Alveus (ABC's Inc. Romance #1) (5 page)

BOOK: Alveus (ABC's Inc. Romance #1)
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was smart, even before the evening had gotten underway people had begun asking
for her opinion. The first thing he intended to do when he got to the office
was to follow up on her suggestion for using self-healing polymers. Perhaps
Keith could speak with some of the scientists experimenting with it, since he
was already in the neighborhood, so to speak.

had enjoyed his evening with her. She’d even held normal conversations with
him, in full sentences! He laughed out loud. And her temper! Her argument had
had him at a loss for words, the way she’d thrown his word back at him with two
different usages. She stood up to him and she was funny. How was he supposed to
react? He could either laugh, or kiss her – either way would have ended with him
kissing her.

what is it that haunts Aly and turns her into an exasperating ice queen? His
mistrust of women convinces him that she’s playing a con on him and it’s all an
act to leave him begging at her feet. But, the deepest part of Dane, the part
that he hadn’t visited for a very long time, agreed with Oma and insisted that
she’s an innocent – broken. That’s the Aly that pulls at the deep recesses of
his being. The Aly that bleeds into his stone heart.


had vowed to himself that he would never let a woman have such a power over him
– never!


taking the next flight out. I don’t know what the hell’s gotten into you, but
I’ve been fielding calls on a daily basis from the Frankfurt staff.”

no need, Keith,” Dane assured his friend. “You’re needed in New York.”

we’ve ironed out the problem and come to an agreement,” his lawyer said. “The
attorneys here can finish up the minor logistics and paperwork. At the rate
you’ve been biting off heads over there, I may be the only staff you have left.
Brenda’s been hearing about your temper at the London office, as well. She’s
worried about you, Dane; she’d come herself, but she has a sick kid at home.”

Gale had been Dane’s assistant and right arm for almost a decade, before he
moved to Frankfurt. The London branch of Brighton Industries had been assigned
to him when he’d graduated from University. Being a Brit, Dane’s grandfather
had started his company in London and had brought his German bride to live with
him there. Brighton Industries had since grown into a worldwide corporation,
with offices in the U.S., Hong Kong, and of course Germany (German engineering
is well known for its quality.) Dane had grown up in the UK, went to school
there and spent summers at his grandmother’s home in Oberstein. Henry Brighton
was happy to hand the reins over to his grandson and move to the Frankfurt
office, bringing his homesick wife back to her roots. When his widowed
grandmother became ill, Dane turned the London office over to Brenda and
followed his grandfather’s footsteps to Frankfurt. Brenda knew Dane almost as
well as Oma, and was much like an older sister to him.

as you wish,” he told Keith. “I’ll give Bren a call and put her mind at ease. I
want to talk to her about the Fairfield Project, anyway.”

sooner had he hung up the phone, when he received a call from Bruna. Oma had
fallen and injured her hip. She was on her way to the hospital.


sped down the highway anxious to get to his grandmother’s side. Not that he
felt guilty for not visiting the estate in over a week – he had called her
every day. It was simply easier to run the business out of the office where he
could work hands-on with his employees. You can’t run a corporation over the
telephone; surely she understood that. What made him uneasy was how he had cut
Oma off whenever she mentioned Aly, and she mentioned her on every call. Dane
always changed the subject or invented a pressing matter which would put an
abrupt end to the call. Yeah, that definitely made him uncomfortable about
coming face to face with his grandmother.

far as seeing Aly again, well time and distance had put things into perspective
for him. He was an adult male; he can certainly keep his carnal urges under
control. She was his employee and he knew from experience the ramifications of
crossing that line. Of course she had signed an agreement, so if the assignment
led to marriage he would have every right to insist she fulfill her contractual
obligations. A business deal, nothing more.

whole fiancée fiasco had been another bane to contend with. Indeed, pictures of
him pulling Aly by the hand out of the crowded reception hall had made their
way onto the internet, with the caption, “Jealous fiancé!” He had only himself
to blame. Perhaps his employees wouldn’t have had anything to cry to Keith
about, if they hadn’t been gossiping and speculating among themselves about
him. It seemed the cat was out of the bag now, and he would soon be forced to
make a public announcement. First though, he needed to discuss his engagement
with Oma and of course, the woman in question.

