Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1) (29 page)

Read Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1) Online

Authors: Craig Gerttula

Tags: #romance, #drama, #adventure, #space opera, #intrigue, #science ficiton

BOOK: Alutia Rising, Anniversary Edition (Alutia Rising Series, Book 1)
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There was no way his arms had regenerated or
he had been caught up in a giant galactic alliance that was hidden
from Earth. He'd more likely been captured by a corporation and
brainwashed, causing reality and fantasy to mix...
it makes
. He considered revealing his revelation to the voice, but
the idea quickly faded as he decided to instead, play along,
wondering what other information he could discover.

“Please provide information on the
governmental structure of the NHA,” he thought, hoping he may glean
facts about the actual organization behind this experiment.

“Excerpt found in;
So you grew up on
: The NHA is led by a Hereditary Emperor who is
responsible for upholding the NHA Founding Charter, Emperor’s
Proclamations, Emperor’s Law Book, security, and expansion of the
NHA into new galaxies. Each galaxy under his domain is ruled by a
Hereditary King or Queen who has sovereignty to rule over their
galaxy as they deem fit, within the boundaries placed by the NHA
Founding Charter, Emperor’s Proclamations, Emperor’s Law Book, as
well as the laws of the pertinent Galaxy Law Book. Each galaxy is
further separated into sovereign Duchies which are ruled, within
the same bounds as the galaxy, by a Duke and Duchess, but further
governed by the relevant Duchy Law Book. The Duchies are further
broken down into Marches and Earldoms. Marches are ruled by a
Marquee and Marchioness, while Earldoms are ruled by an Earl and
Countess, within the same bounds as the Duchy, but further governed
by the relevant Local Law Book. An Earldom and March are broken
down further into Barony's, which are ruled by a Baron and
Baroness, within the same bounds as the Earldom or Mark, but
further governed by the relevant Planetary Law Books. Each level of
ruling nobility is able to rule, with permission of the NHA
Emperor, over those directly below them within the rights of their
sovereignty.” The answer Trent received was again, not what he

The talk of using identical noble ranks in
the ruling of this universal alliance to the European titles of old
further convinced Trent that he was trapped within some sort of
corporate experiment.
They could have at least changed the names
to make it more believable,
he sighed, finding it more and more
likely he'd undergone brainwashing.

“Excerpt found in,” somehow, part of what he
thought ended up as a request and the metallic voice responded,

I can understand you! But why?:
The Human Interface
Translation node, or HIT node, allows seamless translation of all
languages to your primary native language, using common wording to
easily convey a meaning when appropriate. During situations a word
or meaning does not exist in your native tongue, the HIT node will
use accepted translation methodology to create either a new word in
the rules of your native tongue or use the existing term if the
origin language is similar enough to your native langue,” Trent
nodded along with the seemingly logical response.

“Please explain the Human Interface
Translation node further.” He decided to follow the line of
questioning that he stumbled across.

“Excerpt found in,
Human Improvements,
Volume 1,326
: Human interface translation nodes were first
created and genetically integrated into the standard human genome
pre-NHA year 6,321 to allow humans who speak vastly different
languages to communicate in their native tongues. During the
translation process, certain similar terms in the translated
language are utilized to allow for additional comprehension and
understanding during conversations. If no equivalent term is found,
the node analyzes the terms meaning and either creates a new term
based on language rules or converts the native term for use. Within
human genome structure code...”

he thought as the
explanation became overly complex, but he was still skeptical. It
was irrational to think he could possibly have one of these
translation nods, since it would require the altering of his
genetics...which was only possible before someone was born and even
then, it required top-level corporate approval.

Trent was about to make another request when
his stomach growled.
How long since I last ate
, he wondered.
He turned towards the door, putting his current concerns on

“Please open the door,” a painful tone
sounded in response, telling Trent he'd made a mistake in his
query. He thought about it again and rephrased his statement.

