Altar Ego (12 page)

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Authors: Sam McCarthy

BOOK: Altar Ego
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Chapter 19

He relaxed back onto his heels and pulled me into his arms. We sat there, our breathing laboured and our skin glossy with perspiration, he with his arms tight around my middle, me with my head resting on his shoulder.  Neither of us wanted to be the one to move or to break free from the other. Neither of us wanted to prompt the discussion we were about to have. But I was the first to speak.

“Isn’t it just as simple as we want to be together?”

He sighed softly and brushed his lips against my shoulder, inhaling the scent of my hair before responding.

“No Elise. It isn’t as simple as that.” He loosened his grip and turned me around to face him. Still naked, I wrapped my legs around his waist and took both of his hands in mine. I stared deeply into his eyes. There was a flicker of something there. Whoever said that the eyes were the window to your soul had clearly never met this man. His eyes gave no clue whatsoever to what was going through his mind.  “We need to set down some ground rules.”

“It really doesn’t matter what the rules are Dominic. I agree to them all. I will agree to anything as long as you tell me that this won’t end.” I kissed his chest, little butterfly flutters over his skin. I watched as his nipples tightened and his cock grew hard before my eyes.  He moved his hands to my wrists and grabbed them both hard.

“You need to stop.” He shifted backwards and tried to put some distance between us. “I’m not touching you again until we are both clear on where we stand.”

I pouted.

“Okay.” I let myself shift from his knees and sat on the floor, my back leaning against the end of the bed. I pulled my knees up to my chest and enveloped my arms around them. I was on the defensive and I realised that, but I couldn’t help myself. I had no protection from him whatsoever, and there were clearly things to discuss that I wasn’t going to like.

He stood and pulled on his trousers, coaxing his erection into them and zipping them up. I frowned as he covered himself but accepted his shirt when he handed it to me. I slipped into it, it barely covered me but at least I had regained some modesty.

He sat on the edge of the bed behind me, one leg either side of my body, and he stroked my hair as he spoke.

“Elise. This is not going to be an easy ride for you.” He paused. “Nor me, actually. I have never sought a relationship with anyone before.”

I smiled.

“So I’m a first?” I asked, feeling a little pleased with myself.

He didn’t reply but I knew he was smiling.

“I’m not sure how this will work if I’m honest.” He said. “You have just bought a new home.”  His fingers stopped stroking my hair and he rested his hand on my neck gently. “I assume you are going to want to live there?”

“Well of course I want to live there.” I snapped. “What a silly question.” I was indignant. “Where do you expect me to live?”

He was silent and still for a moment.

“I thought I might like you to be with me...” His whole body heaved as he sighed again. “I quite like the idea of having you at my beck and call.”

I stayed quiet even though my heart was practically pounding out of my chest. He actually wanted me to move in with him. Didn’t he realise that I would give up everything and move in with him in an instant.

“Of course, it has to be right for you too.” He gave a little cough and cleared his throat. He sounded so unsure of himself.

“What if I moved my stuff into the flat, but I stay with you? Ellie can use my place when she is home in the holidays, and should things not work out between us I will always have somewhere to go.” I was waffling. I desperately wanted to throw myself at him but I tried to stay calm.

“Hmmmm.” He pondered my suggestion. He started kneading the back of my neck as he thought. “I think that’s a perfect idea.” He gripped tight causing my breath to hitch in my throat. “Though if you think you will ever escape me once I take you as mine, then you are mistaken.”

I gulped and turned myself round to face him.

“I have no intention of ever trying to escape from you. I’m merely offering you a get out clause should you need it.” I secretly hoped that he would never need a get out clause, but I felt better having offered it to him.

“There may be times when you want to escape Elise. You have no idea how depraved I can be.” He stroked my cheek with his thumb as he spoke. “I will hurt you so much that you will scream and cry and beg for me to stop.” He smoothed his thumb over my lip. “I will make you climax so hard and so often that you will beg for mercy.” He opened my lips with his thumb and dipped it into the wetness of my mouth. I nipped at it with my teeth and let out a soft guttural groan from the pit of my stomach.  “I will control every move and every decision you make. I will consume every thought and feeling you have from the second you wake up until you collapse into sleep exhausted every night. I will take over your entire being, body, mind and soul. You will be mine... Only mine and never ever free. Do you understand Elise?”

