Read Always Summer Online

Authors: Criss Copp

Always Summer (17 page)

BOOK: Always Summer
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“Straight up the stairs.”
She indicated with her arm.

entering the condo, I was pleasantly surrounded by the smell of home
Sal had been busy.

“Just put
it all in the second bedroom you come to Blake.” She motioned me towards the
rear of the condo.

I found the
bedroom and dumped the bags on the floor beside a single bed.
The room’s walls were a lavender color... but
everything else was white.
this... it appeared... nice.

I walked
back out to the kitchen.

“Blake, I’m
sorry... but Henry isn’t in today, you’ll be surrounded by us girls.” Sal said

okay.” I replied, “I like girls.”

Sal gave me
a knowing smile... Debbie smirked and looked at the ground... Julie thumped me
on the shoulder, and
smiled at me with a cheeky

After a
light brunch, which consisted of cups of tea, macaroons, scones with cream and
jam and pancakes with maple syrup and icecream; we headed out the door to drive
to Jersey Gardens to shop.

This time
Sal got to ride shotgun, and Julie sat behind her, placing
in the middle of the back seat, squashed up against me.

I didn’t
mind... especially when
placed her hand on my
thigh and leant her upper body into my bicep.
In order to remain comfortable, I placed my arm around her on the back
of the seat.
I was happy when she moved
closer into me... so; I dropped my arm to pull her in to my body.

At Jersey
Gardens, I followed... and was sometimes dragged, from one store to

At any
given time when I wasn’t being observed, I was making restricted contact with
in some way... brushing up against her, touching the
small of her back, pulling a strand of hair from her face, and even leaning in
to whisper, yet taking the opportunity to press my lips softly to her ear.

returned my touches with one of her own.

We were in
the middle of
Nine West
, and I was
looking at some shoes I thought
might like,
when she walked up to me and parked her hand firmly on my backside, cupping my
left butt cheek.
I just about dropped
the shoes.
Looking over her head, I
couldn’t see the others.

I looked
down at her.

“Hi,” she
said, looking up with a smirk.

I was
confused today... happy... but majorly confused!
Last night she was disgusted in herself...
today she was touching me, and letting me touch her in a flirtatious
And now she had my butt in her

“Hi.” I
replied, my mouth suddenly dry.

She moved
around to the front of me, relieved me of the shoes, and closed the gap between

everything okay?” I asked her quietly.

She sighed,
“I don’t know.” She replied, looking down.

Oh, so she was still conflicted then.

I lifted her
face with my fingers and looked into her eyes.
Green today, with just a hint of honey brown, and a ring of darker sea
green, separating the color from the white.
I was overwhelmed with feelings for her.
I’m sure she noticed my reaction, our hips were closed in together...
but she didn’t move away.

“I just...”
she sighed.

I continued
to look at her, imploring her to talk, to say more... she was breaking me up

“I love
you... so much, and I’m so scared, and I want to feel okay about how I feel when
I’m around you.” She offered... failing to look me in the eyes after confessing
her love; instead, steadying her gaze on my lips.

I knew my
breathing was erratic... it was always the first thing to suffer where
was concerned, apart from my manhood.

My fingers
were still supporting her chin; I leant down closer, and measured her reaction
to my proximity.
She simply put her
other hand on my other butt cheek and dragged my hips forward into her.

I leant
into her then, pulling her toward me with my other arm at the same time.
Mashing my lips against hers, I kissed her,
deeply; my eyes closing and my instincts taking over.

returned the kiss fervently.
I could
feel the fluttering of her chest against mine... I could feel the urgency in
her hands pulling my hips forward into her... I could taste her sweet lip
gloss... I could feel her moans of pleasure humming from her throat, into my
mouth as we kissed deeply and intensely.

My cock had
solidified into stone... it was desperate to feel her... I was desperate to
feel her too.

A light tap
on my shoulder broke the moment.

Debbie cleared her throat.

I pulled up
, but not away... no, away would reveal my
bulge... and that was so not going to happen.

“Sorry to
interrupt you two, but for the sake of everyone surrounding us, let’s keep this
trip PG rated.” She suggested.
“Stick to
the strategic touching... ah... the innocent sort anyway.” She smiled.

noticed... of course she did!



All day
he’d been setting small fires alight on my skin.
Admittedly, I had started and wanted this to

I was still
incredibly confused... he’d made sense last night, I had decided to try today,
and now that I was around him, things did make sense.
But I also remembered when I was alone in my
room last night, how the doubt had crept in, and the demons of disgust had

the day, I had touched him softly, held his hand and leant into his body.
Then I had watched him... caught him watching
me... felt his light touches and experienced the tingles and burning that each
one had elicited.

up against him now, his erection pressed into my lower abdomen, I once again
felt consumed, especially after that kiss.
Thank God, Debbie had intervened.
I was at serious risk of self-combustion.

we’ll keep it clean.” Blake apologized to Debbie.

nodded, and left us again.

