Always with You (WIth You Trilogy) (28 page)

BOOK: Always with You (WIth You Trilogy)
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“It’s not. Worth. The. Risk,” he
ground out. The steely determination in his voice grated through me.

I wanted to cry but I didn’t think that would help.
“You’ve made up your mind?” I choked.

He just nodded and pulled his head away from me, breaking the visual connection.

“What if I want children?” I whispered, scared to hear his answer.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered back, pain evident in his voice. “I can’t do it, Jamie.”

I breathed in heavily and rested my face on his chest once more. A few tears made their way through but I held them back for the most part. I was nineteen years old. Children wouldn’t be on the agenda for a long time. I had years to work on convincing Jason what a wonderful person he was. If I could get him to understand that then maybe he’d realise how stupid he was being.

What if he never changes his mind?
The thought was not a pleasant one. I knew that Jason was the only man I’d ever love. If I broke it off because of this, I’d never find anyone else and I’d never have any children either way. The idea of being without him was far too painful to even consider.

“Okay,” I whispered, clutching onto him for dear life. “If that’s how you feel, Jason.”

“I mean it, Jamie. I won’t have children. If you really want them, I’d understand if you left me. I can’t keep you from that.”

“Silly Jason,” I managed a smile despite the hurt. “I promised I was never leaving you and I meant that.”

Intelligent as he was, I knew he was being stupid. I decided then and there that I would slowly chip away at his defences. By the time I was ready, he’d be ready too, whether he realised it or not. This was something that wouldn’t be an issue for a long time and I believed in our relationship. It wasn’t worth fighting over.

“I love you, Jason,” I smiled, a real smile this time. “You have no idea how much it means to me that you let me in.”

“I love you too, Jamie,” he smiled back, relaxing once more. “Are you sure you still want me?”

“More sure than ever,” I grinned.

Chapter 35

, 11th October 2013

?” I prompted after we’d held each other in relaxed silence for a while.

“Yeah, little squirrel?” He answered, his warm breath tickling my scalp.

“Do you still want to… um, tie me up?” I blushed.

“Of course,” he grinned. “Are you offering?”

I nodded shyly.

“Are you serious?” He sat up, pulling me with him so I was sat in his lap. It was obvious from the shock in his voice that he’d thought I was joking.

I nodded again, nibbling on my lower lip.

“Jamie,” Jason said gently. “You know I don’t want you to do it if you’re not comfortable.

“I know,” I nodded. “But I’d like to try.”

“Why?” Jason asked, looking at me like I was an equation he was trying to solve. It was the same way he’d looked at the whiteboard in his lab earlier that day.

“Because,” I started. “You trusted me completely. You let me in and allowed me to love you. I want to do the same. I trust you, Jason. I want to show you how much.”

“You don’t need to do this for me, baby,” he assured me.

“I know,” I smiled nervously. “But I want to.” I looked up at him with renewed confidence, certain I was making the right decision. “Besides, I’m pretty sure you’ll make it worth my while.” I added with a smirk.

“Oh, baby, I’ll do more than that,” he grinned. “I need you to be sure though.” He scanned my face, seeking any signs of uncertainty.

“I’m sure, Jason,” I reaffirmed.

His eyes lit up with burning passion and he grinned that million-dollar smile. I loved the way that he could turn me on with a single glance. He lifted me off of his lap, placing me on the bed and standing up. I watched him curiously as he rooted around
in his bedside table.

“How long have you had that?” I asked,
cocking my head at him as I noted in the wound length of silken rope in his hands.

“A while,” he grinned cheekily.

“A bit of a foregone conclusion was I?” I laughed.

“A man can hope,” he answered with a wink.

“Oh my God,” I cringed. “Do you think the burglar saw that?”

“Who cares,” he shrugged. “Lie down on your back.” His stance
shifted, his back straight and his legs shoulder width apart. Even though he was totally naked, he managed to appear completely clothed. His usual aura of control strengthened to the point that I could almost see it glowing around him.

I don’t know if it was right, but I was crazy turned on by the way he shifted like that, the silent dominance in his body language. I lay back on the bed and watched him intently.

“Rules, baby,” Jason soothed, stroking the sides of my ribs gently with the end of the rope. “One, no talking.”

I nodded, chewing on my lip in nervous but delightful anticipation.

“Two, keep still.”