“Please open all exits in emergency medical
annex five.” The door slid open and Trent hopped in jubilation.
Carefully, he stuck his head outside and peered in both

The corridor that greeted him was wide enough
to hold 20 people abreast. Unsurprisingly, it was completely empty,
painted white, with a single blue stripe running down the walls,
which extending beyond sight in both directions.

“Please tell me where I can find some food,”
he thought towards the voice, now originating from a spot in the
wall on the other side of the corridor.

“The closest nutrition dispensary is located
directly adjacent transport tube station 1324. Directions shall be
provided on route. To begin, take a right in corridor 2.34, just
outside medical annex five, and proceed 267 meters,” Trent smiled,
and with a hop in his step, started a new journey, but this time
with a companion, the trusty voice within his head.




The aroma rising from the nutritional gruel,
though pleasant, turned her stomach, the memories of the poor
servants and crew who had been brutally murdered during her private
guard’s betrayal, just too fresh. Sasha tried to force the memories
aside, taking a few small nibbles, but it was useless, the food
tasted of nothing but her failure.

Knight Admiral Bhool sat like a statue across
from her in the officer’s mess, ignoring the two catillian's
whimpering while they wandered cautiously over the table’s surface.
Tiana and Regalia, their skin having finally started to regain its
coloring, sat silently at her sides, poking absently at the food
before them. Gil'Da, the only servant that made it to safety,
wandered between them, refilling drinks, trying to provide a
semblance of normalcy to the abnormal situation.

I just don’t know what to do,
the same
thought repeated, over and over; her mind lost in the fact that no
matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't think of any way to
salvage the horrible situation in which they now found

The guards who had betrayed her, learning the
assassination had failed, decided to no longer conceal their
intentions. In a move she knew must have been previously planned,
they stormed engineering, Sasha’s apartments, and the bridge
simultaneously. Vin's warning arrived just in time for the crew,
who were able to lock out access to engineering and the crew
quarters from the guard barracks before attempting the rescue of
Sasha and her companions, who had thought themselves trapped
without hope of escape.

But this news did little to alleviate the
knowledge that Vin’s warning arrived a second too late for the
flight captain and two of the flight officers, who were killed
during the initial assault. Thankfully, three of the flight
officers survived, though two were captured, leaving only Flight
Supply Officer Xin'Eir free and unscathed, having been off duty at
the time.

Once the guards realized that their plan had
failed, they unable to access engineering and the crew quarters,
they sent a single message stating that if anyone tried to escape
using the ferry shuttle, escape pods, or any other starships tried
to approach the shuttle, the hostages would be killed without
hesitation. Knight Admiral Bhool responded, demanding the guard’s
surrender, while slipping a message off the starship to her second,
Vice-Admiral Jia'Tog, informing him of the situation and providing

Her orders were simple; after sending a
message to the king, informing him of what had befallen, he was to
rendezvous with the 3
ABF battle group, under the
command of Knight Rear-Admiral Quo'Nup, and order him to standby at
the Don'Alutia SJS gate hub. The 1
ABF escort fleet,
composed of the 1
and 2
ABF battle
groups, were then to be placed under the command of Vice-Admiral
Sys'Kol, Alutia's other, more trustworthy battle group commander,
and would then journey to the Earth star system. He would then
detach the 1
ABF escort fleet to the TSB, under the
temporary command of Knight Captain Quinn.

After the orders had been sent, a response
was received just before the traitors disabled the long range
communication system. A fully armed assault shuttle, loaded with
100 combat armor ready ABF Battleguards, were assigned to follow
from a distance, hoping an opportunity would present itself for an
armed rescue. Sasha knew the chances were slim, but all options had
to be left on the table.

“We just passed through the near Earth SJS
gate,” Lady Bhool sighed, allowing the depressed catillians to rub
against an extended finger, “and from the ABF Ruisia’s estimates,
we are on course for the Earth star system. If we continue at full
speed we will arrive in about a day and a half, or about 26 hours,
Your Grace,” she paused, staring intently into Sasha’s eyes. “I
believe it is time we fully disregard the auspice that we are no
longer “certain” of Duke Zehman’s involvement,” Knight Admiral
Bhool’s voice trembled, seeming to have difficulty restraining her
fury, its blaze simmering within her gaze.