I nodded.

“You will register yourself to me as a collared submissive and you will wear your collar when we are alone at all times. This is not up for discussion.”

I nodded again.

“You will by no means be a prisoner. You will have the freedom to come and go as you please. But you will not work. You will not sleep anywhere else other than with me, unless you have my permission and you will not let any other man ever lay a finger on you.” He leaned forward and kissed my lips softly. “Are you still happy to go through with this?” He murmured before covering my mouth with his.

“I...Yes.” I closed my eyes and melted into his kiss. It was soft and sensual, warm and comforting...but I knew that it was the calm before the storm. I knew that no matter what happened now I was setting myself up for a life different to anything I had ever known or even imagined before.

“I’m happy to submit to you wholly.” I told him. 

“Then it’s settled.”  He stood in front of me whilst I stayed on my knees.  I looked up at him expectantly, a fire igniting deep inside of me. I couldn’t let him walk away from me at this moment. I needed to show him just how much I wanted him. He smoothed his hand over my hair and smiled. “You shouldn’t look at me that way. We have things to do.” He cupped my chin in his hand. I reached up and unfastened his trousers, letting them fall off his hips and pool at his ankles. As I moved forward and placed a chaste kiss on the tip of his erection he gripped my chin tight forcing my jaw open. I relaxed my tongue and opened my throat as he slid himself inside my mouth pushing all the way back so that his neatly trimmed hair grazed my lips. I felt my gag reflex kick in and the muscles in my throat begin to contract, but as if he recognised the signs he pulled out slowly again, groaning as he did so. I rested my hands against his thighs and lapped at him greedily, I wanted him, all of him and I took him into my mouth again as he drove his groin forwards. He kept a steady pace, his hand moving from my chin to the back of my head. He wrapped my hair around his hand and my eyes watered as he thrust in and out, keeping a tight grip on my hair. I swirled my tongue around him as he thrust and although I let him control the pace, I was in control of the pressure. I alternated between sucking him firmly and then softly lapping at him, I felt him tense inside my mouth as his climax came and his load hit the roof of my mouth. He slowed as he throbbed inside of me, his legs shaking as he attempted to regain control.

I released him and he dropped to his knees. He touched my cheek tenderly and kissed the tip of my nose.

“I’m going to like having you around.” He said. “Now... Come on. We have a busy day ahead of us.”

Chapter 20

I rolled over onto my side as the sun started to perforate the gaps in the blinds. I lifted myself up onto my elbow and watched him sleep beside me. I would never tire of this view. It had been six months since the day we had our discussion, and my life had been a bit of a whirlwind ever since.

There was always a dinner or a ball to attend, and I was always on Dominic’s arm. He introduced me as his partner and treated me like a lady in public, but once the doors were closed and my collar was fastened around my neck, he turned feral, animalistic and raw. We had fallen into a routine comfortably and we seemed to have it all. It was certainly a very different life to the one I had been living before.

I winced as I sat up, the bruises and welts from last night were a little tender this morning. I turned swinging my legs out of bed and reaching for my robe.

“Where do you think you are going?”  Dominic spoke from behind me, his voice husky in that ‘just woke up’ state. 

I smiled and slipped the robe over my arms.

“To make my master some coffee.” I turned and poked my tongue out at him cheekily, and was sure to move quickly. Not quick enough though as in a flash he had my wrist locked in his grip. He sat and leaned in to me, nuzzling into my shoulder and trailing his tongue along the marks on my neck left by the soft white leather of my collar. It had been a gift from him on the day I moved in here and I adored it.  I felt my nipples pebble under the robe in reaction to his closeness and he took advantage of the effect he was having on me by reaching round and fondling my bottom. He slid his hand up beneath the fabric of my robe and expertly slipped his thumb into me, I groaned and clenched around him as he whispered into my ear...

“Did I give you permission to leave?”

I caught my breath as he twisted his thumb before sliding it back out.

“No...You didn’t.” I admitted.

He sat up and watched me intently as he lifted his thumb to his mouth and sucked it clean, making a real show of how aroused I was.

“No...I didn’t.” He raised his eyebrow. “ sounds wonderful, please proceed.” He laughed at me as I rolled my eyes at him.

