Alyssa's Wolves (Wolf Masters, Book 4) (22 page)

BOOK: Alyssa's Wolves (Wolf Masters, Book 4)
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She did as he said and opened herself to her mates’ gazes.

“Your blonde curls are so sexy. Are you wet? Run a finger through your slit, and show us.” Tyler spoke this time.

She turned his direction, but after seeing his face, she closed her eyes and leaned back. Without looking at them, she could pretend
were touching
. She fell into a dream world in which she was worshipped by two sexy shifters. Except that was her reality, and even when she touched herself, they were the masters of her arousal.

Alyssa pressed her legs wider and tentatively reached between them. With her pointer, she grazed through the opening of her sex and dragged the moisture up across her clit. She flinched at her own touch and moaned at the sensation.

“That’s it, baby. So responsive. So hot. Swirl that finger around your clit.” Michael spoke from one side, his voice still deep with arousal.

When she couldn’t stand the torture any longer, Alyssa flicked over the tiny nub that currently ruled her universe and then pinched it between two fingers. She arched into her own touch and moaned loud enough to startle herself.

“Suck your finger into your mouth, Ali. Taste yourself.”

She did as Tyler instructed, savoring her own flavor on her tongue and removing the finger with a
. Her moisture was not as salty as Michael’s and Tyler’s but sweeter.

“Pinch your nipples, baby.” Michael leaned forward, not touching her, but she could tell even with her eyes rolled back that he was closer.

With both hands, she circled her breasts and then closed in on her nipples, grasping each one between her pointers and thumbs. Exquisite torture. Who knew she could give herself such pleasure?

“Leave one hand on your breasts, but move the other to your pussy, Ali. Press inside with two fingers.” When she complied, Tyler continued, “That’s it—curve those fingers along the top wall of your pussy as you drag them out… God, that’s hot.”

Alyssa lifted her hips off the bed, an attempt to get a better angle, reach deeper. She pumped her fingers in and out, her breathing heavy.

Panting, unable to get enough oxygen, Alyssa pulled out of her sex and flicked her fingers over her clit once again. The men stopped directing her. Either that, or she just couldn’t hear them anymore. Frantically, she pinched first one nipple and then the other while she held the hood of her clit back and flicked a finger over and over the little nub.

She was so close. So close to the ecstasy she’d experienced at Tyler’s and Michael’s hands. She knew now what that experience of crashing over the edge felt like, and she wanted that again.

“Come, baby. We want to watch you come.” Michael was so close now she felt his breath on her thigh. “Open your eyes. Look at me while you come.”

She couldn’t avoid his command. Through a narrow slit, she peered out at Michael and then Tyler. Both men’s eyes were glazed over with arousal.

Enjoying her power once again, she flicked her clit faster until her legs shook with need, and she exploded. Her pussy clutched at the emptiness, and her legs wobbled until they failed her, and she set her butt back down on the mattress.

Alyssa’s legs flopped wide as she released the pinch on her nipple and slowed the movement of her fingers around her sensitive clit.


Tyler couldn’t get a word to leave his mouth. He thought he might swallow his tongue. His mate was the sexiest creature on earth, and he was one of two very lucky bastards.

When he regained the ability to command his limbs to move in coordination with each other, he crawled up Alyssa’s side and took her lips in a long, slow, gentle kiss. He licked the slit of her lips casually at first and then swept inside to let his tongue join in a dance with hers.

With his free hand, he cupped her breast, just grazing his fingertips around the globe. She was small in stature, but her breasts were more than a handful, considering the size of her frame.

Tyler finally pulled back and set his forehead against Alyssa’s. She smiled at him. “You liked that?” Her voice was coy. She even batted her eyes.

“Apparently you did too,” he supplied.

“It was okay.” She shrugged, seeming to forget the moaning orgasm of moments ago. “But not as good as the tight feeling of having
inside me.”

“I think we can fix that easy enough. Michael?” Tyler glanced to the side.

Michael made his way up beside Alyssa and lay next to her. “Climb on top of me, babe. I want to feel my cock inside your pussy this time.”

Alyssa twisted into position and straddled Michael’s legs. Her pussy spread wide open and her ass in the air made Tyler gasp. She would be tight. He had no doubt. Probably tighter than the sweet pussy he’d been in last night. It was time to switch.