“Yes,” Sasha locked her fingers before her
chest, “Duke Zehman is definitely responsible...but I still cannot
fathom what he would gain in my death,” Sasha’s response lacked
emotion, her mind still stuck in the cold embrace of her

“Is there anyone besides you who could stop
him, Lady Sasha?” Regalia asked so daintily that Sasha didn't react
at first, thinking it may have been her imagination.

“That may just be the case, Your Grace,”
Knight Admiral Bhool nodded her thanks to Regalia, before turning
back to Sasha. “The traitorous guards would have most certainly
sent word to their true lord when they learned of your plan to
change course to Earth,” she started to caress the catillians, her
expression darkening, “ and the duke, like other ruling nobles of
similar affiliation, will not sit idly by and allow an adversary,
which you became the moment you denied his request and decided to
intervene on behalf of the TSB, to play their hand if he has pieces
in place to avoid such an outcome,”

It all made sense
. She didn't even
attempt to keep her orders secret and anyone, guards, servants, or
crew, could have easily found out about their sudden change of
destination and the reasoning behind it. Knight Admiral Bhool
cleared her throat, expression turning serious.

“Your Grace,” she leaned forward, letting her
chin rest on locked fingers, “Sasha, I think it may be time to
discuss the possibility of sabotaging the ABF Princess One and
escaping on the ferry shuttle.” Sasha’s head shot up, fire burning
away the ice that had overtaken her mind as Lady Bhool’s suggestion
fully registered.

“If you can find a way to fit 16 people
onboard, plus save the two hostages, I may consider your
proposition,” she snapped, fury building in her heart.
Too many
had already died because of her, because of her mistakes!

“Your Grace,” Lady Bhool slammed a fist upon
the table, “the king has provided you authority to act in his stead
to stop Duke Zehman, you must remember this, since he would not
provide such power, even to his daughter, lightly,” she leaned
back, her voice calming, “you are the highest authority in Alutia,
and you...and only you, Sasha...have the power to stop whatever it
is Duke Zehman is planning, that I can only assume is something
that will not only damage Alutia, but galaxy 189 itself,” she waved
a hand in the air before them, “further proven by this reckless
assassination attempt that could so easily be traced back to the
duke himself. A man such as he does not make such decisions
lightly, since even his closest allies will be reluctant to openly
support an assassination of a princess or grand duchess,” she
leaned forward, placing a gloved hand atop Sasha’s, “the crew and
officers have swore their lives to you, Sasha, and if these lives
must be sacrificed so you can complete your mission, then we must
seriously consider this option,” Lady Bhool gazed into her eyes,
and Sasha found her explanation made sense, but she had already
made up her mind.

“I realize this, Lady Bhool, but I will not
consider sacrificing more lives until every option has been
discussed!” Lady Bhool, like Sasha, slid to the edge of her seat,
prepared to snap her response, but held her tongue, taking a deep,
calming breath while reaching out to her concerned catillian.

“Very well, Your Grace,” she started,
resigned, “but I will not take the option off the board, and if you
have not found a solution before we rendezvous with the Hulk'Zif
Battle Fleet, then I will force you into the ferry shuttle with one
hand while holding a detonator in the other!” Sasha knew Lady Bhool
spoke no lies, and that she was overmatched by the old admiral.

“Very well,” she sighed after holding Lady
Bhool’s gaze for a moment longer. She reached out to Terra, finding
that in the fiery exchange, the worst of her despair had

They sat in silence, the tension of minutes
before lingering in the air, until Sasha straightened, a crazy idea
coming to mind. She doubted it would work, but she had to find

“Gil'Da,” she turned to her old servant and
tutor, “could you go and fetch Senior Deck Engineer Tho'Mos...and
if he isn't on duty, bring him here,”

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