Always Me (14 page)

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Authors: Jo-Anna Walker

BOOK: Always Me
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“You can’t tell me that you didn’t feel something towards me,” he choked out as Sebastian tightened his hold on his neck.

Garrith took a step towards them and stopped when Sebastian laughed. “Did you want him, baby?” Sebastian asked, keeping his gaze on Brett’s.

I swallowed. “No.”

Brett’s jaw clenched.

“Did you beg him to fuck you?” Sebastian growled.

“No. Of course not.” My heart pounded hard.

“Were you attracted to him?”

I didn’t answer right away. Brett and I dated for several months. How could I not be attracted to the guy? Sebastian couldn’t expect me to not be attracted to any other guy forever, but being the possessive type that he was, probably thought he would have that control even after he supposedly died. Way to pick ‘em, Tori.

Sebastian looked back at me a moment later, his eyes blazing with anger.

My stomach tightened with unease, but I still didn’t answer. I wasn’t going to give either of them that satisfaction.

“This isn’t good,” Keisha whispered from beside me.

“I know,” I groaned.

“But you do have two gorgeous men fighting over you, babe. That must count for something.”

I stared at her. Leave it to Keisha to try and lighten the mood. I rolled my eyes, making her giggle.

Brett grinned.

“Sebastian,” Garrith stepped up to them.

“Fuck off, Garrith.” Sebastian’s voice lowered, venom coating his words as he turned back to Brett.

“Sebastian, please,” I released my hand from Keisha’s grip.

“Ask her if you weren’t here, if she’d be with me,” Brett bit out through clenched teeth.

Sebastian tensed.

I opened my mouth to reply. To argue. To deny it? Would I have been with Brett if Sebastian never came back?

“Ask her,” Brett repeated.

I didn’t even get a moment to respond when Sebastian head butted him. The sound of bone breaking erupted through the room, making my stomach roll.

“Fuck,” Brett cried out, blood pouring out of his nose.

“That’s it.” Garrith grabbed onto Sebastian’s shoulders, trying to tug him off of Brett.

Keisha ran into the kitchen as I walked up to Garrith.

“Tori, step back.”

I heard drawers opening and closing, and a moment later, she can back with a cloth.

Sebastian leaned down and whispered something into Brett’s ear.

A moment later, Brett’s eyes widened. “You sadistic fuck.”

Sebastian chuckled. “I’ve been called worse.” Sebastian released him and headed down the hall.

I followed him. “Sebastian.”

“Tori. Don’t,” he bit out.

I placed a hand on his shoulder as he gripped the doorknob. “I’m—”

He spun on me, making me jump back. His eyes were dark, and he grabbed my shoulders, pushing me up against the wall. “I need a moment.”

Nodding, I caressed his face and his lips, trying to calm him. He took a deep breath and placed a hard kiss on my lips. “I love you, baby, but I’m so fucking angry right now. I just…just give me a few.” He turned and left, slamming the door behind him.

I walked back into the living room and I saw Keisha hand Brett the cloth. He snatched it from her and turned to me, holding the cloth up to his nose, his eyes darkening with rage. “You want to be with that fucker? Really, Tori?”

“Brett, stop,” Keisha ordered.

“No. It’s fine, Keisha,” I said. “Listen Brett. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry, but what the hell did you expect me to do? He’s the father of my son.” I took a step towards him.

His eyes narrowed at me. “I never expected you to spread your legs for him right away.”

Keisha gasped.

“Brett,” Garrith warned.

“You know what, Brett? Sebastian asked me why I cared so much. Now I’m wondering if maybe he was right.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I swallowed through the hard lump in my throat.

“I know you wanted to be with me. I would have been patient too, knowing that you needed time.” Brett’s voice softened slightly.

Shaking my head, I bit back the unshed tears. “I don’t know what would have happened if Sebastian never would have come back. But that doesn’t matter now, does it?”

“What the fuck ever, Tori. I’m done.” He placed the cloth under his nose as he headed down the hall.

Tears rolled down my cheeks when the door slammed shut for the second time.

Keisha ran a warm hand over my arm. “Wanna go check and make sure those assholes aren’t going at it?” she asked Garrith.

He sighed and did as she suggested.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt him,” I said, leaning against the couch.

“I know, Tor.”