“Lower yourself over Michael.”

As Alyssa lined herself up and sank down over Michael’s cock, she rested her hands alongside Michael’s head.

Tyler didn’t take his eyes off the two shifters he would spend his life with, as though they might disappear if he did. He climbed quickly off the bed and grabbed the lube from his overnight bag. In seconds he was behind Alyssa, straddling Michael’s legs.

Her ass was so sexy he took a minute to run his fingers over the globes until she wiggled beneath him.

“Please…” Her voice was breathy.

Tyler squirted a generous amount of lube onto his fingers and circled her puckered hole until she relaxed her clenched cheeks. He slipped first one and then two fingers inside, scissoring them to stretch her. “Are you sure you aren’t too sore from last night?” He gritted his teeth, but he still didn’t want to hurt her.

“God, Tyler. Please. I need you both inside me.”

Tyler held his breath, released his fingers, and pushed his cock into her tight heat in one slow thrust.
Oh my God
. He knew she’d clench him more than he’d ever experienced, but this was almost unreasonable. He’d never make it through even one thrust before he shot off.

With both of them inside her, Alyssa moaned and then squirmed between them. “Please … move…”

Tyler pulled out, but it was with herculean strength that he kept from coming immediately.
Think of something awful. Or at least something not the least bit sexy. Nuns. Chickens. Peanut butter

It didn’t work. He could still feel the incredible pull of Alyssa’s ass on his cock. Hell, even peanut butter could be sexy if he spread it on her nipples and licked them clean.

Alyssa arched her back, holding herself up with wobbly arms. She even added to the rhythm by thrusting her ass back and forth with each synchronized movement of her mates. Tyler had to concentrate to keep from grabbing her hips and holding himself deep inside her.

“I’m not going to last,” he finally admitted.

“Oh … God…” Alyssa flung her head back and stiffened. She ground herself down on Michael’s cock and held still. “Tyler…”

Assuming she wanted the increased contact, Tyler pushed inside her, his cock rubbing against Michael’s through the thin lining between her pussy and her ass. The effect was to increase the clench on his dick and forced him to erupt right alongside Alyssa.

Michael groaned at the contact too and seconds later erupted with them. The contraction of Alyssa’s ass squeezed Tyler’s cock as though milking him dry.

Tyler’s legs shook when he finally came down from his perch, seemingly having floated above the bed. He had to pull out and collapse beside his mates or risk toppling them both with him.

Alyssa didn’t move. Her chest heaved on top of Michael, and Tyler watched the rise and fall of the two of them as they breathed deeply together.

God, he loved that woman. He’d known her only a few days, and already he couldn’t stand not having her next to him. He’d be a happy man if he could just keep one hand on her at all times for the rest of his life.

He considered Michael’s words from earlier and realized the deep meaning of his statement. Their trust was growing so quickly, and it was true that Tyler would be more relaxed throughout each day knowing that Michael was also there for her. As long as one of them was always close, she’d be loved and protected her entire life.

Not that she needed protecting, but shit happened in the world of shifters. Anything was possible.

“I need to shift.” Alyssa spoke while lifting herself off Michael and holding herself over his chest. He was still impaled in her pussy.

“There’s plenty of space. We can scoot over so you have room.” Michael rubbed her arms and nodded to his side.

“No, not that kind of shift. I need to shift. Run. With you two at my side.”

“Oh.” Michael smiled, and Tyler grabbed her arm to get her attention.

When she looked at him, Tyler saw the conviction in her gaze. “Are you ready?”

Alyssa nodded. “Is now okay?”

“Absolutely. Let’s go outside.” Michael lifted Alyssa off his shaft and sat up.

Tyler stood first and grabbed Alyssa’s hand.

“Is there anything I need to know?” Her eyes grew huge with unanswered questions.

“Not really. It’s totally natural. It’ll just come. As soon as you shift, you’ll quickly adjust. It’s so freeing.” Tyler tugged her toward the door.

Michael grabbed her other hand. “Can you feel it? The urge to change?”

“Yes.” She stepped out the door as Tyler held it open. “It’s like an itch just beneath the surface. A need really. Not unlike the need to mate.”

