Always You (36 page)

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Authors: Kirsty Moseley

BOOK: Always You
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"I think I can manage." he mumbled starting the car again and pulling out. I looked out of the windshield on the way there, I could feel Clay's intense gaze almost boring a hole into the side of my face so I kept my eyes firmly fixed out the front. How we didn't die on the way there I have no idea because he hardly looked at the road.

When we pulled up in the parking lot about fifteen minutes later I was calm again. Just being near Clay made me feel better, and we were about to report it. Hopefully they could do something about it now and he'd stay away from me.

Clay unbuckled my seatbelt and gripped hold of my waist pulling me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me so I couldn't get away from him. "Did he hurt you Riley bear?" he asked his voice almost shaking from anger.

"No." I whispered pressing my face into the side of his neck.

"You spoke to him?"

I nodded, "He grabbed me while I was waiting for you near the toilets and dragged me outside through the fire door." I mumbled against his neck. I felt his body jerk in his seat as his muscles tightened all over his body.

"What did he say?" he asked gripping my shoulders and pushing me away from him so he could look at my face.

"Not much, he knows were married now. He saw my rings but he thought I was joking." I mumbled looking at Clay apologetically. He didn't deserve all of this hassle, I had so much baggage. We should just be like a normal married couple in the honeymoon phase, not heading off to the police station to report things like this all the time. Clay deserved better than me, he deserved everything.

"But he didn't hurt you?" he asked cupping my face in his hands looking at me worriedly.

I shook my head and bent forward pressing my lips to his softly. "He didn't hurt me, I promise. Come on let's go report it and then get some food, I'm starving." I said trying to change the subject from the crazy guy who was harassing me.

We were at the police station for almost three hours; they had no one to take our report so we were waiting for almost two hours for an officer to be free. I sat there munching on a packet of chips that Clay had bought from the vending machine. When we were finally interviewed I had to run though everything again and again. The whole time I could almost feel the hatred coming from Clay in waves, his hand a tight fist on his leg. If he saw Blake at this exact moment in time I was pretty sure he'd kill him.

Finally after what felt like forever and a day we were done, once I signed my report we left and headed back to the car. I settled back in my seat, it was almost midnight now and I was starving and tired, I just wanted to curl in a bed with my husband and have him hold me.

"You still hungry Riley bear?" Clay asked as he drove towards our apartment.

"A little but I can wait until breakfast." I shrugged, I didn't even really have the energy to eat now anyway.

"Ok, we'll go straight home then ok?" he said taking my hand and stroking the back of it with his thumb. It didn't take very long to get home, there was no traffic around at that time of night to we were home within ten minutes. I followed Clay wearily up to our apartment and sighed and I plopped down on the edge of the bed. I couldn't even be bothered to take off my clothes.

Clay smiled and pulled my shirt off over my head throwing it on the floor before pushing on my shoulder making me lay down on the bed. His hands trailed down my body to the waistband of my jeans. He unbuttoned them and slowly pulled them off before hovering above me his green eyes burning into mine making my stomach flutter.

"Promise me that he didn't hurt you." he whispered.

"I swear." I nodded, I gripped my hand around the back of his head and pulled his mouth to mine. The damn boy was so stressed his whole body was tense. I kissed him hard, showing him how much I loved him and needed him, he responded kissing me with the exact same intensity making my heart speed up in my chest.

I ran my hands up his back under his t-shirt and gripped his shoulders, "You're a little tense Clay. I could help you with that you know." I whispered flirtily. I wasn't tired anymore, my body was definitely wide awake.

"How are you gonna do that beautiful girl?" he whispered kissing down my neck and across my collarbone leaving a burning trail across my skin.

"I have my ways." I rolled so I was on top then sat up on his stomach straddling him. "Let's get these clothes off and see what I can do to loosen you up." I teased as I unclasped my bra pulling it off and throwing it over my shoulder.

He moaned as his eyes flicked down to my breasts, his hands reaching for me. Before he could touch me I caught his hands and pinned them to the bed shaking my head teasingly. "No way husband, you can help me take your clothes off if you want to, but if there's any touching to be done then I'll be the one doing it." I teased. He grinned looking at me so lustfully that it made my body feel like it was on fire, my whole being was screaming for him.