Looking up at her, I threw my arms around her neck. “I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you Sebastian was back.”

She wrapped her arms around me. “It’s okay. That’s not really something you can say over the phone.”

My eyes widened. “Oh shit.”

She released me, her brows raising. “What?”

My cheeks heated and I chewed my bottom lip. “I called in sick this week and told my boss that Sebastian was back.”

Keisha laughed. “Wow. I would love to have seen her face.”

I smiled, and then my stomach dropped when the door banged open.

“Get the fuck in there,” Garrith demanded, pushing Sebastian inside.

Sebastian spun on him and pushed him back. “Do not fucking touch me.”

Keisha and I looked at each other and then ran to the door. I grabbed Sebastian’s arm as Keisha neared Garrith. Sebastian flung his arm out of my reach, forcing me to take a step back. “Hey.”

He glared at me and then turned back to Garrith who was now being held back by Keisha.

“How the hell do you expect me to react? You fucking jumped him,” Garrith yelled.

My eyes widened, and I looked up at Sebastian.

His jaw clenched, his eyes going ice cold. “He’s fucking lucky I didn’t do anything else to him.”

“Sebastian,” I grabbed onto his arm and stepped in between him and Garrith. “Thank you guys for coming over, but I think Sebastian and I need some time alone.”

Keisha wrapped her arms around my shoulders, squeezing me in a hug. “I’ll call you. Girls day soon?”

I nodded.

She looked up at Sebastian and gave him a cold hard stare. “You fucking hurt my girl again, I’ll hunt you down. You think Jose is evil? You haven’t seen anything yet, sweetheart.”


Chapter 18

After Keisha and Garrith had left, Sebastian didn’t talk to me. We sat on the couch watching movies, and the silence between us was stifling. He was mad. Furious even that I hadn’t denied being attracted to Brett. Who wouldn’t be attracted to him? The guy was gorgeous, and now thanks to Sebastian, I probably had lost him as a friend. My best friend besides Keisha. What happened between the two of them to make them hate each other so? Was it jealousy? I knew that they knew each other before I met them, but I didn’t know how.

I sighed as the tension built up around us. I needed him to touch me. To let me know that I was safe and that I was his. I couldn’t deal with this rift between us. We had issues. Our whole relationship was difficult, but he loved me and I… Tears welled in my eyes. Did I still love him? Yes. I would always love him. He was the father of my baby, so I felt something for him, and he was the best lover I’d ever had, but was I in love with him? My toes curled just thinking about all of the orgasms he had given me during the week.

My foot grazed Sebastian’s hand, sending a jolt of electricity through my body.

His dark gaze flicked to mine as he chewed his inner cheek, but he didn’t say anything.

Exasperated, I huffed.

A warm hand wrapped around my foot, moved up to my calf, massaging, kneading as it went higher.

Yes. Touch me, please. I needed to know that everything was okay.

“I’m going to fuck you so hard and bury my cock so deep in that sweet pussy of yours that you’ll say, Brett who?”

Sebastian’s promise from before rang through my mind, heating my core, but he didn’t look at me, just continued massaging my calf.

I closed my eyes and let the feel of his rough, calloused hand move over my body. His hands proved that he was a hard worker. I realized then that I still didn’t know much about him. I knew his body like I knew my own. Knew what he liked, what made him tick, how to make him moan, but did I know his mind? Was he sadistic like Brett had said? If he was, it wasn’t aimed at me. A little pain in the bedroom definitely didn’t bother me at all, but I didn’t think Brett was referring to that when he called him a sadistic fuck. Sebastian protected his own, and that made my heart leap with glee that he would do anything to keep Antonio and me safe.

“Do you love Brett?”

My eyes popped open at Sebastian’s unexpected question. Looking at him, I took a deep breath. “No. As a friend, yes, but not like I love…loved…” I couldn’t finish the sentence. I did love him. So why couldn’t I say it?

“Did you fuck him?” His jaw clenched as if he were bracing himself for my answer.

My cheeks heated at his question. “No.” It had never gone that far. I never allowed it.

Sebastian’s tense shoulders relaxed at my answer, and he turned back to the TV. “Was he there when Antonio was born?”

“Are you wanting to know if he was in the delivery room?” I asked quietly.

He nodded, his jaw clenching like he was expecting me to say yes.