the time Dane pulled into the hospital parking lot he’d spoken several more
times with Bruna. The doctors had x-rayed Oma’s injured hip and leg, finding
nothing broken. She had been banged up pretty bad, though, and they were
keeping her overnight to make sure her vitals remained stable. Bruna avoided
his questions about how Oma had injured herself. Although bedridden, he was aware
that Oma did not stay in bed, using a wheelchair to move about her rooms. He
took the elevator to her floor and strode down the corridor past the waiting
lounge. As he approached her open door he became privy to a private

would be the ideal opportunity to fess up to Dane, Oma.” Aly’s tone was one
used to chastise an errant child. “He worries about you, and besides, he’s sure
to have questions about your tumble.”

what if he takes his anger out on you and sends you away? He does have a

so be it, I suppose.”

his heart…”

his to protect the best way he knows.”

love you, ein bisschen.”

love you too, Oma. But, I think he should know that you were faking your
illness. Deception will always come back to bite you on the tush.”

heard Oma chuckle. He cleared his throat to warn them of his presence as he
stepped through the door. Aly kissed Oma’s cheek and hastened to exit the room.

just leave you to your privacy,” she said, flashing him a smile without making
eye contact. He grabbed her arm to halt her escape.

that any way to greet your fiancé?” he asked.

I just thought you would be anxious to…”

pulled her into a kiss. Her scent wafted over him, igniting his senses.
He released her and she scurried out of the room.

attention turned to the sweet gray-headed geriatric with the innocent, knowing
smile on her face. Leaning over to plant a kiss on her soft cheek, he noticed
how frail she looked in the hospital bed.

Oma,” he said, opening his arms wide in surrender. “Have at it.”

sure I have no idea what you’re implying, with all of your theatrics,” she
replied, haughtily. “If you’re referring to the conversation you overheard, I
really think you should refrain yourself from eavesdropping. It has really
gotten out of hand, lately.” Dane narrowed his eyes, menacingly.

get to that. How about starting with that all knowing, wiser than God,
grin you were wearing when I kissed Aly.” Oma clasped her hands together and
brought back the smile.

was so sweet; you two are perfect for each other and you present such a
beautiful couple,” she was genuinely pleased. “I just love her, Daney. I’m
aware that something happened between the two of you last week to cause a tiff,
but insisting upon a kiss was a good start at patching things up. I can see
that you love her.”

you need to slow down, things are not as perfect as you assume.”

it because she still refuses to marry you, Daney? Is that what the argument was
about, because you called her your fiancée? I heard you were in a jealous
rage,” she giggled – actually giggled! Dane had to admit that he never
remembered seeing his grandmother act this way before. It put him at a loss. My
God, what had he done by pulling this façade over on her? But, she was still

she loves you, too. I know these things. You don’t get to be my age without
learning the tell-tale signs.” She paused at the serious look on his face.
“Daney, please don’t push her away; don’t push away your chance at happiness,

Dane gazed into
the faded hazel eyes of the only woman he has ever loved; her worried eyes
reflected that love back at him. There was only one thing to do – change the

“About that conversation
I overheard…”


Oma sent Dane out
in search of Aly, saying she wanted to rest her eyes a bit. It wasn’t hard to
find her; she had cornered some poor sap with her red-headed temper.

is totally unacceptable!” she raged. “Frau Brighton has been here for the
better part of the day and no one has seen fit to take care of the scrape on
her leg.”

sorry, ma’am, but we’ve been backed up here. The doctor was more concerned with
finding any broken bones…”

give me the bloody supplies and I’ll do it myself! All she needs is some
antiseptic and a bandage. And some pain meds – can you at least send someone in
there to give her some pain meds?”

decided he’d better rescue the unfortunate porter. He took hold of Aly’s
shoulders and turned her around.

liebling, I’m sure he’s doing his best. Oma is resting right now.”

a small wound can get an infection if it’s not properly taken care of, Dane.”

certain your right.”

had been steering Aly to the waiting lounge and gave her a gentle push onto the
couch. She looked exhausted. There were dark circles under her eyes. “I’m here
now, I’ll take over looking out for Oma,” he tried to reassure her.

right; I’m not allowed to care about her,” she murmured sleepily, “I’m just a
thing to be used and discarded. Soon sweet Oma will just be a memory as I
continue to do my thing, thing.” Her words rambled off as she fell asleep in
his arms.