"You are so hot Riley bear, I swear one of these days you're going to kill me." he mumbled as I pulled his t-shirt off over his head.

"Mmm Hmm." I breathed, kissing across his chest trailing my tongue across his abs making him moan quietly. I could feel how aroused he was through his jeans and I swear the anticipation was actually like pure pain. I grinned against his skin as I unbuckled his belt preparing myself for a long time of teasing him before I would finally give in and make love to him. I needed to take his mind off of Blake, and I knew just how to do that.

Chapter 23

I woke early the next morning so freaking excited I wanted to jump up and down. We were decorating today but first we needed to go and buy the paint. My mom and Clay's parents we coming over at about eleven so we needed to get everything ready by then. I was a little nervous about Richard coming as I know that Clay really hadn't forgiven him at all and didn't want to see him. Hopefully they would be ok today, I guess I'd need to keep them separated or something and keep the peace. Maybe I could bribe Clay using sexual favors to give his dad another shot, it would kill his mom if they didn't speak again and Richard was actually a really great guy. It was just a shock for him I guess, us just announcing we were married like that. At least he wanted to work things out with Clay, not like Brian who still refused to even acknowledge that we were married.

I turned slightly and looked at the clock, it wasn't even seven in the morning. I sighed, I guess I should let him sleep for a little longer, we were fooling around until well after one o'clock this morning so he was bound to be a little tired. I rolled back over to face him and buried my face in the crook of his neck as I traced my fingers across his chest and abs slowly, making my mouth water. Damn my husband was seriously yummy! Should I lust after him this much? Should I just want to jump his bones
all the time
or was I a little perverted? 

I traced my fingertips down a little lower, following the line of muscle near his hips, the V shape that lead down to his groin. Damn that was my favorite part of his stomach, it was so damn sexy. As my hand went a little lower it brushed against his shaft that was quickly waking up too. I felt my breath catch in my throat as the lust started to build up inside me. Yeah I could wake him up now, we could maybe just come to bed early later if he's tired!

I shifted and straddled him pressing my body against his as I kissed him lightly on the lips. He looked so beautiful when he was asleep, so peaceful and just freaking perfect. He stirred a little in his sleep, his arm wrapping around me pulling me closer to his body. I smiled and kissed him again, he was fully aroused now and it was turning me on like crazy. He moaned quietly and kissed me back softly.

His hand moved up and tangled in the back of my hair. "You need to get off of me, if my wife catches you in here she'll kick your ass." he mumbled huskily as I kissed down his neck, he still hadn't opened his eyes.

I grinned against his skin, "I bet I could take her."

"I don't know, Riley's pretty feisty when she wants to be." he teased, his hands slipping down my back to cup my ass.

I pulled back and grinned at him. "Then we'd better be extra quiet so she doesn't hear us." I said raising my eyebrows biting my lip looking at him flirtily.

He grinned and flipped me onto my back making me squeak in surprise as he hovered above me. "You think you can be quiet?" he asked grinning at me knowingly.

I bit my lip as I wrapped my legs around his waist, I nodded trying to look confident. "Yeah. I bet you can't make me scream."

He laughed, "I'll take that bet." he crashed his lips to mine and I felt my heart skip a beat, I was so excited I could barely breathe. I knew I'd lose the bet, I always lost a bet against Clay.

Just after eleven the doorbell rang. I jumped off of the sofa to answer it but Clay grabbed my hand pulling me slightly behind him, he was worried about Richard hurting me I could tell by the way his jaw was set. We both walked to the front door and I saw his body stiffen as he opened it to show the three of them standing there. Richard was at the back and was looking extremely reproachful and apologetic.

"Hey." Clay mumbled opening the door and still holding me behind him slightly. My Mom walked in like she owned the place, she had an armful of old paint splattered sheets and was wearing a pair of dungarees that I only ever saw come out when she was decorating.

"Morning, not interrupting anything are we?" she smirked at me as she walked into the lounge dumping the sheets on the floor. We'd already moved a lot of the furniture into the middle of the room this morning after we got home from the store with the paint.