“No. Keisha was. Garrith and Brett were in the waiting room the whole time,” I explained.

“But he was there for you during your pregnancy.” It wasn’t a question.

Okay… “Yes.” The hand on my calf tightened. I frowned. “Sebastian.”

“Did you only kiss?”

Why was he wanting to know these things? “Sebastian, are you sure…”

His head snapped to mine. “Tell me.”

I frowned, and something inside of me snapped at the hard look in his eyes. “We only kissed. I couldn’t handle doing anything else when it wasn’t you.”

He ran a hand over his head and sighed.

“That was a long time ago, Sebastian. Please stop asking me these questions,” I begged. He was feeling guilty and it broke my heart. It was no one’s fault. He did what he had to do. Yes, I was still hurt that he had left me, but that pain would slowly be mended. We could work through this, couldn’t we? If Keisha and Garrith worked through whatever shit they had to deal with, then so could we. Sebastian needed to stop being so jealous and possessive. A part of me was scared that he would never change. Could I live with that? What if another guy hit on me? Would Sebastian beat him up too?

I sat up and moved to his lap, straddling him. “Sebastian…” I placed a kiss on his lips, but he was tense, unresponsive. “Hey.”

He didn’t touch me and kept his gaze straight ahead. “Did he make you come?”

Frustration burned in my belly at his questions. If I would have known he was alive, I never would have even considered dating Brett. “Sebastian, seriously.”

His eyes darkened. “Answer the fucking question.”

I glared at him. “Listen, I don’t have to answer the question. It’s none of your business what Brett and I did.” I moved to get off of him but he grabbed my waist, gripping it tight.

“No? It’s none of my business?” he bit out.

“No, it’s not. Now let go of me.” I squirmed against him, pushing myself off of him.

“Did you suck his cock?” Sebastian asked, grabbing my wrists.

“What? God, why are you being this way? Let go of me.” I shoved out of his grip and fell to the floor and then pushed to my feet.

As I walked to the kitchen, the hairs on my body rose when I felt Sebastian come up behind me. I backed up into the counter.

He stalked toward me. “You didn’t answer the question.”

Sidestepping away from him as he neared me, I glared with as much malice as I could muster. “Why? Are you wanting to know if he was as good as you? Or as big as you? Are you wanting to compare notes with him?”

“Just tell me,” he said firmly, taking another step toward me.

“No. Did other girls suck your cock while you were away? You can’t honestly have me believe that you didn’t have sex in all that time,” I threw back at him.

“You can believe what you want, but I didn’t fuck anyone in the last two years,” he told me.

“Neither did I.”

“So why don’t you believe me?” Sebastian asked, nearing me as I backed into the wall.

I frowned and pointed to myself. “Because you don’t believe me.”

His nostrils flared. Taking the last step toward me, he cradled my head in his hands. He leaned down, his breath grazing my ear, making my bones melt. “So what should we do about it then?”

I pushed him, forcing him take a step back.

His eyes flashed wickedly.

My chest rose and fell with rapid breaths.

He took a step towards me and I pushed him again. “Playing hard to get are we, little one?”

I lifted my chin defiantly. “You’re being an asshole.”

He smirked. “Am I?”

“Yes.” The smile on his face was making the anger in my belly simmer. Letting out a sigh, I leaned against the wall. “I can’t believe you head butted Brett. You broke his nose, you know.”

He grinned

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. “You’re proud of that?”

“He’s lucky that’s all I broke.”

“Why? It’s not his fault,” I cried. “You know that. You of all people should know that you can’t control your feelings. Look how fast you and I fell for each other, Sebastian. It just happens. You know that.”

“It’s his fault for thinking he had a chance with you,” he bit out. “And what you and I had…have…whatever, is not the same fucking thing.”

“How is it not?” I huffed. “Either way, maybe he did have a chance with me. That’s my decision.” I pointed at myself. “Mine. Not yours.”

Sebastian neared me. “You’re still attracted to him, aren’t you?”

I was not having this argument with him. “Are you trying to pick a fight?”

Sebastian leaned down, running his nose up the side of my neck. “Just answer the damn question.”

Hot shivers ran down my spine at the soft contact. “No. I’m not still attracted to him.”

“Why not? I saw the way you looked at him,” he said, his hand grazing down my arm lightly.

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