Thank God,” she heard her brother’s voice rasp. Exhaustion clearly showing on his face, he pointed to a spot only a foot ahead of Samson. “Laser beam.”

Nina’s heart pounded.

Amaury still had her brother in a tight grip, but he didn’t appear to want him any more harm. “Talk. Fast.” Amaury’s voice reached Nina’s ears and felt strangely comforting.

“Once you pass that point, the laser beam is interrupted and triggers a second mechanism, and you’ve got sixty seconds for the podium to blow,” Eddie explained.

Nina’s heart stopped. So that’s why Luther had been so confident and left them alone. If the men tried to rush them, they would inadvertently reduce the time on the clock and blow up with them.

She blinked and swallowed hard. This was it. They were so screwed.

“Is there a way around it?”

Eddie shook his head. “The only way to get onto the podium without tripping the laser is from inside the mausoleum.”

Her brother looked up into her direction. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I didn’t know he’d go through with it. I didn’t realize how crazy he is. When I understood what he was planning, it was already too late.”

Amaury looked at Nina, agony and torture obscuring his beautiful features. Without breaking eye contact with her, he addressed Eddie. “Get us into the mausoleum. Now.”

She watched as Amaury spoke quietly into his mic, then listened to his earphone. She caught his frustrated look, before he huddled with Samson and Eddie. They were speaking too low for her to hear, but their gestures told her they were in disagreement over something.

“No! Are you crazy?” her brother shouteded at Amaury.

“It’s the only way.” Amaury’s reply was just as emotion laden.

He looked at her, a sad look in his eyes.

Trust me.

Nina heard his voice in her head. Trust him with what? What the hell was he up to?

Several seconds later all hell broke loose. From out of nowhere, Amaury’s vampire friends appeared, swarming the area. And then she saw the others, Luther’s men.

Johan stalked onto the scene from behind the mausoleum, together with three others she didn’t recognize. One of them had helped tie her and Delilah up. The others she’d never seen before.

While she still tried to survey the area to understand what was happening right in front of her, she noticed Amaury and Samson move. Like sprinters they ran toward the podium, only faster than any human could run.

Her heart pounded in her ears. Nina didn’t need to look at the clock to know that her last sixty seconds were ticking away. This was how her life would end? Blown to bits? Would it be painless at least?

With a loud thud, both vampires jumped onto the podium and straight toward her and Delilah. One second more and Amaury was behind her.


Amaury had pulled the knife out of its sheath in mid-jump and was ready to cut her restraints when he saw them: silver handcuffs.

!” His own cry mingled with that of Samson’s, who was behind Delilah and had met the same obstacle.

“Oh God, Nina,” was all he could say.

He felt her kick against the pole. In frustration he hit against it—it was made of iron, a metal a vampire could bend and break if he used enough force.

“Samson, the pole—
break it

Save yourself, Amaury, please.

“I won’t leave you!”

His anger mixed with determination.

“Bend forward, away from the pole as much as you can,” he ordered her. Nina did as he asked.

Amaury kicked against the pole with his leg, then followed it with the blade of his hand. Again the leg, then his hand. In a steady, but rapid rhythm a human’s eye would barely be able to follow, he kicked and hit. Another one. And one more. The pole started to crack on one side.

One more, just one more.

He collected all his strength and crushed his foot into the pole. Searing pain shot up his leg, but he ignored it. The metal split. With vampire speed, he reached for her wrists, not even noticing the damage the silver did to his own hands. Wedging the pole up, he twisted it away, letting it fall onto the podium. Tugging up her bound wrists, he wrenched her free.

Amaury grabbed Nina as he jumped off the podium. The shadow next to him had to be Samson, but he didn’t have time to look. With several more steps, his mate clutched to his chest, he was able to put distance between them and the podium, before he felt the explosion rock him. The shockwave punched him to the ground as heat seared over him.

With his last ounce of strength he covered Nina beneath him, cradling her in the safety of his broad body, hoping the fall hadn’t hurt her. Her body felt soft underneath his, her breasts crushed against his chest. But she felt cold. How long had she been made to stand up there in the chilly night air? Her breathing was as ragged as his own. Seconds passed before he knew it was safe to lift his head.

To his left he found Samson lying in a similar position to himself, covering Delilah with his body.

Looking behind him he saw his colleagues fight the opposition. They outnumbered Luther’s men. It was safe to sit up. Amaury rolled off Nina. Her arms still bound behind her back, she couldn’t move much on her own. He helped her sit up before he tugged at the duct tape.

: it’ll hurt.”

Her eyes were wide. She was clearly still in shock. Amaury pulled the tape off in one swift move, then instantly pressed his palm onto her lips trying to soothe the pain.

Her muffled groan bounced against his hand.

He couldn’t leave her in pain, and, what the hell, he needed to feel her. “I’ll heal it.”

His tongue traced over her lips which the tape had left tender, soothing first the lower one, then the upper one. A moment later he found himself kissing her and pressing his body against hers. For a brief moment he enjoyed her closeness. He wanted this to last an eternity, but as quickly as he’d kissed her, he released her.

Amaury hadn’t forgotten about what he’d done to her. Having saved Nina’s life didn’t change that. She wasn’t his to keep, because he’d never asked her to be his, not in a way she would have understood anyway.

“I’m sorry.” Amaury averted his eyes and looked back toward the mausoleum. It still stood. Why hadn’t it blown up too?