I nodded again, nothing new there.

“Three, and this is the most important, you say stop and we stop.”

I nodded. This rule was important to both of us. It’s what made me feel safe
enough to relinquish the control. This was my gift to Jason. Total submission of my body to him. It was okay to let myself relinquish control and trust him with my body and safety because I could stop it at anytime. I was pretty certain I wouldn’t need to but knowing that I could was important to me.

“I’m going to blindfold you,” he said, pulling a
n airline-style blindfold from his drawer. He studied me as he spoke, clearly trying to gauge my reaction. He wanted to make sure I wasn’t uncertain about the prospect of being blindfolded.

I smiled back at him and lifted my head away from the bed so he could slip it on. He kissed each closed eyelid before he pulled it over my eyes, sealing me in darkness.

“I won’t tie them too tight but you won’t be able to get your arms or legs free,” he continued, pulling one arm up to the corner of the bed and beginning to bind it there. The rope was soft on my skin and actually quite pleasant. I remembered Jason’s protests when we’d been looking at rope in the shop. He didn’t want to use anything coarse enough to mark my skin.

“If at any time you want to stop, I have a pocket knife here and we’ll cut them off in no time. Nod if you understand.”

I nodded blindly, smiling to myself because Jason was going out of his way to make sure I was on board every step of the way.

He worked quickly and efficiently, securing each wrist and ankle to a corner of the bed until I was spread-eagled before him. When he finished the final knot I wriggled slightly, testing my range of movement. I could move a centimetre or two but no further, there wasn’t much give.

I was completely bound and at his mercy. I took a deep breath and waited for the panic to come. Letting it out slowly, I relaxed my body. Nothing came. I felt completely relaxed, maybe even free. There was something about being bound for Jason’s pleasure that made me feel almost drunk. High on lust.

“Nod if you’re okay,” Jason ordered.

I nodded that I was and listened intently. I could hear him moving around the bed, my senses heightened by the lack of sight. I could almost feel his eyes wandering over my nakedness. There was nowhere to hide. My breasts rose and fell on my chest; they felt heavy and swollen as I imagined what he was going to do to me.

My sex was wide open for him to see, there was no way to
disguise the wetness seeping from within. He’d be able to see how much I wanted him.

“You are so beautiful, Jamie,” Jason cooed from somewhere close to my ear. I felt his breath on my cheek and almost whimpered with the need for him to touch me.

“We should keep you like this more often,” he continued, his breath moving down to my neck, the mattress dipping with his weight as he perched next to me. “You can’t break the rules and touch yourself like this, can you Jamie?”

I shook my head and focussed on not bucking my hips against the air. I was ridiculously turned on considering he hadn’t
even touched me yet.

“You can’t touch me either,” he pointed out and I scowled at the realisation.

I love touching him.

You don’t like that do, you?”

I shook my head, flexing my hands in their bindings and wishing I could feel his hot skin against mine.

“You can touch me all you like when I let you go but for now… you’re all mine.”

I could hear him grinning.

“What should I do with you?” He wondered aloud. “I could touch you?” He offered, blessing my stomach with the slightest graze of his finger and eliciting a whimper from me.

“I could taste you?” The wet warmth of his tongue washed over my belly button and I fought all my instincts to move closer to him.

“I could fuck you?” He growled, catching me off guard by inserting two fingers inside me. I gasped at the sudden intrusion that disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

“Open,” he prompted, trailing his finger across my bottom lip.

I opened my mouth and his fingers pressed inside. I didn’t hesitate to suck them into my mouth, washing away my own taste with my greedy tongue.

“Good girl,” he cooed, withdrawing his fingers again.

I almost begged for them back but I bit it back at the last second, clamping my mouth shut so the words couldn’t come out.

“Fuck, you’re so perfect, Jamie,” Jason continued, his weight lifting from the
mattress. I could hear his voice moving around me as he paced the bed.

I heard the chair from the desk being pulled out
and then what sounded suspiciously like the door being opened and closed. Did he leave? I wanted to call out and ask him but that would have broken rule number one and I didn’t want to break it. I got a sick sort of pleasure every time Jason uttered the words “good girl”. It wasn’t something I cared to analyse too deeply. All I knew was that making him happy made me even happier.
Is that selfish of me?
I didn’t care to analyse that thought too much either.

