Alpha's Virgin Pup (Puppyville Pack, #2) (4 page)

Read Alpha's Virgin Pup (Puppyville Pack, #2) Online

Authors: Fel Fern

Tags: #alpha, #alternative, #domination, #erotic, #gay, #mm, #paranormal, #romance, #shapeshifters, #shifters, #submission, #wolves

BOOK: Alpha's Virgin Pup (Puppyville Pack, #2)
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“Sounds serious,” I tell Brick. “Why don’t you do some alpha duties first?”

Brick glowers at me. “You ordering me around already, little wolf?”

I quickly shake my head. “No, Sir. I’d never presume to.”

Brick playfully nips at my ear. “Don’t be fucking smart.”

We both quickly dress. By the time Brick opens the door and lets our pack beta in, I’m hauling up my jeans. Brick’s apartment is studio sized, so privacy isn’t an option. No reason to hide either, because everyone in the pack saw Brick leave with me yesterday at the auction. Besides, most werewolves usually have no issue with nudity. Note the word ‘most’, because I don’t really fall into that category. It’s no secret I’m awkward and an introvert growing up, but I auctioned off my virginity anyway.

Do I feel like a new man? Not really, but I’m taking the first step to being more confident. I’m aware if I want my relationship with Brick to go anywhere, I need to step up. If I plan to be Brick’s mate, the alpha’s mate, there will be expectations.

Because of my average looks, I’m at a disadvantage. I have the omega card to play, and I can still give Brick pups, but I don’t bring much to the table. Some alphas enter a marriage of convenience, old-fashioned and traditional as it sounds, with other packs to seal an alliance. Others find partners who are powerful or strategic to add value to the pack. Mates are assets, and I haven’t proven mine yet.

“The representative the Grizzly Falls pack sent isn’t saying much. We need to hold an emergency pack meeting and sort this mess out as quickly as possible.” Rover spares me an interested look. He’s as massively well-built as Brick, although he acts more like the pack’s official PR. Any fights or messes, it’s Rover’s job to settle. Rover makes it a point to know each member of the Puppyville pack, which makes him hard to dislike. “How’s it going, Bobby?”

“Good. I guess. Do you want me out of the way?”

“Fuck no. It’s better if Brick brings you,” Rover says.

At his enigmatic remark, Brick gives his beta a pointed look. “What aren’t you telling me?”

“They sent Lorenzo Esteban.”

“The underwear model of Thongs, Thongs, Thongs?” I ask blankly. “He’s a werewolf?”

The atmosphere goes from chill to positively oven hot. I don’t know why the name is a trigger, but Brick lets out a rumbling growl that makes all the hairs on my neck and arms stand.

It gets worse. Brick starts going berserk, and begins breaking furniture. I stand there, stunned and unsure of what to do.  It’s the first time I’ve ever seen Brick act like this. An alpha is the anchor of his pack. He grounds us, and Brick’s the last wolf on earth I expected to lose control.

“Brick. Chill. What’s wrong?” I begin to approach him, but Rover quickly intervenes, grabbing my shoulder.

“Don’t. You might get hurt,” Rover warns. I push his hand away, annoyed. Unbelievable. How can Rover call himself Brick’s beta, if he won’t help Brick when he’s like this?

“Brick, come on. Man up,” I yell. Brick pauses from—I gulp, ripping a chair into pieces.

His eyes are feral yellow. When he bares his teeth, they’ve lengthened to sharpened canines, capable of snapping my neck in half. If Brick gives in to his animal half, his shift will happen in a matter of seconds. It takes an average wolf like me fifteen minutes to change, but for Brick, he’ll only need seconds.

Heart thumping, I make my move. I lunge at Brick, intending to tackle him. Shake some sense into him, except once I leap, I realize my fatal error. The sheer difference between our body mass makes tackling Brick impossible. He’s pure, hard muscle and I’m all skin and bones. Brick catches me in a bruising grip.

Any sane person on the planet would start getting scared, but not me. I’m both frightened and excited. Brick’s touch becomes possessive and less violent. The moment our bodies touch, my cock perks up in my jeans. It doesn’t help I know Brick can easily smell my arousal, and I can smell his.

“Holy shit, that’s impressive, Bobby,” Rover says, but we both ignore him.

Brick isn’t entirely back to normal. He bands one arm around my waist, pulling me closer, until I can feel his hard-on, begging to be released. Brick’s gaze sears through my skin, demanding my submission. He lets out a thin warning growl, and I automatically offer him my neck.

Brick traces the side of my neck with his nose, scenting me, and imprinting me with his own unique smell. Then he lets out a breath, says nothing for a few seconds.

