Am I Seeing Double 3

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Authors: Roland Singleton

Tags: #GLBT, #Lesbian, #erotic Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Am I Seeing Double 3
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How can you leave the best for last? When you’re not sure, which is which?



I took a short break to supposedly catch up with old friends, relax, and unwind, but how wrong I was, on that score.


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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Am I Seeing Double 3

Copyright © 2014 Roland Singleton

ISBN: 978-1-77111-791-3

Cover art by Angela Waters


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Am I Seeing Double 3






Roland Singleton



Chapter One



As I got into my car and drove off for a short break, I couldn’t help but consider how lucky I was to have my twin companions and lovers, Jane and Phyllis. I had never been happier in my life before to have such a unique relationship. The twins knew that wherever I went, and whatever I did, I belonged to them, and I would come back. They also knew that I placed no boundaries. We all had at least one disastrous break up, and none of us felt we wanted to commit to a full relationship. What we had, suited all of us just fine. Maybe, something might happen in the future, but none us were looking that far ahead. That would be another chapter in our lives.

Driving now through the mountains, I had the window down, and the smell of the fresh country air was invigorating. The twins had been right. I had needed this break, and with several of my books published, since I’d had my last brief respite, and the movie from an earlier book was still getting good reviews, this short breather was well overdue.

I wasn’t planning a long vacation. I didn’t envisage more than a week. I couldn’t imagine being away from the twins for too long. I only wanted to do two things, and I could do them both at the same time. One was to have a break. The other was to catch up with someone from my past, Jenny, whom I hadn’t seen since my book launch I did at Barrickton.

I hadn’t told Jenny I was coming, and even if she had found herself another steady, I’m sure she would still be glad to see me, as I would be to see her.

I had planned to stop at Barrickton, so when I reached there, I drove straight to the library and parked out front.

When I entered the building, I walked over to the receptionist’s desk. Katey was there engrossed in something on a computer. I hadn’t seen her, or contacted her, since I did the launch here.

“I’ll be with you in a minute,” she said, not looking up.

Katey typed something on the keyboard, looked at it, then looked at me. “Roland!” she exclaimed. She then ran around the counter, came up to me, wrapped her arms around my neck, and kissed me on the cheek. “How nice to see you, and why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I could have had your fan club here to meet you.”

“It’s okay. I’m in no rush, and I plan to stay here overnight. I can come back tomorrow if you want.”

“That’s great. I can phone around and let everyone know.”

“If that is too short a notice, I can come back in a few days on my way home.”

“No, that’ll be fine. I’m sure your fans’ll want to see you tomorrow.”

“Okay, tomorrow it is then.”

“But of course, you can still drop by on your way home as well,” Katey said with an ever so slightly suggestive tone.

“I could do that. There’s an excellent motel here that I stayed in last time, and I’ll be staying there tonight.”

“Yes, I know where you stayed last time. There’s a nice little pub within walking distance from there.”

“That’s another reason I like to stay there. I don’t have to drive to a pub.”

“Yes, and that’s what I like about it, too. I live on the other side of the pub, about the same distance away from it as the motel.”

“I’ll be there tonight. One thing I hate is sitting and drinking alone in a motel.”

“That’s a coincidence, I sometimes go down there on a Monday night, when there’s nothing on telly.”

“I wonder if one of these, sometime coincidental Monday nights, could be tonight, because my second most dislike is drinking alone in a pub.”

“You never know. It could be possible, if there is nothing more exciting on telly,” Katey said, and this time I got a cheeky smile.

“I’ll be there about six. I usually like to have a couple of drinks before I eat.”

“I’ll remember that, in case I get hungry.”

“Do,” I replied.

“Well, I better get and make those phone calls, or your fans will kill me if they find out you’ve been here, and they’ve missed you.”

“Okay, if I don’t see you tonight, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“We’ll see,” Katey said, and again the cheeky smile.

At five-fifty that evening, I decided it was time to go for that drink.

The front bar of the pub was crowded with tradies and noisy, so I decided on the lounge. If I thought I would be drinking alone, I would have pulled up a stool and sat at the bar because there was ample room unoccupied. Certain that I wouldn’t be, I ordered a beer, and found a table in a quiet corner.

Ten minutes later, Katey walked in, looked in my direction, and came toward me.

Wow! This wasn’t the image one would conjure up about a librarian. She was
. She had on a white mini and a white lace, partially see-through top. When I had seen her in the library, I was sure she had nice legs. The mini proved me right. It left nothing, and I mean, absolutely nothing, to my imagination.

For a country girl, she had an amazing bronze tan. Whether it was artificial or real, it defied detection, and showed off her white outfit to perfection.

Katey stopped in front of my table, and I’m sure she wanted me to ogle her, which I did, and she seemed to enjoy it.

“Wow!” was all I could say, and suddenly remembering my manners, jumped to my feet, almost knocking over my half-empty beer.

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” she said as I pulled out a chair and dusted it with my handkerchief.

“Please do. You look amazing.”

“Thank you, and such a gentleman to clean my chair.”

“I didn’t want you to get dirty. Your dress, I mean.”