She seemed okay moments ago when she was in Oma’s room. Then he finds her
ranting at some poor bloke, and now she’s like the walking dead – spouting off
some irrational nonsense.

good to see her sleep.”

was startled by Bruna’s appearance.

hasn’t been sleeping since the fight you two had.  Oh, she acted fine around
your grandmother. I guess she didn’t want to worry her. The rest of the time
she was like a zombie, wouldn’t talk to anyone, didn’t eat much. I’d look out
the window at night and see her out there staring at the stars as if she was
trying to find answers in them. It must be your arms about her that’s made her
relax.” She lifted the bag she held. “I brought some decent food for Marta. You
just sit tight; I’ll keep your grandmother company while she eats.”

slouched further down in the seat and propped his feet up on the table. The
movement caused Aly to cuddle further into his chest – he could get used to
this. Soon he joined her in slumber; truth is he hadn’t been sleeping much
since the “fight,” either.

he woke up, Aly was gone.

Chapter Six



Ingram had insisted on meeting with Dane at the
. It was the same tavern
that had started him down this screwed up emotional ride. Like the last time,
Dane was quickly becoming intoxicated.

“Okay, I’m not going to stop feeding you biers until
you explain what the hell is going on with you,” his friend threatened.

Dane wasn’t sure he understood what was going on,
himself. He’d never been one to think about emotions and crap like that, so he
certainly wasn’t up for dissecting his feelings for Aly.

“Oma’s been faking her illness,” he said.

“Well, that scheming old bat! I’ll bet that
housekeeper was in on it too, they’re as tight as Siamese twins.”

Dane grabbed Keith’s collar and yanked his face

“That’s my Oma you just slandered!” he snarled.
Sometimes Keith’s arrogance just got on his nerves.

“Okay, I’m sorry; I meant it affectionately,” his
friend surrendered. “Man, you are wound tight! So, does that mean you’re
finished with Miss Prost?”

“The ice queen? No, I don’t think so, Oma loves her.
Besides, I’d have to admit that our relationship was a hoax.”

“Not necessarily, you could stage a break-up.”

“No,” Dane shook his head, “Not for a while, anyway;
Oma’s too smitten with the idea of me being in love.”

Keith stared at him a moment. “Are you?” he finally

“You claim to know me and yet you still ask such an idiotic

“Well you’ve been acting out of character, lately.
Is she that good in bed?” Keith snickered.

“I wouldn’t know, every time I get close to her she
freezes up on me,” Dane admitted.

“You’re shitting me,” Keith said. “Is the great Dane
Wellesley losing his magic with women?”

Dane tilted his head toward the bar where two women
sat giggling with each other and throwing come-hither stares his way.

“What do you think?” he asked.

“So then, what are you going to do?” his friend
wanted to know. “It’s in her contract to take care of your needs.”

wifely duties
,” Dane corrected.
“Technically we aren’t married.”

“Still, what’s she trying to pull? I can have a talk
with her, if you want.”

“No, why should I do anything? Oma’s happy, that’s
all that matters. I’ll just make sure it’s a long engagement and avoid setting
a wedding date. Work keeps me occupied, and there are other fish in the sea
that can satisfy my hunger.”

“Okay, so you’ve got it all figured out,” Keith
said. He glanced at his watch. “I just want to know one thing, before I join
the sweet little
waiting for me at her place. What was the so-called
jealous rage
all about? I saw the pictures posted on the internet and I
must say that you looked pretty angry to me.”

“I found Aly alone on the terrace with Dupree.”

