Read Always Online

Authors: Amy Richie

Always (18 page)

BOOK: Always
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I could scarcely control my own anger. If there was some secret reason we needed to be in London so promptly, he should be able to tell me what it was. Perhaps he needed to meet one of his brothers.

Sylvia had told me earlier that one of his brothers was unkind. What was his name? Dominick? Maybe that was why Marcus was trying to hurry; maybe Dominick had called for him and now he was afraid to make him wait.

Marcus, I hardly think you need to be so rude!” I scolded.

We’ll be on that road,” he pointed outward to emphasize his intended destination, “in 20 minutes.” He turned to glare at me briefly before turning back to David.

Sylvia put her hand at my back. “You’ll love London,” she whispered.

I only nodded. Maybe it was true that I would like to stay in London for a few months, but that didn’t make it any easier to understand Marcus’s behavior.

I sniffed lightly and stepped carefully past Marcus and into our house. It seemed as if I wasn’t going to be given a choice as to whether or not I wanted to leave.

By the time I got to our bedroom, tears were already streaming from my eyes. The anger was gone, replaced by a crippling sadness. Had Marcus been right? Was there no happiness in marriage?

My trunk was still partially packed from when I had left my aunt and uncle’s home, so it was easy to just fling more clothes on top and slam the lid closed.

I rubbed at my eyes furiously, angry with myself for crying so much. What had I expected in marriage anyway? It was my duty as a wife to do as my husband told me. Hadn’t Aunt Dora always told me to choose a husband I trusted and he would protect me no matter what happened?

Standing in front of the mirror, I puffed out my cheeks and pushed my hair back behind my ears. I looked a mess, feeling sorry for myself. I sniffed loudly and wiped my hand under my nose.

Everything was going to turn out just fine I told myself firmly. The girl with red rimmed eyes that stared back at me didn’t look like she believed me.


* * * * *


The scenery passed by us in a blur. I sulked miserably in the back of the carriage, too stubborn to enjoy my first ride out of Hamel. I had never even ridden in a covered carriage before; there had never been a need. If it was raining, I simply stayed at home.

Marcus rode inside the carriage with Sylvia, David, and me for a little while, but the confined space soon proved too much for his large frame.

I’m riding,” he announced gruffly. I turned my face away from him when he tried to smile at me.

By the time I turned back to him, he was gone. I bolted up in my seat. The carriage hadn’t even stopped, how could he have gotten out? Where did he go?

What happened to him?” I choked out.

Sylvia turned her wide eyes in my direction. “Nothing, dear, why don’t you try to sleep?”

Where did Marcus go?” I almost fell completely to my knees in an attempt to get to the window.

He said he wanted to ride,” she reminded me.

He’s fine, Claudia,” David reassured me in his deep slow voice.

How…how did he get out?”

Through the window.”

My eyes widened even further so that they felt like they were going to pop right out of my head. What kind of man had I married? Happy one moment and the next, rushing off to London in the middle of the night? And he was able to crawl out of windows in a moving carriage?

I sat back slowly in the carriage, hugging my arms tight around my middle. I felt alone sitting there. I wanted more than anything else for him to come back in the carriage and pull me into his embrace.

If only he would tell me that everything was okay, I would believe him. Even if he lied to me, I would still believe him. My bottom lip jutted out, but I refused to cry again in front of Sylvia and David.

We’ll have to stop soon,” Sylvia said after a long while.

He’s not going to want to stop.”

The horses need changed.” David nodded, but fell silent.

The driver will want to rest as well.”

And Claudia.”

Claudia can rest in here.”

They talked about me as if I weren’t even in there. I blinked my eyes rapidly, but they stayed dry. They were right, I could sleep in the carriage.

I wondered if I would be able to sleep with such a heavy heart. I yawned wide, it had been such a long day. I leaned back against the seat and let my eyes drift closed. Surely we would be there soon.

When I opened my eyes again, we were stopped. “Are we there?” I asked sleepily.

We’ve stopped at an inn to trade horses and hire a new driver,” Sylvia answered. David wasn’t there with us anymore.

I licked my lips and sat up straighter. “Where’s Marcus?”

Seeing about those horses.”


She nodded at my assumption. “With him.”

How much further do we have to go?”

A ways. At least a few hours.”

Oh,” I nodded, not quite hearing what she actually said.

Hey,” Marcus put his head into the carriage. “You’re awake?”

Where’s David?” Sylvia asked.

Still inside, trying to find us a driver.”

I’ll go help him.” She scooted off her seat and ducked out of the small door.

As soon as she disappeared, Marcus reappeared. He swung himself easily and gracefully up in the seat beside me. “Are you still angry with me?”

A little,” I sniffed indignantly.

I’m sorry I was so short with you.” He inched a bit closer to me on the seat. Even if I wanted to back away from his advance, there was no room on the seat.

You were mean,” I pouted.

He was very careful not to smile. “I was,” he nodded.