I grinned and looked back to Linda and Richard, Linda smiled at Clay gratefully as she kissed his cheek. She looked really uncomfortable and I guess was kind of in the middle of the two main men in her life. If they couldn't make it up then she would find it really hard.

"Hey mom." Clay nodded, I noticed that he put on a forced smile as his dad stepped through the threshold.

"Clay, Riley." Richard nodded in greeting looking at both of us apologetically. "I'm so sorry about what happened, I shouldn't have done that. I would never hurt you Riley, I can't believe I did that. It was just heat of the moment, I shouldn't have."

Where I was pressed against Clay I felt his body tense up even more, he was like a snake poised for the attack. "If another
like that happens again you and I are going to have a problem." Clay growled angrily.

Richard shook his head, "It won't, I'm so sorry and thank you for letting me come and help today. I really appreciate it, I don't deserve you to forgive me."

"You're not forgiven." Clay snapped looking at him warningly. He still hadn't shut the front door, he looked like he was contemplating throwing his dad back outside and slamming the door in his face. I winced at how uncomfortable this conversation was and squeezed Clay's hand, he looked back at me and I gave him the puppy dog face. Please let this go I begged with my eyes. He sighed and turned back to his dad, "But thank you for helping with the painting." he mumbled grudgingly.

Richard smiled at me gratefully and I smiled back, he really was a good guy at heart and was like a second dad to me, I didn't want to lose him from my life either if I could help it.

"I'd better go see what your mothers doing, probably spilling paint on your floor knowing her." Richard said excusing himself sheepishly and heading into the lounge at the end of the hall.

I put my hand over Clays on the door and pushed it shut, he sighed and turned back to me. I was extremely proud of him, I know he didn't want to see his dad again and the fact that he was putting that aside made him even more of a man to me.

"That was the right thing to do." I whispered stepping closer to him.

He nodded frowning, "I guess."

"Thank you for doing that for your mom, I know you didn't want to." I wrapped my arms around his waist and nibbled on his jaw lightly, Clay always seemed to like that.

"I didn't do it for her Riley bear. I did it because you wanted me to. It's killing me to have him in here after what he did to you." he mumbled.

I pulled back and looked at him, "Well then thank you for doing it for me." I kissed his lips lightly. He really was the most adorable boy in the world and I was so damn lucky to have him.

He sighed and nodded pressing his lips against mine for a second before pulling away and smirking at me. "Come on then Riley bear, my dad's right; you know your mom's going to be spilling paint on the floor."

I laughed and followed him into the lounge where they were busy arguing playfully over who gets the biggest roller and who has to paint in the edges. Richard smiled sheepishly as we walked in, he looked really uncomfortable and I actually felt a little sorry for him to be honest.

"Richard, do you think maybe you could help Clay move the rest of the furniture into the middle of the room before we start?" I asked patting Clay on the ass happily. Wow that is one perfect ass! I bit my lip as my slutty body started to react in the normal way to his, damn I was such a freaking pervert around him! Focus Riley, painting!

"Sure." Richard smiled happily.

I heard Clay groan quietly beside me so I gave him a little shove in the direction of the bookcase. I headed over to join the argument over who gets the rollers and who gets the paint brush, all the time watching Clay as he moved the larger pieces of furniture with his dad. They seemed to be making a little small talk, some of it about football and school. Clay seemed to be making a real effort and I was really proud of him for it. 

The police called later that day to tell us that they had arrested Blake for breaking the terms of the restraining order but because he hadn't actually hurt me or threatened me that it wasn't a case that would be dealt with quickly. They'd let him out on bail and he would have to go to court in about a month but they said that the best outcome we could hope for with the court would be community service.

Clay was less than happy about it, well that's kind of an understatement, he actually smashed the glass he was holding against the wall in anger but there was nothing either of us could do about it. Hopefully now that Blake was actually going court that it would give him a little heads up that I wasn't interested. He wouldn't come near me again I was sure of it, if he did then the police would take him in again and this time they would hold him until his court case. They'd told him that too so he was very aware of the situation, he couldn't be that stupid so I relaxed slightly.

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