I strained to hear any noises coming from the room around me but all I could hear was
my own heavy breathing. I didn’t know if Jason was in the room. I didn’t know what was coming. My mind ran wild with possibilities of what he would do next. Would he stick his fingers inside me again? Bring me to orgasm with his mouth? Would he use my mouth to pleasure himself? Would he thrust inside me until we both burst with pleasure?

My breathing steadily increased with each dirty thought. My nipples were pebbled to the point of near discomfort and blood pulsed to my neither regions, my clit swelling in anticipation.

“I’d love to know what you’re thinking,” Jason’s deep voice carried across the room causing me to gasp in surprise.

he just been sitting there watching me?
I felt like I’d been lying in silence for at least ten minutes but I had no way to judge.

“When you blush
, it goes all the way from here,” he whispered, touching my cheeks. “To here.” His finger travelled slowly down my chest and rested between my breasts. The touch was so light and innocent but it was filled with a burning intensity. I’d have given anything for him to trail his finger over my nipples.

“It’s very alluring,” he continued. Apparently, he read my thoughts because his finger continued its journey, brushing over the hardened peak of my breast.

It wasn’t enough, not nearly enough, and a needy whimper escaped my lips in protest. I heard Jason chuckle upon hearing my pathetic noises.

“You’re s
o wet for me, Jamie,” Jason cooed appreciatively from somewhere between my feet.

I wanted to scream at him that I was going to explode soon if he didn’t do something about it but I bit my tongue and silently pleaded instead.

I jumped slightly as I felt the edge of Jason’s finger travelling along the inside arch of my foot, his fingernail pressing in slightly. It tickled like mad and I barely controlled the urge to writhe about to avoid it. Jason chuckled again at my obvious distress. He began slowly trailing his fingernails up the insides of my legs, coming ever closer to my needy core.

But of course, that would have been to
o easy. Instead, his hands travelled over my hipbones and up my stomach, leaving burning trails of desire in their wake. All at once, and much too soon, his hands left my skin, right before they would have travelled over my breasts.

I squeaked in surprise as both my nipples were tweaked
sharply but I soon felt Jason’s hot mouth lavishing kisses on each nipple in turn. Sucking each peak into his mouth and releasing it with a loud pop, he continued teasing me relentlessly. I’d given up trying not to whimper in distress.
I need him. Now.

It was pure torture but Jason was in control and I’d be waiting for as long as he saw fit. The thought sent a spiral of hot desire to my already overheated core.

When his mouth travelled down my body and finally rested on my clit, I almost cried with Joy. He sucked the swollen bud into his mouth, grazing it with his teeth. I cried out in pleasure-pain, only barely stopping myself from grinding my arousal onto his face.

“You taste delicious, baby,” Jason growled, his face still pressed up against me whilst his
fingers worked their way inside.

I knew what he was going to do before he did it. He stopped before I could meet my release. I cried out in frustration, made ten times worse by the knowledge that there was nothing I could do about it. He wouldn’t let me come until he wanted me to. I couldn’t beg because I wasn’t allowed to talk. I couldn’t finish myself off because I could barely move. It was
thoroughly frustrating. And totally hot.

By the fo
urth time he cut me off with no release, my bottom lip was trembling and I was dangerously close to breaking rule number one. I needed him. I’d always need him. Maybe that was what he was trying to prove. I didn’t need the reminder. I was his and he was mine.

“I know what you want, little squirrel,” he whispered in my ear.

I could feel the heat of his body aligned with mine. I sent up a silent prayer that he wasn’t going to tease me anymore. I didn’t think I could take it.

“Shh, baby,” he soothed, pushing the head of his cock against my slick entry. “It’s okay.” He could obviously still read my like a book and
had sensed my distress.

He slid into me in one powerful but smooth thrust and my muscles trembled around him, gratefully stretching to accept his generous girth. I let out a small cry as he sank into me to full length.

“You want to come for me, Jamie?” He whispered, his lips against the shell of my ear.

I turned my head, nodding and searching for his lips in the dark. His teeth captured my lower lip and bit down gently before he sucked on it, soothing the lingering bite.

“Come for me, baby,” he growled before his tongue plundered my mouth.

The wave of pleasure was so intense that I screamed in an almost animalistic fashion, my body tensing and releasing around him constantly. The pleasure was indescribable. It rocked through me continuously as Jason
thrust tirelessly.

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