“Just let it come. Don’t fight it. Relax. Close your eyes if you want and think of your wolf form.” Tyler released his grip on her hand and stepped back. He watched in awe as his mate, the woman he would spend the rest of his life loving devotedly, let the change to wolf form take her over.

It was quick. In moments she’d shifted and set herself down on all fours.
“Are you coming?”
She angled her glorious blonde head back at the men and seemed to grin.

Both men joined her without hesitation, and the three jumped off the porch and took off through the trees.

Chapter 16

Alyssa giggled. It wasn’t out loud. It was in her head, and apparently in her mates’ heads also because they turned back to look at her and howled. Her own howl of response sounded strange to her ears, higher pitched and squeakier than her mates’.

“We’re moving so fast.”
Her fur blew back from her eyes with the breeze. The cool weather of the season seemed much warmer in her fur coat.

“You’ll get used to it,”
Tyler communicated.
“Eventually you’ll run full force ahead and not even crash into a single leaf. Your vision is so much sharper in wolf form, so you can make better decisions faster.”

“Assuming there isn’t a hole in the ground,”
Michael added with a hint of laughter in his unspoken voice.

“Ha ha.”
Tyler growled playfully in Michael’s direction.

“Even with a hole, it would be worth it to feel this … freedom.”
Alyssa raced between her mates and leaped over a log.
“How far can we run without getting exhausted?”

“You’ll get better over time. Only a few miles this first time. You’re going to sleep like a baby.”
Michael slowed down a bit and let her keep pace with him.

“I was going to sleep like a baby just from the rigorous workout in the cabin.”
If she could have winked at them she would have.

About a mile out, Alyssa knew they should turn back. She was truly going to collapse from the workout. Reluctantly she stopped and turned around.
“I guess we’d better head back. I’m getting hungry.”

The race back was more leisurely. She took the time to look around at her surroundings. The woods were gorgeous, the area so untouched by mankind.

Assuming there were no other holes to worry about.

The idea never strayed far from her mind. What if there were more? What if one of them fell in and got seriously injured?

“We’re right here with you. You’re safe.”
Michael’s thoughts proved he was listening to her running inner commentary.

Soon the cabin loomed ahead, and Alyssa breathed a sigh of relief. She hated to admit defeat, but she couldn’t go much farther.

They all three leaped onto the porch, and Alyssa plopped her wolf self down on the wood floor. She didn’t even have the energy to shift.

The men immediately shifted to human form and chuckled at her. Michael rubbed her fur. “I think our little wolf mate is exhausted.”

Tyler opened the door. “I’m going to get dressed. Relax for a few minutes, and then you’ll have the energy to shift back.”

“Okay. Just leave me here to nap. I’m good.”
Alyssa couldn’t hold her eyes open, but she loved the idea of resting on the porch. The chilly weather was perfect for her in her wolf form.

“I’ll make sandwiches. Your stomach will bring you inside when it starts to growl.” Michael stepped around her and left the door ajar.

Alyssa let her heart rate slow as she breathed through her nose. This was the best day of her life. Nothing could improve upon it. Nothing could ruin it.

After about twenty minutes, Alyssa smelled food. Her stomach growled, and she pulled herself up and nudged the door open. It seemed wrong to shift outside. Once she’d entered the cabin, she easily changed back and pulled her naked self to standing.

Alyssa was worn out, but in a good way. Some food, some sleep, and she’d be good as new. She’d have to be to keep up with Michael and Tyler.

Both men stood in the kitchen in just their jeans. Even their feet were bare.

“You’re gorgeous, love. Want a sandwich?” Michael held up a tempting, thick, layered pile and nodded.

“Yes. But let me grab some clothes.”

“Don’t feel you must on our account.” Tyler chuckled, his words and his laughter muted by his mouthful of food.

Nevertheless, Alyssa slipped on her own jeans and grabbed her sweater from the floor.

It was still chilly in the cabin. She didn’t need to freeze just because two men wanted to ogle her body.

As soon as Alyssa had scarfed down her gigantic sandwich, she looked around the room. “Did we bring everything in?”

BOOK: Alyssa's Wolves (Wolf Masters, Book 4)
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