Katey giggled. “I’m glad we’ve got that sorted.”

“You must’ve got hungry,” I said and chuckled.

“Not as hungry as I am thirsty.”

Oh my Gawd. What’s this woman doing to me? First, I forget my manners, then forget to ask her if she’d like a drink.

“What can I get you?”

“I’ll have the same as you.”

“I drink Tooheys New.”

“That’s fine, so do I.”

“Ha, a woman after my own heart, that’ll win you brownie points.”

“I hope so,” Katey said and gave me that cheeky smile again.

Shut your mouth, man. Your foot’s hanging out,
I thought, as I walked to the bar to order drinks.

I had no idea what was wrong with me that night. I’m usually confident and composed in the company of a beautiful woman, but tonight Katey had me rattled. I was more like a teenager with his first girlfriend. I made a mental note not to judge people by their occupations. Librarians, I thought, were more retiring and possibly even prudish. How wrong was I with Katey?

I stayed a few seconds longer than normal at the bar, and took a couple of deep breaths, to steady myself. I looked up and saw the bar attendant watching me, and I’m sure he knew what I was thinking by the envious look on his face.

“Are we doing a book launch here, like last time?” Katey asked, when I got back to the table with the drinks.

“No. I’ve just finished one and submitted it, but they won’t publish it for a month or so, yet. I’m just on a break.”

“So, what brings you all the way out here, may I ask?”

“Ask all you want. I have no secrets to hide, and the answer to your question is, I enjoyed myself here last time, and the people and the surroundings were so congenial. Besides, I was hoping to catch up with Jenny again.”

“Oh, yes, your ex from the past.”

“I wouldn’t really say she was an ex, but we did shack up for about a month, and that was way back. I was only a struggling journalist in those days.”

“That wasn’t long. What happened…sorry if I’m getting too personal.”

“Not at all, but that’s another story, and quite a long one at that. What about you, anything exciting happened to you. That’s if
not getting too personal.”

“No, and like you, I also have nothing to hide, and the answer to your question is, what could get exciting, in this little town, except when some famous author pays us a visit,” Katey replied and chuckled.

“But surely you must have a boyfriend, yet I don’t see any rings on your finger.”

“Yes, I do have. His name is Rodney, and he drops by once in a while.”

“Once in a while!” I teased, “I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but if I were he, I’m positive it’d be much more often than that.”

“He’s in the Navy.”

“Sorry, but that would make it a little more difficult.”

“That’s okay, and there’s nothing really serious between us, as yet. He and I both want to wait until he finishes his time, in just under two years.”

“You’re not worried he has a wife in every port?” I asked and started to laugh.

“He better not have, and he better not come back, and tell me he has ten kids scattered all over the world,” Katey replied and laughed with me. “But he wouldn’t be human, if he was saving himself completely for me.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”

Katey and I chatted on for quite some time. She was good company, and very intelligent. We hadn’t really had a lot of time to chat last time, when I first met her at a book launch at her library. Jenny had turned up, much to my complete surprise, and Jenny and I had gone off together.

Later, I wouldn’t say I was tipsy, but I had loosened up a lot to what I was when Katey had first walked in. Katey had also relaxed more than she was at first. We were now chatting like old friends, and we were to a certain degree.

“What about you, Roland, you must be a lot like Rodney. A girl in every town you do a book launch?” Katey asked and started to giggle.

“No, well, not really.”


“I’ve only done one book launch in the country, and that’s with your library.”


“Yes, really, and if I ever did another, I’m sure it would be with you.”

“I’m flattered to think you would consider me again,” she said and placed her hand on mine, then looked into my eyes.

Her touch was almost electrifying, and, not wanting her to take her hand off mine, I placed my hand on top of hers. Her eyes softened as we looked at each other. Neither of us spoke for some time. I wanted her, and I was sure she felt the same about me.

“I think it’s time we weren’t here,” I whispered.

“Yes,” she replied distantly, “it’s time we were somewhere else.”

“Yours or mine?” I asked

“Mine,” she replied. “I’m home alone tonight.”

Our glasses were still half-full, but at this moment, beer was the last thing on our minds, so we left them sitting on the table. I took Katey’s hand and gave it a squeeze, and she squeezed mine as we walked to the door of the pub.

Outside, and walking to her home, I put my arm around her and she nestled her head on my shoulder.

When we reached her house, she opened the door, took hold of my hand, and led me inside.

“Would you like a cup of coffee?” she asked and gave me her cheeky smile.

“What do you think?” I replied.

She didn’t answer and wrapped her arms around my neck. She didn’t have to pull my head down to her. It was already heading in that direction.

One thing I will say about her, she really knew how to kiss. It was a long, slow, smouldering kiss, with all the intensity, I’m sure anyone could muster. With the kiss and her body pressed firmly against me, my mind was doing cartwheels and that wasn’t the only thing.

I hadn’t worn a jacket, as the weather was warm enough without it.

When we broke, Katey slid her right hand down my left arm, took hold of my hand, and led me to her bedroom, and, standing near her bed, she commenced to undo the buttons of my shirt and then gently massaged my chest. Then I reached down and lifted her top over her head.

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