“Thank you, Bobby,” Brick whispers. Then he releases me, although neither of us wants to be parted.

“What happened? Brick, you owe me an explanation.” Brick doesn’t. He can do what he wants. Brick lets out an exasperated sigh.

“I can’t. Not right now, Bobby. I need a cold shower. I’m this close to fucking you hard and rough.” Brick leaves for the bathroom, slamming it shut behind him.

“Um. Okay,” I muttered. I turn to Rover, expecting him to tell me it’s none of my business. Instead, Rover starts up Brick’s coffee maker and starts making a pot.

“Sit down.”

I sat, watching Rover make scrambled eggs, toast, and a frighteningly huge pile of bacon.

“You know where everything is,” I remark, not sure how I feel about that.

“I’m Brick’s beta. Think of me as his occasional babysitter.” Rover prepares three plates and sets them down. I eagerly lunge for the cup of coffee, because I’m pretty sure this conversation was not going to be a walk in the park.

Turns out I’m right.

“Brick didn’t use to be like this. I mean, a few years ago, Brick wouldn’t sleep around,” Rover begins.

I didn’t like where this was going. “Lorenzo is Brick’s old flame.”

Rover chuckles. “You can put it that way. Brick fell for Lorenzo real hard. Back then, Brick wasn’t alpha of the Puppyville Pack. Many wolves didn’t like how the old alpha ran the pack. Lorenzo encouraged Brick to challenge Marco and take his place.”

“Brick won,” I say. Rover nods. I wasn’t a werewolf in those days, but I remember the tension between the human townsfolk and the shifters. Back then, there wasn’t any mutual agreement in place.

“He won, but he was still young. Brick didn’t know Lorenzo pushed him into the fight so Lorenzo can hold the position for another alpha. Brick fought the fucker too. Killed him, and he should’ve gutted Lorenzo too, except he exiled Lorenzo instead.”

My stomach churns. I can imagine Brick all those years ago. A newly minted and young alpha taking the mantle of leadership, suddenly betrayed by the one person he loves—something like that can change a guy. Turn him into something leaner, harder and meaner.

“Why is Lorenzo here?” I finally ask. “Wouldn’t being on Puppyville territory automatically mean a death warrant for an exile?”

“He’s protected by Grizzly Falls’ wolf pack, and by going as their representative, he’s entitled to guest rights,” Rover explains. Then he looks dead serious. “Bobby Roy, I know you’ve just entered Brick’s life, but I can tell you’re here for the long run.”

“Uh, Rover. What exactly are you asking me to do? ”

“It’s too much to ask, but you need to be Brick’s anchor. Will you do that for him and the pack?”

I didn’t know what to do. Yesterday, I was only one of the faceless pups Brick has in his doghouse. Now I’m something else. Not a lover, or mate, because Brick and I have only intimately connected last night, but I did want to help Brick overcome this trial.

“Rover, I’m no one. I’m like, below average and pretty much useless in anything, let alone in a fight,” I say.

Rover’s sudden slap shocks me back to life. “Don’t ever let me hear you call yourself useless again, Bobby. Omegas alone are pretty rare, but we need them. You help stabilize and bring peace to the pack.”

A growl tickles from the bathroom, and Brick’s suddenly standing there. I swallow, instantly noticing he’s fully nude and wet. Feeling uncomfortable, I close my legs, glad the table hides my hard-on.

“I’m warning you, Rover. Hit him again without permission and I’ll rip you apart,” Brick warns.

It’s hard not to tremble at those words. Brick’s not serious, is he? Except one look at my alpha tells me he’s not kidding around.

Rover seems like a braver wolf than I. “Understood. Why don’t you finish your shower so we three can have breakfast then iron out the details of the emergency meeting?”

Brick’s done in a couple of minutes. If you ask me, I’ve never imagined sitting between the pack alpha and beta a few days ago, debating pack politics. Perhaps by sending Lorenzo, the universe is intent on testing my newfound relationship with Brick to see if we’re really meant to be. Well, no matter. I’m going to prove to the wolves in the pack, and to this underwear model I’m Brick’s rightful mate.

Chapter Four

he moment Lorenzo Esteban walks into our emergency pack meeting, I know he’s trouble. I don’t know if it’s a model thing, but Lorenzo has a way of turning heads and grabbing everyone’s attention, werewolves included. The lean bodied Latino hunk looks like he just stepped out of the numerous billboards plastered everywhere from towns like Puppyville to the big city, except, well he’s not wearing a thong.