“Quinn, the mausoleum didn’t blow.”

Over his mic he could hear Quinn’s labored voice. “Sorry, buddy; Luther crossed the wires on purpose. I cut the one for the mausoleum, thinking it was for the podium. He thought of everything.”

“You okay?”

“Could use some help back here: he’s got another friend.”

“On my way,” Amaury confirmed. He stood and cast a glance at Nina. “Stay here.”


Nina watched as Amaury rushed toward the building. She looked to her side and caught how Samson kissed Delilah softly. His tender voice carried to her.

“I almost lost you.”

“Everything’s alright.”

“And the baby?”

“She’s fine.”

“She?” Samson’s voice was filled with surprise.

“I’ll explain later. Can you get these cuffs off me?”

Nina felt her own wrists being chaffed by the handcuffs. “Me too. Amaury chose to run off before he untied me.”

Delilah sent her a pitying look. Yes, it hurt, the fact that while Samson took care of his wife, Amaury had chosen to continue to fight rather than take care of her.

“Oliver will bring metal cutters from the van,” Samson said.

Nina turned back to the battlefield. Behind the wrecked podium, a dark figure emerged from the mausoleum. Luther. Nobody had spotted him yet.

Her eyes searched for Amaury.

The remnants of the podium were still burning. With difficulty, she was able to make out the different figures fighting in the vicinity. She recognized Johan who fought with Gabriel. Others were obscured by the fire that raged as a result of the explosion.

Nina saw Amaury head toward the back of the building. Unfortunately Luther spotted him at the same time. She saw how his gaze followed him, and his body started moving into Amaury’s direction. Amaury couldn’t see him since he looked into a different direction.

If she didn’t warn him, Luther would strike him from behind without warning.

Nina spun back to Samson. “Samson! Luther—he’s after Amaury.”

She couldn’t point into the direction she’d seen him, because her hands were still restrained behind her back.

“Where?” Samson’s eyes travelled swiftly over the scene.

“To the right, there, next to the building. Please help him.”

Samson touched his ear then recoiled in shock. “My mic’s gone! Fuck!”

Nina’s stomach twisted.

“Amaury!” Samson yelled out, but his friend didn’t turn. There was too much noise on the battlefield. “He can’t hear me.”

Panic ripped through her. “Oh, God, no.”

She watched as Luther stalked Amaury.

“You have to warn him, Nina—do it!”

Panic made her brain freeze. If he couldn’t hear Samson, whose voice was louder than hers, how would he hear her warning? She felt her heartbeat pound into her throat, the lump in it tightening. Desperation immobilized her.

“Amaury!” she croaked.

“The bond,” Samson instructed. “Use the bond.”

Nina blinked once, then concentrated.

Amaury, behind you, Luther is behind you.

A split second later she saw him spin around and face his opponent. Luther dealt the first blow, but Amaury instantly countered. They were evenly matched, dealing each other blow after blow.

Nina’s stomach twisted painfully as she tried to watch their fight. With every blow Amaury absorbed, she flinched. Who was stronger? Would Amaury win?

She was startled when she suddenly felt somebody’s hands on hers.

“I’m Oliver. I’ll cut your cuffs. Keep still.”

A moment later she felt cold metal against her skin. A snapping sound followed, and the cuffs fell into the grass. Without turning to thank the man, she ran toward the scene in front of her. She had to help Amaury, no matter what.

She stumbled forward when in the corner of her eye she saw Eddie. He was fighting with Zane. And Zane had the upper hand. Looking to Amaury then back to Eddie, she made a split-second decision and ran toward her brother.

“Stop! He’s on our side.”

But Zane ignored her. He continued pounding into her brother.

“Zane, stop! Don’t hurt him,” she screamed again and lunged forward, throwing herself between the two. Zane grabbed her and tossed her aside, then reached for Eddie. “He’s with Luther.”

Her response was drowned out by Samson’s booming voice behind her. “Zane, he’s with us. Release him.”

A disbelieving look came over Zane’s face, but he obeyed and dropped Eddie from his grip.

Nina ran toward Eddie and hugged him. Her brother’s strong arms went around her and squeezed tightly.

“You’re alive,” he said.

Because of Amaury she was alive, but now he was in danger. Nina peeled herself out of Eddie’s embrace and let her eyes search for her mate.


Amaury dodged another of Luther’s blows and swung his fist against his arm, momentarily blocking his opponent, allowed him to pull out his silver dagger with the other hand.

He used his leg to kick Luther’s legs from underneath him and felt him stumble. Without hesitation, Amaury pinned him against the wall behind him and lifted the dagger to strike.

For having nearly killed his mate, Luther would have to die. Only then the beast inside Amaury would be appeased.

No! Stop, Amaury!

Nina’s voice invaded his mind, and he hesitated for a second.

Please, if you love me, don’t kill him.

From the corner of his eye he saw a movement and turned. Nina came running toward him.

“Don’t move, or you’re dead,” he warned Luther and kept the dagger pressed to his throat. The silver bit into his opponent’s skin.

“Amaury! Don’t kill him, please, don’t,” he heard Nina call out.

His gut twisted. Why would she want to save Luther when he’d been planning to kill her? He couldn’t make heads or tails of it. Amaury gave her a long look, trying to search her eyes for an answer. Who was she with?

Behind her, Samson and Delilah came into sight, and a second later some of the others. The fight seemed to be over, but the fire continued to rage.

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