Are you happier now that we are out of Hamel?”

His eyes narrowed slightly. “Not really.” He brushed his fingers lightly across my forehead. “I would be happier if you say you forgive me.”

It’s just…” I lowered my voice. “It was such a drastic rush. Why?”

I need to get to the city as quickly as possible for some urgent business I have to attend to.”

I should have stayed in Hamel. I could have stayed with my aunt and uncle until you returned for me.”

He was shaking his head before I had even finished talking. “No, that wouldn’t have worked.”

Why not?”

You’re my wife now, Claudia. I’ve staked my claim on you and now your place is with me.”

I would have been fine for a few days,” I insisted.

By becoming my wife, you have put yourself in an extremely vulnerable position. I will never leave you, Claudia.” He cupped his hand around the back of my neck and pulled me closer to him. “Not ever.”

I swallowed nervously. “Are you afraid that Ryan will come back for me?”

Him,” He nodded, “and others like him.”

My eyebrows drew down together. “There are others.”

My family is an old and powerful family. We have acquired many enemies along our way.” His eyes had taken a faraway look, but then he looked back at me. “Now you are part of my family, too–the most important part.”

I shrugged and melted the short distance into his arms.

He folded himself around me tightly. “I’ll always protect you, Claudia,” he whispered fiercely. “I promise.”

I’ll go with you anywhere, Marcus,” I whispered back just as fiercely. “And next time,” I pulled away so I could see his face, “I won’t throw such a fit about it.”

He smiled and kissed my nose lightly. His finger traced my bottom lip, causing a shiver to travel up my spine. “It won’t be long now, Claudia; we’ll be in London and you can rest properly.”

I sighed happily, snuggling back into his chest. “Will you ride in here with me now?”

Yeah,” he agreed reluctantly. I was too selfish to let him off the hook.



I was sleeping when we arrived in London. Marcus nudged me awake when the carriage pulled up to a two story white house. Servants piled out of the impressive structure to offer their assistance.

We’re here, Claudia,” Marcus spoke in soft tones. It was easy to see, even in my half-awake state, that he was more relaxed now that we had arrived.

My eyes tried to close again, but I forced them awake. “We’re in London?”

Yes, my love, we’ve finally arrived.” He took my hand in his and guided me out of the carriage.

Standing outside, staring up at the Letrell House in London, it nearly took my breath away; it was such a gorgeous home. I had expected that Marcus was wealthy beyond what he was telling me, but even I had not expected such extravagance.

Is this your house?” I asked in awe.

I told you already; this is the Letrell Home. It belongs to all of us for when we care to visit the city.”

Are your other brothers here?”


He pushed me gently forward. “Is anyone else here, then?”

No.” Even though he was quick in his denial, I suspected he wasn’t being entirely truthful. “I’ll show you to your room now so you can rest.”

I did feel tired. We had just traveled throughout the entire night in a small carriage. I had managed to sleep on Marcus’s shoulder most of the second half of our journey, but I didn’t feel as if I had gotten much rest. It was daylight now, but sleep sounded like a good idea.

Maybe you’d like to eat first?” His blue eyes showed deep concern and I was instantly warmed despite the biting chill in the air.

I might have something small in my room.”

He nodded and looked at a man dressed smartly standing close to us. The man bowed at the waist and went quickly into the house.

Who was that?”

He’ll get you something to eat, my dear. Your room is already ready for you, a cheery fire burning,” he winked.

What is his name?”

His expression went blank and he shook his head. “I don’t know,” he admitted.

Oh.” How long had he been here at the Letrell House, and Marcus didn’t even know his name?

Back at home, our servants had become more like family than anything else. I couldn’t imagine Becky being in a place like this.

Don’t worry about him,” he misinterpreted my frown, “he won’t bother you.”

Marcus took my hand to lead me through the daunting double doors. I looked behind us for Sylvia and David, but they were gone. They must have already gone inside, but I hadn’t seen them go past.

They’re inside,” Marcus assured me.

A large staircase was the first thing I saw when we passed through the threshold. “It’s beautiful,” I gasped.

It’s just stairs, Claudia,” he shook his head with a smile. “Come on.”

Just as I had guessed so long ago, the steps were marble. They didn’t make a single sound as we made our way up to the bedroom.

The bedroom Marcus led me to was just as impressive as the rest of the house. A large bed sat invitingly in the middle of the room. As promised, a cheerful fire was burning in the massive fireplace.

The soft carpet made me want to kick my shoes off and sink my bare feet into it. A large wooden vanity with an oval shaped mirror finished the room.

We went through another door that I had barely noticed and entered a large sitting room. I had heard about houses that were large enough to allow its occupants two rooms, but I never expected to live in one.

A tray of food was sitting on a low table in front of one of the small couches in the room. Another couch was facing it and behind that was a modest wooden desk covered with stationary and an inkwell. A second fire burned in the fireplace in this room.

BOOK: Always
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