“You are a terrible tease.” I told him.

“I aim to please.” He winked at me and grinned.

I laughed as I stood and walked away from him. I was sure to sashay my hips as I left the room and laughed as he groaned and pulled the covers over his head.

I switched on the coffee machine and stood by the wall length window as it gurgled into life. The view was perfect, here I could see the whole city below me, the hustle and bustle of daily life as everyone began their busy days. I would often sit here with my kindle and the sun streaming through the glass while Dominic worked at the table. He had a desk in his office but had barely used it of late, in fact the last time he was in the office it wasn’t work on his mind. I smiled to myself as the memories of him bending me over his desk and fucking me whilst on a conference call came back to me. How anybody hadn’t noticed was beyond me. I turned away from the view as the coffee finished dripping into the glass jug and I grabbed two mugs and filled them to the brim, before carrying them back through to the bedroom.

The door to the en suite was ajar and the sound of the shower running let me know that Dominic had gotten up already. I placed the coffee down on the dresser and busied myself by laying out the clothes I would wear that day. I opted for a simple look, black slacks and a bright orange top. The orange looked perfect against my tanned skin and my choice had everything to do with the fact that Dominic loved me in orange or red. He never went so far as to tell me what to wear, though he would think nothing of buying a dress for me if we were going out. In fact we had a shopping trip planned for today. We were heading to the club tonight for some fun, and who was I to complain?

The sound of the shower ceased and a few moments later he came through the door, water droplets glistening on his skin and his face obscured by the towel that he was roughly drying his hair with. I took a sharp breath in; I knew every line, every dip and every beauty spot or freckle on his perfect body. He had the most perfect nipples I had ever seen on a man and just the sight of him had my insides screaming for him to touch me.

“You’re staring.” He said as he slung the small towel over the back of the chair outside the en suite door and walked towards me wearing a slightly larger one slung round his waist.

“It’s difficult not to stare if you are going to walk around naked.” I smiled as I replied.

“I’m not naked.” He said as he stalked towards me. “I’m wearing a towel.” He reached me and wrapped his arms around me, pressing his groin into me and grinding his hips against me just enough to let the towel slip. He teased my mouth with a nip of his teeth and groaned against my lips.

“You are not wearing a towel now.” I whispered as it fell to the floor. I parted my lips slightly and pressed my mouth onto his, feeling his grip tighten around me.

“Get in the shower before I change my mind about today’s plans and cuff you to the bedposts.” He growled at me.

I laughed and wriggled out of his arms, heading for the bathroom and giving him an extra wiggle as I went. I turned as I stepped into the shower and saw him shaking his head. He was smiling. He smiled a lot more these days and I was thrilled that I was the reason for that. I turned back as he opened the wardrobe and turned the dial, letting the hot spray flow over me and soothe last night’s bruises. I was used to my skin being an array of colours. The faded bruises from a few days ago mingling with the fresh purple of last night’s, along with the pin prick tracks from the Wartenburg wheel.

After showering and dressing quickly, I slicked a coat of gloss on my lips and opened my eyes with a little mascara. I barely wore make up these days, I didn’t feel the need. Dominic told me I was perfect, and my confidence had soared over the last few months. I was perfectly happy in my own skin. I grabbed my heels and finished the coffee I had left on the dresser and took the empty mug with me to the kitchen.

He was on the phone, stood by the window as I entered the kitchen. I quietly placed my mug in the dishwasher. I wiped down the worktop and sat on one of the stool, slipping my feet into my shoes as I waited for him to finish. It was clearly a business call and I didn’t really know much about what he did. Come to think of it, I didn’t really know much about him. No more than I needed to anyway.

“Leave it for a few days, let him sweat.” I heard him say. He paced while whoever was on the other end of the line was speaking, and then continued “He will back down. He needs the money.” He didn’t bother to say goodbye, choosing instead to just end the call, before turning and smiling at me.

“You’re ready?” He walked towards me and held out his hand. I took it and slipped off of the stool.

“I’m always ready for you.” I grinned at him.

“You are insatiable.” He laughed leaning into me before whispering into my ear. “But I like it.” He dropped a gentle kiss on my neck and led me to the door.

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