“Armand Dupree, the man-whore? Do they know each
other?” his friend asked, intrigued. “Maybe they’ve worked together before.”

“I don’t think so,” Dane answered. “He was pawing at
her, trying to persuade her to leave me and run off with him to the south of

“What did she say?”

“Didn’t give her a chance, did I? I told him to keep
his bloody hands off of her and escorted her out of the place.”

Ingram looked at him suspiciously.

“What?” Dane asked, “She’s being paid to be madly in
love with me. It wouldn’t look right if I turned a blind eye to her cavorting
with Dupree, of all people.”

“I agree,” Keith said, standing up. “And now I must
take my leave. I told the barkeep to make sure he calls you a cab. Can’t have
you driving under the influence, can we?”

“Gee thanks, you’re all heart!” Dane waved him away
and ordered another drink.




was dreaming of Dane – again.

seemed every time she shut her eyes she would relive the thrill of his hands on
her, and his lips… she would wake up with her treacherous body yearning for
more. When conscious, Lexi would return to her senses. It had come to a point where
she dreaded closing her eyes. The only restful sleep she’d received since
was this afternoon at the hospital – in Dane’s arms. Apparently it
only served to intensify her desire, because this dream wasn’t stopping where
the others had. A huskily whispered voice filtered into her ear, followed by a
playful nip to its lobe.

your eyes, Sleeping Beauty. I want to see the fire shoot from them, as you
explode in ecstasy under my touch.”

her dream shrouded voice moaned.

liebling, do you want me to stop?”

– no!” Lexi’s eyes fluttered open, as the caresses paused.

which is it?” he teased. “I take no satisfaction in pleasuring a woman against
her will.”

she repeated, only slightly desperate. Her body wriggled impatiently.

what?” Still teasing, he played with the elastic on her panties, sliding his
finger along her hipbone. She wriggled some more.

I don’t want you to stop,” she groaned, even as his mouth came down on hers and
his hands continued their magic.

groan turned into moans as her body flooded with sensual pleasure. It filled
and rose like heated mercury, ebbing and rising in waves until it finally exploded,
bursting through her body with convulsions. From a distance she heard her voice
scream out his name.

at me, mein liebes.”

Lexi sank into the warm golden pools of Dane’s eyes, as her body began its
retreat back to earth. 

not yet, liebling,” he said, their eyes still locked. “We take the next trip

can’t… I… Oh!”

body began its climb again as his lips and hands orchestrated. Her breathing
became sporadic and then stopped as he entered her. She felt the slight pain,
her body’s virginal response to the intrusion. Dane paused, but she eddied her
body closer, continuing where he’d stopped. She wanted their bodies to meld
together, two feeling as one. Her passion screamed for the intimacy of another
soul bonded to hers. He responded in kind and took over. Deeper and deeper he
made his way into the empty hollow that had been her core. Lexi cried out as
the connection was made, and she felt alive again.

gently rolled onto his back, pulling her on top of him. Lexi’s head lay on his
chest – her shelter, her refuge, her home. “
I love you Daney
.” Their
heartbeats slowed, the rhythmic beats lulling her to sleep.

she woke, he was gone.


her body awake, Lexi realized she was smiling. She couldn’t remember the last
time she had slept so well. For years she had woken throughout the night
worrying about her mother; it had become such a habit that she’d continued
sleeping sporadically even after her mother’s death. Of course there were also
the nightmares… Every night Lexi’s sleep was intruded upon with memories of her
mother before she’d become sick, drawing her back into happier times. Then,
just as Lexi basked in the maternal love, her mother would turn into a
screaming monster, physically attacking her.

at the clock, Lexi took in the fact that she had slept through most of the
morning. Rolling out of bed, she stumbled with her first few steps toward the
shower – a reminder of last night’s activities. Her smile widened. Warning
bells rang out from the back of her mind – the prudent section – but the morning’s
euphoria tamped it down.

emerged from the shower feeling energized and invigorated. She pulled on the
same tired pair of jeans, wishing she had something new to wear for Dane. After
applying blush and mascara, she drew her hair back into a half-braided ponytail
and went off in search of some coffee.