“Hello, Brick. It’s been awhile, handsome,” Lorenzo says, hands cocked on his hips. The guy has a way of ignoring everyone else there, and only has his smoldering eyes on Brick.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

Lorenzo is one of those guys who naturally ooze sex appeal. He’s wearing the tightest pair of jeans I’ve ever seen, but for some reason he looks good in them, just like everything else he’s wearing. Lorenzo looks like he just came from some photo shoot and I don’t doubt each piece of his coordinated outfit is designer.

Me? I buy my clothes in bulk at the local Walmart. The only expensive piece of clothing I ever bought was the itty-bitty piece of leather g-string I wore to seduce Brick at the auction yesterday. I try not to take it too hard. I mean, I’m just a shy, average red head, except I can’t help but feel insecure. It feels like I’ve already lost the battle before it begins.

“Loren,” Brick grunts. I don’t like seeing my Brick this way. He’s usually so self-assured, so kick-ass looking and dominating when he talks to the pack, but this stupid underwear model makes him so tense.

“Why the cold greeting, handsome?” Lorenzo purrs. I wonder if he’s really a werewolf, because he’s acting more feline than canine. Besides, you usually don’t associate a maneater with a nice warm grumpy wolf.

Jealousy rears its ugly head. This guy can’t seem to understand Brick doesn’t find him appealing anymore— or does he? I can’t be too sure if Lorenzo still has his hooks buried in Brick. Rover assures me it’s been awhile they’d seen each other, but first love never really goes away. Lorenzo is the reason Brick can’t commit. Surely, it’s unhealthy for my Brick to linger around this twink for too long.

That’s right. My Brick. I’m not going to let this thong model get in the way of my happy ending. He doesn’t care about Brick like I do and I swear, I’m not going to be intimidated by him. I know I don’t possess the same goods as he does, but I do have Brick’s attention.

“You’re fucking lucky I don’t rip your fucking head off,” Brick growls.

Unconsciously, or maybe Brick’s not even aware of it, he tugs at the metaphysical pack bonds connecting him to the rest of the Puppyville Pack. A couple of the men and women make uncomfortable movements or noises. Some are too surprised to react, because no one can really remember when Brick last lost his cool.

“Don’t be like that, baby,” Lorenzo murmurs, not taking the hint.

This is too much. I step between the two of them. Lorenzo’s gaze immediately latches on my figure. His eyes narrow, reminding me of a snake about to strike. I know Lorenzo is appraising me, looking at me from top to bottom. Lorenzo doesn’t look impressed, but like I give a fuck about what he thinks. Okay, maybe I do, but I’m not about to lose my resolve now.

“Brick is alpha of the Puppyville Pack the Grizzly Falls wolf pack is allied with. Show him the proper respect he deserves.”

“Oh, poor little pup. Do you have any idea who I am?”

I scoff. “An exile and someone who caused the pack trouble before. The only reason you’re still standing here unharmed is because of your guest status.”

“Who the hell do you think you are, loser?” Lorenzo spats. His expression turns ugly and loathsome, and the unexplainable dislike there distorts his usually handsome face.

He continues, “Back off. You’re way out of your league, runt. Has no one ever taught you playing with matches will get you burned?”

“Don’t flatter yourself, Lorenzo. You’re not that big of a threat,” I retort. “Rules work the same way. You’ve already offended our alpha by not showing proper respect.”

I’m not quite sure where this bravado is coming from, because I’m not a violent person by nature. Heck, I wince during our monthly full moon pack run through the woods and some of the wolves chase down a deer or hare. When it comes to Brick though, my wolf’s ready to shed blood. My spiritual wolf hovers at the surface of my skin, ready to bite back. The beast knows it’s his right, because Brick’s our mate, and this outsider is threatening our territory.

I’m aware toying with this kind of asshole is dangerous. As a representative of our allies, offending Lorenzo equaled offending our neighbors, and judging by Lorenzo’s smug smile, he knows it too,

To my shock, a couple of the pack enforcers beside Brick rumble in approval. I’m starting to think I’m on a roll, except Brick walks up to me and clasps my shoulder. “Bobby, it’s fine. Calm down.”

I don’t like where this is going. Lorenzo gives me a lazy smile that’s saying ‘you see?’.

“Brick, you should bring your runt in line. Better yet, why bother allowing an ill-mannered, ugly bas—.” Lorenzo chokes, unable to continue because Brick’s figure blurs and his hands are suddenly wrapped around Lorenzo’s neck. Brick slams Lorenzo against the wall, growling.

“If I ever hear you insult my mate again, I will tear out your throat. Got that?” Brick doesn’t let go. Rover and the pack gamma, Henry, try to pry Brick’s fingers off Lorenzo, but Brick’s grip is like steel. “I can’t hear you.”

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