Yet he
continued to hold me close to him... I assumed he didn’t want my foster mother
seeing his response to me... I couldn’t help it... I laughed.

Blake asked, smiling down at me.

um... compromised, so you’re using me as a human shield.” I suggested.

His grin
was huge, “Yep.” He confirmed.

“So how do
we do this?” I enquired, placing my hands on his shoulders.

“Do what.”
He asked coyly.

apart.” I answered.

“Do you
think it will look strange if we simply slow danced our way out of the shops
and found a quiet corner away from the public eye?” He quizzed me.

“Um... I’m
thinking yes!” I chuckled.

he cursed.
“Well, somehow I need to stay
covered and away from you at the same time... because it’s not going down while
you’re brushing up against it.” He reasoned.

I feigned
shock... his smile increased, if it was at all possible.

“Julie!” I
shouted across to his sister, who was over at the opposite wall looking at some
sequined wedged heels.
She turned, and I
beckoned her toward us.

“Yes?” she
said, her eyebrows rising.

wants to carry some of your shopping... he wants to be helpful!” I said.

humphed... and a smirk appeared on her face, as she gave him three large bags
full of her purchases.

he said to Julie sarcastically.

Holding the
bags strategically in front of him, he grabbed my hand and walked outside the
shop to seat us on a bench.
He let go of
my hand, slid his arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side.

“God, I’m
going to miss you.” He said, turning in to kiss my hair.

“Same.” I
“It’s only a month though...
I can work out a lot of shit in my head in a month, and if you still want me at
the end of it... at least the Jordan thing won’t be so hard.” I reasoned.

“I doubt
the Jordan thing is a given... but... are you suggesting that after your time
away, you might consider increasing our status from ‘friends’ to ‘more than friends?’”
he asked hopefully.

I replied coyly.
In truth, it’s what I
wanted right at that moment, but it wasn’t necessarily how I’d feel when he
went home, and I was once again left with those friggin demons.

His face
was simply shining... had I ever mentioned how extremely handsome he was...
right then I noticed that I wasn’t the only one to recognize his sexy, smoking
hot appeal.
He was getting seductive
glances from just about every interested woman in the near vicinity; including
women well and truly old enough to be his mother.
He was totally oblivious.


Back at the
condo, Debbie packed away my things into their place in my new room, while Sal
and Julie gossiped in the kitchen over a cup of coffee.
Blake had dragged me outside the back where a
balcony overlooked the small yard downstairs.

“If I’m
going to leave you in a moment, I can’t leave without giving you at least
something to think about.” He said.

I smiled
and then gasped when he gave me a smoldering look.

Pulling me
to him, he swung around and pushed me back into the wall, nowhere near as
forcefully as I felt he was capable of. I groaned, and he responded by covering
my mouth with his own.

The fire
was instantaneous... it rekindled at the exact same point it had been
extinguished earlier in
Nine West

His mouth
claimed me... his tongue was making love to my mouth, thrusting inside... and I
was responding in kind.

I had been
concerned that morning when I wore a skirt... it looked a little old, but it
was a pretty little flowing piece, in light pinks, greens and creams.
It looked sweet, and I had matched it with an
off white tailored short sleeved blouse that I had found at the thrift store,
and a pair of tan leather laced up sandals.
My toenails were painted a pale pink.

Right at
this moment, I couldn’t be happier that I had worn the skirt.

Blake had
by now lifted my left leg... the leg furthest from the door; and he had hooked
it around his back, slowly moving his hand up the outside of my thigh.
My stomach wasn’t just flipping, it was in
utter turmoil.
My pussy was praying for
intrusion, and my breasts were on high alert.

pulled back from my mouth, and looking between us, he repositioned his hips
closer to me, so that he supported my weight bearing single leg better.
I could feel his responding erection against
me again, as I had earlier.

“Is this
okay?” he asked.
Looking me in the eyes
- his gaze was smoldering.

“Yes,” I
answered breathlessly.
Oh.... the
fire... it was already burning me, and he’d barely done anything!

He smiled,
and moved in to suck on my jaw line and kiss around the edges of my face.

“Can I
touch you?” he mumbled, against my neck, his voice sounded strained.

better, or I’ll have to do it myself.” I replied wantonly, it was a surprise I
could say such a thing, but in his presence, like this, I was someone else.

He growled,
from deep within his throat.
His hand
which had stopped at the top of my outer thigh, now shifted up to my backside,
sliding under the edge of my panties.
then circumnavigated my left butt cheek, before meeting my inner folds.
Somehow, he eased without issue his thumb
into my panties, and cupped my mound and pussy, rubbing gently with his entire
hand... his thumb bent at the apex of my folds, just above my clitoris.

“Is this okay?”
he asked torturously, his voice scratchy and needy.

throbbing in my core was matched to the twitching in my pelvic floor.
I knew he felt it.

“Yes!” I
replied, my voice breaking up.

BOOK: Always Summer
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