large arrangement of flowers garnered the main focal point in her sitting room.
Its beauty drew Lexi in. Standing out amidst a jungle of greenery were delicate
white orchids with deep, dark, velvety red lips. Leaning into one of the dainty
blossoms, she inhaled its sweet aroma. A card attached was addressed to Aly.

rare and exquisite blooms reminded me of you – Dane.”

didn’t realize she’d let out a contented sigh until she heard it echoed from
behind her. Turning, she caught Frieda watching from the door.

are beautiful, aren’t they?” the young woman expressed in a longing voice.
“It’s so romantic.” Lexi didn’t answer, but a smile remained plastered on her
face. The f
rollein continued to stand
where she was, swathed in her own thoughts

was just on my way to get some coffee,” Lexi mentioned

Breaking from her
stupor, Frieda remembered her mission. “Oh, that’s right,” she fluttered, “Frau
Brighton has asked that you join her for brunch in her sitting room.”

“Oh, she’s home

“Yes, Herr
Wellesley brought her home before he left,” she replied.

Lexi’s brain got
stuck on the “before he left” portion of the sentence. Mumbling some version of
a thank you, she crossed the hall to Oma’s sitting room. She wasn’t sure why
she felt disappointed, perhaps it was good that she wouldn’t have to face an
awkward “morning after” moment with Dane. Still, she couldn’t help feeling
deserted. Shaking her head, Lexi put the thought out of her mind – he’d sent
flowers to make up for his absence.




on a plane headed for Hong Kong, Dane could not purge Aly from his thoughts.
He’d been called upon to meet personally with the executives of a high profile
Chinese corporation. They claimed that the products Brighton Industries had
sold them were faulty. He’d been going over the specs on his tablet, but his
concentration was off.
Damn it
, this meeting was of huge importance to
his company!

never felt such a connection with a woman before – physically or mentally. Last
night just put those responses over the top. He tried to convince himself that
he’d just had too much to drink, but he knew that was not the answer. True, the
alcohol had given him the nerve to enter Aly’s room last evening, although once
he saw her… She was asleep wearing only panties and a skimpy tank top. Pajama
bottoms had been thrown haphazardly on a nearby chair. He smiled; apparently
she’d gotten too warm – the covers were also tossed. Dane admitted that perhaps
the alcohol had also buried his propriety, as he shed his clothing and slid
into her bed. Funny, she never showed surprise at his presence. He was
convinced that she shared the same connection.

had seemed so vulnerable and innocent… and yet encouraging, like a playful
kitten, purring and writhing against his caresses. There was no sign of the ice
queen. No, he had caught her with her guard down. Dane gained some satisfaction
in the knowledge that he had beaten the schemer at her own little game. He had
broken through her resistance, but then his stomach clenched – he had broken
through something else as well. She was a virgin. How was that possible?

first Dane thought he must have mistaken, after all, he’d never been with a
virgin before. Like every other pubescent youth, he’d taken the required sex ed
class and knew about the thin membrane partially blocking a virgin’s road to
paradise. Had he felt a slight resistance, milliseconds before it gave way? Aly
had tensed for a moment. Startled he hesitated, until her movements ignited his
passion once again. Convinced that it was his imagination, Dane surrendered
himself to the pleasure, the taste, the feel, the smell… of Aly.

out from bliss, Dane had dozed off with his goddess wrapped protectively in his
arms. When he awoke after a short nap, he found the evidence of blood on the
condom he’d used. That was the moment he sobered… a virgin – but how?

to get answers (even if he had to rouse Keith out of the arms of his sweet f
rollein,) Dane gathered up his belongings and
returned to his room.
He never got around to calling his
friend; his voice mail was bombarded by urgent calls from the Hong Kong office.

a sigh Dane focused his attention back to the specifications for the electric
car engine Brighton Industries had shipped to the Chinese manufacturer. He
concentrated specifically on imported parts and the companies they’d bought them
from. He felt confident that his people in Germany hadn’t fouled things up.

BOOK: Alveus (ABC's Inc. Romance #1)
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